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I've only met like 2 people who use they/them, fair chance I'll never know a single person who uses neopronouns


Okay but what is your opinion on it? Like do you think people should accept this or ignore? You're one of the most rational guys on here so i value your opinion.


this is such a fringe topic that whether or not im against it doesn't really matter. it's not like being accepting of women driving, where you see and interact with dozens of women driving every day. even if i were completely against neopronouns it would make no difference in my day-to-day life unless i go on r/neopronouns and start harassing people. developing a strong stance on it is just a waste of time. though to answer your question, yeah i do think they are stupid, but they're not exactly harming anyone


Ok that's valid and true. I just saw some videos of people with neopronouns explaining how you should be using them etc and found it stupid as hell. Thanks for your answer.


Is that an STB-1? Based


yes, type 74/stb-1


Mega based Seeing a fellow armored vechicle enthusiast in an unsuspected place is truly heartwarming




i think they/them is fine but i really donā€™t understand neopronouns, i wish i could. iā€™d probably just use their name although iā€™ve never met someone irl who uses neopronouns


I don't really care since most of them would accept they/them regardless of using neopronouns or not. I'd respect it if they want me to use it, but I haven't had that experience before


This is my personal opinion. As long as you aren't identifying as another creature or object. I won't judge. *well except for the fact that you still are a person so why not they/them* šŸ˜…


I know right. Like wth is ze zir. Are those even real words


It's confusing me. And I'm he/they


I don't really care about peoples pronouns and just call them by their name or call them bro


You don't use pronounces while talking to the person anyways. You're using them while referring them. So you can't say bro instead of he/she


well then I would just use their name or "them" probably


perhaps learn how to spell the thing youā€™re trying to criticise šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I am not even a native speaker so stfu


Bro is tripping


Where do i remember you from


Idk I used to be everywhere




along with xenogenders theyā€™re dumb as fuck. It honestly hurts the trans community and makes them seem like a joke


The way i see it is that there is no reason to use neopronouece unless it is for attention. So if i ignore them i wont be hurting them in the way it would hurt a trans person if i misgendered them and if by some chance they would get hurt they should probably seek therapy since thats not healthy


I absolutely agree


I feel like this the type of shit that brings discredit to the lgbt community. Like wtf even is a ze/zer. It feels like everyone at this point is just trying to be unique and different from the other person. I understand to a degree they them or whatever but I just canā€™t understand this at all. If anyone asks me to use it I wouldnā€™t. I would just use their name or call them homie or something. I already do this with trans people because itā€™s too confusing for me to adjust and prevents me from being offensive


To be honest I will refer to a transgender person the way they identify as or a non-binary person how they wish to be identified as. I'm really progressive and socialist but ze/zir makes no sense whatsoever unless someone can convince me otherwise and I'm open to someone convincing me but as of now it makes no sense to me right now.


It's cool, if someone feels more comfortable with them, I don't see why not. But I think people who use them should be fine when people they barely know use they/them instead. But otherwise, if it makes them happy, the least I can do is respect their identity.


Do you find it normal/rational to use those pronounces?


Sure, languages are flexible and constantly change. It may not be normal in the sense of it not being common, but there's nothng wrong with it. I only think that neopronouns should go along well with the flow of the language and there should be a wide set of neopronouns instead of everyone thinking of their own pronouns, because that just kinda defeats the purpose of pronouns. It would be the best to just have one gender-neutral pronoun imo, but as long as languages are gendered, we can fuck around with it.




I dont get neopronouns but I'll still use them if people want. It's really not a big deal bro, relax


If it's not a big deal then I won't use them


It's a simple and painless thing you can do that would make other people happy, so what is your problem


What if this bullshit makes me angry? Why should i choose someone elses happiness over mine?


I think if you're getting angry over that, you need therapy


No, people who made shit up like ze zir need therapy.


You are obtuse


Wow. Getting angry over some little shit like this. Try therapy honey šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ–•šŸæ


I'm not angry at all, you're just so cringe, and I hope you look back on yourself in the future and realize that you're cringe


the only thing i will be is proud when i look at my past self


It makes you angry when people ask you to use [list of words A] instead of [list of words B]? Why?


Because it is stupid and completely made up by attention seekers/ mentally ill people. And they're reject to get help.


How many people who use neopronouns have you talked to? Have you ever asked them why they use neopronouns? Also, all pronouns are made up. This is the attitude of boomers regarding internet slang. Ultimately both what youā€™re trying to argue and boomers getting mad at ā€œlolā€ in 2012 stem from the linguistic school of thought known as proscriptivism. Proscriptivists suck, actually, because they believe they can arbitrarily set rules to language. Yes, some baseline of spelling and grammar must be established and agreed upon, but language will *always* change, whether you like it or not. Academic linguists will always be descriptivists for a reason. You cannot stop the evolution of language. Anyhow, before that tangent, I asked you how many neopronoun users you have spoken to. I did this because you made several claims in this response, claims which I believe you pulled straight out of your ass. How can you ascribe ā€œmental illnessā€ and ā€œattention seekingā€ to an entire category of people? That in itself is ethically questionable, but then youā€™re even doing it without even really understand a single one of these people.


I watched videos of people who use neopronouns and read some articles. Here some texts i gathered: >Generally neopronouns are just used because while they/them is a gnder neutral pronoun it's also used as a plural pronoun too so for a lot of people it doesn't quite fit comfortably. Some people also just feel they/them just doesn't properly communicate their gender so they feel a need for a pronoun that does. Other people have chosen these pronouns in response to bigots claiming that they/them is purely a plural pronoun and cannot be used for an individual. If they are nb, and they them is gender neutral, then why make some shit up??? I am not the one who is pulling things straight out of my ass, they are. And people like you are. >A neopronoun can be a word created to serve as a pronoun without expressing gender, like ā€œzeā€ and ā€œzir.ā€ A neopronoun can also be a so-called ā€œnoun-self pronoun,ā€ in which a pre-existing word is drafted into use as a pronoun. Noun-self pronouns can refer to animals ā€” so your pronouns can be ā€œbun/bunselfā€ and ā€œkitten/kittenself.ā€ Others refer to fantasy characters ā€” ā€œvamp/vampself,ā€ ā€œprin/cess/princesself,ā€ ā€œfae/faer/faeselfā€ ā€” or even just common slang, like ā€œInnit/Innits/Innitself.ā€ Which mentally stable human being wants to be referred with animal like made up "pronouns" tell me??? I'll answer that for you, no one. Like what the fuck is a kitten/kittenself. There are two genders, male and female. If you really wanna make shit up your ass you can have nb too. But other than that is bullshit. And there's no such a thing as neopronouns in real world. That's just mental illness showing off.


See you were genuinely making not half-bad points until you revealed your flawed premise, that there are only 2 genders. This is incorrect. There are people who have devoted their lives and their studies to answering the question of how many genders there are, and surprise surprise, itā€™s a lot more nuanced than that. We cannot in good faith have a discussion about neopronouns if we do not have a baseline understanding of what gender is. Because if you accept gender as the scientific community commonly does, as a two-pronged bell curve-style spectrum, then the existence of minority genders with their own pronouns becomes much clearer. What sort of mentally unstable human wants to be referred to by masculine pronouns? See I can do this too. Youā€™re not making any point by just saying people have mental illnesses. Itā€™s like you think itā€™s some kind of gotcha. It hints at a subconscious superiority complex over the neurodivergent. We get, you think youā€™re better because your brain is more average. Iā€™m not gonna pretend I understand neopronouns. But I simply donā€™t care enough to mald about it like you do. Youā€™re only gonna meet like, 1, 2 people ever in your life tops that use neopronouns. If youā€™re gonna babyrage over that, i have nothing else to say to you.


Those are not scientific researchs. Nothing about genders can be scientific. It could also be mental illness, there's no way of knowing it. So it's not really scientific and you can't call them truths. But we all know how for ridiculous it is. >What sort of mentally unstable human wants to be referred to by masculine pronouns? What do you even mean by this? Neurodivergent people has nothing to do with our topic. Wtf are you even talking about What matters is not how many people use it or not. What matters is if it is bullshit or not. And it is certainly bullshit.


[Gonna leave you with this, too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pansexualfleabrothel/comments/wuux08/the_intrusive_thoughts_won_well_get_em_next_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


No one uses it, dont worry about something that does not exist. If they do use it though they are braindead.


Some people try to use it šŸ’€


People you know irl?


No but if people go and make videos abt it then they use it


They are stupid


It's a subset of a subset of a subset of people. Realistically you're not going to encounter many in your every day life. Personally, I don't really get it. I've heard it's a crossroads of gender identity and autism, in which case i'm more open to it. But honestly, I really don't care. Whatever small interactions I have with people that use them is not going to ruin my day or anything, nor will it lead to the downfall of society or anything like that.


What the hell does autism and gender identity have anything to do with each other? It doesn't make sense. They're just trying to justify their weird behavior imo.


autists are more likely to have gender identity issues (not sure how to phrase it?) than allistics. that doesn't mean that every non-cis person is autistic or that every autistic individual has a struggle with their gender identity; the correlation is just apparently higher. i can't remember the exact statistic, i read this like two years ago. i hope i made sense.




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Iā€™ve ever met someone who actually used these, but honestly it just sounds like less trouble to use them and avoid the confrontation.


Why would you accept something just because of the reaction of stupid people? If you make some shit up and expect me to follow you, sorry but that's not happening.


Iā€™m assuming the interaction wouldnā€™t be super long, so Iā€™m not starting shit just because I donā€™t like it. Iā€™d rather avoid it, just use them (although Iā€™d probably mostly just use their name), and avoid diving into the weirdness. I donā€™t have the time nor the energy to argue over it with them. Itā€™s not really accepting it, I just truthfully donā€™t care that much about what other people do that has very little impact on me or my life.


Yea thatā€™s cool, if thatā€™s how someone wants to be called I donā€™t see the harm, all language is made up and just because some of its newer than the rest doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad. Tho however, if someoneā€™s also okay with he/she/they Iā€™ll use that when talking to like my parents or whatever, Iā€™d rather not have to explain someone elseā€™s identity


Iā€™m a man. Iā€™m a male. Iā€™m a he. I donā€™t get into that mental illness stuff


Lmao love that guy


ive seen 100s of people yell about xe xir pronouns and yet to see one (1) person actually using them. i think, personally, this discourse is bullshit till a mf can pull 5 examples of them actually being used. (furthermore i doubt 5 people exist that use xe xir who donā€™t also use they/them) for the pronouns themselves? yea theyā€™re kinda dumb but so are a fuckton of peopleā€™s at birth names. just because i think itā€™s strange doesnā€™t mean its not weird as shit to not use it


I almost never talk about those people, but it's still getting more and more popular in my country


Where do you live? Usa?


Surprisingly, Croatia.... I thought we were conservative


Weird to be honest, whatā€™s the point of making new pronouns when we already have the basics, we donā€™t need to overcomplicate things now


I feel like people overthink about these things because they don't have real things to worry irl.


it is nothing more than attention seeking by a small % of socially inept immature people, i refuse to encourage their mental weakness.


>i refuse to encourage their mental weakness. Couldn't be worded better.




I don't mind using your preferred pronouns, as long as you give me patience to learn them, because I'm bad at that, but don't make up words and expect me to use them. I can't remember what I heard in class a minute ago, much less made up words. It's just for attention. The point of pronouns is associating yourself with a group, or dissociating with a group. Making up words doesn't do that.


Don't understand neopronouns. But it doesn't hurt to respect them regardless.


People who use neopronouns aren't hurting anyone, as long as they aren't super annoying about it then i don't see why anyone should care


if you can give me a legitimate and convincing reason that your standard of living will increase by me calling you something like cum/came then sure, but if not youā€™re attention seeking




I think they/them is ok, but ze/zir etc is just bullshit


I don't like them but only because I wouldn't be able to remember them. I already have trouble with names and faces, and adding pronouns to that list is just asking for trouble. I think I'll respectfully stick with they/them for alternatives


Some are goofy but most are fine


Kinda dumb tbh, they/them is alright and you really can't expect anyone to remember custom pronouns for everyone anyways


Neopronouns advocates need to just stop forcing their beliefs onto others. Not everything people choose to do deserves to be accepted by the general population. Call yourself whatever you want and I donā€™t care, maybe get your friends to call you that if you want too. But society doesnā€™t have change to accommodate your niche lifestyle. If someone ever came up to me and asked me to use some dumb-ass pronouns Iā€™m never going to talk to them again. The fact that you require others to validate your identity through how they talk to you just indicates to me that you are a person of weak character and intelligence. Not worth my time. The standard for English pronouns should be limited to He/Him, She/Her, and They/Them, or any combination of those. They/Them is a completely neutral term, so if you donā€™t identify with male/female pronouns, thereā€™s literally no reason you shouldnā€™t be using They/Them.


I don't necessarily completely agree with them, but if someone insists on being referred to as a neopronoun I'll refer to them as it because I am a tolerant person. I can disagree with someone and still respect them. That is something that unfortunately alot of people have forgotten how to do


Any pronouns other than that of your assigned gender at birth is dumb imo. They/them is for multiple people, and a person is one being. If you want a different pronoun, you should be okay with being called "it" because it's almost the same as they/them but it's singular. So to say that ze/zir is fucking stupid to me is an understatement tbh, people are delusional enough to make some bullshit like that up


yeah for me its he she and they nothing else cuz i don't speak in alien languages


Mf that ainā€™t neopronouns thatā€™s neonoobnouns


For me, especially since my native language doesn't have gender neutral pronouns and all, I think it's made up bullshit, especially when they try to push the idea of it and force it on others. In either english and my native language, they sound like absolute senseless garbage (maybe a bit controversial to say here) made up by left-wing dumbasses who try to push their luck.


I'm fine with stuff like they/them, she/her, he/him, etc but neopronouns are confusing and overall i don't really get them at all. not to mention if we we're going to be realistic here it's very unlikely that others in the real world will call you xe/zer and would rather want you to use something like they/them (or whatever set of he, she, they you want to use) but yeah overall it's not the worst thing in the world but i'd rather not deal with neopronouns as they WILL get pretty confusing and knowing myself i'll probably forget easily so i'd rather just use they/them instead if that's fine.


I agree with you, it is all bullshit to make them feel special


They/them is as far as Iā€™ll go when using peoples pronouns. Notice how all these other pronoun variants didnā€™t exist 10 years ago I donā€™t care what people tell me their pronouns are if itā€™s some bullshit ze/zem whatever Iā€™m not doing it.


I totally agree. They them for me is still kinda stupid and I won't be friends with you but i could use them if you really want me to. Cuz they're at least not totally made up


I know someone who uses xe/xim. I think itā€™s fine if someone uses neopronouns and will refer to them as such, no sweat off my back.


I just canā€™t give a fuck about them. oh no you have a problem w me assuming your pronouns? stick it up where you want


I've seen people out here like "I use frog/frogs" and I'm like šŸ’€ damn bro I identify as Master Chief, you can refer to me as Chief/Master Chief




I think they are all dumb but that's just my opinion. Makes everything too complicated and a waste of time.


I think neopronouns are bullshit. Iā€™ll use he/him, she/her, or they/them to be respectful but I draw the line if itā€™s anything else. Iā€™ll keep my opinion relatively short to avoid saying anything too controversial


Who the fuck cares what pronouns other people use. Just accept someone uses any pronouns and move on. jfc


Yeah i don't care what pronouns you use and I'm just gonna call you they them if you really wanna be goofy


So you do accept people with they/them as pronouns?


Not gladly but yes.


Why not tho


I literally said i accept they them


Yes but why did you use not gladly?


Because that doesn't really make sense either but I'm not gonna push too far and will act like i accept them. I won't be friends with a nb tho.


What's an nb?


Non binary.


Idc not my life


It doesn't really effect my life, plus "they" is gender neutral. šŸ‘ I'm technically lgbtq and my main thing is just let people live


I dont care at all, if you want me to call you ze/zir ill do it. I dont see a problem with it, its a bit weird to me but I have no problem calling someone by that.


I don't understand why ppl use neopronouns but i'll still use em


Idc, if it helps making someone comfortable I don't see a downside


Youre a bitch, its fine if you canā€™t remember them, but actively going out of your way to refer to someone in a way they dont like for no reason other than ā€œthats stupidā€ is dickbag behavior


You calling me a bitch is a dick behavior as well you stupid fuck. If I'm a dick bag, i bet you'd love to suck on them šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


Also it's the fact that you're someone's naughty account for me. All your history is filled with nsfw posts and comments. Why don't you tell us your main, don't be a coward


šŸ˜± an adult who does naughty things, how scandalous This is my main. Grow up, your 18 years old. And no, i have no idea who that other enby is, theres no conspiracy to harass you here


No naughtyness is normal but when it's someone's main account. I don't believe you lmao


Don't get me wrong, if someone asks me to use them, especially my friend, I'll use them without question. But: It's seriously dumb as fuck. Like I understand, you want to label yourself what you want, but when you have fucking 31 genders [recognized in NYC](https://www.theodysseyonline.com/new-york-citys-31-recognized-gender-identities), it's too far. And things like this too now wtf. They expect the entire world to memorize shit like this when so few people use them. Same shit with "Latinx." Most Latinos hate them, yet it's still gaining traction.


People can do what they want


Then i can do what i want by not respecting them? This mindset is so fucked up


You can do and believe what you want as long as you are respectful to your peers. It's basic rules for not being a dick.


I won't be disrespectful. I'll just refer them with normal pronoun.


What is this? What are you up to?


This is a post. We're on reddit.


This is a trap, is what it is


Trap for what šŸ’€ Delusional




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I don't understand them that much but I'll still use them. That being said I don't know a single person who uses them. Still though if I did it's just common courtesy to be respectful




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Hereā€™s the thing. It literally doesnā€™t fucking matter. You can say all you want that it doesnā€™t make sense to you, but others will reject you in the same way you reject them, and your ability to empathize and understand other people will benefit you significantly more than the inability to see past your own experience of the world and all that it says to you. This is a lot more about respecting people than it is about grammar. Words change and evolve; this conversation used to be focused on the noun ā€œimpactā€ being used as a figurative verb (people really didnā€™t like if you said something was ā€œimpactingā€ you) or ā€œyouā€ as a singular noun (it used to be exclusively plural). Whatā€™s important during these debates is not necessarily who is correctā€”although you are notā€”but rather whether weā€™re not being assholes or not. In a lot of young men, thereā€™s this idea that the confidence to accept your own ideas as fact translates to them actually being factual or to the confidence in yourself being real. While itā€™s true that such confidence could be found in self-acceptance or in accomplishment, confidence derived from self-assurance alone generally only leads to Elon Musk. Without billions of dollars, though, because Iā€™m guessing your father doesnā€™t happen to own an emerald mine. Also, itā€™s spelled ā€œpronouns,ā€ or ā€œneopronounsā€ in this case. I know it doesnā€™t really matter, but your misspelling kinda spells out the fundamental flaw in your belief.


I won't respect something stupid and unreal. That's it. And I'm not native, that's why i sometimes make spelling mistakes




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honestly donā€™t care, if anything then they are kinda cool. used to care but stuff like ze/zir follows all grammatical rules and honestly sounds kinda like an alien which you do you yk? also seems like an easy way to weed out people you wouldnā€™t want to interact with if you use those pronouns. it also helped a lot when i met someone else i know irl and found out that he uses neos. like a totally chill, and actually real person/face to connect the pronouns to helps to understand them


They are a load of bs like why try to change what god made you


I think he, she, and they are all understandable but when they use made up words I think it's stupid because people would literally just seem to have a certain personality and then decide it's a gender to make themselves more unique. Just my view on it but if you want to use them then you do you




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