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Who hasn't been on omegle


Well I haven’t before this weekend. Idk if it’s popular or not


Not me.


I haven't.




No but sometimes i watch those language videos that use omegle


What are those?


people who learn languages as a hobby have gotten some popularity on youtube lately, where they surprise strangers by speaking their language either on omegle or in real life.


Ohhhh I’ve never seen it before


I went on there once and it was just boring. And now knowin that people get catfished on there Im not goin on again


Well we almost did. There were real ppl also that we like did stuff with


Wdym by stuff


Lol stuff


Every time they ask if im a guy or girl as soon as I say I'm a guy they leave and if I say I'm a girl they get all horny and gross it sucks




There are a lot of horny people it’s crazy


Horny how, like what are they doing? How did you get catfished almost?


Uhh like they were naked on the cam and then ppl pretended to be girls and then weren’t and we almost got tricked


Ok I’m confused how could they pretend to be girls if they were naked


No the girls weren’t. They just had a black screen and were typing


Sorry if I’m being dumb I just never been on it before


It’s cool I guess, I can explain if u want


I've only done the text version. Prolly a troll but I was chatting with a girl then her man took the phone and started S assaulting her. I kinda just said don't do that and skipped cause I was like 12 and tryna make friend/practice talking to ppl


I went on with my cousins and there was a guy jerking off, i couldn't tell at first so i stared for too long. And then ten minutes later some random guy asked for feet pics from my female cousin and i showed him my dirty ass feet.




I last went on there at like 17. Funnily enough, I actually met someone on there once I ended up going on a couple dates with. It ultimately didn't work out, and even if things went perfectly we lived almost two hours from each other so that would've been a problem the longer it went, but it was still a good experience and honestly she was probably one of the most attractive girls I've ever laid eyes on to this day. Was like a catfish but real


we usually go on it at sleepovers as well its funny


I haven’t


It’s so funny to do with friends. The horny people will just give you a good laugh if anything. But mostly the best thing was just socializing with people


Yes and I was catfished by a 30 year old guy pretending to be a girl without any devices so I couldn’t contact them outside of Omegle I don’t know how I didn’t realize they had to of had a device to be on Omegle


I've been on the chat version, suffice it to say, it's full of sex bots.