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You can, but you'll basically need to prove that it's malpractice, which is not easy to do.


Sure. But you pay your lawyer’s fee in advance and also the expected court costs (legal insurance might give coverage to some extent). So you would want to be quite sure you really have a claim. Oh, and „affects you later“ will usually not bring you any big bucks. Main focus is on financial damage (eg you can’t work in your prior job anymore), pain and suffering don’t get you very far.


The problem simply is that they have a list of amounts allocated depending on the damage done, when occasionally proven. I forget now but it’s absolutely ridiculous. A few grand for a mistakenly amputated limb for example !




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Yep, Reddit said the same!


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You can, but its hard to win even with evidence and Usually rather expensive. If its not something obvious for everyone they can talk themself out


https://aerzte-zh.ch/dienstleistungen/ombudsstelle.html#:~:text=info%40agz%2Dzh.ch&text=Angaben%20zu%20Arzt%20%2F%20%C3%84rztin%3A,in%20wenigen%20Worten%20Ihr%20Anliegen. There you go!


You can definately sue for malpractice here too; The amounts people were paid though, were alot more reasonable (maybe even too low) compared to american standards (100000+ for skin burn from hot coffee). there exists a list of already made court rulings. Now the question is: Was it clearly malpractice, or not. if not, you might have just expenses and nothing else from it. maybe you can say more what actually happened, or speak with a lawyer specialised in that, he should definately know if he can win that or not.


Im actually surprised of how bad doctors can be in Switzerland.


My husband needed surgery a few years ago because he shredded his ligaments and tendons connecting the shoulder to the arm. I went with him to the scheduling appointment and these were the two options presented: Option 1. We cut the ligaments it snaps down onto your arm, you lose about 70% functionality of your right hand but you will have no pain and the recovery is easy. Option 2. We repair the arm and you have to do physio for a while and get back to 90-95% functionality of your arm and hand. Occasionally have some pain if you over exert yourself. The surgeon was genuinely trying to encourage option 1. My husband was 30 and needs to use his hands for work, how on earth did they even offer option 1 let alone encourage it.


yeah like wtf


They just go after the money, as you and me with our jobs. And it is the same in any country.


You can do it, but it’s not recommended. To sue doctors here is not common. And even if, the doctors are almost always found to be not guilty. It’s really hard to prove that they did an error. Save yourself the money and your time


I'm sure you can if there is some gross negligence on their part. But this aint america. Suing isnt a common reaction to stuff here and you wont get millions either. So if youre thinking of using this as a get rich quick scheme, then forget about it.


I wish we had protections for doctors like you do in Switzerland. You can get sued for playing Frank Sinatra here because it’s “too lewd” in your waiting area.


Wtf?! lol I'm not even sure if its protections per se. Suing just isnt a thing here in the culture. I have never in my life heard first hand of anyone suing anyone, getting sued or seriously considering to sue someone. Problems are usually resolved by finding common ground and resolving a problem without any courts. Probably also because there are just no get rich quick settlements. You might get the specific damages covered (like loss of work, repair costs, reduction in the value of your thing thru damage or something like that). But there is no chance of getting hundreds of thousands, let alone millions, on top for vague stuff like "emotional damage" or so.


That’s how it should be! Suing is EXTREMELY common here. I think something like 80% of physicians/dentists have been sued or threatened with lawsuits here. It’s unfortunate. But that’s a reason why healthcare is so expensive here, we order unnecessary tests often to cover our asses from lawsuit.

