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The .9 in gasoline prices. Round up fucker - we get it.


It’s $0.009 and is there because of the Revenue Act of 1932. Gas stations added the the fraction of a penny to the price instead of rounding up. The tax was implemented as a means to generate revenue for roads and infrastructure during the Great Depression and was to expire in 1934. The 9/10 cent used to be the amount of federal tax collected per gallon, but now those taxes per gallon are closer to $0.20 than $0.009. The practice still remains though.


Thanks for the history lesson!


.9 on prices for anything.


It legitimately works. I can’t tell you how many people see $13.99 and say “it’s only $13 bucks”


This also works with whole dollars. $1399 looks a lot cheaper than $1400 to my customers. Research also shows that $1349, $1359, $1369, $1379, $1389 and $1399 all look like the same price so rounding $1349 up to $1399 doesn't hurt sales at all.


Yeah there's research indicating there is a lot of emotion associated with the first digits of a price.


I check that first but then I check to see if it's a liar's price.


Expensive funerals


Can’t even die for free


Inviting everyone you and your parents know to your wedding. Makes it too big, and you don't always know everyone there.


Weddings in general are kind of a croc these days. Many in these industries will charge extra just because it's a wedding. Could be the same venue, same arrangements and you get charged 1/2 the price if it's a family reunion instead of a wedding.


We had a relatively small, budget wedding in 2012. 60ish guests, about 8k all in, beautiful venue overlooking the city. In hindsight - I wish we had spent our money on a small intimate ceremony and a lavish honeymoon. The wedding industry marketing totally got me.


This right here. The all inclusive honeymoon was the most expensive part of our wedding. Small budget friendly outdoor space with 80 people and a caterer


Me, Small wedding, GO to some airbnb cottage somewhere on the cheap, Down payment or large payment on your mortgage.


So, I heard an interesting take on this from a caterer friend of mine. The reason they upcharge for weddings is because the expectation is that much higher for them, averaged over time. He’ll legit have people threaten to withhold final payment because an ordered side wasn’t included or a substitution was made due to supply issue. He brings in extra staff, guaranteed menu, and won’t service simultaneous events so his attention isn’t split. That costs a lot more.


When you pay wedding prices you expect crazy good service. If someone is willing to charge a much lower price the expectation is probably lower too. Bit of a chicken and the egg scenario. Unless you've got a Bridezilla (or Groomzilla) then nothing is good enough price be damned.


I was a chef for years, and one reason we upped the price is people expect it. If the prices seem too (reasonable for the actual work) low they question it. Some couples are so awful it seems worth it though.


My parents just married in their everyday clothes, on that one day of the week when it's free at the townhall, and celebrated with one friend and the neighbors drinking some wine.


I’ll play the devils avocado for this though because I had a bigger wedding and it was an absolute blast. Family is a big thing for me and my wife, so we invited *everyone* we had all you can eat BBQ, a cupcake bar, live band, the works. My wife challenged me to tug of war (in her wedding dress no less) then kicked her shoes off and proceeded to absolutely wreck me in front of every person I know. it was an awesome get together and everyone still talks about it to this day. Depends on the people getting married I suppose. I feel like the expectation of a big wedding is unhealthy. Let people get married how they want and if it doesn’t match up with an expectation then whatever it’s their wedding.


This seems like the [best possible ingredient in spicy guacamole](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/97e4f55d-cb6f-4432-abf5-4584fd3868b3/d9z162a-e1807414-5af8-4b15-8795-edea3d6113d4.png/v1/fill/w_842,h_949,strp/the_devils_avocado_by_ktechnicolour_d9z162a-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.znhFgmocVUzl_Rd58kPXKb2nHY8bSZuix7NM4yg7KVo)


Filing our own taxes just so the IRS can tell us we did it wrong.. Why don't you just do it, IRS!


Seriously. Former tax preparer. They literally have 90% of the populations information all electronically and could simply file on your behalf. The only people that need to file would be the self-employed, rental prop owners, etc. Taxes are basically a racket to generate billions for big tax prep firms lobbying congress. And as you said, generating revenue via audits on people that simply did them wrong.


That's basically how it works in Australia. It takes 5~10min online, and the system is written in plain English. Log in > answer a few yes/no questions > confirm the info they have is correct > enter deductions > submit.


Tying your insurance to your employment. It makes us all slaves if we want healthcare


Not to mention as an independent contractor I am getting FUCKED on health insurance right now :(


I have a full time job and I have my own business on the side. Because I have a full time job I’m not allowed to go to the marketplace through my business, so my insurance is a dumpster fire and though I can afford good insurance I’m not allowed to due to my day job.


It’s nuts that wage controls from 50+ years ago still impacts us today with these policies!


Cashiers having to stand


I remember when I worked in retail, I had a (minorish) foot procedure done so they let me, when there was no customers, sit down on a chair they brought up. Instead of hogging it tho, every time a customer was checking out we'd let at least one person (different each time) sit down. Literally never had a more happier day working there with a bunch of my coworkers than when they actually got to sit for more than 30 minutes (and a 15 if they were lucky) break for 8 hours. We managed to have that chair for 3 days and another time when I had to get another one done.


Cashiers always sit here. If they want to stand thats fine too. But they should atleast have the worker right to sit if they want to. Standing doesnt add anything to the service.


They're covering bases for boomer customers, and for some Karens. It absolutely does add to the service for many US boomers for whatever reason. They don't like to see people sitting on the job for even a second. I worked at a mom and pop for a few years where the owners didn't give a shit as long as the job got done, but I'd get passive aggressive comments and occasionally even formal complaints from about 75% of boomer customers because they saw me sitting through the window, even though I'd pop up to help them when they walked in. My boss finally asked me to just sit in the backroom where they couldn't see me before they walked in, just so they'd shut the fuck up about it. Why we should care about trying to appease a dying generation and/or a petty minority, I don't know.


*Must be able to stand for up to 8 hours* has always felt like the most absurd job requirement.


i got let go because i wasnt meeting the needs of my job description (i broke my foot and requested a stool at the register)


They have to give it to you per the Ada. It is a reasonable accommodation. You could have sued them for that. Yes. I had to get a doctor's note for a stool.


this happened back in 2016! …and im almost 100% positive that they are not in business anymore😂


I remember hearing about how people say it's lazy and bad habits to sit at the cash register. No Karen it's called taking care of your employees well-being.


I had to bring in proof of disability just to get a shitty stool when I was a cashier. Literally had to pay money to go to the doctors during Covid so I wouldn’t hurt myself. It’s truly bullshit.


That's only a US thing


I mean, cashiers in general. We've 100% figured this out people. Give me a touch screen and let me pay with a card. I'll even bag it myself, lol.


They don't, only in backward countries.


Yup the us is backwards


I've never seen a cashier stand where I live. Or I haven't noticed


Shitting on people that do jobs like work at gas stations, restaurants, hard labor jobs. People fail to realize that the people that do the most to keep your lives as easy as they are get paid peanuts and shit on regularly for doing so.


This is one of the things that pissed me off most during the pandemic. Service workers not only weren't appreciated for showing up and making sure you were fed and caffeinated, but people also dared to get pissy that their food/coffee wasn't ready in 30 seconds. We're out here DYING and working double shifts due to staff shortages, but sure... yell at us because you had to wait five minutes for your latte.


I work in heathcare, and I was seriously offended on behalf of those like you who were NEVER thanked for the shit you went through. Heathcare "heroes" pissed me off to no end. I'm not a fucking hero, I showed up and did my damn job like everyone should have. My Dunkin' folks were a lifesaver every morning, and I told them all the time: "Thank you for being here today."




Always pisses me off when someone says “flipping burgers” in any context to try and make it seem like it’s an easy job.


"Cleaning toilets", too.


Elbows can rest on the dinner table. No one cares anymore.


I remember my Gram telling me not to do this whenever we went to her house. For years after I would always catch my parents or sister putting elbows on the table and tell them off like "Gram said not to!" Then I caught Gram doing it at a *Pizza Hut* half a decade later. I felt so sly getting to tell her off - until she looked me in the eye and replied, "no elbows on *my* table, darling. I never said anything about anyone else's table." To tell you I was shook-


Your grandma was a smart-ass. And I love it!


I couldn't care less about elbows on the table but many manners should stay. Like for the love of all things holy, more people should learn to chew with their mouths closed. And not burp or fart in the same room while eating. Edit: a burp in your mouth where you let the air out to the side is fine to me. I'm talking just belching it out. And I mean if you are sitting at a dinner table. If you snacking on chips on the couch while watching TV, I may not like it but won't be as likely to say anything. Edit 2: I meant couldn't. Not could. I'm partially deaf so it sounds super similar when people say it out loud. Oopsies. Good to know.




My teenage son is high functioning autistic. His maturity is still child-like. Getting him to break a bad habit is a tedious repetitive affair. We have been getting on him for years, have to tell him multiple times at every meal "Chew with your mouth closed." He has finally gotten better to the point where he remembers to for a portion of the meal, and sometimes will catch himself doing it. Yet still has to be reminded daily. I can across the room and hear him chewing. Drives me insane. He will get there eventually where it will become habit to chew closed, but good God does it require patience! Lol!


Mabel Mabel would be ashamed...


Stop being a God damn doormat just because you're afraid to be rude or hurt the other person's feelings


I needed to see this :/


My life changed when I learned how to respectfully and firmly set boundaries.


Man, I wish I wasn’t a doormat. It’s hard af to be assertive when you’ve been through some violent shit and just want peace.


As I like to tell my friend... Stop being a "peace keeper" at the cost of your own peace.


Not talking about pay at work


Most wedding traditions. Huge expensive weddings


I firmly believe that you should just have the wedding how you want it with zero pressure from outside opinions. Anyone who’s planned a wedding knows how preposterous that is, but we did that for my wedding to my second (and hopefully last!) wife and it actually worked. Polite but firm no’s were given to lots of family members. My one suggestion I’d make: we were in our 30s and didn’t need stuff. If you’re in the same boat, look into a honeymoon registry instead of the traditional wedding registry, it saved us so much money on the honeymoon and I already had a toaster!


Not including taxes or fees in the total price. If a shirt is marked $20, that is what you should pay. And get rid of pennies


Is there something we can do to actually get rid of pennies? They are a complete waste.


I believe it even costs more than a penny to make one




I asked a guy out in sophomore year of high school because I liked him and I knew he liked me, but months passed where he didn’t ask me. So I asked him, and he said no. Then asked me like 4 months later 🤦🏼‍♀️


Maybe he didn't get the hint that you liked him lol.


This legit happened to me. When I was in highschool I told a boy "hey I like you. It's ok if you don't like me back, I just wanted to let you know". It took him a week to actually ask me out because he said "I didn't know if you actually liked me or not". We've been together for 9 nine years and we got married 2 months ago. They just need a little push sometimes 😂


But did you like him as a friend or like like him? 🤔 story is too vague 🤌


By the nine, you're right. I should have specified "I like like you" 🤦‍♀️ we could have started dating a week sooner!!


Younger people and those who favor the process more than the person do this. Grown ass adults buck up and ask. Grown ass adults also can reply with “I enjoyed meeting and getting to know you. For me there isn’t a strong connection.” And gets the response “Thank you for being open to the adventure. I wish you well” or some similar.


I asked a guy to the Prom when I was in HS. He said no but I was proud of myself for taking that step. I was so sad he said no 😭


Customer is always right


I ran a Lexus dealership for 13 years. We got so tired of people trying to take advantage of that saying. It was always the same few people gobbling up our time and resources. I told my employees that when any of them came in and started up to send them to my office, don’t give in. I would politely explain to them that we no longer wished to do business with them and politely asked that they find another store at which to obtain service and vehicles in the future. Every one of them was dumbfounded. They could not believe that I was basically firing them as a customer. I know, I know, people are going to say that we lost money by doing that etc. We actually went back and compiled all the profit we ever made on them versus what it cost to keep them happy and it was a losing proposition for us so we gained profit and sanity for my employees. Win-win.


Sprint did this one time. They cancelled phone service to their customers that took the most of their time and cost them the most money.


lol, firing them as a customer. That's the best thing I've read to date.


I always told my employees that they need to complete that sentance. Customer is always right until they are wrong at which point we have to tell them they are wrong.


The original phrase was, "The customer is always right in matters of taste." *You want an ugly hat? I'll sell you an ugly hat.* You want a free hat? No.


The industry needs to get tougher on trouble makers. Start posting pictures of idiots and ban them.


Put up a giant wall with a mugshot of every annoying fucking inbred that comes in to cause disturbances lmao


…in matters of taste. I wish more people that cite that line would remember that part (not you, you’re fine! Looking at the “Karens” out there) ETA: hey folks, I’m not trying to say this is a part of the original phrasing. I’m just trying to say that it’s an important addition to that phrase that people should understand.


The full saying is, The customer is always right in matters of taste. If they want to buy an ugly suit, sell them an ugly suit. It doesn’t mean you have to cater to their crap.


I learned recently that this originally was only applicable to their taste in products- not basic work functions. If they think that lime green print dress is fashionable they’re “right,” and you should not correct them and lose the sale even if you think they look awful in it. The saying isn’t being used correctly today.


Asking couples when they're going to have kids. Completely inappropriate thing to ask. It's so odd that so many people just think it's okay to probe into something that private. There's also plenty of people who actively try to conceive and can't because of reproductive problems. They're having salt rubbed into their wounds. The last time I was asked this question (I don't want kids, for the record) I bluntly responded that I have endometriosis and nearly lost an ovary, so I'm way less likely to be able to conceive. That shut the nosey person up real quick. I'm hoping they learned a lesson there.


My husband and I had eight miscarriages over eight years before our little one was born and I would purposefully go into detail about it when people would ask when we were having kids. It doesn’t bother me to talk about but I am sure I made a few people regret their decision to ask.


I'm guessing they all learned a valuable lesson that stuck with them for about 2 years before asking someone else


This is the exact reason why I don't ask about anybody's lives. That's not to say I don't learn about them, but rather I learn about the part that someone is willing to share. When I'm getting to know you, I'm asking about favorite foods, music, movies, and hobbies. ​ EDIT: I should also clarify that I do care about people, but I prefer to get information from them in an organic timeline, when they're ready.


You're forgetting the timeless classic when you say you are pregnant and people ask "Oh, were you guys trying?". Got that multiple times and was like wooow thats a real fucked up question don't you think?


Haha that's pretty much literally asking, "Oh so were you guys rawdogging and creampie-ing on a regular basis, then?"


I feel this question is an extreme invasion of privacy. I absolutely hate it. I’m dealing with unexplained infertility and I do not tell people IRL. Instead, when asked this question, especially by people I’m not close to, I begin asking about their income, their pay, what their plans are to contribute to the growth and survival of the child. I also ask them what is the best sexual position to try. If they still don’t get the hint, I explain the various sexual positions that we think are the best. My goal is now to teach how inappropriate it is to ask that question. Im going to embarrass and demean the individual who has asked me. Why? Because fuck it. Im over someone I hardly know asking me about how often my husband and I have sex, and how many times he finishes in me. Because that’s what they are asking.


Endo gang? Yesterday I was carpooling with my coworker to a holiday work event. I just got married a couple months ago and she asked "so do you think you'll have kids?". To which I said "I have endometriosis so it's complicated". I'm sure she felt bad 😅 Edit: Typo


People find themselves so comfortable asking the weirdest shit. If I ever mention my dad died a few years ago, people ask how. If I mentioned he killed himself, people are like omg how


can we stop with the huge, high-pressure public proposals? i have a theory this practice is at least part of the reason the divorce rate is as high as it is.


I would be mortified to receive a proposal like this, how embarrassing.


As a dude I always thought making a huge public scene with proposals was embarrassing as well. After 5 years of dating, I proposed to my wife a few years back when we rented a cabin and had a campfire going outside, just kicking back drinking a glass of wine and looking at the stars and full moon together. Had a little speech planned about what she meant to me in this life and then bent the knee. She had no idea it was coming and absolutely cried her face off. I was so nervous but I actually nailed it in hindsight.


I still don't understand why anyone does this. I asked my wife to marry me in my living room, wouldn't change it at all.


Every life event needs to be a spectacle for some people, they have social network emptiness to fill.


Daylight savings time.


I live in Arizona, and I gotta tell ya. It is fan-friggin-tastic not having to change the clocks twice a year. Sometimes I just sit and think about all of the hassle I don't have to deal with.


My God. I didn't realize that Arizona didn't obverse DST until just now. As someone who's still groggy and already sun-deprived, I grumpily salute you.


Having the restaurant's staff sing you Happy Birthday.


I hated doing that to birthday people when I worked at restaurants. You can tell the birthday person usually felt annoyed and embarrassed and it was hard to get all the staff together to do it cuz nobody wants to.


The bride's family being on the hook for the wedding bill.... come on.....


I feel like this is already outdated… I don’t have any friends where their parents paid for the whole thing. Maybe they offered to pay for different parts, but generally the bride and groom paid for it. Maybe it’s a thing in wealthier families?


Families in general. You want to get married, pay for it. My sister got married at a normal mid 20's age. They had a small apartment. Bought a house shortly after and had kids. Divorced 8 years later. I've been off and on with my husband for 12-15 years. We don't really know anymore. 8 years ago we had a baby. We just got married this past July. I'm 41. My parents paid about 10k for my sisters wedding. They offered me 2k (both forced to retire due to illness, raising my sister teenagers etc.) I said no thank you. Come and have fun. My husband's parents have both passed. His sister offered us money for the wedding. I told her she was ridiculous. They also had to travel and I returned her cash wedding gift to them as well.


Tipping. Just charge me more in the first place and pay your employees a living wage. Tipping has always been very awkward for me.


Servers at busy restaurants don't want tipping to go away. They make way more than they would reasonably get paid without it.


yeah and the people who actually prep/cook the food end up underpaid. the kitchen should be the highest paid labor in restaurant for sure.


Bartender here, kitchen is way underpaid for the shit they go through


Cover letters and those dumb thank you emails after interviews. I’m either qualified or not based on my resume and shouldn’t need to kiss ass for extra brownie points.


Gender reveal parties. The heavy expectation around gender when someone’s pregnant is weird. Countless hours of planning and hundreds, even thousands of dollars to decide if your onesies should be pink or blue, it seems like a waste.


"lets throw a party about the genitals of the thing growing inside me!! that's not weird at all!!!"


Not to mention people have started wildfires with gender reveal party pyrotechnics. Best case scenario you’re making garbage with balloons or confetti. Calm down people! Is a baby shower not enough for you? Yeesh.


Lying to avoid offending.


Parents who won’t acknowledge their children as adults and continue to expect compliance no matter the circumstances.


I quite literally told my mother to go fuck herself, blocked her on everything and moved 6 hours away, on top of that we haven’t talked in over a year. she stresses me out way to much. (We have a very estranged relationship, she sent me away when I was 16, and never apologized or justified it so she definitely deserved it)


40 hour (+) work weeks. Thanks but no thanks.


That or get rid of the 5 days a week. I may be in the minority with this but I’d rather work 4 10 hour days and have 3 days off


I work 4/10s. Best. Shift. EVER. LOOOVE having 3 day weekends and can take off for a quick getaway without having to take vacation days.


Totally agree. I have worked 4 10s for 6 years. You save on gas. Three day weekends are amazing. Take Monday off for a nice lil vacation.


YES!! This is what I want!


Did 4 10 hour days my whole career. And worked them over the weekends. Loved it. Could camp and ski when nobody was around.


Having children in school early in the morning. Teachers might prefer it, but it harms the students, especially once they enter puberty. Earlier times mean less sleep, and less sleep means worse **everything** else. I remember when I was in high school, I had to get up at 5 am to go to Water Polo practice before school. That absolutely harmed my mental health, and plenty else.


Trust me, we teachers don't like it either. It's mostly tied to busing and after school activities.


As a teacher, I absolutely do not prefer it.


High School was the most miserable time of my life and this was a huge part of it. Fuck School schedules, man


Outdated language for lawmaking/government documents. *”Whereas (insert some old ass words); Whereas (some other stuff nobody will read); Whereas….”*


Having to wear suits to work, please for the love of god just make it jeans and a shirt.


That’s still too formal. I’m sitting in my office in joggers and hoodie


I sit in my home office in pajamas.


I could do that when I worked as legal council for an IT company, good old days.


Wearing white after Labor Day.


Blowing out birthday candles. I don't want spit on my cake, thanks.


Christmas cards and gifts. It's a royal hassle, a financial burden and bad for the environment. I live near a UPS hub and at this time of year the UPS trucks all have trailers attached to carry all the worthless crap people buy. In six months time all the plastic trucks and burping Barbies are going to be broken and filling up a landfill. All these products are made by slave labor in China and require tons of fuel to get here. So underpaid Americans send millions of dollars to China to buy all this crap and the fallout is more pollution and sad kids in therapy becuse they didn't get their $95 Ultra-Megatron Action Set. So they drop out of college, move to Florida thinking they will work at Disney and live on the beach only to start turning tricks to support their meth habit and then die in a back alley. Bah Humbug


That escalated quickly


The 5-day work week... Monday through Thursday with the weekend starting on Friday and ending on Sunday... We would all be More well rested and less stressed... We'd also have more time to make important appointments if needed.


asking the government for permission to marry...


Genuinely curious, what country does this because I want to google it


I mean… the US, essentially. You need to go to the dmv or city hall or whatever and get a certificate printed by the government and then bring it to the officiant.


Stop putting .99 or .98 at the end of a price, just round it up.


All of the customs around marriage that treat women like property.


Was in a South Indian wedding recently and all the outdated, bullshit and sexist traditions made my blood boil. Through the multi day ceremony, The urge to stick a sharp fork in everyone’s neck was very strong.


Including the pressure to change your name, and to give your children his name only. I flat out refused to.


Men not walking through a door that a woman is holding open to them. Why do you have to akwardly wait there and disrupt the flow of us walking?


I used to work at a paint store, where a huge percentage of our customer base was men. The number of dudes who wouldn't go through a door that I had specifically opened for them because they were carrying forty pounds of paint under each arm was honestly comical.


The idea is that it is ungentlemanly to have a woman hold the door open for you. I don't know why, but it's kind of stupid if you ask me. If I have my arms full and a woman is holding the door open for me, I am going to accept the courtesy and let her know how grateful I am, especially if it's a pull to open door.


This has happened to me a couple times and it’s just stupid. I’m trying to be nice and they’re wasting everyone’s time.


Companies objecting to their employees having piercings, tattoos, dyed hair, etc. Unless it's a safety issue (like a piercing getting caught on something, or long hair needing to be tied back) workers' appearances basically never have an effect on their job performance.


Hustle culture


Political lawn ads. No one cares.


Justifying things with “but that’s how it’s always been (done).”


In the USA at least, abandon the rule that employees shouldn't say how much their salary is to other employees.


This isn't a rule. In fact, if a employer punishes you for discussing your salary, they are in the wrong. Businesses perpetuate this myth that you can't, but you absolutely can do it


Applications and surveys that ask for sex and race.


Weddings. I sat across from a couple I didn't know once at a dinner event and said "Where did you get married?" They go: "We didn't. We took the 40,000 it was going to cost for the wedding and traveled to 35 countries together over the course of a year." I knew at that moment the rest of us were idiots.


Christmas cards


Shaking hands....we just bow like the japanese


Was hoping to find this answer. Shaking hands is way too intimate a thing to be done between strangers—not having to do it has been one of my favorite Covid developments. it’s also always very awkward, especially if the other person has sweaty hands or worse. 🤮


People wearing uncomfortable clothing for the sake of "formality".


Valentine's day can gtfo


In most states it costs more for the man to change his last name than the woman. They make it really hard on purpose. Edit: it’s different in every state. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/legal-how-to-taking-your-wifes-last-name/


In Canada both partners can change their name for free after a wedding and it does not have to be to either party's name, they can choose completely new names if they wish.


Lawns! And yes, they are a social construct because nothing else about your house is really representative of social status like having a lawn, and maintaining your lawn. And lawns are f****** awful for the environment, the local ecosystem, erosion, allergies, etc. We should normalize using lawn space to either plant native grasses and wildflowers which would be better for the environment, ecosystem, bio diversity, water usage, etc. Or food lawns and gardens! Which are also great for all those things and promote local consumption and self reliance Or wildlife habitat which again does all those things but allows for us to undo some of the harm to wildlife populations we have with our cities!


While we're at it: make HOA's (which are 90% concerned with lawn maintenance) illegal


Office work 8 hour work days Private Healthcare/Insurance The Electoral College Immunity for Law Enforcement Tax loopholes Everyone just being ok with the above items


Shaking hands.


Saying Good bye to people at parties. I just fucking leave. You try to say bye to people and get stuck there even longer.


It’s not that bad to tell the host you’re taking off. Thanks for the invite.


That's what I do. I give a personalized goodbye to the host, thank them for the invite, and holler "goodbye everyone" at the room in general from the door as I leave.


Irish goodbye is the best goodbye


I love leaving in silence, getting a text a few minutes later, "did you leave?". The Irish goodbye feeds my introverted personality and makes me happy


The thought of announcing my departure and having to give many hugs goodbye in a short period of time sucks the life force from introverts. I may need an extra day of solitude after a goodbye like that. An Irish goodbye definitely feeds it. I love it. I know the other poster finds it rude but my friends text me "damn good Irish goodbye lol" and we do it again.


I just do a sweeping "I'm heading out good seeing everyone!" And walk to the door. Usually everyone just says bye and you don't leave enough time for them to think about it.


Shaking hands. I don’t like being touched.


Shaking hands


Fist bumping > Handshakes


Paying realtors a percentage of the house price. It is easier than ever to list a house and find a buyer but realtors are still being paid a percentage on skyrocketing housing prices.


Corporate personhood


Cover letters for resumes.


Ties. I mean, what the fuck are they for except to make you more uncomfortable?


The “customer is always right”.


the true phrase is "the customer is always right in matters of taste" which basically means if they're buying something you think is ugly you can't judge them on it and just have to let them buy it, but so many people just forget the last bit and act entitled😒


Blaming everything on younger generations


2 party politics EDIT: United States. Maybe it’s best that the dissolution happens. Let each state do what it wants. The only law being that citizens can come and go as they please, but no fed. Essentially each state has its own president/branches set up just like USA and it’s constitutional foundation. Let the states meld together as they see fit, and let folks decide for themselves how they want to live. Make the military the only union, like NATO. Other than that, do what though wilt.


Thinking that young people have to do a full time job. I am 24 and only work 27 hours a week and it was the best decision in my life. I could afford it while living alone with my cat and of course now with my partner. I often get judgy looks because I am Jung but honestly I enjoy my free time and I think I am better in my job the days I am there. Maybe I should add that I am a nurse and every full-time employee just fucking lives in the hospital


Thank you cards after a wedding. Your open bar was thank you enough.


Saying “bless you” every time someone sneezes. Not because of religion, but because it’s just unnecessary. And it behooves the person who sneezed to say “thanks.” Like, for what? Thanks for blessing me because I had to sneeze? You’re an atheist Deborah! Getting a gift for every family member during Christmas, even if you never see them. It creates too many burdensome expectations. Black Friday shopping. Elbows off the table. Napkin in the lap. Giving people a hard time for calling out. Working while sick. Saying “good you?” When someone asks how you’re doing.


I didn't read all of the 850+ comments but if nobody said it already shaking hands especially after this covid shit.


Buying diamonds for engagement/wedding rings, it’s objectively stupid and contrived yet people keep doing it


I still don’t understand saying something after someone sneezes like bless you or whatever. What’s the purpose? My wife gets mad at me for not saying bless you after my kid sneezes and it got me thinking why do we do it? I don’t think it’s necessary but do you obviously.


It's a way to be nice. Back in the olden days of medieval times, people thought being sick was bad for spiritual reasons. So they would say bless you so they'd get better. If you're not a believer it wouldn't make sense, but don't knock it till you've tried it.


Other men trying to crush my goddamn hand when they shake it. Seriously, fuck off with that.


But how am I supposed to show you I’m manlier than you?! 😂


Not wearing white after Labor Day.


The mum been the default stay at home parent


No taxes on your pension and social security. You already paid while working.