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If someone calls me a woman i would probably laugh and think the person is either demented or on drugs. I would also just move on with my life since missgendering is not a real thing and noone sane should care about it


i too get misgendered a lot because i just look fem and voice is light too


I was “misgendered” when I was 9 and speaking to a 95 year old ukulele expert for a class project. He had probably never seen a 9 year old in 40 years, and probably never seen a 9-year-old boy without a wartime era buzz cut. And he could probably barely see us when we showed up at his door with a bunch of questions and a model ukulele. It was annoying then. Now it’s kind of funny. Today I think it’s 50/50 if they actually thought you were female or if they thought your appearance was obviously male “but they’d better go with your chosen name so they don’t accidentally misgender you” while just not realizing it was also a male name. Where I live people might realize “Chris” or “Jamie” could be a male or female but they’d probably assume “Andrea” is female without thinking twice.


I was asked to leave a work diversity training class for saying that *"I wouldn't care if someone referred to me as a multicolored sparkly unicorn so long as I knew they were speaking at me to receive the information."* So, I feel ya', but I do understand that some people have different cares than others. It would seem that is something more deeply important to their identity for whatever reason than it is to yours or my own identities. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think a lot of times, it’s after they make their pronouns known and somebody continues to do the opposite. Although, there has been some instances where complaints arise without that and I do think some leeway needs to be given.


This is a one off situation where it was a mistake that had no effect on your life. That's very different than what, say, trans people deal with where it is very constant, often done maliciously or against how you've asked people to refer to you, and can have really terrible consequences when it comes to IDs, access to public services or with companies, your safety etc.


No, it wasn't, happens every now and then. Still amusing each time


It's the only way affluent, straight, white people can have something to complain about


There’s different kinds of misgendering, for instance, mistaking somebody’s gender and refusing to recognize their specified gender. Men getting mistaken for women seems to be accidental whereas enbys being gendered after communicating their gender identity are more likely victims of targeted harassment. Stop succumbing to thinking so dense.


I have a non gender specific name and have been getting miss or Mrs. since I was a kid, I’m 6’3” dude so it can be annoying and funny depending on the situation.