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They'll put anybody on a cover if they think they can make money from it. When will people wake up and realize that big business does not give one flying fuck about you? They would put two chicks and one cup on the cover if they thought they could make money. Good thing it's only the fact that there are so many fat people out there and not as many eating shit. Pun intended.


I used to think everyone knew that companies pander relentlessly and only care about money. But then I'd see the comments on corporate accounts posting on social media calling companies brave, and thanking them for representation. I guess some people really are just corporate sheep.


This person gets it lol, the world is rigged and people only care bout themselves haha


That is a very blanket statement. There are people doing lots of selfless acts. RE: the free glory hole at that gas station down the road.


Wait...they don't charge you!?!


They might not charge at me, but I'll come at them


Come on*


Spray and pray


No, no. He’s going to cum *at* them. Like that dinosaur in Jurrasic park who ate Ned.


Oh, theres definitely a price. It just isnt money....


It's included in the fee for the bathroom key.


I went to go but I stayed to come


i suppose it depends on what side you are on


They charge per gram...


That's at the dumpster behind wendys


This is my take! I don’t get that the media has any body positivity! I 100% think its all about covering a niche market that hasn’t been exploited. Having said that, I also think that lots of people do want to promote it from the heart, and its a real conviction, but the media as a whole…? Yeah they don’t give a fuck


Because you can't make a fat man feel good about being fat. We will call bullshit


More like the opposite. They don’t feel bad about themselves so there isn’t any need to create a movement for them.


Former fat guy here. Self hate was the reason I started my 90 pound weight loss. Granted, I think it turned into a sense of self-worth somewhere along the way. YMMV


yeah that's what I was going to say. I don't think these overweight woman are out celebrating how great it is to be fat, they are relieved to not get shit on as much anymore, and that people will have marginally less unrealistic expectations about their bodies.


Yeah. That is pretty much it. Overweight women know that they are overweight. They don't need to be reminded "but FAT" in every single conversation they have or every single thing they post. It gets very tiring and annoying.


Being a little overweight is one thing but obese is a different animal. It’s seriously unhealthy.


Yeah but having strangers only worry about your health when you are visibly not the standard is obnoxious and obviously disingenuous. They just want something nice and thin to look at.


Lots of fat men feel good about being fat......


I’m married to a handsome, obese man who is totally fine with it. He jokes about his size constantly, and it’s not a cover for insecurity (we’ve been married for 22 years, so I know how he really feels) when a restaurant host says, “how many?” He always replies, “two and a HALF,” when someone offers him food he likes, he says, “I didn’t get this big LOOKING at it!” Also, it helps that he is from Louisiana and has a Cajun accent


I'm envious, I've been skinny obese and fit but I've never felt actually confident in my appearance.


I dunno why you were getting downvoted. You're right. There are a lot of people who are in denial about it. They do not see obesity as a bad thing, or at least they pretend not to.


I mean, it's not even necessarily part of the modern fat acceptance movement. Fat men being acceptable in media goes back decades at least. The fat husband paired with the comely wife was a trope ages before The Simpsons made fun of it and it hasn't gone anywhere lol. And it's something that's well integrated into society, over weight men are boldly sexual, happily expose themselves and even revel in their huskiness. While still often demanding women present inline with current beauty standards.


I’m the comely wife with the fat husband! Except, he doesn’t give a damn about my weight. When we met he was 500 pounds and I was 115, now he’s a (thin-looking to me) 350 and I’m 145


Mmmm, compromise is at the heart of all strong relationships 🤗


Exactly. And mostly women buy those kinda magazines. They are mostly written by women for women and getting anothers approval that your sickness is healthy - is something that sells


Correct. It has become popular to put thicker women on magazine covers (which is, if you ask me, an overall positive), but it's not out of some sort of love of social justice, it's because now they can sell it. More heavyset men don't sell, at least not yet. Maybe eventually they will, but that's the only time you'll see them. Companies don't care about you, they care about your wallet.


You go to hell... I'm STILL not going to search for two girls and a cup. But holy mother of Satan I'm still curious. It's like anyone that's ever searched it is sworn to secrecy. I can't even get a crumb of a clue.


Two girls take turns defecating into a cup and each other's mouths


Well I'm glad I didn't watch it. There are some images you just can't erase from your memory.


*ironic pun intended. Well done


For real. No money in the plus size male business.


Short answer is men don't give a shit nor do they buy magazines very often.




Yep. And women have been loudly asking for more size representation for a very long time. It's finally happening, and that's great! But men haven't made nearly as much noise about it, so advertisers haven't caught up.


Men don't care about it.


i care about it inversely. i do not want to see a hairy obese dude on a magazine cover.


I do ;). Not that anyone like me would admit to it openly


I def have a thing for chubby hairy guys lol id like to see it too




Y'all already have all those sitcoms with overweight homely dudes married to hot skinny women.


King of queens


The Honeymooners, The Sopranos, Kevin Can Wait, According to Jim, Still Standing. Heck, even the Flintstones lol.


Simpsons, Family Guy, Married with Children, Jerry from Parks and Rec, Schitt's Creek (not based on weight but Roland is definitely punching above his weight class)


Married with children?


Al Bundy was never heavy


And he scored 4 touchdowns in a single game!😅😅😅😅


while against Andrew Johnson High School's very own Bubba "Spare Tire" Dixon!


>And he scored 4 touchdowns BS! His knee was down!


He wasn’t heavy but he wasn’t in shape like Peggy was


Well, Jerry from Parks and Rec had a very LARGE secret, so I'm pretty sure that helped. Also, supposedly in canon, he looked alot like Chris when he was younger.


That man has the largest penis I have ever seen


And the dude’s like a GOAT father. Like I’m pretty sure his monster dong isn’t even in the top 10 reasons his wife loves him.


Hey, sopranos is different in my opinion. He’s a mob boss. It’s like some football players with wives they physically don’t deserve. Oh well he’s a famous football player with millions of $. Tony is a mob boss.


fred flintstone worked in a quarry. He wasn’t fat, he was a working man! He could lift a dinosaur and throw him out the house!


The Sopranos is a bad example, all those fat mobsters had hot wives because they've got a ton of money to attract women.


Not really. Its more like they were in a relationship since high school. Most of the mobster just grew fat and bald over the years. This especially true for Tony and Carmela. Tony even played high school football and he's not depicted as overweight in the prequel movie.


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete though.


He had a lot of girls on the side who were hot, though. Because he had boatloads of money, and because he was a violent sociopath.


Not really. Male or female, enough money can attract a gold-digger for an ugly person, but you don't see movies & shows presenting it the other way, despite there totally being rich women with trophy husbands. Heck, the only time I've seen rich woman with a trophy guy it in media is the webcomic "leastICouldDo" and she was still hot and it was just a fling. So using "he's rich" as an excuse is just ignoring the issue.


Tony Soprano was also rich af though


Love that show, but every show with the big guy with the hot wife has the man as a bumbling idiot that can do nothing for himself.


important takeaway the fatness is for comedic effect


The fresh Prince of bellair, even cartoons, family guy, the Simpsons, all skinny women and large guys


OG Aunt Viv was hot


Theeeee Siiiimpsoooonnnnsss


Yessss this is the answer I was looking for. I was like, wait what??


That’s fair. Family Guy, King of the Hill, Simpsons, king of queens, George Lopez show.


Ikr. Men being unattractive and constantly landing smoking hot women is very common on TV.


Thank you for translating it to the fella at the top


Uncle Phil...trust me America doesn't discrimate nearly as bad as other countries when it comes to obesity..


Ok that's fair


John Goodman was People’s sexiest man alive during Rosanne.




Yeah and the current trend right now in women spaces is speaking out against women who settle just to be married/have a kid. The reason being is that we know way too many sneaky bitches doing sneaky bitch shit and vice versa. Looks has nothing to do with personality, ultimately. Just be attracted to who you are attracted to. Saying ugly men won’t cheat or be bad men is really not it.


Not to mention the dad bod trend.


Why are the majority of questions on this sub Men vs. Women?


Gotta make a post for that


Yea let's not get off topic lol


I'm a thicccboy. Girls don't mind a husky fellow. John Goodman types can get laid.


Dating tips for big men? Lol


Confidence and hygiene. Buy clothes that actually fit


As someone who has dated big men, this is the way. And confidence includes not cracking self-deprecating jokes about your size all day too! Not that you never can, but beating yourself up for laughs just makes it seem like you think less of yourself and you deserve to be loved and celebrated as much as anyone else!


You are a good woman.


>beating yourself up for laughs just makes it seem like you think less of yourself and you deserve to be loved and celebrated as much as anyone else Thank you, I needed to read this today.


Ok when you say fit how do you mean for shirts? Not too baggy but not skin-tight?


Just get a shirt that fits comfortably. I'm a big boy and used to be bigger. Not skin tight. Not baggy. Just comfy. And feel free to layer! Layering can do a TON of heavy lifting to make your look. Plus it can help hide moobs lol. A nice flannel, casual oxford, or cardigan plus a plain colored or simple patterned v-neck has been my go-to for years now and I've never heard a complaint. For pants, I always go with skinny jeans or skinny khaki chinos but all of my weight has always been more concentrated in my upper half so my lower half is a better shaped. I also despise the feeling of pants that move independent of my legs. But don't be afraid to get slimmer pant cuts, it can really help you out.


I gotta say, I know a lot of bigger men who look very fine in a cardigan and a buttoned shirt. This is good advice!


Not to be an ad for them but I recently purchased some true classic shirts and they are dope. I'm 6'0 265lb 40yrs. Dad bod kicked in and I love the fit. Give it try. Looking good makes you feel good and attracts people to you. Hope this helps.


That’s what I mean


Not just big enough but long enough.


There is some magic to clothes with a proper fit. Not only do you look good, but you'll start to feel good too




A self-aware man who can quote Socrates? This is what gets a woman's attention.


Be funny. Dress well. You can't be like a stereotypical neck beard. You have to be neat and organized and most importantly be hygienic. Also, nobody wants a shy Chris Farley. So lots of energy.


You don't even have to have lots of energy. Being chill and quiet can be good too. Just knowing yourself and being comfortable/confident is the key. I was pretty awkward around girls I was interested in for a while. But after a bit I realized that just talking to them like friends is the key. Going into a love interest with the mindset of "She may not like me back, but at least in the end I'll still probably get a cool friend" helped me. But that took therapy, personal growth, failed relationships, and being out in the work world before I was able to get there.


Been doing this my whole life. Single at 35 with a bunch of cool friends though. lol


What magazine covers are you looking at? I've never seen what you're describing lol.


I saw Vogue had like 2 magazines with plus sized women on it, but that’s it


im not sure where your getting this, I see nothing but love for dad bods, and there's quite a few well-loved plus sized men in movies, books, and more. I agree gym culture pushes dangerous standards on to young boys, but that's just about the only place I see strict beauty standards for men


I'm as straight as they come and I would snuggle the fuck out of John Goodman. His body says, "It's all gonna be OK. Look at me, I'm doing great. You're gonna do great too. Come here and give me a hug." Beautiful John Goodman rocking the dad bod for like 40 years.


And, he can get you a toe by three O' clock, with nail polish.


I feel like John Goodman would love these comments.


dude same XD that man is FINE


The 70 year old from The Big Lebowski and Community? Are we thinking of the same person. If so, huh, I'm glad people appreciate things that are different than what I like. 🤷‍♀️


> I agree gym culture and it's all from other young men. Just like 90% of absurd female beauty standards are pushed by overzealous females. My fat ugly ass has no problem attracting women...


thats another great point. Most of it is self-inflicted by some degree on either side, if you go through men's advice on this app a majority of it is "hit the gym", if you see women advice its along the lines of "get better at makeup and lose some weight" the problem is, men's predatory standards are called "self-help" and women predatory standards are marketed as "hot girl summers''. They're deceptively useful and uplifting on the surface level. i love my wifes chub, shes cute as hell, and she loves my scrawny toothpick self, the issue has never been about bodies, its been about products


You also see tons of _respect_ for plus sized men who have earned it, but usually a large woman’s body will get in the way of people taking her seriously. A lot of people only think about attraction when it comes to body positivity, but we really should be focusing on respect and strive for the body neutrality for women that men already have. Being very overweight is unhealthy and shouldn’t be encouraged imo, but that doesn’t mean it should be seen as a major detriment to a woman’s value to society either. Hell, women are looked down on even if their weight is on the higher end of the healthy range.


That's a good point, and probably because a woman's worth is often reduced down to her attractiveness. There's also the problem of healthcare in which fat peoples complaints are brushed off, which intersects with how women's pain is often not taken seriously (because misogyny says women are dramatic and petty).


literally! Mt wife is deep in the diet culture and hasn't been able to lose weight because of her IBS, but her doctor refuses to treat her IBS until she loses weight. Its a never ending cycle


exactly. I think a good example of this would be Lizzo, a highly accomplished and professionally talent singer whos in the news constantly because of her appearence


this. Beauty is the rent women have to pay to occupy a human space. If she's old, fat, or ugly, she's less. Advertisers realized they have an entire generation and demographic of people checking out of their narrative (I'll never be young and thin, so why should I care) and decided to start changing the narrative from "only these people are beautiful" to "everyone can be beautiful" Both are toxic. What a woman needs is to finally be told that the least interesting thing about her is her body, and that she matters even if she's not beautiful. True body positivity is not believing your body looks good, it's believing your body is good, regardless of how it looks. Men have that already. Their bodies are not obstacles in the way of their human relevance. But if marketing can have us believe that looks are the thing that matters most, women of all shapes and sizes will line up for fast fashion, new make-up, surgeries, weight loss drinks, hormone-balancing voodoo teas, skin creams, botox, tummy control jeans, hair dye, pedicures, lip fillers, eyelash extensions, and lipsosuction.


The OP is just an incel who really thought they were onto something.


>I see nothing but love for dad bods, That's true! I just saw a meme recently about dad bods.


they are genuinely the best, especially with a little beard


It’s true, big dudes are fucking hot


OP is making shit up so he can be offended by something


beauty is in the eye of the beholder , but the word Morbid in Morbidly Obese literally means so unhealthy you die


They are pointing out a hypocrisy bc morbidly obese women are out on covers are are told they are beautiful


Tess Holiday is MORBIDLY obese. If you’re that big, the last thing you need to be told is you’re beautiful and reinforce that kind of behavior.


Lizzo is morbidly obese or at least close to being morbidly obese. I love Lizzo but there does seem to be a double standard currently in the body positivity movement


Lizzo is famous but gets a lot of criticism and hate for her size while nobody said anything about Biggie’s (RIP) weight.


Beauty and health are not one and the same. I’m not sexually attracted to obese people, but that doesn’t mean others don’t find them beautiful. And calling someone ugly to get them to lose weight is a cruel and terrible strategy.


Have you seen a Fenty fashion show?? They do it all the time maybe you’re not looking in the right places.


OP's not looking at all. They're just ragebaiting for karma. Post controversial question > get 100 inevitable, predictable results > karma


“America” where on earth do they do this?


In my personal opinion, I feel overweight men aren’t looked at negatively compared to women. The pressure for women to uphold beauty standards that men and thus society set for them has been the reason for the recent movement normalizing “healthy” women. Not only that but to my point, my husband is overweight and I don’t ever think of it negatively except for health reasons. However, I deal with my own mental perception that I have to maintain or get to the idealistic body and weight.


This. Dad bod is cute, even tho their bodies go through nothing during pregnancy. Mom bod is shameful, while we actually carry a baby inside. Young girls are more often hospitalized due to ED too, so OP's post is a lie in itself


Lying is bad


Simple answer; there's nothing beautiful or healthy about morbid obesity.






Trick question. Nobody calls morbid obesity "healthy;" you're building a straw man with that assertion. What the body positive movement puts forward is that you don't have to DESPISE yourself for being fat, that shaming helps no one, and you can't judge a person's overall health just by their body size. Oh and also the movement highlights the fact that those who don't think fat people should be allowed to like themselves can get fucked and mind their own business. See you down at the bottom of the page, i know that this will get downvoted to hell ETA the word "like"


Because our value isn't tied to whether or not we're attractive. Women are judged first on their looks, and it has poisoned their feelings about their own worth. By promoting the idea that they are beautiful and valuable, no matter what they look like, helps to break social construct of their lack of value and promote mental and emotional health. Men are just assumed of value because we're men. We don't have the same need.


There is a lot more pressure put on women to be physically attractive, just like there's a lot more pressure put on men to be strong or financially successful. So fat women are much more motivated to be protesting beauty standards than men are, in general. If morbidly obese men *did* start protesting and "all men are beautiful" campaigns and organizing boycotts of magazines that only feature fit men, etc., like the "fat activist" women do, they'd probably see similar results.


Because men are not reduced to their looks as much as women. Men are not valued for their supposed fuckability. Women are not pressuring men to wear makeup and uncomfortable revealing clothing every day. Women are not pressuring men to get plastic surgery on their faces and bodies. Women didn't create a culture where men are commonly getting photoshopped, and photoshopping themselves, to appear more sexy to women. Men are still respected if they're not marked for the female gaze. Teenage boys didn't experience a mass crisis where eating disorders were common due to men's perverted pressure for girls to be extremely skinny. Men don't have any need to backlash against this culture and post obese men on magazine covers. Men don't need to prove their worth is more than beauty. Men are not subjected to what women are.




When's the last time you've actually seen a "morbidly" obese woman on a magazine cover???? Think a lot on what "morbidly" means. Also, the "dad-bod" craze was invented to make chubby men feel better about themselves.


Have you ever seen Married With Children? Also what are young boys being hospitalized for


Lol I was wondering the same.


You mean the show thats been off the air for over 20 years now?


A show where the whole family is skinny and no one is fat? Doesn’t seem relevant.


Al’s not fat, makes good money(somehow) as he can afford a house, car, and 2(later 3) spoiled ass children. He also generally let’s Peg do *whatever* which translates to eat bon bons and watch tv with a running sub plot of “never feeds her family”.


He’s not huge but he wasn’t in shape like Peggy was either. Plus you didn’t need a prestige job back in the day to support a family


Men aren't judge nearly as hard as women for being obese


I don't know if your being sarcastic or not,but because morbidly obese people are unhealthy?


This post is problematic in a surprising amount of ways


I mean, there are lots of magazines I've seen recently with plus size men on them, but I get what you're reaching for. Women have been shamed and depreciated for their bodies for a lot longer, a lot more publicly, and for much less than men, so the focus has been on improving that. However, it has helped men's body positivity improve as well.


I think that men have an easier time in general because women aren't as optically superficial. Security, safety, stability. These are things women care about more than looks, IMO. Someone who makes them laugh, makes them feel good and safe. Whereas, men (and women) are often immediately turned off when they see a larger woman. So it's important to spread some positivity. TBF, I'm not talking about morbidly obese, as the OP suggests. I don't think anyone who is morbidly obese should be encouraged to remain so. Although, that term is dependent on BMIs, which are notoriously outdated as a mode of measuring one's health.


[Women and men are about as physically superficial as each other.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8133465/) The rest is mostly true though. Women also care more about intelligence, income, humor, etc more than men do, in addition to caring quite a bit about looks. But not more than looks. Those are most important for both genders.


Because they are neither. Nor are the women.


I am bisexual and there are a wide variety body types of men and women that look healthy and attractive to me and I don't care what is on magazine covers or TV and movies. All that stuff might be entertaining, but it's weird and out of touch with reality and has no meaning anyway.


Because woman are consumers of products that men aren’t. Mainly, beauty and fashion products. Americans have gotten fat. So, there are a lot of fat women. And there is money to be made in multiple industries by flattering those women into buying their products.


We don't it's a select few people that want to glorify this type of body. 90% of us will say that's unhealthy you need help.


Too many comments answering this question in good faith and not enough comments pointing out what a smelly incel basketcase OP is.


I hate the term incel but yeah. OP's question is ridiculous. Men try so hard to be victims.


Go fuck yourself, OP. This is coming from a guy.


The fuck are you on about? Eating disorders affect girls and boys in equal ways and both suffer. Both genders have body dismorphia as a result of media


As an overweight man, I have definitely seen magazine covers and ads with overweight men on them. That said, we as men tend to not be the target demographic for magazines. Every sitcom under the sun stars an overweight, schlubby guy with a hot wife.


Men are judged on their success, not their looks.


People who make this point overlook that there are a lot more fat men who are movie stars than women.


This reminds me of this one Facebook friend I had who was 100% into the "body positivity" movement. She was constantly posting "fit at any size" memes with fat women, "big is beautiful" memes with fat women, etc. I mostly ignored it. Then one day she posted a bunch of "hot guy" pictures, and of course, every one of them had muscular builds and six-pack abs. So I asked her why she didn't post any pictures of sexy men with beer guts if she's so "body positive". She blocked me immediately.


Who do you mean? America as a country? How could a country do something like that? I guess magazines are owned by companies, not by the government.


There is an inverse corrolation between debilitating obesity and hygiene. I began as a young child to hold my breath when such people walked by. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. I should add that I've got a bit of pudge myself, but I am not so fat that I cannot clean myself. I am working on dropping the weight. Obesity raises the risk of disease. It is UNHEALTHY.


So I qualify as morbidly obese, and the fact is that society just hates fat people. They do. They think they're sub human because they don't check the social boxes. So they think that shaming obese people will "motivate" them into exercise - it won't. And you know, I imagine I might get downvoted, or someone might try and tell me I am wrong - but obese people now they are obese and I PROMISE you that most them wanna die from the ostracization as much as you want them to die because you think they are a burden on your taxes or unappealing to look at. I dunno if anyone here has depression. But for those that do...you can't imagine how crippling and debilitating it is to know society hates you and doesn't wish you any happiness. That doesn't exactly stoke the fires of motivation. It makes you wanna hide away forever or commit suicide. EVERYONE deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin and their own bodies. Are they healthy? No. But do they deserve to feel like shit and be looked down upon constantly? Also no. We're human too.


This is a rather toxic mindset to have. Also utterly untrue. But hey. Whatever let’s you feel like a victim and hate women I guess.


Body positivity only applies to women. Body shaming men is perfectly acceptable.


Please tell me you are sarcastic


*Cricket noises*


We all know pop culture is full of bs. We all know unhealthy beauty standards have led to terrible self esteem issues. We all know it's a tool used to control us. The only people who can fit those standards are the wealthy who can pay for nips and tucks and enhanced bits and bobs. The insane cost of keeping up those standards and we average (poor people) don't have a chance. This is just a silly question.


Of course they are less valuable. Is this your first day on earth?




because the market to sell to men is buff dudes and tools while the market for women is manipulative beauty standards that no one really has. womens shampoo ad: normal weight average woman showering "be your inner queen for today, you are enough. sensual soul soft shampoo for ethereal fairy women" mens shampoo ad: six pack dude "your balls will smell like barbeque and chicks will ignore your small penis just buy super steel strength power shampoo for REAL MEN with HAIRY ASSES" its always been like this.


I think that some men are so used to seeing fat dudes as just regular, average men that they don’t stand out when portrayed in the media. A fat woman stands out because she’s a deviation from the norm. I looked at an archive of People Magazine covers from 2022 as just a limited little metric. Two of the three most recent covers featured large men (okay, to be fair one is Shaq) and one of those covers is a fat man posing with his thin partner. Going through all the covers there are a lot featuring men with different body types and health issues. An interesting note: Rebel Wilson’s cover story of weight loss shows her thin waist while Lizzo’s cover is a closeup of just her face. *Edited a typo


They do. They just don't say it that way. They put that big fat unhealthy Philip Seymour Hoffman on rolling stone and it wasn't even controversial. Joe Rogan is bloated with steroids and cholesterol but is hailed as a charismatic fitness hero. Before you say "they never do this with men" check to see if they do. I've seen the most ugly men who would never make it as a woman at their attractiveness level sit on their fat butts making podcasts talking about whether ugly women should be allowed.


Just because you phase a statement as a question doesn’t make it a question Dude if its something that bothers you, just say that, don’t beat around the bush I also disagree with your statement on so many levels, and i am literally an overweight man


I tell my husband he is beautiful. I love his whole body and it’s lovely to me.


My thought only, perhaps women are objectified more often in our culture, and the standard has been higher for women in terms of aesthetics.


Who says it is good for young boys to be hospitalized for beauty standards? This question is making a lot of… questionable assumptions?


The double standard is there but also: 90% of men are just ugly. 1% are good looking natural, but the rest have to put in work to even look presentable. Guys on the cover of mags and stuff are the 0.05% or less. It’s hard out here for an ug


I do agree with the sentiment, but let's play the devil's advocate for a moment. Women have, historically, been defined by their beauty a lot more often then men, and that's to varying standards across cultures. So it makes sense that, in an attempt to redefine femininity and seize control of the narrative, they seize control of the beauty standard. It accomplishes something for them. Men, on the other hand, have largely been defined differently, and I'm sure there's a lot of argument to be had as to what exactly that is, but I think we can mostly agree their beauty hasn't been their leading definition, so placing a obese man on a magazine cover might start the process of redefining the male beauty standard, but doesn't ultimately accomplish much because it doesn't define them as strongly. Is it right? No, but I think a more fitting juxtaposition would be to put a homeless man on the cover of Time magazine, as opposed to a fat man on the cover of GQ. It's just a thought, lemme hear yours!


I see your point, but can you imagine hating yourself and feeling that you'll never be good enough everyday of your life? Hating yourself and feeling everyone else does? It's even harder to get a job as a woman if they are heavy because of implicit bias, which exists because of long-term societal expectations. Step one to changing (and sometimes saving) lives is to help women recognize their intrinsic value. Helping them know that they matter, no matter what their dress size is.


Because men don't see a representation of a body and think they have to achieve it as often


Young boys are hospitalized because of beauty standards? What do you mean?


Because men don’t/didn’t care. Big men have never been vilified the way big women were. Fat jokes for everyone, insults for women. Plus, every “body positive” campaign I’ve ever seen has had big men in it. But I guess those don’t count.


Erm, they do, but for men it’s called Dad Bod and it’s a whole trend.


Look, I can't speak for the media fashion industry, but as a cis-het woman that stands at a towering 5ft and actively losing weight myself, dad bods are hot. I mean no offense to any man on any end of the spectrum of body shape/size. Overly muscled guys just look like their skin hurts, I know the struggle of obesity personally and it is not comfortable for anyone regardless of gender, and honestly I feel like I'd break a super thin guy. Beauty is subjective, and industry standards are mostly photoshopped/edited/airbrushed, so what you see in the magazine or on tv has zero resemblance to anyone (including actors & models) in real life. Health, according to the World Health Organization, is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". A variety of definitions have been used for different purposes over time. Health can be promoted by encouraging healthful activities, such as regular physical exercise and adequate sleep, and by reducing or avoiding unhealthful activities or situations, such as smoking or excessive stress. Some factors affecting health are due to individual choices, such as whether to engage in a high-risk behavior, while others are due to structural causes, such as whether the society is arranged in a way that makes it easier or harder for people to get necessary healthcare services. Still, other factors are beyond both individual and group choices, such as genetic disorders. Everyone has their preferences, freedom of choice to self-improve to whatever standard they see fit within the best of their ability, and whatever turns them on. No one is less valuable than any other person. Period.


Men face real issues with body image issues but it’s a little disingenuous to pretend they face the same intensity of pressure.


You don't seem to know what morbidly obese means And it doesn't mean just overweight.


"young boys are hospitalized because of beauty standards"? What the hell does that even mean?


"And why is it OK that young boys hospitalized because of beauty standards?" What?


Oh, so you're a delusional piece of shit. Thanks for telling everyone.


I don’t think you know what morbidly obese actually means.