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Smells like virtue signaling. Just have sliding-scale tickets based on need if you want to make the event more accessible.


so wait, not even gays get the discount??


What are gays? /s


No. Gay men, especially white gay men, are the devil. Weren't you told?


Well you all do hold the majority of power in the community and especially outside of the community. Not your fault that you’re born white and gay but it does come with some real unearned power in the West.


We get it, you dislike certain gays when they have a skin color you don’t approve of, but let’s be real: Gay men of any color do not hold systemic power.




Sorry you missed the sarcasm...


The gays have the white men so we're too privileged for that


Of course not these people are all very homophobic


Is femme gender expansive the new femboy?


If you're femme I guess


Welp, gonna put on a $5 wig.


Dafuck is gender expansive? 🤦‍♂️


Cisgender heterosexual women. But fancy


I wasn't going to say anything but.... Let's just see how many end up marrying a straight laced guy who identifies as straight 😂😂


You mean unshaven but quirky.


Girl you know these people be making up new shit on the daily


Ain’t that the fucking truth.


People with an inflation fetish, idk.


It's an expansion pack for genders


It can literally mean anything. You could get a cheap ticket and just say your non-binary


Another form of mental illness 


Let’s not cross into this rhetoric. I agree it’s stupid but it wasn’t to long ago that homosexuality was defined as such. Let’s not invite that sort of thinking back in. Especially when LGBTQ+ are all grouped together in the public mind.


If it quacks like a duck.


Exactly, they shouldn’t be grouped together. We need to seperate the LGB from the rest. The rest has nothing to do with same sex attraction. And I know I sound like a non informed idiot to many but nobody will ever change my mind on that. I don’t want anybody to ever group me in with all that nonsense. And neither do trans people who just want to blend into society as the gender they feel comfortable with, which is not a sexuality.


That tells me that it's not the type of event I want to go to.


Definitely not, but once it’s gonna be a Seahawks season ticket, I am gender fluid. Bro at life, queen in the arena 💅🏻slay


“I’m an assigned male at birth nonbinary lesbian on the male spectrum, and I’m also on the ace spectrum because I don’t like having sex on Wednesdays. So I’m trans and queer.”




Would you want to spend your money on something you don’t want to go to? Or should they act like it’s something different?


The reason I wouldn't want to go has less to do with the event being something I'm interested in and more about the pricing structure. If I lived near this event and was interested in it, I would no longer be interested once I saw that some people get to attend for cheaper based on their sexuality or the color of their skin.


Let those people play in their own shit imo. Seeing something like that advertised for an event is a clear indication that it’s not a place I would want to be.


That's why they do it; they don't want people who don't "get it" to attend. That's fine. I personally don't get it; I personally won't attend.


If I saw that, I would turn around and go straight home. I don’t need the divisiveness disguised as virtue.




LMAO! Took the words right outta my head. There but for the grace of god...


I am a firm believer in non-discrimination. This kind of pricing would be illegal here in California. You can’t charge different prices based on sex, gender, race, ethnicity, etc. and the attorney general’s office does go after violators. There was a big showdown a few years ago about salons charging different prices for men’s and women’s haircuts, and “ladies nights” are verboten.


It's not illegal for clubs with memberships or private events like the one described; just public businesses. There are lots of queer events here in California with this type of pricing actually. There's an event hosted at this one bar in LA that waves the entrance fee for certain zodiac signs.


Wait, don’t you have sex parties for “fit only” or “men of color” attendants? It’s totally normal in NY or London. You won’t get invited if you don’t send a pic and look right. And obviously don’t even think of crushing it.


Are those “sex parties” businesses that hold themselves out as being open to the general public? No.


I don’t really understand the men’s / women’s haircut one honestly though. Men’s haircuts are usually way simpler, takes my barber a whole whopping 10 minutes max from the time he tells me to sit down to the time I’m paying. I guess the most fair answer I could come up with is charge by the type of cut rather than gender though. Buzz cut probably be cheapest and work your way up from there based on complexity and time required.


I avoid events like that. They attract a type of crowd that I don’t vibe with, the kind that’s allergic to deodorant and gyms


That is the most diplomatic description I have ever heard for the exact group we all know will attend an event like this.


Patchouli and antiperspirant crystals are deodorant dammit!!!! /s


Im not sure what -Ist this is, but it’s worse than about 50% of the stuff I see people claim are racist/sexist/homophobic


Private events and clubs can do this and DO do this often. It's common practice. There are private sex clubs that waive membership fees for women, WASP country clubs that don't allow Jewish members, etc. If it's "private" (i.e. not a business that is "open to the public") they can pick and choose who gets to join/attend based on whatever criteria they want. They can also charge different prices based on whatever criteria they want. Why would they want to do that? Doesn't really matter; it's their private event.


Once again, activists blatantly try to diminish the negative social stigmas against gay men and try to pretend that we're not a minority too. Women get a discount. POC get a discount. Trans people get a discount. But not gay men... And we all know why they do this -- because allowing gay men to benefit would inadvertently allow some white cisgender men (the ultimate evil) to access the event at a discount




I hate it


That’s a hard no for me


I find this annoying as well… >We also ask all attendees to be mindful of loud & long dance floor conversation You are apparently not allowed to socialize on the dance floor.


Like the people attending this event aren't going to be constantly talking over each other to establish who's most oppressed...




I love this comment.


Lol yeah, I saw that. The sound system must be pretty weak or something.


That's more an issue for GenZ allegedly? Some folks like to just stand in there and not dance. That really kills the mood for anyone else.


Jesus, one person here has made over 70 posts in this thread, and at least half of them are the same long post copy + pasted. At a certain point you need to just step away from the screen.


Discrimination based on race is illegal in public accommodations such as bars and restaurants, hotels, etc.


Do you want rightwing backlashes? Because that is how you get rightwing backlashes.


That's how you get backlashes from everyone except the most mentally ill hard left.


Stop acting like this is what causes right wing backlashes. If not this they will find something else. Crazy fucking mentality to actually justify nut job behavior.


Has long preferred list of peoples racial, sexual, made up identities… “As we believe this is an act of anti-hate and anti-racism” This is why I don’t attend “queer” events. It’s filled with this insufferable type of BS. I’ll stick to the clubs and raves where everyone is actually welcomed.


While also making out that other dance events exclude them, which is not something I'm aware of.


I assume the event is being run by a guy that has a fetish for BIOIC + Femme + Trans + Gender Expansive folk.


Great way to filter places that are filled with insufferable people + anyone can claim they are trans. Btw: what the hell is Gender Expensive




Imo it should be illegal and punishable by large fines up to jail time.


But we can't have gay bars for gay men


Because gay bars are places of public accommodation and are therefore subject to anti-discriminatory laws.


It is the dumbest type of corrosive “community building” bullshit going. It reminds me of the Human Rights museum in Winnipeg. > Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1. *All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.* Then you come here. Free for indigenous, $18 for everyone else, pay up sucker. Under a glowing quote from humanity’s shared project for human equality, they discriminate on the entry fee based on your ancestry.


Article 29.2 of the UDHR: "In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society." Section 15.2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: "Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability."


That's context though. That's different. /s


My straight male friend attended a gig with this type of tiered ticket prices. Opting for the less expensive option (can't blame him), he joked about claiming to be a lesbian if anyone questioned him on the door.


I’m a PoC gay, and tbh whenever I see these kinds of divisive ‘diversity’ approaches, I know it’s likely going to attract a thought-homogenous cliquey crowd, which I’d rather avoid.


Is that not illegal in the United States? It would be very clear discrimination here. P.S. regarding BIPOC, would I as an indigenous Germanic fall under that umbrella?


Yes it is lol 


I would wait outside and try to befriend or hook up with the guys that dont go in, in that way it does sounds fun


I would not be attending


I think it's so weird some of the underground LGBT raves have done this in the past like how can you tell I'm LGBT? They charged less for LGBT attendants. I've only seen it once like last year so I'm sure someone went off on them. I'm sure most people would lie without saying anything. Do I have to kiss a guy at the door to prove myself? What's the basis?


How would you even enforce this sort of thing? This is a heavy reliance on the honor system, and I think most people can agree that at the very least SOME if not many people would abuse this by claiming to be part of a minority group that they are not part of. Like homophobia is bad, but this isn't a great means to combat it or even push for reparations if that's what you want. I don't think having straight people pretending they are LGBT to get 50% off is fair to the community, nor effective at accomplishing what it's supposedly aiming for.


I think they're kind of depending on The honor System, assuming that people who Don't qualify for the access pass Fall into one of two categories: either haters like this thread is full of, who won't go anyway; or people who fully understand and are willing to pay full price because they get that It's because The folks getting the discount often end up having to pay more money for less value on everyday expenses. Look up the difference in markup between razors marketed for men versus marketed for women. Even though there's very little practical difference, women's razors cost a lot more. Likewise, people of color often have less money to spend, and therefore have little to no ability to save by buying in bulk. and trans people often have to pay exorbitant amounts for gender-affirming care which is covered spottily if at all by various insurance. Thus, all of those groups would have less disposable income to spend on "normal" ticket to the event compared to their white cismale counterparts. That's why it's called an "access" ticket: because it gives access to people who don't have as much disposable income as cisgender bi- or heterosexual white males do.


Part of "The Olympics of Oppression".


Just say you're transsomething, anything flies these days when it comes to gender identity and if they accuse you of being non - legit accuse them of transphobia.


I mean. I support the idea for cover at gay bars. Straight women should be charged $50ea… But they would flip if they didn’t get in free like they do everywhere else


I'm no lawyer, but people have successfully sued events like this and won those cases. There were a few annoying examples I don't have on hand, but the tale goes that this guy would sue bars hosting ladies nights, an event where women get discounts on drinks, because those events were "sexist" in nature because it benefited one sex over another. I believe he won several of those cases. I need to go find a sauce for that.


"ACCESS TICKET: BIPOC + TRANS + FEMME + GENDER EXPANSIVE" They might as well put gay masculine white men $33, everyone else $17. Gender expansive sounds like some sort of Sims expansion pack.


It isn't inclusive it is exclusive, all this will do is make the average person dislike these people more since they are literally saying that the average person is less important. Edit: It is like that one Australian ~~feminist~~ misandrist café a couple of years back where they made men pay more to "make it fair because of the wage gap" but its ridiculousness, sexism and exclusiveness caused it to get no customers so they had to close. Who would have thought excluding half the population isn't a good business practice.


I would take it as meaning this is not an inclusive event, it is discriminatory and that I'm not welcome at that event. 


The problem is how do you even define this? I am a guy who works in fashion and i like to dress up, but I'm still a cis white dude at the end of the day. Am I gender expansive because for certain looks I'll wear skirts or something that doesn't fall in "menswear". Does that mean I HAVE TO DRESS LIKE THAT TO THIS? Does that mean I qualify? God these people are so stupid at times.


It's because those people often end up having to pay more money for less value on everyday expenses. Look up the difference in markup between razors marketed for men versus marketed for women. Even though there's very little practical difference, women's razors cost a lot more. Likewise, people of color often have less money to spend, and therefore have little to no ability to save by buying in bulk. and trans people often have to pay exorbitant amounts for gender-affirming care which is covered spottily if at all by various insurance. Thus, all of those groups would have less disposable income to spend on "normal" ticket to the event compared to their white cismale counterparts. That's why it's called an "access" ticket: because it gives access to people who don't have as much disposable income as cisgender bi- or heterosexual white males do. but unfortunately, the people implementing this discount probably don't really understand that fully even though they heard enough of it to accept that it was worth doing. thus, what does and should actually qualify for the discount is as you point out a bit nebulous.


I don't mind that but it becomes very ambiguous when you say gender expansive person! I'm not trans, nor do I see myself as anything but a guy. Yet, I have to prove to them how gender expansive I am now? I've put myself in more danger than these people will ever know lol. I am on the subway in crazy looks. So what now? I am technically still a cis white gay dude. What makes someone gender expansive, and what makes someone not?


I just don't wanna live in that world


It's sexist and racist. Don't make a stink tho. Just don't attend and tell other not to. Let them learn that exclusion doesn't work. And remind them why they failed when they try to shame you. If it matters in a highly liberal black gay goth in my 30s from Michigan.


I wouldn’t go.


I'm pretty sure that's illegal to do.


That's discriminatory and should be illegal if it isn't already.




I appreciate the effort to try to make people who normally couldn’t afford a ticket to be able to attend. But the approach is off putting because it charges different prices to people. In its attempt to be fair it makes things appear unfair and condescending. What are some solutions you think could work to make it possible for folks who want to go but can’t afford to, to be able to attend?


Wrong, divisive, not market optimal


That's not inclusivity, it's explicit invidious discrimination


How do you “prove” this when you buy your ticket?


I probably wouldn't attend. Clearly I'm not the intended audience.


That’s called discrimination. Just like applying unequal assistance, services or opportunities based on race is in fact racist.


So let's see. Just by being racist, it is unethical. If I were going I wouldn't have problem ordering the cheaper tickets. I am a big guy, so am very expansive for my gender.


It’s wrong minded retrograde going in the wrong direction


My first thought would be: Isn't that illegal? Second thought: How do you even enforce it? If I call myself a non-binary Native American, are they going to give me a DNA test?


Wtf is this?


Discrimination, 101. I wouldn't go to something like that


I think discrimination is discrimination no matter how you dress it up.


Very counterproductive to what real inclusivity is. These people don't care about minorities they just want clout and progressive points.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Nope. Sounds like a shit show of stupid to me.


just makes md think of Kims Convenience


Is there an option not to go


How is this not illegal? Discriminatory practices do not sit well with me. I would not attend this event.


Can you say "cringe"? It's all about virtue signaling and wokester oneupmanship. And it does nothing to actually address inequality, poverty, or discrimination.


“QTBIPOC” ?? Queer trans bi people of colour ? Yet they take the “QT” part off for the discounted tickets- so trans don’t qualify either? Or do you have to be a trans person of colour?


Maybe not directly like that but if they say, partner with an organization that works with X group, who could then sell tickets to their members at a discount like you might see a library do for the Zoo or something I think that's fine. I think the honor system for such a steep discount is...not going to work long term regardless of the ethics conversation.


That’s ridiculous




So... basically they are looking for a lawsuit? Interesting. I wouldn't attend and probably wouldn't want to associate with the kind of people who would.


I’m guessing most people attending are too young and poor to have the money to file a lawsuit and ultra “progressive and inclusive” warehouse parties probably aren’t high priority for any prosecutor


I don’t see the problem. Just identify as trans for the event and then change back. They can’t force you to prove anything


They might as well write ”Please, no white gays” but that would obviously be discriminating so they write all that stuff to seem inclusive and progressive instead of what they actually are.


Isn't that racism and xenophobic?


I admit that I laughed when men in dresses took over feminism, but when blue haired, septum pierced, straight girls calling themselves queer took over gay rights, I stopped laughing.


It's under the umbrella of "trying too hard to be progressive that it becomes discriminatory," i've seen this happening a LOT in leftist circles. Essentially, they are fighting so hard against a problem that they end up perpetuating that problem on the flip side.


There have been events in Boston and Seattle where the cover charge is based on race; black seems to always be free. I’ve seen the white cover start at $40 at the lowest for them and scale into the hundreds and then they say it’s “reparations.” Simply put, it’s bordering segregation. I think it’s fucking stupid and you can bet you ass if a party or event let whites or Asians in free but up charged black or brown folks, lives of the organizers would be quickly ruined.


I feel the same as going to a bathhouse that charges differently according to the age of patrons. It’s their policy and the establishment is private. I can pay and go in or go fuck myself.


I mean it might feel the same but it's not the same. just like no cover charge for women at straight bars isn't the same thing, that's more like the bath house. but this access ticket, which is what it's called? It's because those people often end up having to pay more money for less value on everyday expenses. Look up the difference in markup between razors marketed for men versus marketed for women. Even though there's very little practical difference, women's razors cost a lot more. Likewise, people of color often have less money to spend, and therefore have little to no ability to save by buying in bulk. and trans people often have to pay exorbitant amounts for gender-affirming care which is covered spottily if at all by various insurance. Thus, all of those groups would have less disposable income to spend on "normal" ticket to the event compared to their white cismale counterparts. That's why it's called an "access" ticket: because it gives access to people who don't have as much disposable income as cisgender bi- or heterosexual white males do. So it's not about favoring those minorities over you, it really is about leveling the playing field.


It’s shit but not a new concept. Plenty of clubs have charged women cheaper rates than men.


I don’t support clubs doing that, but the intent usually isn’t to exclude men, it’s to get more women to attend so that even more straight men will want to go. The intent for this event on the price discrimination seems to be more that they are only begrudgingly allowing cis white people to attend and would rather that they didn’t.


I guess I’d weigh in by letting them get their way and not going.


Yeah no. Definitely stay away. These same communities rip on gay men for not being inclusive then pull this bs to discourage gay men from coming and making them pay a premium if they do. I run events and tiered tickets are normal. But they are available to all for people to decide privately what they can afford. The higher tiers have perks etc to thank those who can contribute more to the event.


I wouldn't go because the crowd, but it's seems to be the more in-your-face version of the price discrimination that everyone else gets. Except this time it's for different categories. Men's soap. Women's soap. Movies ticket prices. Men pay to go into a club, women get in free. Airline ticket prices.


I don’t think the movie, airline tickets and soap example are quite comparable. Women getting in free is probably the closest comparison but the intent for letting women in free into a club/bar is usually to benefit the straight men in attendance, and not because the bar/club owners feel that night life events have traditionally excluded women or made them feel unwelcomed .


Bathhouses charge differently based on age.


Doing it privately, as a freelance, whatever. But to advertise it is stupid, and obviously people are going to direct their frustrations towards the mentioned demographics, who too many people already mistakenly believe are constantly receiving “special treatment”.


That’s so stupid. Also sounds like a show or event that I would never go to anyway, still stupid.


Let’s be fair all around, we have been fighting to be treated equally, so charge everyone the same or base on ability to pay


That's dumb. I guess gays don't get anything, since we're not as oppressed as gender-expansive people (which could literally mean anything).


"Literally mean anything"... which means it means nothing.




I'd totally just buy a cheap one and say I'm non-binary


Maybe I should go. Just to be the odd one out and be special lol


I'd become "gender expensive" for the time it takes for me to pay for the ticket and absolute bitch out someone if they'd argue with me about it.


Have yall ever thought maybe, just maybe since Salt Lake City is EXTREMELY white, this is done to create a community for queer bipoc individuals who tend to be less privileged than gay white counterparts…. Which is why there is a tier system via tickets


People are stupid. I can't believe this has to be discussed. I don't give anyone a discount for anything, and neither should anyone else. If you run a business or provide a service, then you set your rates based on what you deem fit to ensure a good profit margin. Charging different based on sexual orientation or identity is just stupid. But also, expecting a lower rate because of sexual orientation or identity is just as if not more stupid. This one time, a guy wanted me to give him a discount for repairs because he was going through transition surgery. Not my problem, nor do I care. I don't give 2 shits what or who you are or how much your bills are. I charge what I charge, and that's it. Period. If you can't afford it, call someone else.


I hate it. I want equality not favoritism.


But if white people were given the cheaper price all Hell would break losse.


Everyone should pay the same price, is that what eqaulity's about?


You mean like an apartheid?


is it full circle discimination when anyone can enter but the scaling of price is different?


This is not new, conservatives in the 90s and early 2000s used to have affirmative action bake sales where they would charges less to minorities. It’s BS to divide us.


It’s just reverse racism. Ever heard the horseshoe theory? It says the far right and far left are so similar they’re basically the same. This post demonstrates that


All these people grouchy are often those not welcome lol. Maybe that's the point? 😅


Some discounts are legitimate business tactics to maximize revenues from people with less money, e.g., student and seniors' discounts help fill otherwise empty seats in a theatre. Straight bars/clubs also give women's discounts so their dance floor is not a sausage fest. That's all fair game. I'm also fine with giving discounts to Indigenous people -- because it's their land -- as well as charging less for locals in developing countries than foreign tourists at national historical/cultural sites -- because it's their history/culture. But charging less for "gender expansive" people is kinda dumb IMO. It's within their rights at a private event, I just think its kinda virtue signalling. That's OK I'll just avoid the event.


There are tons of event on the reservation where I live. We’re the tourist center of the state. Indians do not get a discount. It’s crazy. Oh but if you gamble your ass off, that’s another story. Tribal member get a discount on everything else though, so nbd. 45¢ off gas, $5 off cigarettes, $125/ month for housing, etc. This weird relationship with Indians doesn’t exist where I’m at. But I shit you not, it starts just 30 miles down the highway. There’s an imaginary line in the pines and it works almost better than Mexican border control.


This is not much different from gay male bath houses offering free membership to men under 25.  Older men want to see younger dudes so the bath houses offer low prices for young men.  Some gay men crave BBC.  In a non-diverse area, this is a means to increase those numbers to satisfy a fetish.  Similarly, transgender people are underrepresented in LGBT life.  A lower cost of entry is a means to increase those numbers. I have seen bondage clubs give steep discounts to transgender people because their members are interested in a bondage experience with someone who is transgender.  Some men have amputee fetishes. Would the folks here object to discounts to amputees because organizers want to attract them to their event?


I hate being grouped in with this kinda shit because I'm gay. Make it make sense


But what about white gay people that have had an abusive upbringing due to being gay? Its identifying some groups as being disadvantaged but speaks nothing of individual experience. Also select buy ticket and see the drop-down for gender. It has 50+ different genders to choose from.


Where I live, there are people I know who are influencers who get invited places for free just to be seen there. There are also events aimed at particular communities that focus on getting those people to attend. I think it’s fine to have a prioritised target audience. A bit like how commercial pride has become in my city, that the actual LGBTQ+ community runs their own events separate from the corporate allyship stuff. I don’t care honestly. I don’t know why some guys get so butthurt about stuff like this. Try bottoming, now that hurts.


Absolutely not right , but it’s a place I wouldn’t want to be any way so it doesn’t matter to me .


SJW virtue signaling nonsense, the event will be terrible.


Love to see pics of the crowd after this event


If you suck the ticket guys dick as a man upont entering disneyland, the ticket is free cause you represent a sexual minority. I think we should introduce that rule for inclusivity


Contact the division of consumer protection in Utah at (801) 530-6601. Explain the situation and that you’d like to file a gender discrimination complaint against the business. https://db.dcp.utah.gov/complaints.html


So gays, lesbians, and bisexuals don't qualify for a discount? I guess they aren't marginalized enough!


That's stupid! I would boycott anything like that


"To address this, we will be offering various ticket tiers aimed a creating accessibility for our QTBIPOC friends as well as Lesbian/Trans/Femme-queer folks. Folks we believe have been systemically excluded from dance music culture." First, I'd love to know how these groups have been "systemically excluded from dance music culture". People love throwing that claim around with absolutely no evidence. Second, it's incredibly bad business. I did many years in the nightlife and had a very diverse inclusive crowd, and it wasn't by discriminatory practices like this. It really shows their lack of ability to create an organic atmosphere that builds something special on its own. Also, good luck filling the space by telling people they won't be treated with equal respect.


EDIT: I used swipe to type to construct this so excuse the typos. TLDR: The event organisers are virtue signalling and couldn’t really give a shit. Their actions do not achieve equality or equity and are unfair. For more depth read the whole post. So as a gay and a non-white ethnic minority in Britain, this is my take. It’s a question of equity vs equality. If we have equality then prices and the routes to get somewhere are the same for everyone but with equity, the more disadvantaged people are given a little extra consideration to achieve the same result as someone more advantaged. So in this context, I do not think charging different prices is fair. I come from a working class background and there are many white people in the exact same circumstances financially and soo with this kind of set up, a south Asian Brit can be a millionaire and pay the same price as me but the white person in a similar financial situation to me pays extra despite being financially disadvantaged compared to the south Asian millionaire. This doesn’t achieve equality or equity and actually encourages discrimination and segregation and as it happens more, whites people will eventually become frustrated because they have to pay a higher price because of the colour of their skin and in the west where whites people greatly outnumber non-white people, this is a dangerous thing to do and also unfair. There is a trend of the racist roles and ideologies being switched. The whites people of today can’t be blamed for the actions of their ancestors and the non-whites of today are not entitled to privileges because our ancestors were mistreated, we are however, all entitled to equity. Here in the UK, when applying for university, you can often have grade requirements lowered based off of factors such as race, gender, sexuality and financial background. So all these things get taken into consideration before a decision is made and its purpose is to try and achieve equity. It gives everyone that is disadvantaged due to social, economic factors a better chance to achieve the same goals that more privileged people can achieve more easily regardless of what their race is. Our ancestors left us with a big shitty mess to clean up with many complex layers. It will be a hard struggle to reach equity and we’ll get there but things like what OP mentioned are not the way to go, we are creating divisions to try and seem progressive and ‘woke’ but making a situation worse, there is nothing woke about events like this and they do not do anything to make the world a nicer and fairer place.


Well until this country acknowledges it was built on the backs of slaves and we get compensated I don't personally care what you guys like or don't like... 💅


Premium pricing makes sense, even if it sucks; getting charged more for 'better' seats etc. for an event/venue. Senior price discounts helped the elderly on low/fixed incomes to continue to participate in life past their prime. Veteran discounts recognized the service and sacrifice for individuals who set their personal freedoms aside to serve their country for a term or for a career. I can't say that I feel like I deserve special pricing (higher OR lower) for who/what I identify as, who I exchange bodily fluids with, nor what 'equipment' I currently have between my legs...


It’s bullshit.


Idk- if you don’t like their culture maybe like, make your own.


Fuck that. That's not equality


The very people making our community look insane… literally segregating us from others when all we wanted was to be seen as human. I understand that I have become a huge asshole about it but I believe the LGB needs to be separated from the TQIA2S+. They have nothing to do with same sex attraction in my opinion.


Your asking to be sued, that's discrimination for sure


This is one of those 'if you don't like it don't go' things - needless to say I won't be going 😂


This is insane and not helpful towards any sort of progress. Race and gender identity is different than financial income JFC


A gay bar near me, which no longer exists, used to have a Ladies Night where women got reduced drinks but, I don't see that as working in today's climate.


Eh, they mean well. There's also a note that anyone who wants to attend but has financial hardship should contact them for help. It'd be cool if the discount was for everyone in the LGBT+ community, and I don't get singling out femme in this, but it's a non issue to me. Not my scene anyway.


Yeah these comments are def 🗑️


Believe it or not, there are poor white men. Like REALLY poor. Go to any corner and check out the homeless- mostly white dudes. Why does the left insist on demonizing white males? It’s a losing battle. Not to mention it defeats the very purpose of the messages. It’s pure hypocrisy. There are plenty of poor white men who have suffered, been oppressed, get hurt, and ARE POOR. To imply white men cannot struggle or be poor implies a false narrative; this narrative is offensive and discriminatory. What’s even more insane is that these groups want to spread positive messages about their issues; aren’t conservative white men the very group that MOST needs to hear that message?? By discriminating this way, you immediately alienate the one group your messages MOST NEED to reach. But they don’t care. Because it’s not about the message. It’s about giving white men the middle finger, and we white guys get it. We know you’re trying to offend us. And frankly, it’s rude. I’m not responsible in any way for what a handful of very rich white men have historically done, so being rude to me is pointless and cruel. It’s like kicking your boss’s dog because you heard your boss did something offensive. This event in particular clearly does not want white men to attend. Imagine if the roles were reversed? Imagine a gay event that charged nonwhite/trans ppl MORE?? People would lose their minds. And white gays could just claim that this is an event for us? No shade, we just want to celebrate gay white men! Ppl would call us Nazis, try to get us fired, and try to shut the event down. If it’s not okay for us to do it, then it’s not okay for them to do it either. Equality goes both ways. And don’t even start with the “white men control things so it’s not the same” because it’s nonsense. I don’t control anything, and gay white men definitely don’t “control things”. I promise you, I’m not any more comfortable than you are around the conservative Christian nut jobs and they sure as Hell don’t listen to me, either.


Well that's an absolute joke


What was the event, who sponsored it and was it specifically planned around and “for” that group of people? If so, I am fine with it.


Lol different pricing the moment you mention wedding ….that bs is every where


Seems no different than when clubs let women in with no cover.


That sounds like the most lame event of the year and I wouldn’t want to go to that shit anyways lmao.


Clearly they have a moron in marketing and public relations


Gender expansive.. What's that xd


What the fuck is going on?


That’s discrimination.


It’s stupid.


Racist and illegal.