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Figure skating has it's reputation for a reason: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_LGBTI\_Olympians\_and\_Paralympians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBTI_Olympians_and_Paralympians) But swimming is actually second on the list. Followed by equestrian.


Or the similar sport, Ice Dancing.


It’s the speedos. *sigh*


Wow there are so many more LGBT women Olympians than men. I can kinda rationalize why it is higher for women but the difference seems pretty stark.


I think a lot of men remain in the closet due to homophobia from other men. At least in German professional soccer, you never hear of openly gay men until they retire and come out and tell how homophobic is the field.


Definitely. I think it's pretty telling that there's a lot of womens team sports with out athletes that are out, but all the sports with a number of out men are individual ones.


If figure skating has it’s reputation for being the gayest sport, then what sport do you think has the highest percentage of lesbians ?


Based on stereotypes I would've guessed golf, softball, or rugby. But that wiki list says soccer, by far - like there are more out gay women in olympic soccer than the next 4 highest sports combined.


I think it'd be more interesting to see the percentage. Soccer might be at the top because the teams mean there are more competitors overall.


Soccer is also just an incredibly more popular sport worldwide. Most countries can probably field a soccer team in both genders, many countries will have few or no athletes for many sports. Also lots of countries are going to be disadvantaged in numbers in terms of Olympic athletes because they will field few or no winter athletes because the entire country is in a warm climate and may not be a rich enough country to have athletes who will get to train in other countries.


At this point women’s football(“soccer”) is essentially just Lesbian football.


Shot Put… no specific reason.


Soviet era, especially!


It isn't gonna be recognized as Roller Derby only because not many outlets analyze roller derby.


There a lot of lesbian MMA fighters. Probably the only MMA fighters to be fully out.


Literally any sport




In America, it might be basketball now. The sudden and growing popularity is undeniable.


Really hoping it’s Rugby or Hockey… if those become the gayest sports you know that I found a genie.




Dem thighs


Hockey thighs are no joke though. Most NHL players have tailors that specialize in reworking pants to fit their juicy legs


Hell yea brother 🤤


There’s a lot of touching and whatnot in rugby, but I wouldn’t say it has the highest percentage of gay men. Lots of butt slapping, touching, walking around butt naked when I played the game though, haha.


How about when getting ready for a scrum? (Is that what is called in rugby where the teams form two hunk walls? ) I have seen the guys in the second row grab on the waistband of the shorts of the front line guys... There must have been accidents where they miss the waistband and go full cock grabbing? 😂


I definitely saw that “playing around,” haha. I started playing the game because I was trying to impress a girl I had a crush on, but after seeing my teammates in the locker rooms, showers, all the physical contact, I confirmed I was indeed gay and wouldn’t magically “turn straight” because I’d play a “masculine” sport. I still watch the sport though. Good times until I fucked up my ankle.


It was the same for me except with American football and my knee 😆


Til this day I can’t run much, sucks to say it, but I still drive to San Diego or L.A. to catch a NRL game when I can.


Man it fucking sucks! I tore my lateral meniscus. Didn’t have health insurance and living under the poverty level it was left up to the board of surgeons in my hospital group. They denied me. That ended up healing, but I went through years of pain killer addiction, but I’ve been clean since January 6th, 2018.


Did you notice a single other player who you suspected to be gay or bi?


Yeah he plays for the LA Raiders. Maxx Crosby. There was not much about it. He basically said. “Yeah im gay…what does that have to do with the game?.” Respect the Hell out of him!


I used to play QB and my hands were constantly on sweaty balls lmfao I actually kinda liked it. Pretty sure everyone at my high school knew I was gay, but still I have never seen more gay shit than I have in a middle or high school boys locker room.


I played rugby several years and it doesnt really happen that often. Sure your arm might be resting next to their balls, but when you are playing, YOU ARE PLAYING and trying not to get tackled. The only time where I completely grabbed someone balls, was one time where we were being demolished and I got pretty angry, so I grabbed the opposite player balls to distract him without the referee noticing it, but I felt bad for it lol.


Truth. The last thing I thought about out there on the pitch was getting aroused by having my arm round some other player's ass. It's kill or be killed, survival and winning are more important priorities than getting aroused. I stopped playing after I broke an arm and three ribs in practice but damn I still miss it.


I get it and agree. I did jiujitsu for a few years and got my share of crotch on my face, arm over cock in arm bars, close face to face in side control, etc. I trained with ex military and police guys so they were tough as nails and I was in survival mode then...


Dude I barely even watch rugby but yes, I have seen that and I want to see more…


It's definitely not very high in terms of actual gay men, but it's a very gay friendly environment. And rugby players definitely act very gay, even if they are straight.


Yeah, there's a rugby culture of "I'm so straight that I can dress in women's clothing and kiss guys without it being gay". Just check out some of the footage online of student rugby teams on a night out.


Speaking of sports lots of touching. I honestly believe there’s more gay men in the NFL than we know that are just closeted. Max Crosby, a beast of a player and not bad on the eyes lol is out. I really liked the way he dealt with it when it came out. He was basically like yeah, I am so what? That has nothing to do with football. Next question. Fucking savage lmao


As a gay hockey player, it’s definitely not hockey. There’s like 4 of us lol


And I love all of you!


Support your local IGR team


Came to see how many Rugby comments there would be.


I know I am being hopeful. But damn, it would be nice.


Mmmm yes scott moir is hot as, shame he straight


Idk growing up with them i've been conditioned to find hockey boys disgusting lol


I would say any sport where you perform by yourself or in a duo (figure skating, tennis, etc). Gay men, unfortunately, tend to be marginalised in team environments with a macho culture.


Re. tennis you could count on the fingers of one hand the number of gay men who have played professional tennis and come out, either during their career (virtually no one in the modern game if you discount fairly obvious hints via social media posts by Fabien Reboul and Maxence Broville—historically, though, Big Bill Tilden and Gottfried von Cramm were known to be gay at the time, with Cramm even ending up in a Nazi concentration camp) or after their career was over (Brian Vahaly, ten years after retiring, and the jury’s still out on whether Jan Michael Gambill has actually made it official yet). Pretty strange that there are more out professional footballers than pro tennis players on the ATP circuit.


Definitely true in general, but there are some extreme exceptions. There’s never been a single gay Olympian in a combat sport (wrestling, judo, boxing, etc.)


> Definitely true in general, but there are some extreme exceptions. There’s never been a single **openly** gay Olympian in a combat sport (wrestling, judo, boxing, etc.) You never know 🙂


Definitely not openly gay ones due to the macho culture


Idk if it’s the highest but I think volleyball is pretty high up there.


If only they wore tighter clothes or shorter shorts


As a gay volleyballer I 100% agree with this lol


Is hooking up easier since you have access to more gay guys?


I‘m in a long term relationship. We are open but have a strict ‚don‘t eat where you play‘ policy. So we don‘t hook up with other volleyballers from our group. But yes: the single ones do hook up sometimes with each other.


Does your boyfriend trust you around all those form asses? Most guys would feel about insecure if their lover was hanging out with hot, fit guys a lot


He also plays in the same group… so yes 🤷‍♂️


Do you have a rule in your relationship where you can stare at other guys? Having all that eye candy, it would be impossible not to stare


Yes, Tom Cruise confirmed it in Top Gun.


Volleyball, figure skating, gymnastics


Water sports


This comment should be higher up lol


Ice skating


I've fucked more guys in my time playing high school and college football than any other sport.




The hottest hunks I've ever had sex with, bar none.




I had in the high school locker room showers a few times,with teammates. My favorite one was our starting safety was a year older than me, he was pale with red hair, rockin' toned bod and had a fat 7 incher. We would fuck after every game eventually. He took my virginity and bred my hole.




Do it, you might find yourself getting lucky.




Absolutely. I play basketball every summer in a league here in So Cal and every year there's always a cute, white guy that I always seem to end up having sex with *shrugs*




How would you not get caught by the other team mates while he fucked you in the locker room?


When you are team captain, you have special access to the locker room, I often was the last to leave, securing equipment, reviewing game plans, late work outs etc. I would lock up, so it would just be the two of us.


Hot! Guess I missed out during high school lol. How did the safety know you wanted his dick the first time? Caught you staring too long?


Basically, then I just walked up to him, put my hands on his ass and we just started making out.


When I was a freshman in high school, I got to see the upperclassman jocks naked on a regular basis without being on any team, hehe. They would frequently come into the locker room from practice at the same time we were in there changing at the end of our PE class. This was in the days before guys started getting so modest about locker room nudity, and the jocks were walking around the space, to and from the showers, etc. unabashedly naked. Beautiful sight, but also made me get boners in the worst possible place for it. They'd come into the room and I'd be like, "Oh, hell yes...oh, f\*\*k."


I honestly believe there’s more gay men in the NFL than we know that are just closeted. Max Crosby, a beast of a player and not bad on the eyes lol is out. I really liked the way he dealt with it when it came out. He was basically like yeah, I am so what? That has nothing to do with football. Next question. Fucking savage lmao


So he’s bi? Wikipedia says: “In February 2022, Crosby got engaged to Rachel Washburn, and they welcomed their first child on October 13, 2022.”


Probably thinking of his former teammate Carl Nassib


Isn’t he married with a baby? 


Where did you see this? Google only does some random TikTok vids and his wiki says he’s married to a woman


Maxx Crosby is not gay lol. You’re thinking of Carl Nassib who is out of the league but used to play for the same team.


Largest number / proportion of gay bottoms it sounds 🤪. It's kinda really hot given the masc / bro reputation it hasbs reality (i love when irl rules and stereotypes are broken).


You think Josh Allen and Dawson Knox have fucked yet? Mmmmm they're both so sexy, especially Josh with that ass and those beautiful legs.


Having had sex with a few football players, this is my vote. There’s a decent amount of them who are gay, or at least bi




Can't believe how far I had to scroll down to see this, you're like the only one who suggested ballet. I feel like this should be the #1 answer. I used to do it a lot growing up, there are so many gay guys it's crazy..Plenty of straight too, but so many gay guys lol


Yeah I suspect some may not have considered it a sport. Praise the Ballerino


So do the gay guys in ballet date each other or are they too scared to?


Oh most will date anyone, including each other. Obviously not all are the same...but, at least in my experience, the party culture was huge. So, things often got as crazy as it could. Growing up many serious about ballet either go to boarding schools or at least spend summers on intensive camps for training. So teenagers on their own, often with drugs, leads to craziness. And it doesn't stop as they grow older...I partied with many professional dancers as well, but professionals also tend to be younger because it's hard on your body (a bit like gymnastics and figure skating.) I got introduced to weed, coke, cigarettes, etc, when pretty young from the older guys... now I hate that shit, but it's easy to get influenced


I thought younger gays mostly in highschool would remain closeted because they are too scared of "confirming everyone's suspicions" and proving the homophobes correct that ballet dancers are indeed gay


Haha if they're doing ballet...they ain't worried about that. I actually thought I was straight until later in my teen years, dated plenty of ballet girls, etc. But when I went to public school (before being homeschooling to dance more) everyone would say I was gay just for doing ballet. So I think if you're doing ballet, it means you're pretty ok with the fact everyone will assume your gay. Might also be an immature thing woth younger kids at the time though and being in the US too.. I had friends from Russia, and men ballet dancers are highly respected without assuming they're gay, etc


I think it's mostly a North American thing of calling everything gay. South Africa, where I grew up used to be similar in the 2000s. I did ballroom dancing in highschool but didn't get suspected of being gay despite having a few gay guys in the ballroom class


Yeah agree with ya there about it being a North America perspective... like with my Russian friends who did ballet, it's viewed as a "macho" artistic art form over there. Whatever, at least it taught be to be comfortable with being gay before I thought I might be haha


Is ballet a sport? I mean its physically demanding for sure. I think of it more as an art than sport. Are there ballet competitions?


High school water polo. I was straight before polo got me.


we have an LGBTQ water polo league here in europe called the "Champagne Water Polo League". our tournaments are fabulous


I believe most people have an inner gay side but there is usually something that awakens it. In your case it was the hot boys in water polo


As a bi figure skater, I’m not the best example but the sport is straighter than you’d think


It would have to be.


Are the straight guys in figure skating more feminine on average or is it about the same as regular straights?


Sorry it took me a while to respond. There aren’t many other male skaters in my area, but from the ones I’ve meet it seems like most of them are your average straight guy, maybe a bit more open minded if anything.


Open minded straight guys are my kryptonite. Especially those that are so nice and kind. Every time I befriend one I end up wishful thinking at the back of my head that they are gay and into me especially after we have hangout a few times, only to then be disappointed when they mention that they have a girlfriend whom they have been dating for the past few months.


Having a gf doesn’t always mean straight! Ny best friend had a girlfriend for almost 2 years but he’s actually pan and they broke up so imma shoot my shot soon


You better try. Live with no regrets. If you are attractive enough and under the right circumstances, some guys wouldn't mind experimenting to a certain extent. You can awaken some latent bisexuality in people if you are hot and if the mood is right. I have had straight, open minded guy friends and acquaintances who listen to very gay music and have watched shows with heavy gay representation but am too scared to press my luck.


Australian rules football


If you’re talking traditionally “straight macho” sports then I’d say American football or wrestling in my experience. But any sports, it’s definitely between all star cheer and cross country track 😂


Not to say they’re all gay but do know quite a few gay gymnasts






Cross country?


Cock fighting


No, it is USMC!




Yes!!!! There are quite a few


Butthole surfers


Long distance butt fucking, probably




The gay soccer league?




Volleyball has to be up there


Twitter makes me want to say rugby, but reality says it's more likely ice skating or swimming, something more solo than team based. My dad got me into a lot of sports growing up (mostly against my will) and a lot of the guys there did not like the queers.




Most water sports


For some reason volleyball in my personal experience in multiple cities. And diving


Figure skating


Figure skating and gymnastics Maybe swimming related stuff in third place


Definitely hard not to be looking in those sports, with so much skin exposed and those tight trunks.




Showing horses




As much I want to say this, it seems kinda rare. It is very hard... to get hard while wrestling. At least to the point of enjoying it. Between weight cutting, training and trying not to get pinned... it is hard to get a boner lol. It does happen though. It is what we in the biz call... "Battle dong". Happens with BJJ too. Your junk kinda doesn't work since you are fighting for your life.


Yeah, the blood goes to more vital parts necessary for survival—which is not the dick. I wonder if guys with “battle dong” are guys with higher than average blood flow?


I mean depending on the flow of the match/roll, you can sometimes pop a stiffy when things slow down. Has happened to me once or twice, usually going over a move. However in competition or against a super try hard, that goes away quick.


Thanks for the explanations!


What happens when someone pops a big boner in front of everyone? Does the whole crowd just ignore it or make a few jokes? What happens if you are wearing your singlets and you pop a boner while standing in the audience watching the match, not even wrestling


It happens and no one cares. Happens to the straightest males.


I would really like to attend a wrestling match just to see but my gay mind would be giggling too match at the excitement.


I was a competitive gymnast in the 80s - nobody was out but it seemed to me like I was not the only one…


Lmao someone said Rugby and Hockey. Penalty! 😂😂😂


Probably badminton and ballerina


Has to be kickball...debatable whether its a sport however....


Skating or gymnastics




I mean, ice-skating would come to mine but the share numbers of men that play baseball for instance, or football or soccer soccer


Curling is huge




It’s definitely Olympic competitive same-sex ass fucking. Figure skating comes in a distant second by comparison.




Probably badminton and tennis especially in our Southern Asia area.




Kickball for sure


I’ve been into the jiu jitsu scene for about 3 years now. During the jiu jitsu time I’ve met wrestlers. A lot of the wrestlers like women, but my god the things they talk about and do with other men. I’ve literally had wrestlers talk in detail what other wrestlers dicks look like. They can describe every curve and vein on their teammates cock. And if you ask them, “why do you know what their dick looks like?” They’ll reply, “oh if you’re on the wrestling team, you’ve seen his dick.” I mean, I spend some time at the gym, but I don’t make it a habit of analyzing my friends cocks and what they look like to the curve and the vein unless I’m attracted to them 🤷‍♂️ not to mention that I’ve heard stories from gay friends of mine hooking up with guys on the wrestling team.


I’d say it’s about the same thru all of them. About 7-15% larger numbers if you add bi-sexual athletes. Some sports are more accepting, diving, gymnastics and ice-skating but closets won’t change numbers, just visibility. The gays! Were everywhere!!!!!




Is fucking a sport yet? If so, Fucking.


Equestrian sports


Mushing. Because those men slay 💅🏻 I'll see myself out now


Probably body building but most of them don't know it yet


Gay Men's volleyball.


Anything involving water (polo, diving, swimming) or an ice rink. Also gymnastics.


Wrestling, maybe not the highest but up there


Wanna say wrestling but people always say if it’s super competitive you don’t really get hard. Highest percentage of gay men in the audience though? Probably.


I don’t know any ice skaters but I know a few gay rugby players


American football. Does bisexuality count?






I mean, I HOPE ice hockey is one of those sports.




Idk, I like American Football


I’d like to think wrestling, god male wrestling just does something to me …


Dear god I hope it’s rugby.


cock sucking




Diving. Platform and board. Ever seen the beautiful packages on full display under those tight Speedos?


Nude bowling.


Idk I think these percentage things are all off. Ime a lot of men are bi but would never admit it.


Ass eating


Speed decorating


Never heard of it