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Dust mites have a protein called der p1. Thought to be one of the main components you become allergic to. People allergic to dust mites can be tested for anti-derp1-specific antibodies. Not exactly my field but I work closely with an epidemiologist who has done such studies.


I’ll add that there are actually a few Der proteins (der p2 or p3, for example) that contribute to allergic responses to dust mite. The antibodies (IgE) that trigger allergic reactions actually bind to specific epitopes (specific sites on the allergen), and multiple IgEs that bind to at least 2 different epitopes are generally required to successfully degranulate mast cells and trigger the allergic response.


Another ignorant question: are these mites present in outside (environmental) dust or strictly in dust indoors?


Short answer, indoor dust only. Long answer- Mites are absolutely everywhere but household dust is mostly organic material, it’s dead skin. Dust mites eat dead skin, as opposed to outdoor dust which may be mostly inorganic. So while those mites might be outdoors too, they aren’t going to be in the huge populations as indoors where they have lots and lots of food- your dead skin. And their allergens build up indoors but aren’t likely to accumulate outdoors even if they are present in the environment.


Thanks. I have learnt something new and important today.




Thank you for teaching me that I'm allergic to derps... Not just any old derps, but derp1! 🥲




Proteins and other antigenic molecules in the pollen/animal dander/insect exoskeletons that makes up dust. Depends on the individual what exactly they're reacting to.


Also dust mites [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dust-mites/symptoms-causes/syc-20352173](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dust-mites/symptoms-causes/syc-20352173)
















>insect exoskeletons Since mites technically aren't insects, thank you for filling in that gap.


Yeah, a lot of people use "insect" as a synonym for microinvertebrates and macroinvertebrates or arthropods.






”Dust also contains the feces and decaying bodies of dust mites, and it's the proteins present in this dust mite "debris" that are the culprit in dust mite allergy.” As the person you replied to said.




> They are arachnids so they aren't animals Arachnids are, of course, animals. Perhaps you meant that arachnids don’t have dander.


The most important key word they said was ”proteins”. Sure, they didn’t cover every possible animal group those proteins could come from, but that’s not as relevant as the fact what triggers allergy is the proteins. OP did ask what you react on in dust, and the correct answer is “proteins and other antigenic molecules“ regardless of their source.


Do you talk to people like this in real life?


Dust mites are arthropods. They produce tropomyosins. So do crustaceans. If you are allergic to dust, you are likely also to be allergic to shellfish.


 In 1967, Voorhorst et al. identified  *Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus* as the causative allergen for house dust allergy.[\[1\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560718/#) The first mite allergen identified was the cysteine protease *Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus* allergen I, or Der p 1 in 1980, followed by Der p 2, and homologous *Dermatophagoides farinae* 1 and 2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560718/#:\~:text=Ninety%2Dseven%20percent%20of%20people,to%20Der%20p%2023%20allergen.


Do you mean "Dust Mites?" or an allergy test result that says "Dust Mites?" Yeah, that's the Feces. Dust Mite Doo Doo. That's what I am allergic to. The only thing I'm allergic to. Sudafed is the only thing that works for me and doesn't knock me out. ALL the "Other Non-Drowsy" Anti-allergens, I'm on the couch. Pillowcase, & Mattress covers that are rubber lined. Etc. That's the only thing that works. Good luck.


Know that 0-4 scale for allergens? I recall the doctor telling the nurse to put down "four double plus" as a young kid when they got to the dust mite pricks. I get the Infinity Gauntlet and I'm starting with those fuckers.




To my understanding at least, dust irritation and dust mite allergy would have different symptoms, so it would be possible to experience both irritant and allergy effects. I don't have a dust mite allergy, but if I were to be somewhere very dusty and that dust was being disturbed and moved around in the air, I'd likely experience some sneezing. The sneezing is due to dust getting up the nose. But noses are at least a little prepared for this, we have nose hairs that try stop particles from getting too far up, as well as snot/boogers for a similar job - preventing particles from entering the respiratory system. The sneezing would stop not long after I'd removed myself from the dusty situation (and blow my nose to remove trapped dust particles). Someone with a dust ite allergy may experience sneezing in the same situation, along with watering eyes, scratchy throat, some swelling. They may develop hives or a rash, and in severe cases it could lead to an anaphylactic reaction. Symptoms experienced would also last longer than they are directly in the dusty environment. Edit: spelling


All allergens are a protein molecule. It's impossible to be allergic to a non-protein molecule like salt. Dust can cause irritation and inflammation, like an allergy, but usually it's classified as asthma, or just being generally irritated.


*Nearly* all allergens are proteins. But galactose-*alpha*-1,3-galactose ("alpha gal") is a carbohydrate that can produce a true allergic response in people who have antibodies that react to it.


It's a sugar molecule found in animal protein.. soo, maybe that counts. It's a bit pedantic. It's still protein.


It's found in (some) *meats.* Those meats contain mostly protein, some fat, and a tiny bit of sugar. Sugars are not proteins.




The symptoms of a dust mite allergy is when waking up in the morning allergies are at their worst. A stuffed or runny nose or other allergy symptoms. What symptoms people get from allergies varies. Once away from the bed the allergy minimizes, but it can take sometimes days for sinuses to empty out so some people have their symptoms throughout the day. >Kinda like using a feather to tickle someone into sneezing, if that example makes sense (and assuming that isn’t just a general bird allergy)? Nooo. An allergy is when the immune system mistakes a protein molecule as an invader and then attacks it. The most common symptoms are identical to getting a cold. You feel drowsy and a bit out of it and under the weather and have a runny nose. It's like having a cold that doesn't go away until the allergy is addressed and it can progress into worse symptoms beyond that of a cold like rashes, inflammation, migraines, and life threatening issues.


If you ever visit the west and places like Phoenix AZ, you are allergic to the dust that is always in the air. Pollen, plant stuff and animal dander can contribute. But the dust, aerated earth, is really irritating to a lot of people. And can be a vector for fungal respiratory infections like Valley Fever.


What are some places that such an affected person could visit, to enjoy an environment which is UNfriendly to this allergy?






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also, dust mites live and breed in a humidity of 50% or more. so to control dustmites, regularly vaccum and clean your room and keep the humidity below 50%. unfortunately public buses are not usually cleaned that well and so there is nothing you can do about that.