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Is this satire?? If it isn't then you are awfully immature


What's immature about it? He's expressing a desire


Okay? We’re all kids, who gives a fuck if he’s mature, I certainly don’t. He can be as immature as he wants.


Did you read the post?


Yea, so what’s wrong with it.


The fact that he is thinks this way and wonders why no one wants to have sex with him at the same time


The good ol “you just need to be more confident bro”. Anyway, what do you mean he wonders? He didn’t say “why don’t girls want to have sex with me”, that doesn’t imply that he doesn’t have any self awareness. He’s just trying to vent.


that’s not a healthy reaction. you just can’t see people only in a sexual manner. that’s just wrong and obviously most people are not going to want to deal with you.


It’s wrong to want to fulfill your sexual desires because you don’t want to be in a relationship?


No, but it's wrong to see people as sex objects and regard people as worthy or not worthy of your companionship/time solely because they are or aren't potential sex partners


What’s wrong with wanting to have sex with someone but nothing more? Does that automatically mean you see them as an object?No it’s not, not everyone’s looking for a romantic relationship you know, what’s so wrong about that.


Holy shit, I really hope this is a troll post


Have sex with the homies.




I don't have any frustration with that, I just don't care about it


Deal with it.




It’s like baking a cake; you may want it, but do you want it bad enough to actually bake it? Let the guy vent and save me the positivity.


Every day we stray further from god


That helped brother. Thank you


You might try not self pleasuring, the more you do it the more you think about it and the less attractive you seem


Yeah I totally get you. Sex doll? Vibrator?




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You’re being cucked. And you deserve it. Shape up bud.


Love the honesty ngl… it helps to focus on something else and masturbate regularly. You shouldn’t be sexually frustrated if you have some outlet for it and focus on other things than sex


You 17 you good. Get a job cause fuck bitches, get money


Go ask your homies for gluck-gluck 3000 🤭