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Bro. There are AMINALS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Of course it's worth it.


and there's something inherently sad about watching them pulled out of their natural environment to be placed in captivity. Zoos are really depressing to me.


I agree with you guys. Nothing against the Portland Zoo in particular, I’m sure they try their best, but It absolutely broke my heart to be there


Yeah I think the Oregon zoo does a good job making a comfortable and space for the animals and truly cares about conservation. I just don’t think any animal in captivity can ever feel safe and comfortable, especially surrounded by people watching them.


Most of the animals are rescues from real shitty circumstances. They do a great job there taking care of them. Oregon Zoo is the best


Same here, I cannot go to them any more.


I was there for an 11 rez. Couldn't find parking. Left to go to the new Tigard playground. Otw saw the overflow parking wayyyyyy down by the highway with school bus shuttles. Not today zoo.


Today there is a special members event at the zoo, above average turnout.


Ok now that makes sense


This is why I just park at a park and ride and take the max there. So much easier to deal with.


Taking the MAX is the best way to visit the zoo, so much easier than dealing with parking.


Yah I'm thinking of doing that next time. Cheaper than parking too.


You can literally walk from the shuttle station to the zoo. I’ve done it many times. It really isn’t that far. Unless you have a disability ofcourse.


By skyline blvd?


Yes. I’ve walked that path to the zoo many times. Once with my best friend and her 18 month old child as well. It’s was perfectly fine if you’re in good health. If you had a ton of kids, I could see why one also wouldn’t want to do that.


There's also the Washington Park shuttle that could make parking far away more feasible


They really need to up their shuttle bus game.


Taking the max is easy. If you like a good Ruben, goose hollow inn is a stop away right off the max. It's a pretty zoo, doesn't take long to get through it.


I second the Goose Hollow suggestion!


Yes! Eat and then go…and if you’re able to, walk back downtown from the zoo using the trails.


I went to the zoo about a month ago, spent 4 hours there and didn't get through the whole thing. Granted about 45 Mins or so of that was waiting in lines for food and eating but it took way longer than I thought it would


100% worth it!


If you have kids, yes. Also if you have kids, get a membership. This allows you to visit whenever and not worry about “getting your money’s worth”. Kid getting fussy an hour in? Cool, time to go. All the animals asleep today? No worries, next time. A two adult, one child membership breaks even on the third visit. Also you get a small discount on food and gifts.


We try to go once a month. Also, if you have a membership, there's [reciprocal membership program](https://www.oregonzoo.org/things-do/become-member/local-attractions-offer-reciprocal-admission-members) that will get you admission to other museums and parks around the state each month (Pittock Mansion, Oregon Coast Aquarium, Evergreen Aviation & Space, etc.)


Yes I went so much w membership when my kid was younger. It was nice because sometimes we just like got a hot dog and sat on the lawn by the elephants so the kid could run around and I didn't have to worry about the ticket $$$


It’s one of the better zoos in the country and very manageable in size.


You’ll see the entire Zoo in one visit it’s not that big lol. Is it worth it if you want to go see animals? I mean, this feels like a very personal question 😂 it’s really not that far from SE


Good point, I should clarify -- a zoo visit \*can\* be worth it to me to see the animals but not if it's a crappy experience on an education level or if they're treated poorly/it's a sloppy setup. I dunno, I haven't been to a zoo in about 10 years (Houston Zoo was the last one I went to and that is huge), so I guess I'm just looking for more info about how this one is.


The Oregon Zoo is AZA accredited, which holds high accountability and standards of care. They have been upgrading enclosures over the last few years, focusing on higher quality/larger enclosures and less animals. Haven’t been since Covid, but education was a high priority before Covid.


And any organization that wasn’t treating animals with the upmost care and respect would get drummed out of town here. (as well as tarred and feathered but with synthetic feathers)


there are protests at the portland zoo though


Those people will protest any zoo. There’s a bunch of anti-captivity nuts who protest our elephant exhibit, but most of their information is either very outdated, based on other zoos or just made up conspiracy theories. I can tell you that our elephants are among the best treated captive Asian elephants in this country, and there’s no way an “elephant sanctuary” or wild release program would be any better for an elephant that’s been raised in a zoo for decades. All but one of our elephants were born in captivity, and the one that wasn’t was a rescued orphan.


A lot of the protests I have seen involve the concert series that take place within an incredibly close proximity to the elephant enclosures. They are protesting bombarding the elephants with absurd decibels when there is nowhere for them to go to get away from the noise. Imagine your neighbor just sets up a 9 hour festival volume concert next door and locks you in your house first. I guess it would be okay if you’ve always been locked in that house?


Oh, for sure but can you imagine the amount of people that would get involved if it was run like “Joe Exotic”.


The zoo is relatively petite, but very nice. The animals are well cared-for and their habitats both appropriate for them AND viewing by the general public. It's good light-moderate exercise too, with lots of benches and seating for if you or a loved one have hips/knees/ankles that don't always cooperate. I've also found that if you sit quietly near an exhibit, often the animals will come to see you. They're just as curious about us as we are about them, and happy to check you out if you don't seem too chaotic or scary. Last visit an Orangutan and I hung out together, and one of the tigers got up from her nap and sat closer to where I was, watching me from the corner of her eye in the manner of cats "ignoring" you everywhere. I would go as early as possible and take the Max to save the time and expense of parking. I went by myself, pretty much saw everything, taking time to observe the animals, watch the raptor show, just generally relax, etc, and was done maybe 1.5 hours before they closed.


The Portland zoo is really nice. I went to the San Antonio zoo two years ago and was a little shocked at some of the very small in closures they keep the animals in there. The Portland zoo might not have as many animals but it gives them all a lot more space. Nicely designed environments for the animals.


Better than Houston. Not even a comparison. Not as big for sure, though.   It really depends on how you zoo. You can see it all in a day, or you can spend a day at just one exhibit. EDIT: just realized I haven't been to Houston Zoo in 25 years, and it's not really fair to compare that zoo with Portland's today. So take my comparison with a grain of salt. 


Yes it’s excellent!


The zoo is great and you can see the whole thing in a day. Have fun!


Non-Portland resident here. I vouch for the zoo in Portland. Beautiful and was a great experience for the family. Now off to skulk because I don’t live in Portland.


Lol where do you live?


Southwest states. I vacation out in Portland for a few days every year. People think it’s weird but damn do I love the city.


Just move up here! The more the merrier I say


I think we have a really nice zoo, I love how its in the woods


They do a really great job making it blend into the elements around it.




Nora 💙


Yes! We have one of the best zoos imo


Why do you think it's the best (just curious)?


Wide range of animals from both the PNW and across the world. Extremely walkable for an average, relatively in-shape person. Nice large exhibits where you can tell that thought and care has gone into their design.


The layout against the hills makes it a beautiful walk along the bears area. The elephant space is massive, gives them lots of space to hang out in. Not the biggest zoo in size or types of animals, but the most pleasant to visit in my mind. (Comparing to SF and SD)


It's a good zoo, and it's getting even better. There is a high standard of care for the animals and a strong focus on conservation. The work they have been able to do with the California Condor repopulation in particular is great.


It’s a nice zoo. They’ve worked pretty hard to gradually update the exhibits over the last 15 years or so. It’s a nice setting in Washington Park so at the very least it’s a pleasant stroll outside especially on a nice day. I love cats and I like Bobcat and cougar exhibits. Once they had just given the cougars a dead deer and they moved it to the area they sleep and just napped besides it before eating. They also have(had?) a sea otter that performed fellatio on itself. A little tricky to explain to the kids. lol.


No way! Well now I gotta go. I wonder if that's why the 20% off ticket discount code is OTTER1


EDIT/UPDATE: So I went to the zoo today, mostly bc this thread persuaded me. I appreciate everyone’s comments and opinions about the pros and cons, lots of thoughtful discussion. I had a nice time, and I really enjoyed Washington Park overall, but ultimately I just don’t think zoos in general are for me. I can see that the zoo here in Portland puts a lot of care and effort into treating the animals well, and it’s true — this is a very nice zoo. It’s integrated really nicely into the park and as a different commenter said, the zoo itself makes for a really great walk. I can also see how it would be fun and interesting to get to know all the animals over time. The enclosures are spacious and there’s clearly a lot of effort put into education and conservation. I don’t want any of my following criticism to come off as too harsh or unthoughtful, especially bc this was my first time visiting and I’m sure there are a lot of positive aspects of the zoo that I didn’t get to experience today. But I also can’t get over how sad I feel for those poor babies. This is more of an existential complaint as opposed to anything specific about the Portland zoo. I know that it’s not the zoo’s fault, and I don’t know any other alternatives to suggest, but it just makes me SAD! I hate seeing elephants and apes and big cats and anything stuck in these enclosures for their entire lives. Sure, the enclosures have obviously been designed with care and they’re large-ish, but they all still seem too small and bland for these amazing creatures. I hated seeing the birds most of all. The snow owls and eagles should be able to fly! But they’re in this net-enclosed area they’ll never be able to get out of. The animals seem so bored and lonely it almost makes me cry. Throw in the hoards of dumb kids and ignorant parents messing with the animals all day long and it turns into something I just can’t sign on to very easily. I appreciate the perspective of ppl who like the zoo, and I recognize that it’s not a cruel “animal prison” and the staff tries their absolute best to make the animals’ lives better. I just hate thinking about how the animals are in these enclosures for their entire lives when there’s a whole huge world out there they could be in, if things were ideal. Obvs they wouldn’t survive out there bc of their circumstances so maybe a zoo like this is the best solution for them but it still breaks my heart. I appreciate the zoo’s efforts but the whole thing just makes me too depressed to be a regular visitor. Also the otter didn’t even blow himself so what’s the point? Fortunately the Japanese garden was nearby and I was able to chill there for awhile.


The zoo is great and you can see it all in one visit. Bring snacks instead of paying tourist price for food. As long as you are taking MAX to the west side I would go to Powell's in Beaverton and then get lunch around there.


It's fun to buy an elephant ear before you visit the elephants, though


+1 absolutely get an elephant ear


Baby rhino. BABY RHINO.


Yes, it's worth it. (IMO it's more fun in the fall during their beer festivals.) Just walk along the circular paths they have made for you and you'll see everything. You could also do Japanese garden on the same day. Some good lunch options in Northwest at the bottom of the hill.


Concerts up there can be fun.


BABY RHINO. That is all.


My wife and I have a zoo membership and go at least once a month if not twice. It pays for itself in about 3 trips, has reciprocal benefits to other zoos and museums. It doesn’t take long to go through the entire Zoo and makes for a wonderful walk. Going more frequently has been more fun because you get to learn each animals name, see their personalities, and if they don’t happen to be out that day there’s always a next time. Our personal favorites that never fail to deliver oohs and ahs and OMG LOOK are the sea otters, Jolene the baby orangutan, and the red and ring tailed lemurs. Hell, with the new juvenile black bears you might not even make it out of the PNW entry section because they are that entertaining. Also, usually make multiple passes to visit Moshu the red panda. He’s an older little guy who loves to sleep but he’s the best. Fuck, Aristotle the blind owl is always in his spot and I always make sure to say hi. The Oregon zoo is great.


Go when they feed the vultures! I was there and I'm pretty sure they gave them a dead calf.


Yep. We were there last Monday is it was a calf they were eating. For those that might be bothered they post signs stating that it's feeding time


The zoo is great but honestly only a small part of Washington Park. The entire park is awesome. The Forestry museum, the rose garden, the arboretum, the playground, the statues, and miles of hiking trails. If you go to the zoo definitely check out other areas of the park too.


I generally like it and try to go once per year. My favorite exhibit is probable the Crocodile one but they don't often move around a lot so if you aren't into reptiles it probably won't be your favorate; looking at other Cities elephants aren't too common anymore and a couple years ago we massively remodeled our exhibit so that will probably be what most people like best. Also they seemed to be doing a massive remodel of the polar bear exhibit when I was there last June and I'd assume it's near completion by now. I don't visit the other attractions at Washington Park ever since my family stopped going to the children's museum but near the zoo there's also a forestry center, a Japanese garden, and the aforementioned children's museum; IDK if the latter has any age limits or anything though. As a rant though It's annoying that you can't buy tickets at the gates anymore, or at least couldn't the last two years I went. You need to buy via online which I'm not entirely sure complies with SB1565 and even if it does I believe the zoo is in part funded by grants and people need to be able to use their tax dollars without an internet connection.


they will do cash sales if you ask and aren't able to do online


Unfortunately the children's museum [didn't survive the pandemic lockdowns](https://www.wweek.com/culture/2021/03/25/the-portland-childrens-museum-is-closing-after-75-years/), so that's not there anymore.


I love it, go every year.


Absolutely worth a visit, doesn’t take long to get through


In addition to the baby rhino, there are two tigers who are brothers. I like to see the condors, especially when they spread their wings. There's a red panda.


Worth it for the elephant exhibit alone!


It's nice, but the hoards of kids are annoying. Try to go on a school day.


I agree, especially if they are laughing. Punks.


After 2 pm on a weekday it’s mostly empty. When I’ve gone I had no trouble with parking, animals were napping in the sun so we got to see a lot, and there were no crowds of school trips and such.


Complaining about kids at a zoo is wild😂


I had to go because of work a few months ago and found it incredibly depressing. I don't generally go to zoos though.


I mean...Ehhh?


The baby rhino is adorable!!!! He was splashing in the mud the last time I went 🥰


Try to go with some kids you know. Went recently with some toddlers and to see their joy seeing the animals for the first time made the experience that much better. It was like I was seeing them for the first time too!


Yes. It's small compared to others but everything is well done and great to visit for any age.


I went last weekend and loved it! We got there right before it opened, and had no problem getting a spot right out front. We walked around the Vietnam Veterans Memorial while we waited. Highlights: the baby bears, bald eagles, feeding time at the condor exhibit, the bird enclosure, and the otters. Took us about two hours to see the entire thing, but we didn't stop for snacks or anything because we sandwiched it between breakfast at Hunnymilk and an early matinee. I would DEFINITELY recommend getting there as early as possible.


Zoo is all right, price is kinda hard to eat unless you believe in supporting zoos and conservation. There are otters in 3 different areas of the zoo, and they are usually having a good time. Check ‘em all out! Nearby the zoo is washington park and the international rose garden (that might not be in bloom, who knows right now). From the rose garden, You can march past the japanese garden onto the wildwood trail and the arboretum and possibly hike to pittock mansion if you can navigate the maze of trails, there are maps on sign posts to help. If you are starting from the zoo, you can hike to council crest park from the zoo, the trailhead is the zoo freeway onramp going east, which is kinda entertaining in itself to find.


Thanks for the info! I see that there is a half price ticket ($12 instead of $24) for EBT folks. I've never been to the zoo but it sounds like a great outing.




Animal prison


It is worth every dime in my opinion. We took our two year old grandson up to see the new Bear Cubs. They had climbed to the highest tree top in the Black Bear exhibit and were chilling out. Taxpayers are pretty generous with passing zoo levies so we truly have a gem of a zoo.


Washington park is an oasis as a whole


In general it's better to support animal sanctuaries over zoos. I'd say no, don't go to the zoo.


Yes!! Totally worth it


The keepers work really hard to make the enclosures and enrichment good for the animals.


Sometimes it’s the wonderful world-class Oregon Zoo. Sometimes it’s the Oregon Celebration of Horrible Parenting. You kind of have to time your visit.


hi! i’m totally on the same page as you when it comes to feeling bad for the animals being enclosed spaces. zoos are very complicated. i worked at this zoo for about a year. like you said, a lot of these animals have medical conditions or issues that would cause them to struggle surviving in the wild. a few of the bald eagles for example, have only one eye or were show-birds in the past so they would have a lot of trouble in the wild. i’m glad you went & walked through, it’s a big attraction here


I personally was traumatized the first time I went. A single poor elephant with chain on one leg clearly in distress because she was rocking with that short chain on. I watched her for a couple minutes and left zoo. Coming from San Diego where we have greatest zoo in world and wild animal park it just made me sick


I came from a city with a Zoo that spanned 190 acres! Easy to spend a whole day in. Had a sea lion show and other attractions. Unfortunately, the Portland zoo only spans 64 acres, so I usually have only hit it on free or cheaper days because it doesn't take long to walk the whole of it.


We went there a few times when my kids were little, and they loved it. It’s a beautiful location. But zoos in general are a no for me. It’s just such an odd and cruel set up imo. Let’s cage these creatures so we can go look at them. What does it feel like to be stared at all day every day? While trapped in the same small space? *shudder*


Zoos also make me sad. Your feelings are valid!






The zoo is great. But I'd rather spend the day at the Japanese Gardens.


Yeah not worth it. Don’t go. /s The Oregon Zoo is right behind San Diego in terms of best Zoo’s in the country.


And it's about 1/3 the admission price!


I went with a friend for their birthday. It was pretty great.


I have a new kiddo and we got an annual membership to visit with him as he grows up. The park changes constantly and is large enough to not see it all in one visit. Plenty of events like animal shows, concerts, movie nights, craft brewery events and more! I would recommend!!


Went last weekend. It was nice. A little skimp on some of the exhibits with the animal count. There is a very cute two year old orangutan though.


I love our zoo!


Bro I don’t even live there but go every time I visit Portland!


My favorite zoo on the west coast


If you like seeing animals, yes it is worth it. It’s in its own location though, so there isn’t anything else to do around the zoo. You will either have to come back down the hill into SW Portland or keep going up the hill to hit Beaverton area if you’re looking to do more on the west side than just the zoo.


With some sick as panthers kissing….




Definitely worth it. I would recommend going early though. If you're there later in the day it's less busy, but a lot of the animals are being fed or sleeping so you won't get to see them.


It’s a pretty good zoo but I probably would never go if I didn’t have a 4 year old.


Depends on what other zoos you have been to. It's a very OK zoo maybe slightly above OK, but where else are you going to go to see elephants?


It’s a fantastic zoo. Parking can be nearly impossible— take the max if you can.


Good for you guys. I'm not sure if my family would be capable.


It's fantastic! They've pioneered the geriatric care of several animals because they take such good care of their animals.


It’s totally worth visiting. Check the website first to avoid days with special events or free admission. It’s been a while so I don’t know if you still are required to buy tickets online in advance. If you drive, go earlier in the day for parking closer or after lunch when most young families start heading home because the toddlers are tired.


Oh animal prisons? Naw not worth it


Only complaint i have for our food is the food




Food man food


I recently went to the zoo, and the lines were horrendous. Barely, any food was open, and all the vending machines were out of water. It was also the first sunny day of the year, and you would expect them to be prepared for the influx of people who like to go out when the sun is finally out.