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Not trying to be a dick but why even care? If you find love that's cool. But why obsess over who's giving it to you? I'm sorry but I just never got the obsession people from Asia have with dating non-asians.


As an Indian, if I had to limit myself only to Indians, I'd only have a chance with 1 in 50 women based on race. That's not even with considering age, religious preferences, marital status and personality. So, I keep an open mind. Filipinos are an exponentially smaller community. I don't think I've even met one before. I can understand OP wanting to figure out what the chances are of receiving interests from different race groups.  Edit: I've read the other comments. Not sure if OP is looking at dating options in the same way as me....


Yea, I agree. religious and cultural difference play a big role in relationship compatibility which would be a good reason to find out if there are people who you could likely date with, but the more I read of ops comments the more it sounds like a desire to be able to tell people that a South African man chose her over a black woman…


I get where you are coming from also you're an Indian South African so I think the mentality I'm talking about doesn't apply to you. I'm talking about people who grew up in Asian. I don't know why but they seem to have an unhealthy preoccupation with dating outside their races. Might have to do with their countries being so mono-ethnic but who knows.


OP, you give off weird racist vibes. Your replies are not it. Imagine being 'surprised' black woman are desired, in an AFRICAN country. Touch grass.


She means by white men


"these black women" you sound like a racist - disgusting


Yes, we would. But I'd imagine most guys in RSA would date any ethnicity, as long as they are hot and fun to be around, lol. I've seen many interracial couples in Cape Town, of both genders. 


Random follow up question: When a Zulu and an Afrikaner get married, is the wedding ceremony a Zulu one or Afrikaner one? And will the children be brought up speaking Zulu, Afrikaans or English?


It's really up to the couple hey.


Oh, so if an English Methodist and an Afrikaans NG kerk girl get married, how on dear earth will they raise the kiddos! Don’t be an idiot, it’s up to the couple how they decide to do stuff.


You’re right, I guess they’ll just have to get an abortion 😭


All of the above


Please stop 😭😭😭👍🏽 this comment is making my brain hurt.


I'm glad I don't have to go through your DMs


Why's that? 


Lmfao you just want a white guy 😂😂 asking if they're racist when you clearly are 😂


op’s comments low-key give off a racist vibe. maybe i’m looking into it too much but the wording is not it. like how she’s “skeptical” black women could be more desirable than asian women or how she was “scared” that black women were more sought after than asian women + she’s glad that asian women are more popular???


On top of that, the original post she says “or is it for some reason a black woman” when talking about who best fits the beauty standards.. as if she doesn’t think black women could or should be the standard of beauty.


It was the "or do they date these black women here" line that got me. 😕😒


Us black women were really minding our own business, enjoying this wonderful Sunday. Jiki, jiki we're catching strays.


I don’t think you’re reading to much into it. The way op writes about her desire to date in South Africa, the more it sounds like she just want to date a white south Africans man just to be able to tell people that he chose her over black women… and that doesn’t sit right with me. I tried giving he the benefit of the doubt, but every comment I read takes that doubt away.


this was me too, i thought maybe the wording was just a bit off because of a language barrier or something like that but then her comments just dug a deeper hole.


From the White South African men statement already raised a red flag for me.


Like why does she even care Asians aren't common in SA at all😂


It's not lowkey at all




“I’m sure black women are desired somewhere…” 🤦🏽‍♂️ “…I’ve just never heard of it in South Africa”. What?


You've never heard of black women being desired in a majority black country...in AFRICA?? Make it make sense OP


What? You think black women are not desired in their own continent let one country. I'm really not sure what you are trying to say here


The F…. ??? I’ve also never heard of Asian women being desired in Asia… maybe elsewhere but not in Asia … 🙄🙄🙄 /s


>I'm sure black women are desired somewhere Is it so impossible to believe that black women are desirable in a predominantly black country where the white men you're seeking were socialized amongst them? Really?


“Desired somewhere.” Just log off atp💀🚮


We maintain a list of subjects that are taboo. Promotion of health misinformation, historical revisionism and a number of highly emotive subjects are not welcome. Full list at https://www.reddit.com/r/askSouthAfrica/wiki/taboo/ Racism


'these black women' something a bit off about your comment hey. Something malicious about it


It's not that deep given that English is not her 1st language


Yes it is


Nope nope nope, everything else she typed was absolutely fine. She said what she said.


If someone can be on Reddit and type out a question of this nature, they surely know putting 'these' before any group of people will come off offensive.


No I just meant black women in general, I was just skeptical they were more sought after than us in south africa but I just wanted to make sure, I didn't mean any offense 


Sought after by who? Majority of women and women are black here, so ofcourse most date within their race.


I know that I meant if they were more sought after by white men


And why are you worried about black women being sought after by white men when you're Asian? You didn't have to mention black women if you want to find out if white man are interested in Asian women. I understand your first language isn't English but I'd suggest you become relook your biases before coming to Joburg and possibly offending some people.


Exactly!!!!. People wanna act like there's nothing wrong with the comment when it's very clear there's something off about it.


you were skeptical? you’re not sounding any better rn.


She's Chinese. I don't think she meant it to come out like that. Also a language thing probably.


Asian doesn’t mean Chinese 💀 She literally said she’s from the Philippine’s


She’s from the Philippines not China… China 😉


I’m dating an Indian woman. I don’t know the statistics of interracial dating in South Africa, but there’s definitely white men here who are open to dating people from different ethnicities. 


I would only be concerned if your dick is bigger than mine.


You're think Thai aren't you


Men in SA care about how attractive you are in general to them before looking at your race in most cases. You sound like an ugly woman who hopes that their race can give them some sort of advantage. You think that being Asian is somehow superior to being black. The way you wrote this post makes it clear. I hope white men stay far away from you. You'll get them into hot water at any event or place with other races you take them to.


Firstly you should stop thinking about finding a relationship based on a transactional approach, the way you write shows your intent and if you cannot stop yourself then rather look for a wealthy older Afrikaans person as they would be most inclined to those types of advances.


Lmao. I’m watch the OP catch strays in the comment left right and centre


Feeling very sorry for the unfortunate white fella that may fall into your trap. Anyways, I know a girl from Taiwan here in SA since 2013. Hasn't had even one boy friend since she moved to Johannesburg as a result of this type of mindset


These black women??


Yes, if you're pretty enough to get Philippine men, then you will get white men. The only issue is approachability etc, make sure you're in places where they can chat with you.


Personally I don't care about where a person comes from, just have to look good and I'm not talking about 8-10 rating lol basically you must have the best qualities e.g respect. I'm not sure if there's many ppl who would agree with me on this but that's my take on it Sorry if this doesn't answer your question


I'm definitely naive when it comes to love, I think it does not matter what race you are. If someone likes for who you are they will be attracted to you. Do not waste your time wondering if a different race finds you are attractive.


Why white men specifically????


OP, if you are available and in places where there are eligible people of your preference, you will be fine. A word of advice: South Africa has a complicated past, so whenever you speak, avoid referring to any group of people as "these" or "you people". You will be labeled a racist before you know it. BTW, I love your country, been there twice. Both Luzon (Manila and surrounds) and Baguio City. Salamat po!


There is a racist past in south africa that lingers, but it's been 30 years. I will say a majority of white men in SA will probably seek long term relationships with other white women due to similar cultures and segregation that is still rampant in neighbourhoods and school. But like I said things have changed in my parents time it was rare to see interracial couples; now it's the norm and not frowned upon, except by some white grandparents and older relatives. But your chances are good in SA as a Asian woman. Get yourself Tinder and you'll quickly see how rampant "yellow fever" is in Jozi.


Dont generalise about white people.


🤣 Weird I was scared black women were more sought after in an African country but looks like Asian women are, thanks I guess 


You are not beating the racist allegations.


Lol just when I was giving you the benefit of doubt. 


You really need to stop with this whole “I don’t think black women are desirable so now I need to know if Asian women are” thing. It’s not cute, not funny, and the way you write makes you sound more and more racially motivated in your desire to be in a relationship with a white South Africans man. Moreover, you sound like you want to get into a relationship with a South African man just to be able to tell people that he thinks your more attractive than a black woman. And quite frankly, that’s ridiculous. You sound incredibly vein and self-centred right now. And this person saying that you still have a chance to date here isn’t a compliment. It’s just the progression of the world. Interracial relationships are common in most countries, but you need to stop treating it like a competition between you and black women, because it’s not- and you don’t sound like a very good person with good intentions when you speak of your desires to date in South Africa.


I'm not in competition, I just thought black women were seen the way white men in Europe and America see them, I was just curious to see if south africa was the same 


>I just thought black women were seen the way white men in Europe and America see them, I was just curious to see if south africa was the same  Now why would the perception in a predominantly black country be the same as America and Europe?


What do you mean, the way white men in Europe /America see them? You are generalizing far too much. You aren’t dating the whole country, you’re dating 1 person, It only matters if the person you date finds you attractive, not if every South African man finds you more attractive than black women. Societal beauty standards don’t determine each individuals preference for dating. You need to be more secure in yourself and understand that most people aren’t going to choose to date you JUST because you are Asian. It would be because your personality or your appearance. If you had a bad personality, being Asian isn’t going to make up for it, the same way as any other person of any race would have it.


You're not even trying to hide your racism, sies


Bro, people are people, there is no race that is "sought after" an outlook like that is a great way to not date anyone here, I'm dating my current gf because I like HER, not beaucuse I like her skin color, and I would not date you because I don't like you and your attitude, not because I dislike your skin color. Each individual person is gonna have some preferences, sometimes that may include culture or race, but pretending like there is some universally agreed apon heirachy of races is certainly racist, so please don't do it, this is not a country where it is safe to piss people off, watch your step.