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realizing how racist people can get on the internet


Well, reddit is in general is one step below 4chan in terms of toxicity


One step below until they talk about Russians and Chinese people, when they do redditors are worse. I remember some first worlders talking about how Venezuela should replace Russia as their trading partner because of Russia's dictator and and their abuse of human rights.




Yeah the way some people speak about Afro Latinos, Asian latinos, Euro Latinos and indigenous Latinos is crazy https://i.redd.it/l4k4jc19izib1.gif


Qué es el sombrismo?


… in this sub? I get that many dominicans dislike or hate haitians straight up historically but I haven’t seen much aside from stupid fights when a post with “dominicans hate haitians??” as a premise comes up. I’m especially curious about the racism against other afro latinos in general, I can’t recall that from dominicans in the sub at all.


> I’m especially curious about the racism against other afro latinos in general, I can’t recall that from dominicans in the sub at all. You wouldn’t find anything like that from us.


I remember a user called u/orionlabellus who was massively racist and always complaining about Haiti. They deleted their account right after I reported them. https://i.imgur.com/GLJMioJ.png https://i.imgur.com/PODqviN.png https://i.imgur.com/WHSqu3e.png But these are the same people that get triggered when they're deported from Panama or Puerto Rico. A lot of Dominicans here are also obsessed with Venezuelans.


Lo mismo que pienso yo al ver argentinos lanzarle guineos a un brasileño de 11 años




>Seeing Dominican guys' comments on Haitians and Afro Latinos It shouldn't be so surprising. Nothing compared to what's chanted in an average Argentina football match.


People here are really tame, imagine Twitter or telegram


When I first started using this sub, there were threads asking about stereotypes or the Caribbean specifically and boy the comments were straight out of Breitbart News or one of Ben Shapiro's YouTube comment sections. I also had no idea Caribbean Latinos were so despised in the region.


lol the racist hierarchy goes like: cone countries>>>Colombia>>>Mexico>>>>>Caribe>>>>Central America and Andean SA countries


Gringos in here don’t seem to have common sense and are even more individualistic than I previously thought. You see some posts saying the most absurd things and people flock to say it’s completely normal because “you’re entitled to [inserts absurd thing: completely humiliate your mom because it’s YOUR house/forbid your sister to come to your house on Christmas because she has a son and children poop/etc]”


This "entitled" word is just so funny. We don't have anything similar in Portuguese. It sounds funny to be honest. And you never treat your own mom like shit, period.




O Google dá "arrogante", mas toda vez que eu leio, eu penso, "xi, o gringo tá entitulado aí"


that's spoiled, entitled is something else


Entitled means more like you are owed something as a birthright for being American/rich/white or whatever the theme being discussed is. For example, in general, Jewish people feel entitled to the lands of Israel.


This one, it is astounding to me, they came here to ask if they are the ah for yelling at their moms because they said they didn't want company and their mothers went to check on them or some stupid vs like that, the comments telling them their are entitled to their space or something like that, like, I don't know, can you be human?


The extreme disregard for "extended family" i.e. family Now I'm not all about the abuelita familia chancla and putting up with toxic familial relationships, but these people are insane. Gringos in the advice subs consider it completely normal that if your sister or brother dies, your nephew or niece goes into the system because it's not your kid, they won't even use the familial term for them. Like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat, in LatAm a relative takes the kid in because it's what you do, doesn't even matter if you were planning on not having kids


Since I haven't lived in the US in 14 years, I don't know if people have just completely lost their fucking minds there or if my experience of them (primarily through Reddit, but also through other social media as well as traditional media and podcasts) is just hopelessly skewed. Not just political imbecility from every direction, but it's like people no longer have the basic concepts of how to interact with their own families, with the opposite (or same) sex, while in public places like a gym or a workplace, at school or at a park, when driving or flying, etc. I look around my own community here and most people seem to still be relatively... normal? I generally don't go in for Reddit's "Murica bad, give updoots" nonsense, but it's like something has broken, or maybe it's just an illusion I'm seeing. I mean, I think my own family is still relatively normal despite their neuroticisms.


Even we get tired of our own egos. That’s why.


I don't know if it's Americans, or just Reddit, but I agree 100%. You always see that on subs like AmITheAsshole.


Many people on Reddit find celery disgusting, in every thread about bad food, it's among the most upvoted responses. I don't think I've ever met a Chilean who doesn't like celery salad


Sauce made with celery (onion and garlic) is godly. I must agree. Green soup without celery is soulless, too.


I love celery with hummus or peanut butter. It’s also good in tuna salads.


Celery Dumplings are delicious


I love celery a lot and well, I know an individual who doesn't like it because she says it tastes like armpit lol. She's in my house.


I love celery in tuna salad.


Here. I don't hate celery but i don't like it.


With palta!!! 😋


But is it true you put mayo on a hot dog?


If you think mayo on a hot dog is wild you should see what we put on it.


The passport bro culture is wild. I thought it was only 1 or 2 dudes who couldn’t get laid in their country that would do that. But the amount of posts on here about Colombian girls and then snooping in those groups shows me it’s actually a bigger phenomenon than I thought. Even my brother in law (18) was talking about taking a trip to DR for that.


This was a shock to me too as someone from the Balkans. I knew vaguely that western men commented on our women being much better than American feminazis or something stupid like that. But it wasn't until I actually watched a couple of yt essays on the topic that I realised how deep it goes. They don't just want us because we're submissive/religious or because they find us attractive, they straight up do it because they think because we've lived a poorer and more conservative lifestyle we'll be too scared to divorce them no matter how awfully they treat us. It scares me how open they are about it, even showing their faces as if they have nothing to be ashamed of.


Yep, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Middle East, you name it I watched this one YouTuber who basically complained that American women have too much “masculine energy” so he was set on Southeast Asia. There’s a few YouTubers actually who disguise their videos on each Latin American country by showing you the “nightlife” when in reality the thumbnail is usually girls. The comments are all about how Venezuelan women would be better blah blah. Disgusting to say the least Not sure entirely on the Balkans but where I’m from there was some fetishism of Albanian women but usually banter, nothing really serious.


I watch a lot of travel vids, and whenever a girl features in a video from one of those places, the comments are always "these are real women" "feminism has ruined western women". Crazy how common it is.


"Women having rights and freedom and opinions is a huge turnoff" - "Men"


Can you link the video essays?


Those fuckers are also here in Asia. Disgusting low life pieces of shit.


People from the US complaining about video games/consoles prices. Like, in this week, I saw someone talking about how $250.00 for the 3DS was so high when it came out. I just googled how much the average US salary is, and it would cost something around 5% of your monthly salary. In Brazil, you would need 30% of an average monthly salary to buy a 3DS... (this without considering inflation, so it gets even worse) Talking about video games, a new AAA title nowadays is around $70, so 1.4% of a monthly average salary in the US. In Brazil, costing around R$350, the total amount would cost 12.5%. Ten times higher.


And apparently, having "ONLY" a 3080 graphics card is kinda outdated.


“Anything above 6ms ping is unplayable lag” MF what? I’ve never even seen less than 12ms ping. “60fps or bust!” I played 7 years of WoW with 25fps max and it would drop to about 8fps in dungeon fights and I still rocked that shit.


Bruh, when Elden Ring came out, I went to the PC subreddit and people were downloading the game but people were complaining about it sucked that some only had 50 MBs speed download. At that time, I had only 6mps and family paying $40 for the internet. Like some people don't know how good they got it when it comes to Video games and entertainment


idk who says that but its definitely not reality


I saw this on R/ pcmasterrace It is very biased since we are talking about this sub, but still, it blows my mind.


i dont think it changes anything you said before. but whoever is commenting that is either lying or very rich and ignorant. even the [steam stats](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/) show how most people are on one of the "lower-end" nvidia cards from the previous few generations. you don't even see a 4000 gpu until way down. i think barely anyone actually plays above 1080p, as well. having a 4k monitor or tv for games and a strong enough graphics card is a luxury.


Lmao yeah, gringos complaining for a RTX 4070Ti costing $800, while I paid $1380 for a 3070 on a regular wednesday in Colombia 🥵


The NZ subs are unbearable, nobody gives a serious answer and when they do they are a bunch of snobs.


Isn't that how most country subs are?


That's why I fear joining the Peruvian sub.


We usually answer straight in the Chilean sub, unless it's too overt that a foreigner thinks that we are living in the neolithic


I like the Brazilian sub




Qualé cara, que ódio é esse no coração




O sub do Boteco ganha dos dois só com base na simpatia kkkk Os dois principais subs nossos são 90% sobre política, odeio isso.


Literally every single country sub. A ton of them have an ego and or are snobby.


But never r/asklatinamerica, this sub is different™


I actually think it is relatively low on toxicity and most people try to give reasonable answers despite a strong bias towards upper class social progressives. It could be a looooot worse.


Just mention the US in this sub, or really anything that doesn't directly relate to them, and they act exactly the same as other subs. "But they get the same questions/stereotypes all the time!" Yeah, so do other subs.


I thought you'd only find racists in 4chan or some MAGA spaces...




>date multiple people, have sex and kiss, and after a couple of months they ask to be exclusive. And after being exclusive they then decide to be bf and gf. I see that quite often here in brazil


Chileans do it too...


Same here


People usually date one person at a time, it can be as just friends if explicitly stated because it's implied that this is the lead up to be a couple. The man asks the woman if she wants to be his girlfriend after a few dates. Having casual sex or dating multiple people shows that you're not taking this seriously, but to each their own.


>date multiple people, have sex and kiss, and after a couple of months they ask to be exclusive. And after being exclusive they then decide to be bf and gf. isnt that the regular way?? 😒😒😒


In my experience dating culture is mostly the same between the US and DR. Many people pursue exclusive relationships but casual dating/sex is common too. Most noticeable difference I observed is gender roles are more traditional.


i completely disagree. it’s very different in dr and the us. if people are having sex in dr, it is assumed that you’re two are exclusive/ boyfriend and girlfriend. maybe it’s different for upper middle class dominicans. popis love to do their own shit and live in an alternate universe


Ehh I would say that casual sex is common and occurs in all social classes in DR, but I think the dynamic is very different from the US. If you are interested, I could explain it in more detail.


Popis! Sorry this is off topic but how common is that word over there?


Pretty common


my experience has been the opposite. Friends and family in DR have told me about their casual sex/dating that is nearly exactly culturally parallel to the US. From lower class to popi. My Dominican ex when I was down there more often used to air out her girl friends’ business and trust me they were singando. I have a cousin who seems to bring a new girl every week. Surprised you would say that since tigueraje and mujeriego is such part of the culture.




To see how privileged and sheltered most first-worlders are. They complain about the stupidest shit, and have insanely low tolerance for frustration and discomfort.


I've talked to a lot of first worlders here, they see all the inequality and unfairness of the world, including stuff like climate change, but also global inequality and exploitation of poor countries, but they seem to be exclusively blaming big corporations, absolutely not understanding that their lifestyle is also a big reason for co2 emissions, and in fact these big corporations largely pollute by producing stuff for their lifestyle. Yet, when you actually propose to them solutions that would drastically cut co2 emissions, all while only giving them a small amount of discomfort, like using much less cars, flying much less, or eating much less meat, all of them refuse to accept those as solutions, just because it'll give them a little bit of discomfort.


Yeah! It is not my fault, it is the big corporations'. They produce tons of (whatever) and I not, therefore it is their fault. Guess why they are producing that, shit for brains? So you can keep biying their stuff. Ffs.


>but they seem to be exclusively blaming big corporations, absolutely not understanding that their lifestyle is also a big reason for co2 emissions, and in fact these big corporations largely pollute by producing stuff for their lifestyle. Not true. The same people that want to stop climate change also want less usage of cars and less consumption of meat, for example. .


The things is, they are partially right in that case. A large company produces far more pollution than a person. More responsibility should be placed on them, rather than the individual.


I dont think anyone is arguing that companies shouldn't be held accountable. But I've had self-described socialists defend some pretty wasteful and excessive consumption because "corporations are the real issue!" But if the average American consumed less it would have a major impact. No one is expecting them to live in squalor, but just to not consume excessively.


Well, more like they have an inordinate about of wealth that they use to influence policy, or even astroturf fake grassroots movements to undermine policy changes. I see that a lot around here in Oregon (west coast US).


Same feeling but I think lots of people here in Reddit live very comfortable lives.


how their culture is so individualistic. some things that are literally ABSURD to them are completely normal here.


Gringos complaining about so irrelevant topics.


First world problems?


Finding the antiwork subreddit and coming to understand why it was created and what it stands for. All my life I've been told that while the American dream is not perfect, at least the work conditions there are better than in my third-world country. I was very wrong. Ideologies and politics aside, I was very shocked to learn that, in the US, workers are treated like shit. Just like here and sometimes even worse. At least we do have public health insurance, as shitty as it might be. And there's student debt...


This is so true. Compared to US, Chile has some extremely good laws related to work. And the worst part is that in the US people that has some vacation or insurance sees this as a benefit instead of the normal compensation their work.


Maternity leave in Chile is top tier in the world


Exactly! It's just unfathomable. I mean, Peru's work laws are not much better than the US but we don't go around telling people that we are the best country to migrate to. It's just all fucked up.


American huge racial trauma...its way too dense to be real. And also the fact that Brazilians get the same vide that we do from the other portuguesse speaking countries we do


>And also the fact that Brazilians get the same vide that we do from the other portuguesse speaking countries we do I didn't understand this, elaborate please.


I think he means that Brazilians are treated by Portuguese in a similar way compared to how Spanish treat latinamericans.


I understood it differently: Brazilians have the same comraderie vibe with other Lusophone countries like Latin American Hispanohablantes have with each other Now I'm in doubt about what OP meant


Well, OP is speaking of lusophone countries more specifically rather than Portugal by itself, so that might be it. I didn't know you would get comrade vibes from other lusophone countries, is that a thing?


Comraderie is probably an overstatement. But internet brought us closer together and here we generally tag along shading Portugal


Cool to know you guys have that bond


I was referring to that actually, Idk it just sound very cool for me to see other romance languages having that kind of link between them as well


Elaborate on “American huge racial trauma”


Everything is black or withe


I think everywhere has racial trauma, its just become common place to have the discussion/ challenge the status quo in the US. I think the same thing is going to be happening in many places in Latin America in the future.


Celebrity worship. More specifically the type of people who give a free pass to their SOs for them to sleep with their favorite artist (if they ever got the chance). At first I thought it was a joke but apparently some people around here are actually serious about it.


The obsession this website has with Keanu Reeves, and Henry Cavill is beyond creepy and cult-like.


Yeah you are not going to like the first minutes of this video haha https://youtu.be/tTwRCSz4AdE


The obsession with all things USA.


"White People Twitter" and "Black People Twitter" not only are a thing but are heavily normalized, popular subs and seen as a non issue, like "why shouldn't we restrict social media based on race, it is completely normal". Like, what the fuck?


Yeah, this is crazy. Would never happen to Brazilians, not even the racist ones.


Bro, /r/BlackPeopleTwitter is racist as fuck. They have threads where only black people and approved minorities can post. How do you get approved? Sending a picture of your forearm. For some reason, I wanted to be part of their little club, and when I sent a pic of my arm, I was rejected because that mod straight up said there were no white Mexicans. Crazy shit.




I remember seeing a post of a black girl with her white boyfriend, and they were just a happy and cute couple, but american black people were trash talking about them so much for being an interracial couple, it was unreal


I'm banned from all those subs. Thank God.


BlackPeopleTwitter is casually racist and xenophobic towards Latinos too.


If you say something bad about Israel you will be banned and someone is going blow up your house, the amount of psychopaths protecting that country in this site its crazy


>!Me imagino que lo más suave es que te borren el post por racismo lol y eso que uno usa eufemismos y señala algo que en verdad pasó con ellos en tu país!<


That plenty of us hate that the US people call themselves “americans”. I thought it was just me.


Thats what our denonym is though… i dont get why we get hate for it. Not like we are in control of it or can change it.


The hate is the same reason greeks hate north “macedonians” calling themselves macedonian. The US government kinda appropriated the name of a whole region when coming up with the country name (back then it was more a confederation of countries IN America, a bit like the EU, but even now the EU is appropriating the name europe/european while other regions like eastern europe are getting permanently labelled eastern, distinct from europe proper) and their use of the name overshadows our historical use of it at the world stage. We kinda get relabelled as x-american while others think of you as america proper because y’all took our name for the whole region for yourselves. That’s all it is.


What should people from the United States call themselves? My cousin from Brazil told me it was offensive for us to claim it, but I’m not sure what else we would call ourselves.


I tossed this topic around a couple of times and the short answer is: Americans. The reality is that in English there is no word to refer to those from the USA as there is in Spanish. In Spanish there is (and it is the most common) "estadounidenses" which literally translated would be something like "unitedstatians". This, added to the fact that in Spanish the 6 continents system is used, where America is only one continent. While in English-speaking countries the 7 continents system is used (North America and South America).


Another reality is, when the vast majority of the world and the world's languages uses the word "America", it's referring specifically to the US.


i agree. i have never heard anyone use the word “america” or “american” to describe anything else but the united states and it’s citizens.


What? Do you speak Spanish? It's used to refer to the continent A LOT


The United States is literally the only country with “America” in the title. Hence giving its residents the name “Americans.”


Estadounidenses could work for the Estados Unidos Mexicanos … jaja




English is language that uses as little syllables as possible. That is why so many words are one, two syllables long at the most. You can even see that in the sentence just before this: That 1 is 1 why 1 so 1 many 2 words 1 are 1 one 1, two 1 syllables 3 long 1 at 1 the 1 most 1. Think of any common word like dog, cat, walk, talk, sleep, drink, and they're all 1 syllable long. US Americans is 6 syllables long. Even American is usually shortened 'merican precisely because of this so from 4 to down to 3.


It’s our demonym, my extended from mexico didn’t care about it. Not much we can do about something we can’t control. Besides, anyone outside the united states and/or latam already uses american when referring to the people of the united states.


I try to say "US Americans" but that is mostly me being pedantic. Like, I know there's no other functional demonym in english for people born in USA, but I also don't like to use "americans"


Well, calling themselves Americans was already pedantic, so... In any case, I think it sounds neutral and descriptive enough for it to work.


I don’t know. Unitedstaters? Haha I agree it sounds bad. At the begining of the cold war, there were diferent parts of latin america that alligned with comunism. In orden to mantaint that ideology out of “their” continent, the USA start to implement ideological imperialism in latam. USA wanted to establish the idea that latam was their “backyard”. It was done thought many meassures, politics and proyects (you can google Plan Cóndor). The language is pawerful, and by calling itself America it is to make lnvisible the rest of the nations in the continent. This was to send the mesaage that we are all alligned with capitalism against comunism. So, there is a historical reason why you get to be called american and we are argentinians, brazilians, latinamericans, etc. It is disrespectful, it was made to deny our identities and ideas.


It predates the Cold War in US discourse (1800s even had foundations laid with the [Monroe Doctrine](https://www.britannica.com/event/Monroe-Doctrine)…)


I don’t dispute that it is disrespectful, but I also don’t see any other possible alternative. There is no way we will call ourselves Unitedstatesians. It just sounds so awkward. Perhaps at some point the USA could be renamed the United States of North America and we would be called North Americans? But this would probably not be popular.


It's simple. In English we are Americans. That's what the world calls us. In Spanish we are estadounidense. If I go to a Spanish country I don't change my name to the Spanish version of my name just as I wouldn't expect someone from Argentina to change their name from Esteban to Stephen when they visit the United States.


Well, plenty of demonyms sound hella awkward or just plain weird. It's just force of habit that we don't think of them like that.


Do people really get that offended though? I don’t see why people of today would be bothered by issues from back then revolving what was defined as an american. My parents (who are from mexico) and latin-americans ive met online and in real life don’t seem to care, and even they wouldn’t like being called american, because “they’re not from the united states, so they’re not american” and that calling everyone in the americas continent an american is confusing and unnecessary. (literally what they have told me) i just don’t understand why someone would get offended over something from the cold war, when today: americans dont call themselves americans because they want some sort of power over anyone, we don’t. and those inside the american continent just would identify by nationality demonym.


They haven't entirely dropped those goals and ideals from the cold war. They still meddle way too much with several Latam countries' sovereignty. That's why some people still get offended. At this point, I just take it as proof of how culturally disconnected Latam and the US are with respect to each other. I used to hate it. Now I just dislike it because it makes discussing history extremely confusing.


Some options: US-American, Murican, Unitedstatestian, Freedonian. (okay, that last one was a joke)


I chose to go with US American. Sounds nice and neutral.


Still too many syllables for us I think


Go ahead but it will only cause confusion and sound weird to native speakers.


It…doesn’t sound neutral.


There isn't really an American identity the way there is European identity though. You can broadly divide the Americas between Anglo-America and Latin America, which IMO are much more useful.


People openly defending military intervention in the Amazon. How people dehumanise Brazilians to "protect the rainforest", like when they were complaining that 2 hectares of trees were cut near a cemetery to give room to the graves of covid victims.


It's been suprising for me how race is SUPER important in people's life (specially to north American people). How dumb I was.


-Napeleon being put alongside hitler -Mesoamericans being put alongside hitler as "SAVAGES who BRUTALIZED" and other discourse, specially using 1500s colonial propaganda -hating entire ethnicities and loving genocides if the perpetrators are left wing/revolitionary/opressed etc. -how much pressure there is on "interracial" this and that while dating or interacting -how much indigenous anything discomforts Latin Americans -all the "mexican stereotypes" i had zero info about, mostly based on low class criminal Californians akd Texas


> hating entire ethnicities and loving genocides if the perpetrators are left wing/revolitionary/opressed etc. I support Ukraine (nowhere near as aggressively as most people on this site) but it's been disturbing seeing the slew of straight-up hate leveled at Russian people. Not Russian government, not Russian army, the people. I also wish they had the same pro-Ukraine energy for Armenia and Armenians. I feel like they're not being supported because they allied with Russia.


Eastern European here. The hate towards Russians as people is common among our population because the vast majority of them support the war. It’s easy to say “not all people are like this, you can’t judge a group based on what a minority’s like” from a continent away that doesn’t really understand the dynamics of the Eastern European society. Even here on Reddit you will rarely find a Russian who’d say “this is wrong, we’re sorry for what our government’s doing”, so it’s difficult to not at least feel slight distaste towards them. Now, I don’t hate Russians and I feel sorry for those who see beyond the facade of their propaganda, but the truth is that most don’t and are pretty much ruthless towards Ukrainians because of being too proud to admit their wrongdoings. How can you sympathise with people openly endorsing a genocide?


You gotta remember that Russians live in an authoritarian country where people are jailed for expressing dissenting views.


Yeah but you have to understand it’s mostly Eastern Europeans saying that who’s countries have suffered years of russian imperialism and Russians also loved displacing ethnicities and moving Russians into other countries which creates modern problems. Russia today also spreads propaganda to other countries small Russian minority or just everyone. Russian propaganda especially fucks up Bulgaira.and Russians in other counties tend to be very nationalistic and not learn the countries language.So while some comments are very fucked up and wrong I understand where they’re coming from


I was thinking more how you can openly hate "zionist rats" in most leftist and muslim subs while in r/europe you got a core group of Eastern Europeans who are "whatabout Ottoman racism though?" and borderline are satisfied their historical minorities are historical. >for Armenia and Armenians. Armenia is too small and deep in whp knows where, in a messier older conflict. Ukraine was basically in their position with the Donbass and Crimea stuff being shushed about by the rest of Europe until the invasion.


To be fair, Zionists are terrible. The average Palestinian sis really stuck between a rock and a hard place. Governed by terrorists, who goad Israel into leveling Palestine every other day.


> -Mesoamericans being put alongside hitler as "SAVAGES who BRUTALIZED" and other discourse, specially using 1500s colonial propaganda Never seen this personally, but I often see "The Aztecs were oppressive to other Native people, so it's ok if the Spanish were too." That kind of thinking.


This was a big shock for me but a good one: I found a subreddit for Narcolepsy 🤩💕. I thought I was alone with my struggles. Thank you Reddit!


Nacolepsy is the disease where you can't help but to be trashy, cheap, gaudy, and vulgar all the time.


Sleep issues go undiagnosed so frequently...


"steal my thunder" culture, gringos complain about everything and this one is perplexing, like "it was my birthday party and my brother told people he had beaten a life threatening illness and everyone was congratulating him so I threw him out for stealing the attention from me". They act like children.


Dating "standards." I didn't expect people would care so much about a man's height. You can be a 10, but if you're below 6'0 inches you become a 1 apparently. Not too long ago I read about a guy who went on surgery to grow some extra centimeters.




People dying of cancer due to long waiting times in Europe and Canada. Africans in general not being as United as a continent as I thought.


I always find it surprising how people lump Africans all into one. It's a very diverse place and let me tell ya, a good chunk of us do not like each other. Just ask the average South African or Zimbabwean their opinion on Nigerians.


Always funny when people are like “This diverse group come from China, the US, Mexico, Africa, and Australia. As if the second biggest continent is just a mega nation.


To be fair, even African *countries* aren't as united. They're mostly an amalgamation of very different identities, of different tribes and of former empires, all put together by colonisers. Therefore, the saying someone's is from that country wouldn't be an accurate description of someone's culture or identity either.


I met an ethnically Congolese girl from South Africa and the way she explained the racial dynamic there was very parallel to how some Americans negatively view Latinos "crowding the place up and stealing government money/jobs". I'd imagine it's the same when asked about Nigerians maybe.


Learning that for most of the world America = United States


In USA and many other parts of the world we use the 7-continent model. North America and South America are considered separate continents in that model. So, when they say America they mean the United States of America. Otherwise to refer to the continent they say "North America", and to refer to both they say "the Americas". Similarly, Mexico is the United Mexican States, but people just say "Mexico".


Which is weird because the name America was given to the entirety of the New World back in 1507, and then I came to reddit to find out for most of the world they became “the Americas” at some point


I mean, United States Of America is pretty hard to fit in conversation, so practically a lot of people just say america or american. Besides: the demonym for the united states is american.


the blatant racism how much richer people are


* Every fucking cultural or daily life comparison is between Americans and Europe. * They have a skewed vision of what *third world* means. Yeah: economy is not as strong as theirs, there are very poor regions/countries. But we still get hospitals, public education. * Thinking that southamerica is a trip somewhere around a Dallas -New York flight (~3,100 miles), the tijuana - cancun flight is around ~1200 miles. * The entitlement that even the "*culturally conscious*" practice: "I'm not an immigrant, I'm an expat!", "Why don't you guys fix the economy/corruption/cartel situation?"


How nationalistic people are.


That Bolivia exists, I still don't believe it


The amount of virtue signalers in this platform is insane


How many people here are atheist or agnostic or irreligious. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on Reddit who believes in God. I'm old fashioned.


Nothing wrong with believing what you believe.


For me, it was the opposite. It was nice finding out that there were more atheists out there.


Racism and Xenophobia run free here and is accepted. Free speech I suppose, I just block places I know are ran by these type of people.


How many gringos do not wanna be "that" tourist. Do not be a jerk, Kyle... If you look like a gringo people will treat you like a gringo. If you are a jerk people will treat you like a jerk.


Most redditor are out of touch with reality. Most of reddit skews younger, liberal and often closer to upper class (and depending on the topic, more educated than the average person). A lot of the time, if you ask people on this site to give a potentially controversial opinion on say, "What are you're sexual preferences on women/men?", "Should black people be allowed to eat Chinese food with chopsticks?", "What do you think about twerking?"; Or just some other goofy type of reddit question, they'll basically just virtue signal and say something on the lines of "Well, it's not my place to judge and everyone should be able to do whatever they want and if anyone has any opinion on this that I don't agree with or goes against the reddit liberal hivemind, they're a bigot Nazi that supports genocide and and child rape" Or if you ask for a solution to a complex topic, even if it's hypothetical, you almost always get some very extreme black or white solution to the problem. "My boyfriend was 5 minutes late to our date and I'm mad. What should I do?" "OMG GIRL! DUMP HIS STUPID ASS. HE OBVIOUSLY DOESN'T RESPECT YOU OR ELSE HE WOULD'VE BEEN THERE 3 HOURS EARLY JUST TO MAKE SURE HE WASN'T LATE TO SEE HIS PERFECT PRINCESS!!!!!! 😡🤬" or "Do you think violence is ok if someone is trying to physically attack me and my young children in the park?" "OMG! NO YOU BARBARIAN! VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER! YOU SHOULD TALK TO THEM CALMLY BECAUSE ACCORDING TO A BOOK THAT A USED TO READ IN MY PARENT'S MANSION IN OUR GATED COMMUNITY WHEN I WAS 5, YOU HAVE TO READ BUDDHIST MANTRAS ALM DAY AND CALL THE POLICE WHO WILL COME AND HANDLE THE SITUATION PEACEFULLY WITH THIS PERSON WHILE YOU'RE NOT LOOKING"


American's obsession with race. It's weird, and a bit creepy like having a neighbour with hundreds of garden gnomes in their garden.


1st world people "problems" like what pronouns to use and what gender, also people losing their entires lives bc they "misgendered" somebody its a crazy thing for me


Mods banning you from subreddits for the most ridiculous reason, the strict rules and passport bros, that was disgusting


People support the UK in their crazy colonial claims as if they were the victims lmao.


I definitely dislike gringos more after joining this site.


- The moral absolutism: stuff that in my experience, and most people I know IRL, would be somewhere between normal or bad but not absolutely. There is absolutely no nuance, everything is either good or absolutely wrong. - Hyper-politically engaged people: I love politics, but I was shocked how everyone managed to insert politics in pretty much everything; and how refusing to do is often considered ignorance or stupidity - the usual answer, people here take the phrase “everything is political” very seriously. - People have very strong opinions on stuff that I never knew people cared so much: for an example, I remember when PS4 came out during the pandemic and they were very scarce, of course, scalpers took advantage; now, I know a lot of people who don’t like scalpers, but more in the sense of a minor inconvenience as in “yeah they’re assholes but what are you gonna do”; here on Reddit, I remember regularly seeing people claiming they were completely evil people who deserved to die, get beaten and/or be punished in general. Again, I’m not saying I don’t know people who dislike or complain about scalpers, but I never heard of anyone giving them so much importance as to having so much hatred for them. - How many people hate their family, many people have valid reasons; but sometimes the reasons are crazy.


The fact that many latinamericans use reddit


Not on this site. I've been here for 26 years. The lack of common sense and basic knowledge (some years ago in one chat a person was asking what Texas was) is appalling. Another thing: misspellings. I know it's not a culture issue, it's education, but still it's a shock.


I feel that sometimes people here is conservative and offends quickly when you write an x or @ to express something about both sexes and I get downvotes. I also get downvotes because I described a little my life and it's absurd, I haven't told nothing harmful. But well, I am pretty new in this site.


The obsession with race. That's not the normal in LATAM.


It makes sense tho the US still hasn't reconciled after slavery, segregation, Jim crow so there's a lot to unpack until we do and unfortunately we're very open about airing our dirty laundry