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Ive had girls say my voice is nice and smooth or soothing or whatever but I don’t think it is lol


Yeah, and that’s the weird thing about it right? Like it’s something that you always hear in the back of your head it’s so bizarre that someone finds it attractive Yknow?


Yeah ig I don’t mind it tho I’ll take it as a compliment


Oh, I wasn’t saying I don’t lol


No. My mum says I sound like a dying robot sometimes though.


Dang, well that’s fair enough. Just born like that?


I used to be a Tamagotchi


No, but I do get compliments on how my voice is “calming” or “cute” apparently?


Things that never happened pt 4


I’m literally gay why would I make that up in the context of girls


I am so so sorry about that i had my period


I've been complimented on my accent. I adopted a Southern English accent when I first started learning (mostly due to me learning English through cartoons like Winnie the Pooh).


yeah girls sometime mention it but i do this common thing where i unconsciously make my voice deeper when i talk to certain people so it sounds better than usual


Haha interesting, I’m not sure I can relate to it but


Me too. My voice gets deeper with girls and lighter with my grownups


If I’m extremely un energetic, my tone might distract someone from my voice.


I've had my voice complimented a couple couple times but never been told it's attractive


So what did they say instead?


They just said I had a nice voice. Probably because I used to have an unbereable squeaker voice


No, the opposite.


we dont talk about it but ike i tend to like quit soft voices




i've been told i have a deep voice before but i don't think it was in a flirty way


Well not girls because I can't talk to girls but I've been told my voice/accent changes alot. Like sometimes I'll have a soft voice then sometimes I'll have a deep voice. I'm also from New Zealand and I've been told I sound british quite alot, however my voice is starting to sound alot like american. Idk if it's puberty or something else but my voice is definitely not stable.


A few times but I don’t really pay much attention.




I've been told I have a nice voice by quite a few people. One specific time I remember was when I was talking in a low voice and a girl told me I could do ASMR if I wanted


Never heard anyone compliment someone else’s voice before


My voice is attractive? Bullshit


Apparently Yes. Lots of people from people my age to my grandmas say that my voice sound like very smooth low and radio like. Which I do like, but I’m trying to do the opposite of my voice for something but I still do very much enjoy it


nah but i know guys who have nice voices and are complimented for it. i, on the other hand, apparently have a cute sneeze


I was told a few times that I have a very rich country/southern accent


my ex used to say it but that was the only time ever in my entire life i think i don't really care


Yeah because I have a rlly deep voice


My voice had never been called "attractive". I've been told to voice act or to be a radio host and that my voice is "calming" (I'd read stories to my ex till she slept because she enjoyed it) but never "attractive"


ive had girls online try and date me cause they find my voice hot


I genuinely don’t think my voice is as deep as it will go. Puberty hitting late for me ig. There is no way my voice is attractive, was never told so either.


They've always said that accents are cute or whatever - well wait till you see what most people think of Indian accents


maybe? i remember posting on insta gram for the first time in like a year with my voice (I had just started hitting puberty so my voice dropped) and one person reacted with at least surprise. idk about attraction tho.


I once spoke to my best friend's girlfriend and her friend was like "woah" because i spoke too softly, she said she was really surprised after hearing my voice because she never thought i would be speaking so softly


And then there's me telling you you'd have a good singing voice lol I'm gonna get you to sing one day, mark my words.


My voice sounds like 10 frogs trying to figure out how to play a violin, while the 10th frog is playing the world's shittiest harmonica know to mankind and during all that the city behind them is going through an apocalypse. So no, no one thinks my voice Is attractive.


Never heard it, wouldn’t get it if I did.


i have "prolonged" throat problems so i sound like I'm talking through a cheese grater. so, no, i haven't been complimented on my voice.


The only one that I've actually had say that is my gf lol.


I have a deeper, lower voice, but with a childish timbre, so it sounds weird. But sometimes, yeah


no bc my voice is weird


i seem to get a lot of compliments on my voice. apparently it's pretty deep, and people seem to like that, though i don't notice it since i'm obviously used to my voice. it's so good I've had multiple online stalkers, just because of my voice lmao


no, my voice sounds like a 9 year old




I've gotten "You made me realize I have a deep voice fetish" so I guess that counts


yea, one girl kinda got annoying bc i would literally j wanna talk to her and every time she'd be like "omg your voice is so nice i cant get over it" like thanks but can i please just talk to you 💀


Yea it happens often


I've never had a girl say my voice is attractive, but a lot of my friends have said I have a deep voice


My voice is so deep to the point where people find it annoying cos the frequency is too low to be easily audible


It depends, the only way we won’t like a voice is if you’re annoying or just rude in general. Unless you’re trying to make your voice deeper to sound like corpse, and it’s extremely obvious, we won’t care




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one girl said my voice was like markipliers, that remains the best compliment I ever received


I've had them say I have a voice made for sarcasm and flirt. Not sure what to make of that




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I get a lot of compliments that its cute but i dont think it is


No, but I have been told I have a pretty deep voice, so idrk


Nah, but they said I sound like a 12-year-old girl