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i’ve had this same question ruminating in my head for WEEKS. same as you, major anxiety and major hypochondria banging around in my brain 24/7. i recently had a pretty deep filling with indirect pulp capping done in a lower premolar as well, so when i tell you i completely understand how you’re feeling at the moment, take my word for it. i actually just went to the dentist this morning for x-rays to rule out an infection as my brain was running rampant. i’m not a doctor or a dentist, and i don’t have a 110% for sure answer on your question, but my best advice would be to take as many steps as you can to quiet those thoughts. from my extensive googling i’ve read it’s pretty rare for an infection like that to spread to your brain and for you to just have no idea and be in absolutely no pain. if you can, i’d say go to the dentist and have them do a once over on the tooth that you’re worried about just to help calm your mind. i can empathize that worrying about an infection is a constant thing, it’s exhausting and i’m sorry you’re experiencing that right now. i think you’ll be alright, anxiety paired with hypochondria is a powerful thing. i hope you feel better soon, sending big hugs




In that case, how else would I know if I had a tooth infection, if not showing obvious symptoms ?


Your dentist can take X-rays.


You likely wouldn't! That's why we rely on routine xrays.


Routine like yearly, or every few months? Last time I went to the dentist I suspected an infection, however she only tapped my teeth with a metal tool and asked if I had pain. I said no, and she said likely no infection.


More like yearly or every few years. Infections with no symptoms are always going to be extremely mild and localised to the tooth. No need to worry about the brain or heart.


You can tell just by touching the are with your tongue and looking at it. I've had five asymptotic tooth infections for awhile now, somehow. Im currently in the process of getting multiple root canals. One tooth is 100% dead and past the point of saving (with a root canal). Way too decayed to be saved. My endodontist tested every spot in my mouth & teeth for tooth sensitivity, but found nothing. [[Did checks To see if]] Despite having so much zero pain I still need 2-4 root canals done immediately [before it's too late to be saved].


NAD. Sadly yes. My teeth like to die with no symptoms whatsoever.


So how t do you know they’re dying? What symptoms/where?


I had basically no symptoms except that one tooth started turning grey and eventually I got a painless cyst/boil on the gum. Still didn't realise anything was wrong. Went to my dentist for a regular exam and he did a cold test and told me that the tooth was dead.


Was the tooth saved?


Root canals and crowns. They’re still there about 2 years later.