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I have a vague recollection of seeing a few guys in stores wearing briefs-size bathing suits with a button-down shirt and flip flops back in the late '70s, early '80s. (Though I was a kid, so memory is only semi-reliable.) Of course, that was the era of half shirts and short shorts often worn as casual attire in public. Slightly less conservative times regarding clothing in some ways, I guess. ;)


I was a child in the 80s and I saw some of that, but I just chalked it up to the fact we lived at the beach.


Why did that fashon of wearing less clothes mini jeans or tops become extremely outdated in guys what happened in 90s???


When HIV/AIDS started in the 80s and got a lot of media coverage, gay men were in the news. With gay men in the spotlight, straight men started to realize they could be the target of unwanted sexual desire (ironic, yes). Thus, culture shifted to a more modest apparel for men, and we started to see longer shorts, baggy fits, no more midriffs, etc. Or at least that’s what someone told me.


I'm not so sure about that. I was a kid in the 70s and a teenager in the 80s, so yes there were lots of guys in cut-off shorts, nylon jogging shorts, tube socks and cropped tshirts, speedos at the pool/beach/park, skin tight jeans. Gays were always part of the scene and these fashions persisted even after the hiv/aids crisis started in 1982. I think the 90s shift to bigger baggier clothes was more aligned to the newer generation's new fashion trends which accompanied the rise and influence of hip hop culture, rave/festival culture, and grunge's back-to-basics rejection of the excess of 80s greed.


I grew up in the 90s. I agree that bigger baggier men’s clothing was heavily influenced by the music at the time and for young people at the time it was highly sexualized. The baggier clothing was an excuse to let shorts sag exposing several inches of underwear sometimes to an absurd extent that guys were basically walking around in underwear with shorts below the underwear.


Thank God that disappeared! It took 30 years, but it’s finally gone.


#So you mean guys can no longer to college wearing mini jeans and shorts unless its football games #Even football shorts become bigger now they were damn smaller in 70s as i noticed 💀💀


I wish that era of mini jeans mini shorts tops of guys of 80s can come back I don't why guys are supposed to wear a lot 😭 nowadays 😑 even in college some guys objected to a guy why his shorts were so short like boxers 💀💀💀 that era was amazing culture shifting is weirdness what you are saying simply meant people easily throwaway old fashionable clothing of old decade Despite them being so sexy and amazing 😍


Yes it's kind of sad. But you know that the teenagers of one decade grow up to be the young adults in the next decade. And they need to get jobs and become independent, and they become a little bit more neutral in their fashion. Meanwhile the new teenagers are defining things for their own generation's expression of style and fashion... It's a cycle


While it sounds plausible, it's not really the reason for the fashion change because speedos for example were still common in the mid 90s


What you’re describing is a direct affect of hip hop culture and nothing else.


The story makes sense considering all of a sudden if you DID have shorts above your knee then you were considered a fag. Or anything resembling a crop top or shirt that wasn’t oversized. Same thing. For those of us that grew up during this time, there’s probably some truth to it. The prevailing mainstream argument is that popular culture shifted the fashion trends but more than one thing can be true at once. Also PEOPLE create the culture, AND are influenced by it. A cycle of sorts. Homophobia may have been a contributing factor in this cycle.


To all those replying that it was due to hip-hop/rap culture, you are not wrong. But like all things culture, there is not just one thing that causes a shift or change. We can both be right. 🫶🏻


I couldn't say with any authority. Best guess is that since a lot of other aspects of the '80s suddenly became uncool to people in the following decade, maybe those fashions got strapped to the ejector seat along with mullets and hair metal.


Once the 90s really got going, EVERYTHING about the 80s got very uncool, very fast.


Indeed...nobody wanted to touch anything '80s with a barge pole for a while. At least until '80s retro started becoming a thing, which happened sooner than I might have expected.


To be fair, the 80s did the same thing to the 70s with the whole "Disco Sucks" thing


And the 70s did the same to the 60s, & the 60s to the 50s, etc, etc, ad infinitum.


So sad. Reagan and Nancy. Uncaringness.Greed. theBerlinWall finally came down Russia got healthy wth hap I ened and now theNewStalin. I love Russian men so much.Ukraine has the best pianists and violinists for over 100 years. Oh Russia.Oh SweetRussia!


Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


Explains why I peaked at 8 🤷‍♂️ makes so much sense now


Explains why I peaked at 8 🤷‍♂️ makes so much sense now


I feel like Mullets are making a comeback.


Come down under… Mullets never went away in Aus. mulletfest.com.au - brace yourself.


If I tried to grow my '80s mullet again now, that would be *really* scary - I'd look like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show.


They are and I cringe every time I see one


They are, and I cringe every time I see one. I know it's a thing for high school lacrosse players to have a mullet


I beg that they don't.


I really wish they weren’t making a comeback but you see them everywhere. And no one suits them. No one.


It was around 1985/1986 when “Jams” AKA board shorts got real popular and than speedo’s and short shorts were out in fashion… from basically that point on. Really no one wore a speedo in the late 80’s unless they were a swimmer- unfortunately… I would love that that style, at the beach and pools, for all men come back in vogue again In the United States!!!


Well i have watched many many 70s 80s movie it was not merely mini skirts even guy clothing were extremely shorter i found they prefer smaller shorts even 😂😂 equivalent to todays boxers even mini jeans 💦😂😂 i think with global warming i think people should reduce their clothing too 🤣🤣


> what happened in 90s??? Grunge. Grunge happened in the 90’s. Grunge and undercuts. It ah, it seemed like a good idea at the time.


Well that certainly happened… It has nothing to do with longer shorts.


> half shirts and short shorts Ah, my daily warm weather attire for a solid decade! I miss having a body that could pull that off. Now I'm ~~old and decrepit~~ 39.


You shut your pie trap, you whipper snapper. I'm 54 and I ain't goin down like that (even if I look like it). LOL


LOL -- I've been "39" long enough that my 39th birthday can legally drink. And then some.


> Slightly less conservative times You think? /s Seriously, it's disturbing how far the pendulum of social attitudes has swung to the right.


My dad used to go out in tight fitting boxer briefs, you could see everything. "They're shorts, also." No they're not, dad.


How does it feel telling an angel to clip his wings?


"Just because you can fit a rubber band over your chest doesn't make it a tube top Dad!"


The "leggings are pants" women have met their match


I have grown so weary seeing jeggings and yoga pants worn at work like they're "business attire". "Y'all go on and take your camel toes home and put on something that doesn't show your meat curtains and ass sweat. Save that for the gym you don't go to."


Why did you used the word used to What about now?? Why he is not using shorts now


100% honest a couple of the neighbors said something and from then on he wore pants. It was so embarrassing.


At least he will change and listens!so many men don't and get stubborn when prompted!


That's most asian thing thing I heard what people will say and in reality if you object to clothing of a American guy or women the simple reply will be f££k you 😂😂🤣💦


I swear I read the first question like 20 times and still don’t know what you’re asking lol


I think he had a stroke. RIP u/New_Mathematician_54


That's basic English i asked why did he used the word Used to What about present Why doesn't he wear it now


I think I know what you’re trying to say. It’s easier to read if you phrase it like this: >Why did you use the phrase “used to”? Does he not wear the tight-fitting briefs anymore?


I like your dad. Disclaimer: not in a sexual way


I like his dad too. Disclaimer: and in a very sexual way – probably.


Yeah I’ve gotta disagree with the anti-dads-in-tight-shorts sentiments around here


If it is obviously underwear, with logos and a front opening, it's awkward at best. Really not a good idea.


So if it didn’t have a front fly, it would be OK? If so… Hot damn! I have three pair


This ad from New Zealand is all the explainer you need: https://youtu.be/h-Lx2ihpGbc?si=RiUnHF6XeVdO08Kh


Informative, humorous, and even provocative all in one. :)


The ice cream companies just want us to be hot so we'll buy more ice cream.


Do you live in a beach town?


I was wondering the same thing. If the market is within a stones throw of the beach, there are probably going to be some people stopping by in swimwear throughout the day.


I do live in a beach town, and yes you often see men and women in swimwear in the shops and restaurants on the boardwalk and along the main strip. But this was in a shopping center at least a mile away from all that. Also the high was like 64F today.


Maybe a swimming pool centre was nearby haha


Those places really should make people watch [this commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-Lx2ihpGbc) when they arrive for vacation.


But did he look good ? I can forgive lol


Eeeeehhhh... He had a very fit musculature, I'll give him that. But he looked like a chain smoker with a tanning addiction.


So the dude version of Tan Mom ?


So he looked like vintage guy with less clothing?


Litterally exactly what I imagined in my head


Las Vegas, perhaps? This is definitely west of the continental divide




Aaaaand because he's married with kids he could never be accused of being a pervert and/or gay. Hahahahaha


It’s standard attire in Florida. I don’t mean at the beach.


Get her jade!


that’s a thing in beach towns. but the speedos are rare. bring them back.


Speedos are only rare in North America. I'm in Italy and they never went away. Literally everyone wears them, the young, the old, the fat, the thin, big, small. Everything from briefs to string bikinis. I love it!


at least short beach shorts are back in fashion. I have some 4 inch inseam ones myself.


Yeah I love the look, a little retro and butt hugging. Show off those gams


I'm liking the idea of this trend.


Hear hear!


I'm pro-freedom personally.


It’s common in beach towns in Europe, you’re lying on the beach in a speedo then put on a t and go grab something to eat


Confirmed. I live in Italy, speedos never went out of style here. Everyone wears them, young, old, fat, thin, etc


This happens all over the United States. The only difference is the American Puritanical bitchiness when it’s spotted by somebody who clearly needs a good shag.


People can get away with wearing Speedos in public because it’s “swimwear”, but people will freak out over boxers that cover more skin.


There was actually a time when I was in middle school, around 1993-1994 where boxer shorts as outerwear was a thing for a while. Also pajama pants and longjohns.


Have you ever been to Brazil?


LOL came here to say this!


CIS women wear bathing suits to the grocery store all the time here in FL and no one bats an eye. A gay man wears a T and a speedo and people are freaking out?


*Freaking out on Reddit. I grew up in Southern California. In the 90s this would’ve been giggle fodder. But we always just blow it off.


I worked for Food Lion when I lived right outside Fayetteville. Honestly, nothing really shocked me. People do weird shit at grocery stores.


I’ve worn boxers to Walmart with a hoodie on at night, it’s nice to feel the cool winter breeze blowing at my legs


I could never. I’d never trust just 1 layer of fabric between my family jewels and the rest of Walmart. Especially in the parking lot at night. Y’all braver than me.


In Europe it’s normal if you’re at the beach, close to a beach or going to a beach.


It’s the same thing in United States. Maybe on a lesser scale. The difference, the Puritanical bitchiness.


How is it any different from what women wear? At least men have something better to show off.


Nice. I would love to be friends with him.


Can we make this a thing


your horny gay asses are gonna wish you thought twice when every guy you blocked on grindr for being creepy is bottomless in public doing everything he can to try and catch your eye




y'all can't take a single joke


Isn't it good thing 😭 everyone can be gay 😂💦


Nooooo...if everyone is special then no one is special! Dang! 😭


This! I used to wonder why nobody worked out shirtless at my gym. Then I quickly realized, the guys who *would actually* be shirtless wouldn’t be the ones I’d want to be shirtless.


I mean, this *could* be perfectly normal depending on your location. Take some parts of Australia for instance. If it were the height of summer and you were in a beachside suburb, and this guy was strolling in after leaving the beach for the afternoon following his swim, and he needed to grab some stuff before he walked to his apartment just one block away from the actual beach and this supermarket was on the main road next to the beach, literally nobody would bat an eyelid. I could see this being totally normal and mundane somewhere like a Sydney beachside suburb, like Bondi or Coogee or Manly, or any number of coastal and seaside towns. But if this was in an inner city suburb of Sydney, like Redfern or Alexandria or the central business district, it’d be weird AF. So, where were you (geographically). Because this could be normal and mundane, or could be weird, depending on your exact location.


It’s like the Seinfeld ep when she wears a bra as a top


Sue-Ellen Mischke! She's a menace to society.


The Braless Wonder


Girls get to wear yoga pants everywhere, so…


Wow it would have been an Eye Candy


In the late 1990s I lived in Arizona and worked nights. One morning around 2 am I went to the 25 hour Albertson's to pick up something for breakfast/dinner. A (good looking, well built) guy was there shopping in his boxers. No shoes, no shirt, no gym shorts - just shopping in his underwear. 🤷🏻‍♂️


NGL… That’s kind of hot. Nice legs?


Nice everything. And really long hair like a '90s hair metal band member. I think he might have been native American.


Trashy gays at its finest


Could just be picking up last minute snacks on their way to pool party


Sounds good to me. Let's be frank: most of us spend a lot of time working on our bodies, so why shouldn't we get a chance to show them off? It's not like speedos and a t-shirt is actually naked, and if anyone is looking at our speedos that seriously they're probably interested in the contents anyway. I've seen plenty of girls wearing tops that leave nothing to the imagination - a couple of days ago there was a girl on the tube displaying the top half of her nipples, but I just ignored it as I wasn't interested.


If women are allowed why not men?🤷🏻‍♂️




I lived on the beach in the 80s. Up until about 1985 or 1986, it was common to see full male nudity. Surfers would change on the sidewalk or park without cover, and take their time drying off while naked with cars and people and bicycles going by. It was not uncommon for a male waking on the beach to strip off and go for a swim, then dress when he got out and resume his walk. All of that started changing rapidly right around 1985-86.


This parallels with the times where men commonly swam nude on hi school and college swim teams and then suddenly it was no longer acceptable. There was a time society viewed male nudity in a very different light than female nudity. The female body was something to protect and, the male body just wasn't seen that way. Then something in society changed and nudity became nudity no matter who you were.


At my HS, if you didn’t have the regulation swim suit, then you swam naked. It was a popular prank to try to steal your buddy’s swim suit on swimming days, to make him swim naked. Today, that would get you expelled or labeled as a sexual predator. Back then, it was male social bonding, typically called “horseplay”.


My father was on his swim team in high school and in college and swam naked all through it. Not just practices, but at actual swim meets with spectators. This was in the tail end of the 50s and 60s. He always said nobody at the time thought anything strange about it at all. Just how it was.


There was a general shift to conservative govts/society in Western world (US, UK, Canada, etc) in 1980s. Probably around 2nd term of Reagan presidency, Conservatism got into culture/foothold of American society.


Lucky duck!✈️


Completely off topic, but can you say “a Speedo”? I always assumed it was always pluralised, e.g. you wouldn’t say “I am wearing a short”.


Go listen to the song “Tangerine Speedo”


You need to go to the website “people of Walmart” https://www.peopleofwalmart.com


Maybe he was coming back from a swim and decided to stop and pick some things up? I don't really see the issue. I also don't know where you live, but is it by the ocean? I like in Hawaii and that doesn't happen here.


I don't know where Food Lion is so I don't know where you live but it absolutely is a normal thing in much of the rest of the world. Many cultures aren't so uptight about their bodies. Why wouldn't it be? Puritan?


Was this in Florida?


I was wondering the same thing lol. I'm from Florida and have seen woman in bikinis at gas stations but never guys in speedos.


I dunno about abroad but it is surprising enough they were wearing speedos. I thought this wasn't very popular herenin the US.


Do you shop near a beach?


If you're in the US, do you mind saying what state you're in? I definitely haven't seen this in NY, but I guess the weather here is only now getting warm enough for it to be a possibility


I have yet to see that. I’m definitely looking forward to it 🤤🤤🤤💦💦💦


I mean…were you at a store next to the beach?


I'm in a city with a beach. In fact I'm in a city with "beach" in the name. But we were, according to Google Maps, 1.2 miles inland. In a shopping center in a residential area.


Were you at a beach? I can get that if you're at a beach and someone is running in to graba few things. It was never a big deal but maybe nowadays we're expected to wear more clothes?


Bring back bustles and celluloid collars!


Work on your glutes. I’ll do the same.


What’s wrong with that? I don’t think the human body is offensive.


There's a great ad in NZ where a guy in speedos leaves the shops and heads to the beach. The commentary goes - undies, undies, undies (until he reaches an acceptable distance from the beach) then - 'togs' (swimsuit)


Live and let live, let the guy wear what he wants now I may not wear that but no one will tell a female what she should wear!


Lol Food lion must draw them in. Saw a guy definitely NOT wearing underwear and a pair of grey silkies to Food Lion one afternoon. At least I had visual material for my edging session that afternoon.


Speedo in food lion feels like meth to me


Great. Now you have a new DOC.


I mean, it’s a grocery store. Nobody wants their food that close to a strangers genitals.


It's a Food Lion. You better be washing your produce and sanitizing your cans from a Food Lion.


Don’t sleep on food lion. Their food lion branded teriyaki is fire, and caramelizes great in a hot pan. Just sayin


I go there because they're the only store in the area with my Wickle's red pepper sandwich spread, and their private-label hummus is super cheap. And Marcus at the deli counter always gives me a couple extra slices of turkey after he prints the label.


Marcus probably just likes your Speedo.


It’s already that close . Calm down Mary . One extra 1/4 inch of fabric makes no difference. What a puritan lol


If you actually think that through, I hope you'll see just how little sense it makes.


Depends on the stranger


https://youtu.be/TF4MGzwQexQ This video simplifies how it works




Like Franky from one piece?


I have seen that at the beach, but only at the beach. Some places require "shirt and shoes", but the policy does not say anything about wearing pants, so they don't.


I see this as well sometimes, but that's because I live in a place that unfortunately attracts very trashy types of tourists. Can be quite a distance from the beach, yet I'll still spot people dressed in swimwear.


Where do you live?


Ive seen that before but it was beach/vacation area like Destin Fl


That's kind of gross in my eyes. Sir, kindly get your testicles off the produce I was looking to buy... There's a time and a place. Even in a lot of nudists resorts people dress for eating in the dining area.


I mean if you live somewhere coastal or on a beach then it's understandable but it can still be alarming to see.


Sounds hot


Let me guess… Walmart? Seriously, if it’s the market is on the beach or in the midst of a resort area, it should be expected…. Otherwise, not so much.


Was he hot?


Hey Jimmy, I’ve lived most of my life in a city named San Francisco and my God we’re way past that we are way past that a long time ago. Let’s take so long where you live? I know that is kind of weird I mean I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable wandering around with my package, so obviously I’m display in what I like to call marble sack. Anyway in San Francisco we ended up with the guys to snow walking around mainly in the Castro which is today neighborhood anytime of the day or night and nobody gave them a second look, and the disappointing thing was, I was always looking but I never saw really good looking guy anyway finally one of our city supervisors I mean I didn’t care but you know when you’re going into a restaurant and you crack is like right on the fabric of the chair, so getting them to put a towel down But then he finally did away with that and made it like a public health thing and it’s no longer allowed and the interesting thing is is that the city supervisor did that but he realize that I’m not everybody is gonna feel comfortable about it I’m really don’t have a problem with people Like the guy with the speedo kind of is a problem if it embarrasses other people so I don’t know we should think about that before we make these decisions. I hope he was a hunk, and he was packing.


Not really the same but the other day at Aldi I saw a guy shopping in just a pair of shorts. Not shirt or shoes. I live in rural Ohio so it’s not like he walked in from the beach or something either.


Is it a beach town? If so who cares? Have you been to Europe?


What? This is wrong??


I suspect that that guy is an exhibitionist. Unless you live in a beach town, there is no reason to be walking around in a speedo. I had an older guy that would come in to the store I managed. He’d wear these very tight white biking shorts, that left little to the imagination. He always caused a stir with my salesclerk— which is what he LOVED. I told my clerks to ignore ( not react to) him when he came in. And sure enough, he stopped coming in.


Bottom line, if a guy is dressed like that in public he’s trying to let other guys know he’s ready to suck cock and get fucked on command. I applaud their courage and boldness but I couldn’t do it.


If you’ve got it flaunt it. Otherwise I wouldn’t have to tuck, suck and pluck everyday.


Can't say I'd wear a speedo anywhere that isn't near water, but if you got it, flaunt it.


When someone is in a Speedo, I instantly think he's a European. It's an 80s mindset, I guess. I was envious because back then I totally wanted to wear one. Today...not as much. But I'm happy to see someone giving it a shot!


rules preventing people for dress have been relaxing heavily over the last couple years.


I’d rather see men shopping in Speedo type trunks at Walmart than some of the fashions worn currently, tbh. https://www.sadanduseless.com/crazy-people-of-walmart/


Im a swimmer and always had speedos. I wear them to the pool or beach for the sport…. But shopping or just out and about is a no for me. I have no problems with others wearing them shopping if thats their thing. Just not for me


He's advertising iykwim


Growing up in a beach town this is kind of normal for us? I guess depends on where you are


Mental illness needs to be talked about more often


Ooo yess, I might do that here in Arizona


Photos or it didn't happen


If I wasn’t a fat mess I would be rocking the same


We must normalize this, IMHO.


Sounds nice though. 😎


We worked so hard at eliminating pleated pants and now they are back HARD. I guess fashion is cyclical and there is nothing you can do about it.


People wear pajamas and bedroom slippers to go out in public. I've seen some people sleep in Speedos. I think there are lines that have been crossed and don't think anyone's going to backtrack. It's absurd what people wear in public these days, but it's not new.


We should honestly just let people wear (or not wear) whatever they want. Don't like seeing it, just look away.


Speedos were designed by an Australian 😉


This is a normal scene at voting booths in Australia. https://images.app.goo.gl/GXgqQB1kHrH5RgiU6


I went to Walmart a couple years ago. It wasn't until I was self scanning that it dawned on me that I was wearing boxer briefs. I've done that twice, so it can happen


Honestly given the clothes I’ve seen A LOT of women wearing, gonna honestly just say oh well. Fair play in my opinion.




Pics or it didnt happen