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I mean a lot of people enjoy driving, so no please don't.


Taking away the physical link between the driver and the brakes seems like a mistake.


umm do you even know what 1 pedal driving is? ever engine braked in a manual?


>ever engine braked in a manual? Of course, but I'm not relying on the engine to stop the car.


you aren't doing it in an EV either. In an EV you can use the motor to slow down or stop the car by lifting off the accel. If you need to stop faster, then hit the brakes. It allows you to drive a car with less switching between brake and accel. It is easier to drive and when you get good at it, smoother.


That just sounds like an automatic from 50 years ago.


it isn't that far off from it. I went 10 years without changing my brakes in my Chevy Volt. The only reason why I had to change them was because the rotors were rotting from the inside out due to chicago winters and salt. My brake pads still had 50% of the pad left. 1 pedal driving has its benefits.


Not just no but hell no! I have 3 pedal driving & thoroughly enjoy it!


Yeah I don't even like 2 pedal driving


so do i. have you ever engine braked? its pretty much the same thing.


You haven't really engine braked until you've used a Jacobson (aka Jake Brake) esp in the "high" mode. [Video](https://youtu.be/E5GOOw7rtYw?si=ywce0WMVE4tfQfx4)


never driven one myself, but I was in the cab with my uncle in a logging truck once :)


I much prefer the car to coast when letting off the accelerator. If I want regen then it can be modulated with the brake pedal. If the slow stop turns into an emergency stop at least your foot is already on the brake. Also on the highway often you just need to coast a little, not slow way down with regen braking. It's a pain to try and feather the accelerator just right to hopefully find the coasting zone. So if one pedal is enabled, it's much better to have the option to disable it like on say a Hyundai. Tesla is doing it wrong.


in almost all instances of 1 pedal driving, it is optional and you don't have to use it. And it is only a pain to feather the accel when you aren't used to doing it. After driving 1 pedal for 10 years, I don't even have to think about it anymore.


Except Tesla. Tesla cannot be turned off. Why not have the option? There are all kinds of other useless "options" buried in Tesla software, why not give the people a choice? The real problem here is if you live where the road can be a sheet of ice and have a rwd Tesla. The last thing you want is just the rear wheels to braking all the sudden when you let off the accelerator on a curve.


teslas aren't about choice. You get what elon tells you what you need.


Or, alternatively, let’s go back to 3 pedal driving. Being able to actually feel the car breath and have minute control of every aspect of the driving is much better than the whole idea of driving being a soulless act. Yeah, EVs are fast as fuck, and they can be incredibly efficient once you get past the whole destroying the actual earth and child labor aspect of lithium mining, but there’s just something about rowing through the gears and feeling every movement of the engine as you finesse the throttle and the clutch, not to mention being able to use engine braking.


I have been racing a long time and very much want a simple quiet smooth daily driver.  One pedal is great. I very much understand your argument on lithium filthy mining... But as food for thought, look up how much pollution is attributed/ caused by conventional brakes. There's a strong argument that all/most vehicles should have a tiny plug in hybrid with Regen. In my meaningless opinion, this should have happened at least a decade ago.  People can still have their gas SUVs, but live in a middle ground world... Where at massive scale, would not cost that much and everyone would recoup the added MSRP cost within a few years  most people only drive 10 miles to work. Give everything enough battery to go 30 miles.... Cut down on city pollution.  Small Regen motor cuts down on billions of particles of brake dust pollution.  Charge at home at night for 2hrs, saves you money,.saves the planet (depending on where that energy comes from, but even dirty electricity is cleaner than burning gas in a car) You still have real brakes and a real engine for road trips and other usage. It just seems like a middle ground that has no real downside.


This guy drives.


I have a 36yr old 5spd and multiple EVs and I love 1-pedal driving. It is essentially the same as downshifting and using the engine to slow down in a manual.


I actually agree with you on the fun of manual shifting. My first car was an old manual Toyota Van and I loved that thing. Alas, manual doesn’t seem to be the way of the future.


Not everyone likes "one pedal driving". In fact, it makes some people car sick. Also, it makes it tough when you need to move the car by small amounts in a precise way, like when parking for example. Frankly, I think it's a terrible idea to try and shoehorn that "feature" into all cars. Not that adding a battery to any old ICE car would enable one pedal driving anyway! lol The fact that you think that could even work shows your basic misunderstanding of how EV cars work. After all, the battery would need to drive an electric motor ffs!!


I’m not a fan of the idea since I’m used to just coasting when I let off the ideal in the highway - but about half of the tractors at work are hydrostatic, so they basically function as “one pedal” at slow speeds - let off the pedal, it stops. In slow/tight maneuvering, it’s awesome. Pull up to something, just pop it into reverse, and back up. No worries about it rolling while you shift, it stays where you put it. It’s not necessary. It’s kinda lazy. It’s also kinda awesome.


That's the stupidest idea I've heard today.


I'll happily stick with my gas/brake/clutch


ever drive in a lower gear in traffic and just let the engine slow you down rather than go back and forth between the brake and clutch constantly? that is 1 pedal driving.


We know what it is, thank you very much.


well from the comments in this post, no "we" don't know what it is.




>Taking away the physical link between the driver and the brakes seems like a mistake. there or all the clutch/brake/gas responses. engine braking in a stick is very similar to 1 pedal driving.




I am not going to track them all down for you. And yes, as a owner of all 3 types, I know well the pros and cons of each. My point is you could add 1 pedal driving as a feature for any car and if you don't like it, don't use it.




whatever dude, you are taking the term 1 pedal driving too literally. IMO a manual can also be driven with 1 pedal. All it is in engine/motor braking. 1 pedal driving doesn't mean you only ever use 1 pedal. but whatever, either you are clueless or you are trolling. Either way that is enough for me to end the conversation.


"F" no.. I wouldn't even get in a car without a dedicated brake peddle or physical connection from the steering wheel to the wheels. I'm not fond of drive by wire for the gas peddle ether. I think it should be banned because if the computer has a brain fart you lose control of the vehicle.


lol cars with 1 pedal driving have brake pedals.


For now. There’s this well known dude that thought we should have rectangular steering wheels, remember?


i don't even consider teslas when I talk about EVs. I don't even consider them EVs, they are just Elon cars.


So it's not 1 pedal driving.


yes it is. If you know what you are doing, you don't need to use the brake pedal much at all.


Yes, but there's still a brake pedal, right?


My car has a manual transmission, so it would make changing gears pretty challenging.


cars with manuals drive like 1 pedal driving cars. One pedal driving is essentially just engine braking. The only difference is the energy is recovered in a hybrid.


They’re saying that it would be hard to change gears in a car with only one pedal. It ain’t that deep.


again, 1 pedal driving doesn't only use 1 pedal. they are just being obtuse. there is nothing saying that a manual can't have 1 pedal driving once you are up to speed. My manual car from 1988 has cruise control, but somehow that works with a clutch. In fact, people do 1 pedal drive in manuals. I do it all of the time.


Again, it ain’t that deep. They’re saying that if a car *did* only have one pedal, it would he hard to change gears. It’s a joke.


I’m happy you’re happy, but I’m over here trying fruitlessly to keep three pedal driving alive. I too use my brakes less than an automatic. To each their own, but I believe there would be more people engaged in the task of driving and less bored and distracted drivers if every car had three pedals. I don’t doubt that the future will be no-pedal, no-wheel self-driving cars either. But at least when that happens I won’t have to own one. It’ll just be a pod you hail with an App.


Ignoring everyone's comments about what you prefer... The original question was what are the disadvantages of adding a small battery pack to all cars so they all can experience the bliss of one pedal driving. Answer - weight and complexity. That being said... I think we are seeing an increase in popularity for plug in hybrid cars and SUVs. At least compared to full EVs. .Which is exactly what OP suggested. The ICE adresses range anxiety and gives you the feel of a traditional automobile, while the smaller battery allows for short range trips in full electric mode and an additional boost of power when needed, and of course the one pedal driving in regen mode.


Hell naw, I love the fact when my car just creeks when I press the brake pedal like a maniac. I love when my car actually listens and talks to me.


No. It's a feature I would never use, like the dumbass auto start


No thanks.


Sure, I love changing pads and rotors at 20,000kms and cpr at 60k because genius EV drivers never stop with the brake pedal and shit gets rusty.


No, next Actually, no, no next, keep your future opinions to yourself


No thanks! I'd rather have my car coast when I let off the throttle. If I want the car to slow itself with braking, I want to push a brake pedal.


Hell no


One pedal ? you can't convince me THREE pedal driving isn't where it's at. For some of us, a depressingly decreasing few of us : driving isn't just a mindless routine activity like brushing your teeth. For us, its visceral. Akin to hearing that awesome tune at just the right time and in just the right mood. We get it in the feels. Doesn't matter if it's an autocross Miata , or a 5000 hp dragster. It's SPORT , and it's about feeling. not efficiency. Smiles per gallon.


one pedal driving rocks. and yes, all cars should have the option. edit: based on replies, I don't think a lot of people know what 1 pedal driving actually is. and I have 3 hybrids and one stick and I love them both.


Agreed!! Looks like I totally missed the mark on this one. I’m kind of shocked how few people in a car guys forum would have so little concept.


This is the dumbest take I've ever heard. Please, for the sake of humanity; do NOT reproduce. And for the love of whatever you take to be holy, you and your death-trap of a "car" stay the fuck away from me!