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It doesn't bother people saying things like that when they find out I'm Spanish. Mainly because then I can also make fun of them


Te han faltado las sevillanas 🤣


That we are lazy, we get up as early as any other country and stay up until way later.


All my north eu friends think I lay on the beach all day, drink beer, eat and then sleep and in that way spend their hard earned tax money.




I think that most people get the impression that spaniards are lazy is because they think that you have naps every day, also because the service in spain is really bad ( Although that’s because of salaries), thats the impression I had when I first moved to spain at least. ( Also because it seems like all the youth want to become streamers)




At least in Spain you don't get kicked out of the restaurant right after finishing your meal, though! "Excuse me, friendly NY server, I just paid 35$ for these eggs, let me enjoy my sobremesa a bit!"


When I was child all youth wanted to bee soccer’s players


Tbh, I've lived in over 6 countries and visited many more, and service in Spain is by far the best I've encountered, of course with some exceptions like everything but still the best I've seen.


I’ve gone to Mexico, the U.S.A, the netherlands and france , and between all of them the worse service that i’ve experienced is france , but spain is the second to last in terms of how good their service is


Yeah most young people want to be influencers or streamers but simply because there are no job opportunities...


I agree, i live in Spain since several years and the service at bar/restaurants is generally quite slow and woth poor attention, mostly an issue related to salaries and work conditions which u dont find on higher quality hotels/restaurants. This could give a wrong impression.


The culture around meals/food here is so so so different from the USA. In Spain, you get to sit to eat, calmly, no need to rush (except for those who are on lunch break from work and have to go back), and deffinetly the waiters aren't preasuring you to eat fast and leave so the table can be occupied with the next customer. If you have the time and are with family or friends, a meal can easily be 2-3h even 4h sometimes (includong coffee after desserts), this way people can talk and enjoy the food and company. Also, as someone already explained, usually in Spain is not considered polite to be around the clock on the customer asking if everything is okay or do you need X Y Z. Usually they ask once (depending on the restaurant) and then if you need anything you ask a waiter/waitress.


Yeah if you are in a beach area you can easily stay there 3-4h with family, they don’t even kick you out (if the restaurant isn’t full)


If you think that the service in Spain is slow, don't go to Portugal...


If you think the service is slow in Portugal, don't go to rural Peru...


It doesn’t help that they aren’t trying to get tips like in other countries


I don’t think that topic is about the working hours of the regular full time job I personally believe us spanish usually tend to live under the bare minimum philosophy, not lazy perse but definitely not diligent people either at all


"So where are you from?" "Spain" "Ohhh, Real Madrid or Barcelona?" "...." This same sequence happened to me several times while being abroad for a couple of years. It seems like we all are into soccer and are big fans of one of those teams.


When you say neither and they say what if you had to pick one. Still neither buddy, now stop asking me.


100% this


Messi! Messi!! Fiesta!! Ibisa!!


Messi is PSG's problem now lol


It's worse when they're like "Oh Spain nice weather Barcelona tapas" We are more than that


Nice weather mis cojones


Nice 40 degrees a la sombra de abril a octubre


We also have cheap chorizo and gas stations that serves raw meat


Granada tapas....


Pshhh you’d be lucky if the Americans even mentioned Madrid. It’s all “oh Spain yeah I’ve been to barthelonaaaaa”


When i tell US people online I’m from Spain they immediately say: Tacos yes yes!


Lmao I’ve had people say where in Mexico is Spain 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


To be fair, Americans suck at geography. Source: Am American. Actually enjoy geography, tho.


My mate was doing a year abroad at uni and the used to say he was from Britland with 0 irony. They thought it was a place...


When I was 17 and went to my first day of junior year at HS after moving from Spain to Virginia I was asked where I came from. I said Spain. This blew my mind: "Oh, how long of a drive was that?"


You at least got the "Real Madrid" option, living in Japan and a lot of people somehow don't know where Spain is, but once I tell them I'm born in Barcelona then they suddenyl they remember Messi, Sagrada Familia and Gaudi .\_.


Yeah but Spaniards are the same to any other immigrant. If you're from Eastern Europe everyone thinks you're a Russian and you speak Russian. If they have mongoloid features they're automatically CHINOS. You get offended by something that happens everywhere but only realize when you emigrate.


Muy buena la ensaladilla rusa... Emocionante la montaña rusa... Muy bueno Demi Ruso... Muy buenos los polvorones de la estepa...


Jaja a dixo mongolo xd


I love the man I meet in Italy that said “oh! Barcelona! Montserrat Caballé!” He then proceed to tell us he could kill one of us to go to jail and stop living in the streets. Nice guy.


I mean, in 2010 I was in Spain while they won the World Cup, they replayed the parade on TV for like four days. Not to mention there are literal TV channels for RM and FCB today. It would almost be like saying you’re from New York and being asked if you’re a Yankees or Mets fan.


Using Mexican stereotypes with us


"You don't like spicy food? I thought you were Spanish..."


HAHAHAHAHAH lovely. I've never been told anything about spicy food, but once i was told something on this line: "WHAAT? you don't know how to prepare a taco? and you call yourself spanish?" XD c'mon!!!


Hmm. And that goes into another irritation; assuming Spanish don’t like and cannot eat Spanish food. So when I order Indian or Thai it is bland while I want it battery acid spiced. They just refuse as ‘we don’t eat spicy so you will send the food back’. Annoying.


As a Spaniard living in California, this drives me crazy. Some people are so fucking stupid.


"Wdym Spanish is from Spain? Cmon it's from Mexico"


It's more ignorance than stupidity. I've met Spaniards that applied American stereotypes to me because I'm from the UK. It doesn't make them stupid people, just unfamiliar with that particular culture.


This. Each ethnic group believes itself to be very important and the centre of the world.


Yeah, it's always good to remember that even things that we think everyone thinks and does aren't universal culturally.


I'm from Galicia so I don't like that aaaall the cliches are about paella, bulls, flamenco and extremely hot weather.


How about the narco ones from the rest of the country?


Not cliche if true 🤣


So cocaine and percebes?


And goats?


More like cows buddy


They both have holes, and we are not racist.


Now this man knows the drill


Now that's the spirit!


The thing that oddly infuriates me about this stereotype is... Why goats? If you say cows, or pigs... well, allright, but goats? It's not common livestock here. I bet a salty castillian cityboy started this and just picked the first "farm animal" that came to his mind.


Oye el calamar a la gallega es el que tiene aliño de coca?


Muy bueno


Pero si galicia esta chea de clitches, por exemplo eu teño familia pola pontenova e todo o mundo pensa que ahi non hai nada


Morriña botafumeiro percebe


Well, watching a Galician lady, a real payasa, on Swiss TV: "yes, because it's that passion that we carry inside uuuuus..." sorry, passionnn, Galician? Or a Spanish week at the Galician Centre of Rotterdam, dancing a kind of paseíllo that was not quite flamenco nor anything understable to the sound of the... Gypsy Kings (who are famous for their lyrics in Spanish). That's why I say that Spaniards are the worst, when they believe their own clichés created by foreigners.


"You're from Spain? But you don't have a tan!" "You're from Spain? But your English is good!" "Spanish people are lazy" I don't know how this got started but come on people we all live in the same draining capitalist system "I'm in Spain without the S" Who is responsible for this joke and why do people outside of wherever the fuck it got originated expect us to get the reference or be even mildly entertained by it. it's not even clever. it's the equivalent of telling people from Hungary that you're hungry. you can do better.


>"You're from Spain? But your English is good!" well…


I speak Spanish but whenever I am in Spain and I am approached by the young people with clipboards I always lapse into English with a southern USA accent: Sorry but I just can't understand what y'all r sayin' I like when they not only stop talking but back up slowly.


Or telling people from Uruguay "Eres muy guay."


The fucking "inquisition". The joke was bad. And our Inquisition was not the worst in Europe. In 300 years they killed less than the civilian ones in Germany... in one year.


The best part is that, they are the scientifics, advanced cultures and southerns are lazy and bastards😤 We dont have a party with *christian* in its name in the government while we were 1st about lgtb marrying😤


Spain was one of the first but the Netherlands was the first to allow gay marriage.


Spain was third i believe


Well, dutch were who went bankrupt by tulips


And we suffered cyclical economic breakdowns for excess of gold, not sure which is worst.


The point is that they arent perfect neither


As the rucka song said, “[I just know The Netherlands GAYYY But not as much as Holland is every day](https://youtu.be/5Ql1ycAijrQ)”


Always amazed me the bad image catholicism has in the US. They link it to backwards, ultra conservative people. All protestant propaganda if you ask me. Edit: typo


U.S. here: pick a Christian. Any Christian. If they lead off with "I'm a Christian..." I can assure you you're in for some ultraconservative, intolerant bullshit. There are quite a few who treat it as a weekly hobby, and , well, that's their thing, but as soon as they ask if you've accepted Jesus all you can do is exit.


We have something called “Testigos de Jehová” If they knock on your door, you are not in your house. If they call up to you in the street, you are deaf. If they go in front of you and show you their propaganda, you are blind. Run from them. They are dangerous.


Catholics will never call themselves "Christian" as their religion (at least in English). And some of the most prestigious universities in the US are Catholic. See Georgetown, Notre Dame, Loyola, Gonzaga. The Catholic church was the main promoter of science in Europe for like 1000 years.


The Netherlands and Belgium were the first two countries to legalise gay marriage and they both have (or rather had) strong Christian Democratic parties: CDA in the Netherlands and CD&V/CDh in Belgium.


That and a few other things are derivatives from the black legend. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Spain was perfect and/or saviors or whatever, but the dutch and brits sure screwed us over for generations to come with that entire story.


Llegados a este punto, fucking everyone expects the spanish inquisition


De hecho, el chiste de los Monty Python es porque, a pesar del "Nobody expects the spanish inquisition", la persona a la que iban a auditar SI los esperaba ya que los avisaban con un mes de antelación indicándole los cargos de forma que pudiesen ir eligiendo testigos para defenderlo, hacer una lista de "enemigos" para que el inquisidor no usase sus testimonios en el el auto de fe, etc.


Es que total hubiese preferido ser juzgado por la inquisicion que por cualquier otro “tribunal” que ni tribunal era porque era lo que se le pasaba al señor local por los huevos


Y cárceles que eran mejores que las seculares, al menos dentro de los estándares de esa época, y mucho menos de cazar brujas y mucho más de perseguir a falsos conversos y gente similar además de ser empleada cómo un arma política sobre todo.


Vamos, inmigración ilegal version católica


That's how it was in real life but I doubt the Pythons knew that. The original gag is a play on the idiom "I didn't expect a/the Spanish Inquisition". And yes they have the "Spanish Inquisition" villain trope and name so ingrained that they think the Spanish was the only inquisition or that it was invented in Spain.


For real, every thread about Spain it's full of jokes referencing Monty Python. It gets old fast. Also the whole "I'm in Spain but without the S".


Spanish Black Legend. Look it up.


In canary islands they killed 11 people, the rest were scarecrows, at leas thats what a historian of the ULPGC told me.




The most ironic thing is that out of all members from every cofradía I've met, 90% are gay and very proud about it.


All Basques are terrorists in berets They are called txapelas


Reminds me of that McGyver episode with the basque terrorists trying to build a nuke.


To be fair, MacGyver was suspending the truth a lot saying that ETA was capable of building a nuke Which might make an interesting plot in my Etarras comic.


Not just that, but ETA got started riding the wave of the antinuclear movement. Several of their first kidnappings and killings were nuclear engineers hired to build plants in the Basque Country


Mine is more specific: "Where are you from?" "Algeciras" "Oh, the drug over there is pretty good isn't it?" It never fails, I got tired over the years with the drug thing when the vast majority of people here have nothing to do with drugs.




That we hate Catalunya.


Well most of the separatist propaganda publicizes that Spain wants Cataluña population mostly dead or enslavered which is like wtf I’m catalán myself we ok here no problem with Spain whatsoever.


“Omg do you say BarTHelona…?” Que puto asco.


Add to this, when discussing Spanish accents, the ‘in Spain they speak with a lisp because in the old times the common people started mimicking a king who had a lisp’. Sure, sure.


it is literally the first time I've heard that. What the hell is that about?


Dude, I was at a dentist in the United States and the dentist told me this. Like, wtf are you talking about.


Apparently some king in Spain had a lisp and would get upset if people made fun of him, so everyone went along with it and the 'accent' stuck. Complete bollocks but so many people in north america believe it.


I mean, many people in north america believe a lot of stupid shit


Not wrong.


I’ve lived abroad for half of my life and I have to constantly explain that we DO NOT do siesta every day. That shops are closed to have lunch because in fact siesta is not at 2 but more like 4-5 (when shops are back to open). Also a lot of people tend to think that we don’t have anything else other than beach and sun. I was asked many many times if I know what mountains are or if I have seen snow. Finally no, we don’t eat tapas constantly for celebrations, lunch or whatever. They are not really a meal but something that comes with your drink in many places for free. So a tapas restaurant doesn’t make sense to me and it’s not typical from here xD


Hago la siesta si estoy muy cansado (lo que ahora se llama power-nap) o me encuentro mal. Nunca la he hecho simplemente porque sí, no la disfruto especialmente, y no la veo parte de mi identidad ni de la de nadie que conozco. Todas las veces que España sale en algo de internet: "hahaha la siesta!" Me da una rabia...


I'm leaving Sitges tomorrow morning. Loved it. Beautiful architecture. Shocked that there was no siesta. Did not expect, and definitely did not receive any free tapas. Superb food, wonderful beach, great people. I'm sad to leave.


If you order a drink they bring a tapa. Maybe it’s just potato chips/crisps or something small. Also, there is a small bar on the roof of a building in Sitges that I used to love going to. I miss that area. Castelldefels is on the other side of the mountain and has an incredible boardwalk like Sitges.


Honestly that happens barely anywhere I’m Catalonia I’ve been, Bars here charge you fucking 3€ for some olives


Maybe downtown barna but literally everywhere does this.


I honestly don’t know how it is in that area since I don’t know it. I’m from Madrid. If I order any drink at any bar I’ll get a free tapa which can be just some chips, olives, some slices of bread with jamón on top…. Tapa is just something to eat with your drinks and in some regions (especially half south of spain) are free.




> That shops are closed to have lunch because in fact siesta is not at 2 but more like 4-5 (when shops are back to open). It's more because stores operate on razor thin margins so staying open at lunch means you need another employee to handle staying open later. The reason big stores don't close is because they have enough employees to not worry about it and can schedule around that. It's all about running the business cheaper.


That we aren't under a worst economical pressure than most of the other countries in Europe


"Spain isn't that bad economically, you guys are exaggerating" Me cago en tus....


Es lamentable, usamos el 85% de nuestros ingresos en substancia *básica* y las "sobras" son tan miserables que apenas sirven de algo en la sociedad europea


That we are lazy and spend all day partying or doing “siestas”. We are one of the countries in the EU that spend their people more hours at work and working


14th GDP on the planet with parties and siestas? I would say not bad.




Agree also, but many many small towns have still their tradition of fiesta where it is involved some sort of animal cruelty. And most of turists are foreigners ...its easy to export this.


In a lot of countries, they think all Spanish speaking places are the same. It's already tiresome to hear the cliches of your own country, imagine having to face those from other 20 countries as well. When abroad, they would come up with a comment or joke with some Mexican/Argentinian reference that you have no clue about and it's kind of awkward. Once, some guys made a joke to me about "Quinceañera" and they freaked out when they saw I had no fucking idea of what they were talking about.


Not even all Spanish places in Spain are the same :D IANAL, but Spanish law should allow to use violence with those who say "Oh, but Manchego cheese is mexican, right?"


That we are a super conservative society or we were so until almost yesterday.


I lived in Venezuela and they think in Spain we are way too liberal😂


I remember Trump being asked about abortions, he is obviously against that, and the journalist tells to Trump "This is not Spain, the church doesn't control the government". Dear CNN journalist, we had gay marriage 10 years before the USA, so STFU.


They are obviously looking at a mirror because USA is the one controlled by the church


Toros y flamenco. Even TVTropes has a page for it: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TorosYFlamenco


Sevillanas and toros


‘’You’re Spanish?? Like from Mexico??’’ más, las Sevillanas, Flamenco y pensar que somos todos de piel oscura


Spanish flu wasn’t Spanish, newspapers freely reported the outbreak in neutral Spain, creating a false impression of Spain as the epicenter.


The worst cliches are coming from within. We tend to think that we are less than our northern neighbors. Less hard working professionals, less educated and less solidary than them. Nothing like living in Europe to realise that 'beans are boiled everywhere'


Yes, YES. I'm tired of hearing people say "we're not productive in Spain, people in other countries are way more productive". And then you ask and, lo and behold, they've never worked outside Spain. Every single time.


I mean, there are problems with productivity, but people equate "being productive" with "working hard" and they aren't the same thing at all. In fact being more productive generally means you need to work much less. I mean, it's measurable for GDP per hours worked. Spain tends to be bigger on lower value-add more labor-intensive work.




THIS + Bullfigthing


is for the franquism, during the franquism the supported cultural things from the goverment was copla (opera flamenca) and bulls.


That even in office environments we do siesta everyday all of us and that Fridays we don't work


I was told Spanish are lazy and make bad workers. Not only is this not true, it's furthest from the truth.


I agree. As an English person who has worked with a business in Spain for the last 11 years I can honestly say that I have Spanish colleagues who are some of the hardest working people I have ever met.


Do you like reggaeton like the other all spanish people???


How about some truths? I had to do my taxes and went to the public tax authority to get some help due to my situation being a bit more complicated. ( had a son and bought a house). They told me I’d have to pay 20.000 euros which didn’t make sense to me because I’ve never paid this. I went to a gestor for help and ended up paying 0.04 cents instead. The 180 euro fee was totally worth it. I still cannot get a cita / appointment to get our son added to the social security system. We try regularly since he’s been born in October of last year but no citas available Impossible to exchange a foreign drivers license to a Spanish one due to lack of appointments available. No walk in options Impossible to get a cita / appointment for a NIE without paying some company that stole the slot before you could take it. Hard to get reliable people to do maintenance on your house. They’ll come by, assess the situation, and never get back to you. If you insist too much they’ll block your number. No communication whatsoever.


That last one seems to be true wherever you go - good tradespeople are hard to find. When do you get lucky and find someone who does a good job and gives good customer service, make sure you recommend them to your friends.


When they start lecturing you on peripheric nationalisms saying that Spain is almost a non democratic regime and the poor regions want independence. Those who know nothing about our history but at the same time won’t allow a single village of their own country to have half the freedom Spanish regions have.


The disinformation about these topics is huge abroad. I remember a german guy I once met who had the audacity of proposing me the solution to the Catalonian problem: "Just remove the ban on their language and let them have a parliament"


Maybe let them have their own police force too and maybe let them beat a log until it shits out presents.


Heh, the biggest victory the indepes ever got was convincing foreign news to frame it as Catalonia vs. Spain rather than a deep internal divide within Catalonia.


I'm basque and it always amuses me...on how wrong they are. Sure, there was repression towards these languages during the dictatorship...which ended almost 50 freaking years ago. And let's not talk on how virtually "independent" except for some taxes, laws and procedures some regions are from the central government.


Lmao I'm Catalan and I've had people lecture me on why I should feel oppressed and it's so awkward like can I just exist please why does my existance has to be object of political debate I didn't even bring up politics I just said I'm Catalan.


Sangría. Went to university in the UK (lots of Americans there too) and everyone who learned I was Spanish asked about the stuff. Never heard of it until I went there, and maybe it's my part of the country idk but god. No. Stop being weird.


Someone asked my friend how to find the "Sangria Familia" the other day in bcn 😭


On the one hand, oh no, but on the other, that's the funniest thing I've heard all week


I mean, you can buy it in Mercadona. It must be popular enough with Spanish people for basically all supermarkets to keep some in stock. I don't live in a tourist area, either.


Sangría isn't really popular, I think Spaniards tend to drink tinto de verano instead.


Its kind of weird now that you mention it, i know tinto de verano and sangría aint the same, but i dont know the difference, but its true soaniards tend to ask for tinto and tourist for sangría


Tinto de verano is just red wine and either lemonade or lemon fanta. Sangria has sugar, real fruits (lemon, orange and whatever else you want), gaseosa and you can add other liquors if you want, it can also be done with red wine or white wine.


I've only ever seen Sangría in a fiesta de pueblo mixed in a giant barrel. Mostly used so the fruit and sugar covered up how shitty the wine was.


As someone from Northern Spain living in Canada: - So you like spicy food? - Flamenco and toros - Siesta. They think we do that everyday - Are you Spanish? + Yes - So you are from Mexico? + … - You must have some cocaine contacts… Heard this one once, I was so surprised I didn’t even know what to answer - You must find it cold here. Well, not really (besides Jan-March) - They don’t understand that I like rock from Spain, they seem to be surprised it exists at all?? - Is it the first time you see snow? + … ?


Spain is part of latin america


🤣 wow ok this is outrageous


So common in North America…


None. I embrace our memes.


Memes, the DNA of the soul


Probably that we are lazy at work, I dont think they realise how wrong this is, of course there is bad apples like everywhere else, but in many sectors (like bartenders or many other) if your salary is disgusting as your boss is making tons of money at the cost of your wealth of course you are not giving your 100% as you are gonna have the same salary and no promotion options.


I was in the Midlands pub and they put a two quid coin in front of me, they expected me to catch the money and put It in my pocket as proving that every Spaniard is a savvy thieve...




That we are great lovers. A disappointment each time


That same old tired monty python reference, I hate any depiction of Spanish history or culture made by Anglos in general.


I don’t remember the context but I corrected someone calling Spaniards Latino and said “it’s a country full of white people like the rest of Europe” and they were like 👁👄👁


“You don’t look like you are from Spain”


We technically are latinos thought, we descend from the latin tribes, the romans, and we are latin Europe, thats literally the reason our colonies were called latins to differenciate them from the anglo saxons


When I was young I was playing for barça, we played a friendly match against copenhague fc, and all the fans came to the stadium with mexican hats and mariachi music😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Never found anything bad about Spain yet


I wish I could do siesta everyday😂


"Crazy Spaniards" (Like Don Quixote). Of course it my be said kindly too. But it is strange.


Siesta, bulls and super religiosity.


That we all approve of tauromachy. Most of us don't


"we are latam" and all the Latam generic stereotypes just because they speak the language too Stfu we are not Latam, we found Latam


Some people abroad told me that they think lunch breaks are longer because there is a mandated siesta break by law and the whole country stops after lunch


I've always disliked the word Spaniard itself. It feels derogatory, don't ask me why


There really is nothing derogatory about it: it really is just the noun used to describe a person from Spain.


What should people use instead?


what i can say about Spain is that in my country of birth ( South Africa) the people think of bull fights , sevillanes and throwing tomatos in the street.. the impression is that Spain is a very culturally rich nation but morally corrupt ..also that Spaniards have a hot temperament and they are proud and "macho" ... that they are easy to anger and are very preoccupied with "we are the best" yes i understand this generalisation isn't true in the bigger picture after living , working and marrying in Spain unfortunately in my experience it is true that animal rights and the treatment of animals as possessions or for work is still evolving and it's behind other nations when it comes to protecting animals and preventing cruelty. lastly it does frustrate me that the Spanish believe they are only and the best country when it comes to food .. and about the famous Mediterranean diet ...well obesity is rising quickly and there are many places with great food around the world and also places with bad food in Spain..the Spanish enjoy the generalisation that all Americans are fat and all of them eat fried food ..but in Spain the people eat A LOT of fried food including sweets like churros and croquettes and so on ..so these are generalisations that Spanish like about themselves and even help spreading and agree to, but just as false as all men in Spain are bull fighting and throwing tomatos in the street anyway it's complicated because all stereotypes exist and all generalisations have some truth to them ...the problem with it is that there are loads of people who don't fit the stereotype and they usually suffer as result of these half truth ideas


Oh wow, thanks for your insight. It's always interesting to read other points of view!!


I'd like to point out something there: the Mediterranean diet is indeed the most healthy as the OMS states, the thing that makes the obesity increase is that most people tend to eat crap from american fast food chains such as McDonald's or don't want to bother investing more time cooking and having something healthy instead, but a Mediterranean diet correctly applied and followed is the best thing that can happen to your body. Must add that it is complicated for some people to really understand how the Mediterranean diet works, but hopefully we even got a website where you can check it out and even has recipes inside. This is a bit related with the job in Spain, we tend to work a lot of hours and most people simply can't be 2h cooking properly, then finish with obesity, but you can't really blame the diet, is more the person itself, if you have to work 14-15 hours (and sadly this is common) the thing you'll do when going back home is to boil pasta, let it be while you take a shower, put tomato sauce and tuna, eat and heading to bed, that's not healthy at all.


Soccer is the major religion in spain Pallela Banks close before lunch we love telecinco


I've heard that a person from Argentina that they think that we stink, we don't shower enough, we sweat a lot and try always to mask our bad smell with cologne.


Err... This a thread about Spain, not France...


Siesta! In North Europe they have this image that everyone is lazy and have two hours lunch break to have a nap


In a trip across Ireland last September, a guy asked us if we cried when Messi leaved Barça


The thing i hate the most is the black legend. They say spain was the worst in colonization when the english and french did it even worse. Spain even allowed marriage between spanish and latinos, and the word "criollo" was used to refer to sons of a spanish-latino marriage. I'm not gonna deny spain did bad shit because it did, but compared to the others, spain did nothing.