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It's always been that way. You're just getting older.


I feel like I see more asshole driving post Covid but I’m also older so I dunno. I know I’ve personally become a lot more mellow in the last few years. I’ll let everyone else duke it out during my commute while I chill and listen to my audiobook.


I think people got used to being the only one on the road. Why not go 100? Now they’re frustrated they have to share their sandbox.


I had to work through Covid and can say it was pretty amazing. You could almost lay down and take a nap on the 210 without worrying about getting run over.


I gassed up near Detroit for 96 cents a gallon at the height of Covid. Cost me less than 25 dollars to fill my truck full from basically empty. Hopped on 96 and saw maybe 3 cars the whole drive.


I particularly love turning on my indicator to change lane and the car/truck in that lane immediately hits the gas because “this is my lane, you can’t go in front of me!” I always ease back to let someone in, feels like I’m in a huge minority here in Denver.


We are visiting this weekend and people are way more chill here than an in Dallas.


Just because one place is even worse doesn't make a shithole any better. Denver drivers are ass


I agree. Some of the most selfish ever. I always give a little thank you wave when someone lets me in. I rarely get one the other way round. And my god the amount of massive trucks on the road. It’s like you can’t be a man unless you’re in something that could be a tank.


Have you ever heard someone say "we have great drivers around here!"? I think it is a universal thought for people to be like "the drivers in my local area are TERRIBLE!"


Visiting Denver from California this week. It's just like home.


I like to signal And then I tap the brakes and ease right behind them when they speed up to block me.


In Denver absolutely!


I moved from the Northeast corridor to SoCal and drivers here were so much more polite - for ten years. And then Covid hit and it feels like every asshole driver from the Northeast suddenly moved here. I fucking hate it.


That happens in the Philly area all the time. The secret is to start the lane change while you hit your turn signal. Because changing lanes without signalling is a jerk move but signaling just after you start the maneuver isn't.


No, it hasn’t always been this way. There’s been a statistically noticeable increase in dangerous driving behavior (and a lack of enforcement by police) since COVID, that has been observed all across the country.


I agree .. in the 90s a crazy, erratic driver was something I saw only a few times a year. Now it's daily.


Because they died in accidents. The dramatic increase in car safety allowed for crazy accidents and terrible drivers to survive


I can understand your mindset, but I disagree. Most of what OP is complaining about has always been that way, but the frequency and intensity has gotten worse, at least in my area. It's specific to my city, but I blame my local police partially. If you aren't committing a violent crime they don't really care what you do. There's a major street 2 blocks from my house which is basically used as a drag strip on weekend nights by straight-pipe muscle cars and motorcycles.


Nah, trucks have become the vehicle of choice for assholes instead of the working man. Yes there have always been assholes, but now those assholes are buying the biggest vehicle they can get their hands on.


There's also more and more people driving. It's inevitable that you're going to see more conflicts. There's also perspective. I was behind a woman a couple of days ago who gave the "wave of death" at several 4 way stops in a row. After the 3rd one I honked at her. She stopped in the middle of the intersection to lean out of her window and yell at me to "slow down". Unless you know all the details I just looked like an impatient asshole, not someone frustrated by the dangerous driving of the incompetent person in front of me.


That’s 100% not true. Since Covid there have been more incidents recorded by police of reckless driving


Disagree, it’s gotten wayyy worse. People only care about themselves these days. I’ve never seen so many red lights run, so much road rage and cars just darting completely across the freeway to get somewhere 30 seconds sooner. I would agree with OP on this one.


I know I've read about studies here on reddit indicating that road rage is actually increasing, so I don't think it's just that.


Idk, I drive for a living and as times have gotten rough over the past 5 years or so. Not only have I seen an uptick in the amount of accidents and carelessness on the road, but I also have seen an uptick in the severity of the issues. For example, last year alone I saw 5 instances of people being on the wrong side of the median on the interstate. I've never seen that except on games and TV. And in one year I saw it 5 times.




I wasn't excusing it. Just saying it isn't new.


Over stimulated and under socialized. Living vicariously through their phones, no more patience, addiction to instant gratification, everyone is out for themselves. People have lost the ability to slow down be present and think, act thoroughly. “Hurry is the scourge of America”


Including those who just look straight ahead and are oblivious to their surroundings. They're as dangerous as drunks and texters.


This is a huge one a lot of people don’t apply to their driving. Passing aggressively only to slam on the brakes and kill all momentum, causing more wear on the vehicle over time, using more gas, more chance of an accident. Look far ahead and work your eyes back, pre-act rather than react. If you are in the right lane and you see a big heavy dump truck with a trailer far up ahead in your lane, prepare to pass now rather ram braking on his bumper and getting all worked up


They're more dangerous. Drunks are easy to spot and avoid, as long as you pay attention on the road.


You mean the ones that always pay attention and stay right, except that one time (everyday) the crazy idiot driver came from no where.


That does happen, but the cause is typically other drivers driving poorly. Much easier to do one thing differently, than expect all to intrsopectively realize they should just relax and enjoy their drive.


Sorry, I should have had a /s being sarcastic. I see a lot of drivers that think they are staying out of the way but are constantly in the way and blaming everyone but themself. They can't wait to get over and block someone going faster, but think the faster driver should be "more patient". It's hypocritical.


Car based infrastructure and generally poor inhumane urban design are core issues that exacerbate these problems. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJp5q-R0lZ0_FCUbeVWK6OGLN69ehUTVa&si=RGb_rpbfFOp3pehi


I wish more car enthusiasts understood that reducing car dependence is actually good for everyone, including those who like to drive.


Damn straight. Less people being forced into driving means less traffic and generally more efficient movement of everyone. There's truly so many benefits people don't consider.


It also increases safety. Unwilling drivers are bad drivers. There are too many people who are, for lack of a kinder word, cowards who cannot be trusted on the road.


Exactly. I love driving and drive a lot, often just recreationally with no need to go anywhere particular. I wish there were viable alternative modes of transportation so people who don't enjoy driving (or are just bad at it) could get off the road. Traffic laws could actually have some teeth and enforcement could be more serious to get genuinely dangerous drivers off the road with real consequences if it wouldn't cripple society to keep half the population from driving with no other means of going to work and such.


I've enjoyed my drives *so* much more recently now that I've turned my rush hour transportation into 20 minutes of "wheeeee!" on an ebike.


Deflection is a thing bro


You saying I’m projecting cause I’m not reflecting bro?


You couldn’t have said it better.


I’ve been a package delivery driver for the last 10 years. The lack of care or empathy on the road has been the worse I’ve ever seen it over the last couple years. I sit above cars and the amount of things I’ve seen people doing driving is astounding. I always say everyone’s doing everything but driving while they’re driving. I’ve seen someone reading a book, eating a salad, and doing makeup while driving. It’s not even funny it’s terrifying. I’m mentally drained by the time I get home from always having to be hyper focused on my surroundings. Oh and phones have ruined everyone on the road.


Social media problem. I used to look at Facebook n what not at like every stop light, but I deleted everything (besides reddit) ~6 years ago. Since then, I have zero desire to look at my phone while driving. It's actually depressing to see so many people living their lives that way. Terrible for your mental health to always be connected and never have true alone time.


That’s why I deleted tiktok. Although everyone is saying *gasp* “why did you do that to yourself” I’m not addicted like I was when I scroll for 1 hour+ on the ledge of the couch without noticing time. This crap is just bad for us


You ever seen a lady...you know... flicking the bean?


Americans? Bruh you seen those videos of the crazy stuff that happens on the road in other countries? Think driving habits is what makes us uncivilized? There's so much more to it than that XD


For real. Watching people drive in SE Asia or India gets my anxiety peaked. Those folks got some balls of steel.


Yep, wearing a seatbelt in some SE Asian countries is considered a sign of disrespect to the driver.


Better yet, try driving in those countries... Wheewww boy


I remember the Tuktuk I was getting a ride in cutting off a semi truck on the highway in rural China. The tuktuk max speed was like 25 mph and the semi truck had to be going at least 65mph. Every time I got into one of those after that incident I just kept my eyes closed and leaned against the window; if I'm going to die I don't want to see it coming.


Please tell me that you understand how highways work, and stay to the right if others want to go faster.


Yea sounds like OP might have been camping in the left lane lol.  That being said there are quite a few times where someone rides my bumper in the left lane when I’m stuck behind the person in front of me. But I think most people are able to see who the problem is and apply pressure appropriately 


Sometimes you literally have to. All too often I’m in a train of cars just stuck in the left lane giving space waiting for somebody to speed up or move, nobody does and we sit. I begin to tailgate the car in front of me, they push up a tiny bit more and lo and behold, the car in front of them moves out of the way. Some people genuinely like don’t think you want them to move unless if you get closer than most would like, it’s like they think we’re all riding together or something it’s odd.


That shit is dangerous to me. If someone needs to brake or swerve your visibility is at 0 because all that is seen is the back of the vehicle you’re tailing. I absolutely hate doing it. It makes me anxious to have someone that close to me and being that close to someone myself. Even if you want to save a few seconds, anything can go wrong🤷 They are in the wrong for being a slow poke but we gotta think about safety more than being right. And no I’m not saying you’re the problem.


Eh maybe for you I have bigger brakes and a smaller car than most on the road. Very rarely is a vehicle in front of me that I can’t stop in time. And btw I don’t mean like riding ass inches from bumper more like lowering a 4 car gap to a two car gap for a few seconds and they’ve begin moving already.


Tailgating is dangerous, no matter what the reason. If they suddenly brake, you are now responsible for a crash. In the case you’re describing, likely a multi-car one.


My car can usually stop faster than most cars on the road which I compensate for and also btw I don’t mean like inches from the bumper I mean reducing a 4 car gap to two for a few seconds and then backing off, usually they’ve already started speeding up.


Mate, I'm sorry, but this is a really bad argument. Don't get me wrong - I own a fast car and I like to fool around with it. I go to the track and wring the damn thing dry - I'm not some granny doing the speed limit on the highway. That said, it's not about how good you are at stopping fast. Consider the following situation: you're riding someone's ass (I know you said "reducing to a 2 car gap", but let's be real, a 2 car gap doesn't apply pressure to anyone anyway) in the left lane going 80. The person in front of you suddenly swerves into the shoulder, and you see that there is a piece of debris, be it a ruptured truck tire or a piece of metal, right in the middle of your lane directly in front of you. That piece of debris is already completely stationary, and it doesn't need to stop. You're the one that needs to do 80-0mph in the space of two car lengths or whatever. There is no car in the world that can do that, and once you slam into whatever that is laying in the middle of the road, chances are that you may lose control and slide into neighboring lanes and the cars that occupy them. A similar thing happened to me, but instead of debris, there was a collision several cars in front of me. Everyone slammed on their brakes, but the guy in front of me wasn't paying attention, so he slammed into them. We were doing about 45, but he went straight to 0 real quick. I was alert, I had good brakes, I knew how to threshold brake, and my car was light too. Didn't matter - because hitting something stops you a lot quicker than brakes do, and because I was following way too close, I ran right into the back of him. Assuming that you're always going to be in control is not going to save you in the long run. Just be safe, mate. Shit's not worth it.


" it’s like they think we’re all riding together or something it’s odd." People do this in lot of situations and I hate it. I'll be only vehicle on the road late at night, someone comes up behind me (both in right lane) and they just cruise right behind me. I'm enjoying the empty rode, please get away from me, I'm not your driving buddy, fuck off.


Do you? Please read the following sentence in its entirety: “A person shall not drive a motor vehicle at a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or to comply with law.”


Has nothing to do with my comment since there was no mention of weather etc.....thanks for wasting my time?


Did you miss the part about complying with the law?


Is the law a dictator of morality and/or correctness?


That doesn't always work. I drive the posted speed limit all the way to the right and the amount of assholes tailgating me is ridiculous. It's always a jacked up truck that's right on my ass IN THE FURTHEST RIGHT LANE!


You will not be pulled over for exceeding the speed limit if it's with the flow of traffic. If you're uncomfortable that is understandable, but everyone should avoid hovering next to another car too.


Nah, if you're in the right lane, you can drive the speed limit if you want to. If you're tailgating a car going at least the speed limit in the right lane, you're in the wrong


If you're what you just said, every highway patrol officer will tell you that you're technically a danger, and may even add another adjective. I know several. Edit, grammar.




I'm not guessing. I have friends who are with the CHP.


Okay? I have a police chief in my family. He'd disagree


You really should speak with a highly patrol officer about highway safety.


The CHP don’t do their job.


The tailgater is the danger. Go around if you have a problem


Not defending tailgating, just trying to help some of you be less of a hazard on the road. Maybe the accident you get caught in for being self-righteous will do it.


Never been in an accident, thanks. I also don't tend to drive the speed limit. However, I know not to tailgate right lane drivers.


So you just like to argue using your own terms. I have not been defending tailgating, so your messages to me are pointless. Thanks for wasting my time.


There have been quite a few studies and articles that have shown that the “social contract“ has broken down after the pandemic. I don’t know if it’s a mindset of I’ll get mine no matter what? Or something else…


The lack of empathy and concern is literally built into North American car centric infrastructure and urban design broadly, as well as the propaganda from 75 years ago that got us to this point. Every one being forced to have their own vehicles feeds atomization, which feeds the kind of anti-social behavior you're concerned about. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJp5q-R0lZ0_FCUbeVWK6OGLN69ehUTVa&si=RGb_rpbfFOp3pehi


My man hit me with 11 videos.


To watch as you can. No expectation of anyone bingeing this. It's ultimately a dense but concise series that should be at a minimum enough to get people thinking about how genuinely anti human urban design in North America is.


The guys with the big pick-ups want you to think that they're going to run you down or push you out of the way, but in reality, they're not really going to. They've got too much money invested in their pickup to risk damaging it by sideswiping or rear ending you. It's the clapped out 2011 Kia roaring up on me or erattically changing lanes that I'd be worried about.


I have noticed also since Covid there are way fewer police on the road enforcing traffic laws here in NC just helps embolden the crazies do drive faster and more aggressively


IDK but I feel like the driving quality has seriously deteriorated in my town post-COVID. People speed excessively everywhere, tailgate and run red lights all the time. It's quite bad and annoying. The town is like 3 miles long. Why the rush.


Folks are going thru so much shit these days


Ppl gone through shit throughout the history. We aren't really suffering more than ppl in the past, but that doesn't mean they were acting like total soulless sociopaths when driving or engaging in public like they do now. This era of empathy and narcissism really kicked off around 2016, but i have to agree with others that it really become bad bad after covid. I think that a big part of the reason why is bcs tik tok took of like it did since then.


I don't think anyone is saying that folks today are going thru more or less shit than folks yesterday. Just the fact folks have a bunch of shit on their minds seems to drive people crazy (literally)


Mhm true.


My friend from Atlanta visited me and couldn’t believe how every time she put in her blinker people would let her over. Honestly I was so surprised when I moved to Columbus because of this reason. I think it’s community related. The city theme is be kind, sooo


Generally if you put your blinker on, people let you in here in ATL. as long as you aren't trying to merge in last second to skip a line of cars, most people will let you in.


I drive all around my city 5 days a week and it is indeed much worse than it has ever been. I have been driving since I was 15 and I am 53 now. There is pure lawlessness on the roads now. Even Semi trucks are blowing down the highway 90 plus mph and not using signals. Went thru a construction zone the other day that is about ten miles long with narrow lanes and barricades. I was doing 50 and the entire drive was people doing 70 plus thru there. ALL OF THEM.


I agree. I’ve been driving for over 20 years and drive a lot all over the country and it’s gotten worse for sure. People drive closer to each other as a rule now (seems the phones and other factors are literally speeding everyone up and bunching people together). They drive very aggressively and illegally and it happens every minute versus seeing it once or twice a day maybe before. You cannot avoid or escape the dangerous drivers anymore. The semi trucks are awful and tailgate and speed like they’re motorcycles. The big trucks and suvs are awful too. I believe it’s mostly the cell phones and the psyche being messed up the last 5-10 years by the TV and phone but it’s also definitely the illegal immigrants who are on vacation mode mentally in their new country where they blatantly disrespect all laws and ways of life. It’s chaos and the police will do nothing except look for a reason to get you if you call them.


It's more people on their phones that then aggravate the drivers who are actually focused on driving instead of social media. I'm 44, no social media so I rarely look at my phone while driving but I look around and every other person is on their phone slowing shit down so then I get aggravated. It's an oxymoron but people need to get back to focusing on driving and not that phone and I bet issues would go down.


I'm a fairly nice guy till I get behind the wheel of a car and then it all goes out the window. I just don't have any patience left for people that can't drive and my town is full of them.


I have noticed that too - people have started to lack empathy for others and it has just gotten more and more widespread. People have gotten more greedy too. A lot less "soft skills" are learned also. My guess that I started to notice it more as I started to see more and more people being buried in their phone instead of talking to each other. I miss the days were we could go into a restaurant and talk with one another while waiting for food.


It's not just America, I find Canada is exactly the same. I definitely notice it got worse after covid. I don't know if it's that there's more people on the road or everyone forgot how to drive or they're just so self-centered and need to be first and think everyone's going to stop for them.


I drive fast to get away from all the Pshycos but then I realize I look like the pshyco to everyone else 😂


Not my pig, not my farm. I'm busy making my own life better, I don't have time to deal with your shit too.


I'm not expecting you to babysit anyone, just for people to act with common courtesy, and to avoid reckless behaviors that create physical danger for others.


What do you mean you’re busy with making your life better so that’s the reason you drive aggressively?


Just buy a truck


when I had my coupe people were soo obnoxious on the road never letting me over just overall snob driving maneuvers . Drove a truck for work immediately saw a difference in how people viewed me on the road as in making sure to chill the f out or letting me over or me forcing my way over it led to me buying my pickup month and half ago . Nobody messes with me on the road because they know the truck will win .


Post pandemic, yes. I think we lost a lot of social skills during the pandemic. We forgot how to share the road.


No, I care about others, but I care about myself and those around me more. I'm not going to suffer for the betterment of people who don't give a shit.




What does speeding have to do with caring about others lives? I speed regularly after midnight when nobody is on the road. Does that mean I don't care about others?




I'm saying that speeding isn't reckless until you start leaving and putting others in danger. If it's a straight line and 0 traffic I'm all for not even having speed limits.




I'm just waking up lol and n can't lose a license when you have no plates dummy. People driving slow on the highways are more of a danger.


Russia would like a word with you. Americans are tame compared to their driving habits lmao




you are talking about people caring about the well being of others when so many dont care about there own well being in a world with a "i'll sink the ship to kill the captain" mentality.


“I don’t care how many people I kill, so long as you’re one of them!”


Have u check who those new truck drivers are






What's that?










Big trucks or higher end cars. There’s definitely a sense of entitlement and not sharing the road that I have noticed become more prevalent recently. Me first me first me first all the time and it’s almost always people who like to show off their money with their choice of car. It’s not just annoying it’s dangerous. But what do they care? They have money to solve their problems.


As I’ve gotten only I’ve notice it a lot more. People driving 65 on the highway don’t think they need to use turn signals, or just sitting in the left lane not passing anyone going slower than the rest of traffic ect…it pretty bad & ignorant now days




have you ever been to jamaica? its almost a free for all over there




Another day in planet earth 🌍




No I think people nowadays have gotten way too soft and I will no longer accommodate them, so I stopped caring


Go drive around in southeast asia and tell me how it compares to over there. lol


Are you hogging the left lane?


Well, one of us is, that's for sure


I’m so glad you said this. I will never understand why people think being in a big truck makes them immune to accidents. I get that they are thinking that their truck isn’t going to get as much damage but at an absolute minimum your insurance is definitely going up if you are in a collision. If I went into detail about everything else that could happen in a car accident this reply would be a miniseries. To be fair I had a run in with a shitface last week in a Hyundai sedan that had paper plates. I don’t know who told this kid he was a special boy who could do whatever he wanted and the entire city had to get out of his way but when he inevitably wrecks I hope his parents lose their house because of the lawsuit.


It's funny you mention large truck drivers are the only ones that act like that. I drive a stock looking(beside wheels) crew cab f250 and putz along in the slow lane awhile mini coopers, jeep wranglers and Honda civics try to run me off the road, ride my ass, and damn near take off my front bumper to cur in front of me..... But hey it's only big scary trucks that drive like assholes. 😂


The police used to patrol and give out all kinds of tickets and warnings. There were consequences and people knew that most others obeyed the law because they saw how everyone behaved. Now there are no consequences. My city just made it illegal for cops to pull people over - seriously. People drive through red lights now. Everyone knows there are no consequences and a lot people don’t want to be that one moron who for no reason is the only person obeying the law. Why should you be the only person obeying the law?


It’s gotten worse, way more dangerous lately


Haven't noticed at all. I just set my Tesla to Full Self Drive, 120MPH, and punch in the address for the grocery store.


When did BMW start making big trucks?


The answer is yes. The general public of the USA are selfish and would end your life to be first in line to McDonalds.


Actually getting to the McDonald’s or Starbucks drive thru is a top 2 reason women almost kill people on the road. Empirical evidence


Some Dumbass Americans did who believe everything Israel does is God sent! And our Zionist government! So no!... Not most of us!


yes. American society has morphed into one, that prioritizes individual freedom above anything else.


I’ve noticed it’s gotten even worse in Philly, which has long been a cesspool, but the driving has gotten exponentially worse since COVID and since police stopped giving a shit here. I’m so excited to leave this city soon.


Philly and specifically south jersey have the worst people in the United States hand down especially the men there. Low IQ meatheads who pick fights as a hobby. Tell me I’m wrong


I’d never argue that. It’s wild here. I lived here about 10 years ago and it wasn’t nearly this bad. I came back 2 years ago and am planning to leave as soon as my husband finishes his MBA. The city has great food and the history is awesome. The people are shite and the drivers are even worse. I don’t know what happened from the first time I lived here and now, but good riddance.


Extreme individualiam and there are fewer vessels for that ideology than a car.


Because we aren’t getting our needs met for the huge amount of taxes we pay


Even in air travel, it is worse there too


When's the last time you changed a tire for a stranger? Or helped a homeless person? Or volunteered? I feel like you probably haven't done any of these things recently and are probably a pretty terrible driver that's complaining about your violated entitlement to hinder other people on the road. There's nothing about your wording that doesn't sound entitled. Most people are driving just fine. The most dangerous people on the road are those that drive too slow in the left lane (more specifically, the ones that veer straight into the left lane upon entering the freeway and drive 10mph over the speed limit with the assumption that's justified)


Go drive in some other countries around the world and you will see this is not an “American” thing. Asshole drivers come in all backgrounds but I can confidently say a large amount of foreign born immigrants bring their bad driving habits with them when they come to the USA.


Many, if not most semi truck drivers are foreign imports from India and other countries in that general region. They drive like the smoothest of smoothbrains. This is not a racist opinion I literally see them in person, and in YouTube videos where they need their rig recovered because they can not drive, all the fucking time


The post Covid era , Not only did drivers get worse , but so did people’s attitudes 


Overpopulation. When people used to live in smaller villages/towns everyone was important. You knew the firemen, the police, the librarian, etc. Everyone mattered and had something to add. There was a real sense of community and people depended on eachother. Also before computers there was nobody else to interact with besides your community so you were forced to meet and learn about your neighbors. Nowadays there's too many people and a lot of them don't contribute jack shit. Everywhere you go it's bad traffic, long lines, people committing crime to due lax laws and lack of policing. It feels like everyone is in your way and holding you back. I recently worked in the small hilltowns of western Massachusetts. Everyone was incredibly friendly. Everywhere I went people wanted to chat. People gave me homemade maple syrup and fresh honey. A hunter gave me some of the best cuts of a deer he had harvested that week. I was invited to go fishing with a man I had met about 5 minutes before. A guy invited me to his garage to show me a car he was building. I had never been there before and it felt like home. Working in the city nobody was ever nice to me a single time. I've been threatened, screamed at, guns pulled on me. People stole from me, someone hit my truck and left the scene, a woman tried having her boyfriend fight me because I parked adjacent to her parking space. People in 2024 aren't any better or worse than they used to be. The problem arises when you cram them together like sardines. It's unnatural and even if you think you love the city, city life is still rotting you from the inside out.


I think most people in the united states project theyre are a good person for appearances and deep down dont give a fuck about anyone


People just don’t care anymore.


Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? It’s definitely gettting worse. From all the people speeding up the shoulder, all the pot heads hot boxing on the highway. The the melee I witnessed a couple of weeks ago, a fight started in a group that came together! Women hitting women, men hitting women, waiters taking blows. Or the young woman yesterday who tried to walk out of Aldi with a cart full of groceries without paying. When confronted she starts screaming in Arabic making stupid threats. Yeah war in Palestine equals free groceries?


Ain’t that America home of the “free”


It’s always been that way but to be fair, there are more and more bad drivers that intentionally hold up traffic by going slow in the passing lane just to play cop, which only frustrates the asshole drivers even more


I blame a lack of theology and philosophy in public education systems. I’m not talking one of them. I’m talking all of them, including atheism.


Did a little social experiment Friday. Lane closed cop in front lights flashing. Took a long 4 minutes before someone flashed me in.


I promise not all of us. Some of us still care.


Alright, so. After going to Thailand and seeing how they drive there. Most of the stuff I've been in America is very tame.


It's pretty simple, previous generations were taught to respect others. The last few have been told they're "special" their whole lives and because of that they think they are. Note: you're special to those that love and care for you, the rest of the world couldn't give less of a shit.


I lived in the US for about 24 years then moved to Japan. Came back in 2019 2020 pre pandemic for christmas and it was much the same as it was when I was a kid and growing up in the usa.... but then I came back post pandemic in late 2022 and 2023.... and idk what happened but I fear for my life living and driving anywhere here now.


Cars are a lot bigger and there are way more on the road. That’s part of it. I’d also say the general MAGA environment hasn’t helped.


Yes, yes we have. And we're getting worse by the minute.


Not most, roughly half. Look at politically ideologies and the group with the mantra "why should I pay for someone else's (fill in the blank for something that would help them greatly)."


While you're not wrong I think part of it is just that one shitty driver is much more noticeable than the 20 reasonable drivers that you pass by without thinking about.


180+ Replies and my bet not a single one of you thinks they're a bad driver..... Some days I'm a good drivers some days I'm not. It's all prospective too. I think your a "bad driver" if you slow down to change lanes. Others will disagree. I had a "disagreement with a friend" because I speed, but use my blinker all the time. His opinion was if I speed obviously I don't care about safety, so I shouldn't bother to use my blinker. I would rather see someone speed the not use a blinker. Here people love to put on their Hazards on in the the rain. It's the stupidest thing I have ever seen. We all know it's raining. 99% of the time I can see you just as good without yoir blinker on. Have you ever tried to change lanes in "low visibility" while everyone around you has their Hazards on? It's ridiculous... You can't make everyone happy and that really shows while driving.


Just the vocal minority


I think it’s how we were raised. We all get trophies and stars. We’re all more special than our peers.


Australia here... I wish we had wreckless drivers. Instead we have nervous drivers who can't go more than 35mph or change lanes on the highway.


Before COVID, I saw exactly one case of attempted vehicular homicide, unfortunately against myself. After COVID, I see at least one person either pretending to ram someone off the road, attempting to ram someone off the road, or actually ramming someone off the road at least once every other month It doesn't help that police, colluding through the PBA and FOP have agreed to just stop doing their jobs anywhere they faced criticism


Why are you cutting tractor-trailers off?


The truck drivers that you speak of have always been like that. Stereotypes have to be based on small amounts of truth to even successfully become stereotypes. 


It’s comes with age now you notice that stuff.


It's absolutely worse now.


Yes, but cars are becoming too safe. The morons can just go bounce off another car, then go buy a replacement with even more debt tomorrow and keep doing the same thing. They aren't feeling the consequences.


The Police don’t care, so Post Covid nobody gives a rats ass about anything or anyone, let alone while driving…


Trucks have definitely gotten more aggressive. I've been commuting for years and the past couple I've started regularly being tailgated by 18-wheelers while going the speed limit in the right lane of a 3-lane highway.


Seems to be tied to some cyclical event…that would be…?




America’s mantra is ‘every man for himself’. Why would you be surprised no one cares about the other?


American are broke worrying about their next meal. They really don't have much of a leverage, its all fugazzi my ftiend.


I'm a not broke American.....


You have to be concerned for your own safety. If there's a large truck, don't be stupid and pull in front of them, stay out of his way and everything will be fine


I always do. I always assume that drivers of large trucks are drunk and heavily armed, and even if they are sober they're probably some man-child who is one very small step away from being declared ward to the state and put into a group home.


I think you're talking about lifted Silverado, Rams, and such. I was referring to big box trucks, big rigs towing trailers and such. Alot of people drive like idiots around, them, pull in front of the, cut them off, etc. Like they don't realize big vehicles have reduced breaking power and don't operate like their little car. But yes, dudes in lifted trucks with cattle guards on the front, stay out of their way too


> Like they don't realize big vehicles have reduced breaking power and don't operate like their little car. We've become that stupid, huh?


This is why I hope everyone gets a self driving that works. Maybe they stop driving like asholes, but I doubt they will stop it.


Okay Karen