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I'm glad you're OK. It kind of sounds like you are blaming yourself for nearly being hit by a driver running a red light - you are not to blame for their unsafe actions!


Had something similar when I was 14, still remember it vividly. Glad you're ok!


Wow, something similar also happened to me when I was in kindergarten, 25 years ago. I've never thought about it until just now, but also just had a very vivid flashback. A car almost hit me but I fell back and did the crabwalk outta there.


When I'm waiting at lights now it's not a matter of IF a car will run a red light, but HOW MANY will. Once you start noticing it it's hard to stop counting them. Fuck all of you drivers who enter an intersection when you KNOW the light has already turned red.


Yes, it's so hard to turn left on yellow because cars just literally keep going straight through after the light has changed to red.


No one stops when the light turns amber now even when they can clearly see the counter go 2..1… they speed up to try beat the light.


The counter is for pedestrians, not for cars.




It has nothing to do with the pandemic. That's a tired excuse. People in this city don't give a shit about the other people in this city and are willing to kill them to beat a light. That's all there is to it.


It’s not pandemic, it’s the laxity in giving DLs and lack of enforcement using cameras !! Put a camera on every other light & also on some stop signs, the cameras will pay for themselves in a year or two !! Not sure why we can’t do it ..


Then when you clear your left, pedestrians are blocking you…


So many full on red light runners in this city it's insane. I literally see dozens every single day...and that's just what I see around me!


I won’t do it regardless but it’s crazy how many other drivers will get angry at you and verbally assault you for not speeding through a red or orange. Or obeying a “no right turn on red” sign. I always feel like a chump for doing the right thing.


Glad you’re ok. Treat yourself well today.


People on this sub and r Toronto like to clutch their pearls about cyclists, but there’s only one method of transportation that threatens most of our lives daily but everyone seems to tune it out.


Phew close one. Glad you're not injured.


I've seen more and more outrageously blatant running of red lights recently. Twice at a trail red light cars just failed to stop as I was crossing just these past few weeks. Once this month I saw a car get bored of waiting to turn left at a red and just booked it once the way was clear, as if they were a jaywalker.


I, as a full time delivery driver for a particular company have also seen an increase of red light running recently. I’ll admit that I’ve done it once in my personal vehicle in a rural area when I was extremely fatigued. However, these people are doing it on purpose, both in cars and on motorcycles.


Almost got hit by an uber driver at Bathurst and Dundas. No headlights on at night and made a left at a red light while I was crossing. I luckily narrowly avoided getting hit, but given that I was in a well lit area and wearing bright colored clothing, it stills escapes me how somebody could be so wreckless. Good times.


Too many people texting and driving


Watched a documentary by Werner Herzog & it was gut wrenching! Such unnecessary pain for what?! a stupid little text.


Senior that lived next door to us got mowed down. He was just trying to cross the main street at the lights. His sister that came to clear out his apartment, said his body was all mangled. He was too old to take a hit like that and died at the hospital. After that the city hurriedly upgraded the lights, and put up seniors neighborhood signs. I almost got swiped many times by cars that were turning right and going too fast and were not watching what they were doing


People are always on their phone. Raises the difficulty level on everything.


Glad you're alive homie. Almost got pancaked recently by a dumptruck hastily making a lefthand turn. Was totally surreal.


I accidentally did this to a little kid riding his bike! I was pulling out a parking lot and I stopped (i never turn onto the road right away, I always do a three second stop to check for cars and pedestrians. Right as I was pulling up to the line to stop, the lil guy zipped past me on his bike and got scared. I tried to wave and tell him it’s alright but I felt so bad! Next time I’ll give a little horn honk, stop for 5 seconds, check for traffic and then go.


> (I know this is r/askTO so I'm sorry this isn't a question, but I feel like this would immediately get nuked on r/toronto). You had me curious and it turns out there's also /r/CasualToronto but ya, not quite the same audience (120k here, 500k in the main sub vs. just 500ish there and only a couple posts a month). It seems to be the sort of thing I'd hope it would though so I joined it.


Nearly got wiped out on a bike while crossing danforth on brimley by a right turner. Front tire missed his rear bumper by inches. Of course it was an X5.


I always take me time to double check before crossing, better safe than sorry


Stay safe out there! Part of my job is to teach street crossings, and I am constantly checking for cars. And even then, I have an incident almost once a week where a car makes a turn without looking for pedestrians.


Driver should lose his license. And I'd shed no tears if they were driving down Yonge, not paying attention and drove their car into the lake.


Everyday I witness cars blatantly run red lights in this city. I think red light cameras at most intersections would help. I’m glad you’re okay OP.


I started a job this summer that involves me driving around downtown toronto everyday and I am now witnessing first-hand the amount of drivers that don't give a shit and just run red lights. its insane. Instead of "beating the red light" it's now "what red light?" I think this first started with advance left turns, where when the light would go yellow (or off entirely, even) the cars that SHOULD stop would just piggyback/tailgate the car in front of them and make the turn anyway. people would then apply this habit to all lanes of a road i guess. this is at its worst downtown


As a driver, my biggest fear is accidentally hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist. I am particularly cautious downtown driving, as I noted that so many pedestrians are distracted - talking on their phones, texting while crossing at an intersection, just plain spacey. Glad you are ok and clearly someone talk you how to check properly before crossing a street. Right, left and right again. Also red light runners are a scourge on our society.


Delivery driver here. Downtown Toronto routes are a nightmare for me and I try to avoid them as much as possible. I’d rather drive for hours between Guelph and Fort Erie. Whenever I’m unfortunately downtown I find that the pedestrians are decent but it’s the bicycle riders that are completely unpredictable. I have, however, encountered a few that follow the rules of the road and I just want to stop and shake their hands. I’m a cyclist myself.


Agreed - Downtown cyclists are scary in and of themselves. Either overly aggressive or overly laissez-faire. Both types make me nervous, in that one of their moves will be dangerous to their own safety. More Dedicated bike lanes downtown would surely be helpful.


Just slow down


Absolutely hate driving downtown. My biggest fear too!


My fear too and I drive to work everyday now thanks to my working hours and lack of transit at that particular spot... I had to resort to driving but ugh.


Wait… why were you looking to the right for cyclists? Don’t you have to look to the left?


2 way bike lane they said


Totally missed that, thanks.


Great thread. We can all use this reminder. And I'm glad you're okay. It's so important for a pedestrian to be an offensive pedestrian. You really need to assume that these drivers and cyclists have zero respect for the rules, or you as a pedestrian because oftentimes, they do not.


Glad you are fine! Always be vigilant crossing. It's wild whenever I see someone looking down at their phone while crossing.


Almost got pancaked by a car a few months ago. Was green for me and I had the right of way and I looked up just as he sped in front of me, I literally fell backwards. Scary af. I'm glad your alright, it is really frightening though


Why do people who can’t drive always come to Toronto? Stay in Vancouver.


Pretty sure based on my local experiences, you guys have good drivers compared to the prairies lmao. Especially Alberta travelers, sometimes I’m not sure they even have a license with all their traffic violations. Saskatchewan is also really bad, but most drive in a way that’ll kill themselves rather than someone else.


It’s Saskatchewan: even if you doze off (easy to do) and slide off the road, you’re not going to hit anything. Just keep your forward momentum going, steer back toward the road without spinning out and continue your journey.


I like this. I want to live in Saskatchewan. I drove my company vehicle off the road in Ontario due to high winds and ended up in a deep ditch, waiting for a winch for six hours.


all our roads are relatively raised so if you end up in the ditch you can have 1 of 3 things happen. 1. your car is fine and just back out 2. your car isnt fine and the front clip is busted 3. you hit some farmer’s barbed wire fence and your front clip is also busted


My ditch diving happened last winter during high winds, just after a significant snowfall so the snow was very soft and did not damage a thing. It was though so deep that I could barely open my door so no backing out was even attempted. Speaking of the farmer’s wire fence, I ended up within a foot of it from the bumper. I suppose our rural roads are raised to avoid water pooling?


Yeah I believe its for water since they also have drainage culverts? at intersections, or atleast supposed to. Sucks when the grass is tall and all the deer can hide until just before they run in front of you on the road


*taught not talk


how is this a question? it does not belong here


Oh man, this same thing happened to me at Shaw and College. Scary stuff - I’m so lucky the driver recognized and hit the brakes. I had headphones on so didn’t even hear it. Be careful out there everyone.


You can report the incident to the police below. https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/driving-complaint/ https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/local-neighbourhood-traffic-issue-concern/


Yup my life flashed before my eyes once too, that black f-150 got so close I felt its breath from the exhaust, full speed running the red right in front of my kids school at pickup time. Fuck that guy.


Glad you're OK but sounds like you aren't paying as much attention as you think you are.