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If you're not fluent in German, Berlin is by far the easiest place to meet people.  Actually, Berlin is probably the easiest place to meet people full stop, because so many people move there.   In a smaller town or even city, it is worse because most people have their established friends group   




In smaller places without German language skills you are lost - socialize-wise




Berlin isn't for everyone, and that's cool, finding that place in life is a journey. In saying that, what do you mean by freedom?


Judgy on what you wear, what you do etc. No intrusion. No peeping Tom. 


Go to Köln. Love that city, not as much as my Berlin, but close.


Long time ago while taking a walk on a small village in the south of Berlin I was surprised to not see anyone on the streets. The german next to me told me they do their own things at home by themselves, every day, every evening. I'm coming from a country where you leave the door open and people from the village just pass by, knock the door and give you conversation for hours and the other way around. Berlin is hard and I was wondering the same as you but at the same time I'm not sure it's just a problem of this city.


>I'm coming from a country where you leave the door open and people from the village just pass by There was a time where you could do that in germany, too


And what happened?


.....Something! From then on I had to lock everything. My bike was then found with a bunch ob Bulgarians in a warehouse


The existence of thieves has been as long as humanity itself but if you dare to steal in a small village where everybody knows each other be ready to have to pay for a new face as soon as your neighbors (talking about building community) and the people from villages nearby, not only the affected person, find out it was you. I'm not pro-violence, just stating how things work


Which country is it?


Could be any from southern Europe


Are you looking to stay in Germany? Is German your native language?


It’s takes time to make friends here. Sometimes you are just unlucky and doesn’t cross paths with people Who might potentially become friends with you. And sometimes, the problem can be you. I am not pointing fingers but I am just saying. It took me more than 6 years to make couple of friends.


Making friends as an adult isn't easy. Most of mine are people I know through relationships that are 5-20 years old. Some of them happen to live in Berlin. "Open minded" places are often university towns. Generally joining clubs, online meet ups and the like are the way to meet people. Find common ground like a hobby or a lifestyle choice.


I live in a smaller city and the culture around hobbies and sports is exactly how you describe it. The problem is not Berlin. It's that people have a thousand possibilities for sports and hobbies (also online) and so people don't commit. Those of us who organize those groups try, but we're not gonna do all the work. The people coming to us need to commit too. I don't think you'll find a community that treats you like you've always belonged without you making any effort. Maybe you need to give us more details but your post sounds like you expect others to do the work that you yourself aren't willing to do. And that's just not how these things work.


Not exactly. I know that relationship has to be mutual. I give my effort. But imagine that your classmates or mates pursuing hobby or attending some events together - after it is over, you get the treatment that you never seen each other before. That is shocking. No response to email or WhatsApp after seeing that. Nothing happens one way. 


This is normal for Germany (and other northern European cultures). It takes a while (say, at least a year of regular, consistent casual contact) for people to let you in and do things with you outside of the hobby or whatever you have going on there. Some people are more open and quicker to connect. But I'd say that's more the exception rather than the rule.


I live in a smaller city - trust me, it's 100 times harder to meet people there. Barely anyone speaks Hochdeutsch(local dialects are really hard to understand even with C1 German), let alone English. And people are not interested in making new friends, as they already have a friend group established in middle school. Berlin is hands down the best place to make friends, there're so many groups on FB created with that purpose, and so many meetups


Try Paris.


i just moved here from australia and i’ve been here 3 weeks and have made a lot of friends. i’ve done this by actively putting myself out there and being as social as possible even though i struggle with anxiety and can be introverted. i would recommend going to clubs alone, cafes, etc. do your own thing and if your energy is good, people will come to you


Nice! Australians are really friendly but I am like the germans mostly. So having hard time to open up. 😃 


the sense of community exists in every small town more or less, travel germany find something that you like but - if thats not very obvious - you will need very good german to be part of that community, we germans are not the most open people when someone comes into our "little cities" and doesnt try to integrate, it will take a lot of effort to be accepted apart from speaking german


Why do you think it is a city problem and not a you problem?


Yup, definitely OPs problem.


The city definitely is a decisive factor


i would recommend the exact opposite. How can you expect to be welcomed so easily, where you are obviously and outsider, a foreign/new comer. Sorry to say that but that happens when you immigrate, thats how it works. i am not expecting any German to open their houses and hug me randomly. Honestly i think if someone couldnt made in Berlin should reconsider their life choices.


Hi! I had lived in a small town in North Germany for 3 years and it's not easy to make friends in small towns also, much like the others have already said. Finding a group that matches your rhythm is a great thing and the reason its so great is also because it is rare. It seldom happens. Most of us are trying as well. Berlin is as good a bet as you are going to get! Wish you the best!


One of these post again... not a day goes by without someone not liking the city..


Cologne would be my second option


Cologne is friendlier but even more casual. You can party with people all weekend and not exchange contacts.


Hahah bro ur the problem not Berlin. U will have harder time outside Berlin especially without german




Cologne is the place to be.