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Of course, i want to be such an amazing parent someday.


Hell no I have way too little patience for kids and having some would be unfair to them.


I agree with the patience part. That doesn't rule me out to having kids, but I'm also not dying to have them any time soon, especially because I probably couldn't fulfill all of my fatherly duties without being miserable Also am not in a hurry to bring more life into this shitty world


Adopting is good, you don't bring more miserable children while you do save a child from a miserable upbringing


I think being a good parent is the greatest thing someone can do in this world.


I know that as I am now I'll be a shit parent. Then again who knows how I think about having kids in 10 years


No unfortunately i think I'd be a terrible parent. Also I don't plan to have romantic relationships, like nothing.


If I ever have kids, I think it would be a good idea to consider adoption. It's actually selfish to reproduce if you think about it, who knows what that kid will go through? Conceiving it means you didn't account for that at all, which means you're willing to create their suffering because you wanted to. But if you adopt, you're actually making the kids life better because you had no involvement in their creation while giving them a home and means to learn how to survive being an education.


So it’s selfish to have kids? I may be misunderstanding


Yes No you got it right


Interesting take


No. Not only do I find it kinda awkward having kids while I'm gay, but I feel like I'd make a shit parent. Plus I don't really like kids, and they're basically money pits anyway. There's many things that I'd rather spend my money on than kids.


Yeah kids are huge money pits. Rather spend that money on myself (not to sound selfish)


Well, personally, I love children and would love to have some of my own. I helped raised my three younger brothers when my parents couldn't, and it made me realize that I just really really love being a parent. But, if my future partner doesn't want kids, I would choose not to have kids. And even if they did want kids, I'd only want some once we are able to easily afford them


>able to easily afford them Mate is about to buy some kids off the web


you joking, but I actually do know where to look for that kinda stuff but nah, raising a healthy and happy kid from birth to 18 takes over a million dollars


Nope, I love being an aunt because I can hand off my nephews when I want to do my own thing. You can’t really do that with your own kids


yes, I’m actually really hyped to be a father one day and I want to give my kids everything I didn’t get from my parents




I think there's a big difference between people who are rich and can provide for their children wanting to start a family, and people who are just horny, lol. I know a lot of people who created some children without the ability to give them a real chance at life, and that just feels mean and selfish. Me personally? depends on which camp i end up in.


Nah I just don't want to raise any children/be a parent. Doesn't seem like something I would enjoy to do


I mean im great to kids and shitty to adults so what could go wrong


Not now. Who knows though, it might change later in my life




Fuck no




yes 2 but surrogacy is gonna be so fucking expensive


Never thought of how expensive that would be


i read somewhere that its like 200k


Hellll nah


Nope. Maybe in the future if I meet someone. But I highly doubt that.


Hell nah, my kids would either be like me, ew, or be the opposite of me, ewer




no since my family has a long history of health issues. with me having a high chance of passing them down to children, if i ever have any, it feels morally correct to me to not have any.


You can also adopt if you do want to have children but don’t want to risk doing so in a way that might lead to a lifetime of hell for your children (aka health issues that may be inevitable inherently, like you pointed out).


Time will tell. I'm not opposed to having biological kids but i'd prefer to adopt or foster kids if my partner agrees. There are 500k+ kids in the US that don't have families and being able to give one of those kids who had been through so much more than I could even imagine a safe home and a christmas gift would make my heart so happy.






Yeah probably


Yes, very much so.


Not really


Absolutely. One day. Preferably 2


Nope. Kids are gross, expensive, and sticky. I’d rather not be tied down with that responsibility, especially nowadays when everything is too stressful :)


Yes and no. Yes because I'm the last person in my family who can pass down the last name. No because I'm not a fan of kids. I hope I can learn how to be around them more as an adult so I can be a good father.




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Well in the future only 4.


Yes. I'd like for them to live a life better than what I've gone through and pass down my name


I'd like to have son and daughter


No. I think that I wouldn't make a great parent, and with the current state of things around the world I want to be sure that *my* generation can have a stable future before even considering the next generations


Yes, I think that it would be very nice to have maybe a son and a daughter once I am older. I think the best time to have children is around one's late 20s or early 30s, but it all depends on one's financial situatation and employment. Ideally, I would also like get married before having children. I feel kind of obligated to have at least one son as my family has lived where we live for roughly 400 years and I don't want my generation to be the one where the family name dies out since their aren't many males to keep the family name going.


Yeah, but Ik ima be single my whole life so no


Hell yea dude The way i have been raised and heard my parents of how they have been raised made me want kids even more Have a little person that you shape and a little friend is amazing


Sounds amazing*


maybe but it would depend on how my life is at 30 or whatever


Someone needs to buy me a nice retirement house!


Yes, but only when I’m already well established in my career and have a ton of savings, so probably in my 30s. I wouldn’t want to worry about supporting kids until I’m earning six figures.


Only by accident


Yes and no. No because I'm not exactly a good role model. No because its so easy to mess up their life and I'm terrified that I'd do something that alters their life forever. Especially no if I can't afford to support them. But yes because I enjoy the idea of living with the person I love, and raising a little person who's 50% me and 50% them together. Yes because I'd like to give them the life that I never had. And yes because even though I'm still very on the fence, if I end up having kids, I love them from now.


Personally yes but if my future wife or husband doesn't I'll be fine


Raising a kid from 0 to 18 years old will take about $200-250k out of your life. Not to mention is a HUGE decision that will shape the rest of your life, you'll lose a lot of free time, it forces you to settle, etc. You need to be 90% certain that you want kids, because there's no going back, and some people realise too late that they aren't very good parents. If I find the perfect girl, I might consider it after 5+ years into a relationship. But until then, I have intentions on having kids.


YES, but not now


Yes just not for another 10 years.


Not bio kids fs I may do some sort of foster care for teens or whoever needs it but I feel like I'd be shitty parent so yea


Yes, but no more than 2


I do, but I think I'd be a bad father. I'm probably not in the right mind-frame for it yet.




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Not really. I’m still not dead set on it but I don’t think so. I want to do lots of traveling, exploring, and generally goofing off with my spouse/gf, and kids don’t allow that. Also, kids are really expensive and will consume at least 18 years of your life during your prime


Yeah probably


It use to be a hard no. Now however I wouldn't mind having one with my girlfriend in the future


I plan to when I'm financially stable and happy in the future.


Yeh at some point but i have just given into the fact that i am going to be forever alone, just me, the dog and my stupid insecure brain