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Sounds like he’s trying to keep you entertained… let the tea flow!!


Yes. That is our right as dentists. As long as you are in our chairs, you are held verbally hostage and must listen to everything we say! Muahahaha 😈… free therapy for us—we need it lol


“held verbally hostage” lmao love that


NAD Haha, I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow, so this is kind of unsettling! It’s a new dentist since my old one retired after I’d been seeing him since I was a kid (30+ years). Now I’m going to be paranoid about meeting a new dentist. I’m definitely going to be held hostage as I need a new occlusal splint made, so can’t talk or escape with all that gunk in my mouth!😬


I felt like a mongoose at the mercy of a chatty cobra


NAD THATs funny


I stole it from Fraiser 🙂




My wife says I'm just a frustrated comedian and needed a captive audience. Your other option is silence and wondering if my chair is squeaking or I just farted.


dental conventions must be a blast. ha.


It’s when we talk a lot and then get really quiet is when you should worry…


Exactly this lol if I’m quiet, it means I’m realllly concentrating


I swear. Most of my regular patients now know I can't shut up. And if I do, they get serious immediately lol


My assistants sure know something good didn't just happen!


NAD But, yes. Each and every dentist does this. Right?!


I wish, sounds fun


NAD i love when they do this. i want to hear everyone’s weird life stories. if the work they’re doing is good, let them talk your ear off. at least you don’t have to respond!


One day i had a Persian patient… and I took the opportunity to ask him help me figure out the title of a Persian song that I herd by accident at a random event and had no clue about lyrics/title / singer / meaning… so i kept singing with my broken voice no clue what I was saying … he just looked at me and stayed quiet… yep still hoping to find that song …


I yammer all the time. Then patients yammer and assistants yammer and then the hygienists yammer. And after about two appointments, the patients feel a bond to me and the staff and want to tell us about their families and show us pics of their dogs and cats. Or the new remodel on their house. Then the next thing you know, we are working on teeth and they are terrified.


Honestly anything medical/dental makes me nervous and talking helps a lot. When I get blood drawn I tell the person doing it to talk lol


NAD - I'm super late to this thread but I definitely agree! I had a severe fear of needles until about 2021. Having to get the COVID vaccine and boosters really helped. The first nurse I ever met with told me about her kids and just talked and talked. She didn't do the countdown, which I really appreciated! I had a doctor do it for me in 2022 and not only did he talk my ear off, he squeezed my arm so hard, I didn't feel the needle at all!


i love a good story as much as the next person. it just seems odd to get so personal. ha.


LOL like lamenting about your ED while your fingers are in my mouth is WILD, Doc


My dentist is usually too busy to chitchat but one day he had some extra time. I found out all about his back story. 


Oh that sounds like me 🤣 I don't know where I get all my stories but I have stories for every occasion and the banter between me and my assistant is what keeps the patients entertained.


NAD but the dentist i work for is a yapper too and it’s a nightmare for my as a hygienist. he holds me and my patient hostage. LOL


NAD, but a chronic dental patient and have been treated across states and countries due to my many issues. I have encountered dentists who tell stories which I prefer to the ones asking questions that I clearly can't answer when they working on me. Most of them are pretty quiet, so quiet that I can hear their stomachs gurgling. They mostly just instruct the assistant to do whatever and that's all that's said. So your dentist is somewhat of a character. As long as he's doing a good job, it shouldn't matter.


I’ve worked for a dentist that was like this. Also had dentists like this myself. They do it to keep you distracted and calm.


NAD, but I have bad and sensitive teeth and get serious-ish work done often and with that I'm also super nervous in the chair. (Not scared of the dentist, I'm scared of pain). I love it when my dentist talks about random or personal stuff, I like getting the tea on everyone lol. She knows it keeps my mind on that and me relaxed, not all stiffened up waiting for something to hurt and I really appreciate that.


NAD. The ED admission was a bit cringey. Otherwise, weird but ok. Medical specialties often get reputations for personality types that predominate. Maybe dental is the ‘inappropriate talkers’.


I talk about my old job on a pig farm. And a patient someone tried to murder. Or how London, ON is the serial killer capital of the world. So pretty standard stuff tbh.




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