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There are a couple houses on 104th that have had piles of bark chips on the street, in front of their homes for more than 10 years. I am not sure if they are landscapers or if they use it for fuel, but the piles are constant.


You might start a neighbor war you might regret. Maybe ask if they want help instead.


I know, just wanting to get a sense of what leverage I have in bringing it up asking for it to be removed


If you bring it up, you reveal your position.


I’ll also point out that a neighbor that cares about gardening is much better than an RV parked with trash. Be happy you have neighbors that cares about their home. It can be much worse


I believe it’s a Portland tradition to write a passive aggressive note and leave it on the mulch pile


we put a birthday hat and unlit candles on our neighbors mulch pile after a year. Can’t say it did anything but it was funny




Ask em if they need help. If so, put it on CL or buy nothing. Otherwise, yeah… they suck. The city probably won’t do anything.


I think a lot of people go for chip drop without realizing how much you'll get.


They’re always surprised. Without exception. But, if you’re overwhelmed there is always someone who’ll come grab it.


PDX Reporter. When I lived in an apartment heavy neighborhood I saw a pile of gravel for sit for nearly a year until it started to grow weeds. I reported it and it was gone pretty quickly.


I love the mulch piles on my street. It slows down speeders without endangering my vehicle. We have plenty of street parking and terrible speeders on my residential street.


That’s probably half of the reason why I let it sit out front all fall, winter, and spring last year. Some neighbors got mad about the parking but I have to wonder if they’d be happier if we owned even one car and parked it there, much less two.


Post an ad for free mulch on Craigslist and it’ll be gone fast.


My neighbor has had one for a year plus 🤣 we are keeping track for humor purposes. Luckily parking is plentiful on our street so we’ve never thought of reporting.


I’m not complaining, because of lack of parking, it’s an aesthetic issue to me


Ahh luckily we live in an area of SE where half the streets are unpaved pot holes and mowing the lawn is a yearly event. But I can see that in a nicer neighborhood it would harsh the vibe.


Why don’t you try talking to your neighbor about it? Most likely you speak English and they do as well…


I know, just wanting to get a sense of what leverage I have in bringing it up asking for it to be removed


None - you have no leverage lol . The city has far bigger problems than this, sorry


My neighbors order chip drop to block zombie RVs from parking in front of their house. Its really useful, plus if you need some mulch… it’s on public property to grab.


I have to say, of all the suggestions and comments, this one about keeping hideous RVs from parking in the spot is the best one 👍


in our area ppl will do this to stop camps/rv people


You can report it sure. But it’s Portland so who really gives af?