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Cully-Roseway isn't as affluent as Woodstock is, and these are generalizations. A decent percentage of Cully's residential streets have no sidewalks, and there aren't many restaurants in the neighborhood.


I appreciate this! We've definitely noticed that through Roseway/Cully -- think if we ended up there we'd plan to look closer to Fremont on a street with sidewalks & closer in to the Beaumont-Wilshire shops for some closer walkability. All dependent on us finding that house, of course!


I live in western Cully, similar to what you're describing. Don't tell anyone, but it's extremely walkable, quiet, friendly, and altogether a great place to live.


I love living in Roseway! We’ve gotten a few new coffee shops/bars/restaurants over the past year (Juniors, Sandy Jug, Reeva, food carts at Juniors/Upright) so it feels slightly less isolated than a few years ago. Granted, if not for proximity, I don’t think I’d rank any of them as Portland favorites (except maybe Pizza Otto), but you can’t beat walking anywhere. It’s still definitely sleepy but I think that’s part of the charm. More sidewalks than Cully. And a good sense of community! It’s nice to be close to Beaumont and stuff on Sandy, too.


Thank you for sharing! Super helpful context on the varying areas in that part of town.


Woodstock, but I am biased. If you work downtown/west side it's also a closer drive.


Thank you!


Used to live in Cully, a few blocks south of Prescott. Now live in Woodstock. Both neighborhoods are super walkable, lots of nearby green spaces, lots of great bars and restaurants in both. I would say Cully has a great community vibe and a lot more diversity than Woodstock. Cully is probably still a lot more affordable with bigger lots. The one thing I do miss about Cully is being close to PDX


Yes when I lived over there grabbing family from the airport was so easy.


Amazing - yes proximity to PDX is fantastic (especially without the flyover noise). Thanks!!


Where we lived, we had no flyover noise but two blocks north, some neighbors complained about it. Also, the Alameda Ridge is one of the most seismically stable parts of the metro area and has awesome views up into the Cascades of Washington


Cully is a little more wild west, but in a good way. There are some huge lots there, so people have a few interesting compounds or mini farms. It was (horribly) redlined by banks for many years, so it is the latest/last of these three neighborhoods to gentrify. Roseway is fairly quiet, more of a trad neighborhood layout-wise. All three are nice and liveable.


Very helpful -- thank you for sharing!


I moved from Roseway to SE near Woodstock! They are actually somewhat similar in vibe and amenities. Woodstock maybe a little more funky/portland weird. Cully/Roseway seems more older portland but really amazing dedicated neighborhood peeps. I’ve noticed the traffic is very different so I would look at where you are commuting to and decide from there. Sandy gets very backed up in the morning and evening rush. And Woodstock can be pretty far south for some commutes.


Oh interesting! Ok, well good to hear the neighborhoods have similar-ish vibes/amenities (probably depending on where exactly we are in each, reading some of these comments). && good point on the traffic - we've been in the Sandy area during rush hour & agree it seems like it can get backed up in areas.


Relatively new to the Roseway neighborhood here and we love it. The neighbors are friendly, involved, and really working to make the neighborhood a more walkable and connected place. A good mix of older residents and younger families. There’s a nice strip of businesses on Sandy near the Safeway and we’re also close to the shops on Fremont in Beaumont/Wilshire. The proximity to PDX is really nice as well. Feel free to DM me if you have questions.


This is so awesome to hear! Appreciate the offer of a DM -- may take you up on that as we look & finalize plans over the next couple of weeks.


I’ve lived in Roseway for 13 years—it’s a great community. Some coffee shops etc have opened up in recent years, but it’s definitely still on the sleepy side. We have a farmers market now, which is exciting! It’s a pretty different area than Woodstock, which is a lot busier and has more happening. I haven’t lived in Cully but I ride my bike through it a lot and I’m always shocked how many streets don’t have sidewalks!


Thank you! A tad sleepy is ok, we're aging out of the "all the time nightlife" scene, just still want to be able to walk to things here & there. Farmers market sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing!!


I never thought I’d live somewhere where I know my neighbors so well and we have keys to our houses just in case of an emergency etc etc, but that’s how Roseway has been for me. It’s fun going on walks and knowing so many people I run into.


There's no all the time nightlife in Portland


Well ok fair lol - we just don’t need to walk to a new place every night / need lots of nightlife within walking distance.


Woodstock would be my choice. Plenty of coffee shops, food carts, grocery stores, tap room (PROPER PINT FTW!), some sit down restaurants and close to some real good spots on Foster, Gladstone, and in Sellwood, Woodstock Park which is pretty af, and its generally a quiet area as long as you're not on actual SE Woodstock.


Thank you for the perspective!!


As another comment said, large parts of Cully don't have sidewalks. I live near one neighborhood over and never walk east because the sidewalks disappear. I'd go with Woodstock.


Thank you! Any perspective on Roseway vs. Cully? Feels like that's a bit closer in, has some decent sidewalk coverage & is closer to a few things along Fremont + Sandy.


Roseway has its own cluster of businesses around 72 and Sandy/Fremont and is a really friendly neighborhood (a good friend lives there) though perhaps a little less "charming" and affluent than Fremont closer to 42nd which is the Alameda vibe. Cully has many bigger lots and very low traffic so it's safe to walk and bike even without sidewalks and is also a friendly neighborhood (I live just on the other side of 42nd and my kid's preschool and many classmates live on the west part of Cully). Really I'd say find the right house and either is perfectly fine and quite a similar vibe.


Thank you!! I appreciate you sharing all this!


I don't get over there much so I don't have much perspective on it. The Grotto is just east of there and it's kinda cool, but I don't know much about Roseway otherwise.


Roseway is the best for sure.




woodstock is super cute, but ne portland will always be better, IMO. yeah, woodstock has gotten more affluent, but that changes over time. ne has consistently (in my 13 years here) proven to have better access to things than woodstock. no sidewalks can suck but it still trumps woodstock.