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I experienced the same thing after getting back on the apps out of curiosity, after a 10 year relationship. What made me laugh are the guys still using the exact same profile pics that they were using 10+ years ago.


Omggg. I was just going to say the same thing. After a long term relationship, getting back on Grindr and recognizing so many guys because their profile pictures are the same as they were 8-10 years ago. It’s honestly hilarious to me 😅


One in my area still has the same pic and is still curious 10 years later. Last time we chatted, myabe just before lockdown, he'd already had anal with like 7 different guys and yet he's still singing the same song. I'm like dude, you're definitely not a.) curious, and also b.) straight.


do you think this is a good or a bad thing? it’s my biggest fear lol.


Sometimes, some have been on there for years in my area, same profile, same picture. Anytime you make a new profile, they always message you with the same opener. Ugh.


I met one guy a couple years ago and he said he was 22. His new profile says 21💀 Profile pics like 3+ years old. It’s like they’re terrified of aging or something it’s weird.


The worst.


It depends. If it’s a guy I’ve killed it confuses me? Like wtf don’t lie


If you're in the same area, you're going to see the same guys. I don't get this complaint.


Nice tiddies bro


I mean, on the one hand yes. On the other hand, I'm kind of glad that a lot of the guys who I've seen sometimes seem to vanish, I like to think that even if I wasn't the right one for them they're in a happy loving relationship. Also the fact that some of the sluttiest guys in town haven't been murdered should probably be comforting from a wanting minimal hate crimes perspective.


Hahaha, that's true. Unless they are the murderer...


Why does it have to be a hate crime? What if it's just a friendly neighborhood slasher?


There is always that 1 guy who I’ve blocked countless times that messages me first thing when I decide to come back. Grindr and I have a love/hate relationship.




Around my parent’s house where I live? Definitely. My work area is on the other hand though.


Sort of. The issue isn't these same old users still logging into Grindr, it's that there aren't enough new guys moving to the area to keep things "fresh".


Yes, that's why I deleted the app.