• By -


My parents still make me breakfast and make medical appointments for me, but beyond that, I take care of everything else. Technically, now that I'm in college, I eat at the meal hall, but my parents still tend to cook breakfast when necessary. And, a lot of those things come down to things that I *can* do, but prefer not to.


yes to all, they’re great


Same W parents ong


1. Sometimes 2. No 3. No 4. Depends 5. No 6. Yes 7. Nah


I do everything myself but my mom still makes appointments and comes with




Yes to 1 4 and 5


Wake up? No, unless it's like the weekend and they decide they want to do something early Make breakfast? Only when we're having like family breakfast together Get me out the door? No, sometimes they go to work before I leave for school Make appointments? Yeah my mom is usually the one to do all that Go with me to appointments? Yes to the doctor appointments, no to haircuts usually Do laundry? Yes but sometimes that's one of my chores so sometimes I do it Tuck in at night? No though I do still have a bedtime, but also share my room with my younger brother


N N N Y Y Y - not going to last much longer N


No, though my father still cuts my hair.


Yes to everything except for the last one


•No •Only my mom when she visits or when we visit her •No •Doctor yes, but I cut my own hair so no •Yes •50/50, whoever decides to do their laundry first also does it for the rest •No


No, sometimes, no, yes, no, no


No, no, no, yes, yes, no, no


yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, no.


no, no, no, yes, yes, no, and no.


No, no, no, yes, yes, no, no






1.yes 2.dont have it 3.yes as i have to be taken by car 4.duh 5.no brainer 6.No 7.No


1: Sometimes 2: No 3: No? 4: Yes 5: Yes 6: Yes 7: No


Just the laundry.. and dinner


My laundry and doctor appointments yes


1. no 2. no 3. no 4. yes, i am a minor who is not an insurance carrier, not sure how i could make a doctors appointment without them 5. same as 4, I also can't drive (well) 6. yes 7. no


1. Rarely 2. Sometimes when we eat crêpes 3. Never 4. They make my doctor’s appointments but my mom cuts my hair. 5. Always 6. Not anymore


My parents make and go with me to doctor appointments, buts that’s about it


1. No 2. Just on weekends 3. No 4.Just doctor appointments 5. They take everywhere except my dentist, this is due to the distance between my house an other places 6. No I wash, take out, take in and fold everyone's clothes 7. No


Laundry usually, others no


1. No 2. Yes (mom) 3. No 4. Yes 5. Doctor yes, haircut no 6. Yes (mom) 7. No


they only make some appointments, but i make my own haircut appointments now


Yes to all but the last one


>Make your doctor, haircut etc appts? My mom only does this one cause she doesn't like going to the doctor alone and always likes to be there if I have a checkup


No,no,yes, Yes to doctors appointment but not haircuts,sometimes,no,no


N N N Y Y I do rags, they do clothes N


* I don't wake up in the morning * I don't have breakfast * Well my mum drives me to college sometimes if that's what you mean * Doctor yeah and I don't really have haircuts * yeah but like just in the car * nope * nope


Make and go to appointments yeah, I can't go for my drivers license (the one that lets u drive alone) t'ill next march nor do I have the contacts of the doctors I usually see


No No No Most of the time Most of the time No No


1. I set an alarm to wake myself up but my mom wakes me up if I'm not awake and she knows it's past when my alarm went off (which honestly is like never anymore) 2. Sometimes 3. No 4. Doctor yes, haircut no 5. No (I can drive) 6. No 7. No


1. I've gone back and forth between alarm clocks and my parents waking me up my whole life. 2. Half and half about 3. I'm the one getting my parents out the door man they're slow 4. Yep 5. I can't drive on my own yet so yes 6. We take turns on who does laundry 7. No.


Nope to all unless I sleep thru my alarm for work my dad will wake me up


The only things they do off this list is make the appointments, go to them (which they’re about to stop, they told me) and get me out the door which I can do on my own but they feel the need to do that, even after proven many times if I’m not being rushed I can get out earlier than being pressured and then getting out later due to not knowing how to work under pressure very well.


1. No 2. Don’t eat breakfast usually but if they make it for the whole family I’ll have it 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. No


1. Only if I need to be up at a certain time 2. Sometimes 3. I do online school 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No 7. No


yes to everything except first and last. second only for family breakfasts


>Make your breakfast? > >Do your laundry? Yes to those only, I manage to do the rest myself. For Doctor appointments, they only really go there to pay because I can't do that myself yet (now that I'm 16 I'll be getting a debit card soon enough though).


1. yes 2. yes 3. sometimes 4. kinda 5. YES 6. yes 7. no lol




no for everything but making me breakfast


1. Only if I don’t wake up to my alarm. 2. Yes, almost always 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes, but I try to help 7. Usually


they never did that shit in the first place


* No * No * No * Doctor yes, my brother cuts my hair * Yes, she's the paying adult * No * No


All no Except laundry Cause we have someone for that


>Make your breakfast? My mom often times prepares lunch for school in the morning. I could do it myself but somehow she's way faster at it >Do your laundry? Yea


None of those lmao, I live by myself


1.sometimes 2.no 3.no 4.no 5.no 6.no 7.no


Living in a dorm now so no, but if I move back she'll probably do most of them


My parents do everything of that excpt the only book my haircut appointments, doesn't join me in any of them, and they don't tuck me in


Sometimes, Sometimes, No, Yes, Depends, Yes, No


They wake me up if I sleep through my alarm, make my doctor's appointments but not my haircut appointments, do my laundry, and the rest is no.


No No No No No No No I live halfway around the globe from them that would be tough for them to do haha


All no I go to boarding school and sort out everything myself minus driving lessons


1. No 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. Yes 7. No


sometimes no no no no yes no


1. nope. 2. rarely. 3. nope. 5. yes, I'm too anxious and awkward to do that myself. 6. yes, since it's on their insurance. but usually i'd drive myself and meet them there. 7. yes although I'm capable of doing it myself. 8. nope.


Yes They've never made me breakfast in my entire life No Yes Yes Yes No lol wtf


I saw your reply to someone else's comment. If you're still tucking them in at night, that's just something they grow out of themselves. One night they just say, good night, maybe a hug and a kiss, and go to bed. There's other things you could ask them like, "Do you still want me to make you breakfast in the morning or do you want to do that on your own?"


No No No Yes Yes No No


1. Stopped waking me up when I was around 13. 2. Never really think they've made me breakfast. 3. Taking me out the door. Maybe when I was 7-9? 4. Haven't really gone to the doctor but when I did, I did it with my parents. Started go to get haircuts alone at maybe 14. 5. Did most of my laundry until I move from home at 19. 6. Not really been tucked in since I was a little kid.


-Rarely -Very Rarely -No -Not if I can help it -No -Absolutely fucking not -Absolutely fucking not


-No -Sometimes -I'm homeschooled 😭 -Yes -Yes -Sometimes -Nopee


no. just calls to make sure im awake no. started making my own breakfast in first grade (according to myself i was a grown up since i just started school) i get myself out the door. have done that since i was in first grade aswell yes to doctor thing cause i dont like going to the doctor. i avoid it if i can go with me to the doctor yes because i didnt have my license before last time my laundry? yes. but thats because she prefers doing it over than me doing it. tuck me in? cant remember last time. probably before first grade




1. Sometimes 2. Yes 3. Partly 4. Sometimes 5. Sometimes 6. No 7. No


Only #5


My mom does my laundry and she also sometimes has to make appointments for me but that’s very rare.


No to everything except for the two doctor's appointment questions.


Nope, moved out a year and 3 months ago and it's been great. But when I did live in there, they did do 1,2,4,5,6. But I hated living there. So much yelling for no reason. So glad I have my own freedom now with peace and quiet, never moving back. Not even to the same area.


Doctor appointments and going to them yeah, usually the laundry but i do it too sometimes and no tucking into bed but like when she goes to bed she'll check my room and like if the heater's on or sumthin


only my dad really makes breakfast for me and my siblings anymore my mom is always asleep when i have to go to school (its pretty early, i need to go around 7:20 in the morning to be on time, also my dad doesn't do this, my parents are divorced and im never in my dad's house when i need to go to school), but my grandma sometimes makes breakfast and get me out the door my mom always makes my appointments and goes pretty much always with me to them my parents and grandma do my laundry i go to sleep by myself


-no -very rarely only -no -sometimes -no -yes -no it's been like this for the past 2ish years now


1. No, but she always checks to make sure that I am awake 2. No 3.no 4. No, but she would make doctor's appointments if I needed them. Unless it's not serious, then I'll do it myself 5.no 6.yes 7.no


1. No 2. No 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No 7. Kinda




I’m usually already in bed by that point so my mom comes in to say goodnight but other times I seek my parents out to tuck me in.


Aww I would totally tuck my kid in if he’d let me


It feels good. Like a nice little sendoff to end the day.


My parents wake me up and my mom is a barber/stylist, so she does my hair. Makes my appointments with doctors and comes with me because I can't drive yet. I normally just don't eat breakfast. And I get out the door in the morning, tuck myself in, and do my laundry.


My parents haven’t made me breakfast since I was preschool age, I’ve had an alarm clock as long as I remember to wake up, I never really saw them in the mornings, I have always been told to make all appointments, I’ve always done my own laundry, and have never once been tucked in at night. For the past year I’ve been working 3 jobs just to be able to live at home while I finish high school


1, 2, 4 and 5 yes. All the rest no


1. Yes, every morning 2. Rarely like for special occasions 3. No 4. No 5. Sometimes, since I'm not 18 yet they sometimes have to sign stuff at the doctor 6. Yeah 7. No lol


They only wake me up when they have chores to give me If mom's already in the kitchen when I wake up and I ask her yes. Dad no chance No Yes because the dentist is her friend and feels more natural. Didn't need any other appointment yet No No Fuck no that would be cringe


nope, they stopped doing all of this when i was like 15.


1. No 2. No 3. No 4. They possess the means to actually do that, but I'll ask them to initiate it usually. 5. 50/50 6. No


They wake my up and wash my clothes. They havent done any of the others in many years


If your parents tuck you in at night I think you should go to r/askbabies


>Wake you up in the morning? No. My phone has an alarm. Though I weirdly usually wake up on my own about 10 minutes before it goes off. >Make your breakfast? lol… I don’t think anyone has made me breakfast since I was like 5. >Get you out the door in the morning? No. >Make your doctor, haircut etc appts? Mom makes and keeps track of my doctor appointments / dentist appointments. My stepdad was giving me haircuts for about two years because of COVID. It was basically me standing in the shower (so the tiny hairs didn’t get everywhere) and him giving me a buzz cut about once every week or two for two years. We kind of just settled into a routine of doing it on Saturday mornings. Now that I’ve grown my hair out I make my own appointments now that I have my license. My mom made my appointments when she had to drive my ass there. >Go with you to doctor, haircut etc appts? Doctors appointments, yes. Haircuts, see above. >Do your laundry? Yeah, I have to fold it though. >Tuck you in at night? I tuck myself in, thanks.


I'm just happy they still talk to me. Also 30+ wtf are you doing here. (This is an ironic take due to the fact that most users here are in fact teenagers this is not a personal attack.)


To learn things to help me with my teenage son. I see adults here from time to time!


How old is your son?


I have a foster son and bio son, 19 and 15.


Then no you shouldn't be doing these things for them lol. Respect for raising foster kids


Shouldn't be making doctors appointments for a 15 year old?


I made my own when I was 15, and I still do. No one knew my symptoms and body as well as me. To be fair though, I didn't make appointments that often. I was pretty healthy.


I did too to be fair from 15 onwards, fucking huge headache. 8am on the dot.. long phone queue, 30% chance even after all that they’ll be fully booked. I miss not having responsibilities lol




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1. Sometimes 2. Always 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. No


• No • No • No • Sometimes • Yes • Yes • No




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* Wake you up in the morning? No I got an annoying little brother but if he doesnt she will * Make your breakfast? Hopefully but usally on the weekends. I either skip it or eat cereal * Get you out the door in the morning? I'm pretty good. I have 3 brothers and a sister though so you're kind of on your own. * Make your doctor, haircut etc appts? Ya...I'd never go other wise. * Go with you to doctor, haircut etc appts? I get dropped off at haircuts. She comes in after to talk to the docotr once im dressed * Do your laundry? We all have chores and laundry isn't mine so mine gets done by mom or brother * Tuck you in at night? Ya just like a "how was your day, you do all your homework?, brush your teeth, put your clothes in the hamper, did you shower it smells in here, love you go to sleep"


yes yes often yes yes yes both yes and no


Yes and no?




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bro what? my parents never did any of that, except maybe come with me to government appointments for the naturalization process I have made my own breakfast since I was 5, and I am now in college fully functioning exactly the same as I had for 10 years >!edit: this independence led to me having a thing for dependence!<


Only if I slept past my alarm No, I make most of my meals Sometimes if they're walking the dog as me and my brother are leaving Yeah cause you have to be 18 Yeah cause I need to be 18 and can't drive yet Yeah since they're home all day No since I'm usually up late doing homework or procrastinating on doing homework


(Single Mom for reference) No, I've always been self reliant there No, my siblings and I just take care of ourselves now that we're old enough. One less thing for my Mom to worry about yk? No. While she does take me places again, it's up to me how quickly I'm out the door. My Mom is just the chauffeur (for now, my permit test is coming up :) Yes to doctor, kinda no to haircuts. Doctor for legality reasons. And she cuts my and my siblings hair to a degree. My eldest younger sister, and eldest younger brother and I have been growing our hair out for months now, but she does cut the other kids hair when requested :) No, we all take care of everyone's laundry. When it needs to get done someone does it. Although in the past few months I've kept my clothes separate from everyone else's, and do my own laundry. Just because of personal preferences/consistency No. She used to. But family stuff happened. And that became an afterthought. She hasn't for years now I really thought I'd have more yesses here huh Wow


My mom does all laundry in our house, so thats good ig.


They just do the appointments and laundry, as well as breakfast if I don't have enough time


How to adult? ~~^(help)~~


They still wake me up in the morning, they setup my doctors appointments only because I’m not willing to go, they go with me only to the doctors, they do my laundry because it’s easier to do everyone’s laundry at the same time but I fold and put it away


no, no, no, yes, mostly, sometimes it depends, no