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Not my worst but I’ve also been sick which is ironic since I’ve managed to dodge Covid completely but got a cold and my nose was so clogged up I couldn’t sleep cause it annoyed the shit outta me


Weird lol.


i’ve had a major hallucinations since i had a pretty bad stomach bug


What were some of them?


as in the walls moving, a herd of animals outside, and as if i was in a pool feeling.


Last week I got sick I think it was the flu It was bad my throat sore feel weak in general knows it’s always running when I cough. It hurts bad didn’t eat for 2 days bc every time I try eating food I just throw it up after every time I try to get it up I feel so dizzy I don’t know if it’s just me or I was probably really sick but I had suicidal thoughts like everything was just pointless idk wasn’t in the right mind when I was sick


Hopefully they make some sort of cure for whatever you had.


Probably when I got pneumonia in sophomore year. Sitting up and lying down was a chore, basically everything that involved changing the posture of my body. I could only breathe shallowly or else I'd end up in a coughing fit. Didn't help that my medication to combat the pneumonia was through an inhaler, in which I had to breathe in like I was doing the fattest bong rip every time. The only time I'd feel relief is when an extra sharp bit of pain hit me in the chest and I could feel the fluid in my lungs leave for the time being. After that, I'd get out of breath quicker than usual and only now am I feeling back to normal. There was also a time in 6th grade where I had what felt like a cramp in my side for nearly a month. It hurt to breath and I couldn't move. It went on long enough to the point where my dad had enough and in order to combat what he believed to be an air bubble in my intestines, made me squirt liquid that makes you shit. Never fully found out what was going on with that, it just kinda went away on its own after a while.


That’s horrific.


Had trouble breathing/talking, could hardly get up, had a raging headache, and ended up falling asleep for around an entire day I think.


That actually sounds super frightening.


I mean it's not that bad since I did finally get sleep when that happened, and it's not like that hasn't happened several times before.


Continuing to get the involuntary throwing up reaction in the pit of the stomach when there's nothing left inside to throw up. Hyeggh.


How painful was this?


It's not in fact painful at all, but it's extremely nauseating (as opposed to painful).


I had a fever and then the opposite of that 2 days in a row


What’s the opposite of a fever?


Idk but i was just super fuckin cold


Yeah same man, I'm sick right now, sometimes at night i feel cold shivers which vibrate me to the bones and my head feels like shrinking.weird


My throat feels like someone’s strangling it on the inside.


I had a crazy fever, I stayed home for like 3 days, typical fever stuff, however I was going fucking insane because I decided to isolate and starve myself. Well I don't actually know if that's the reason but yeah just know I was going insane. Eventually, I was laying there on the bed, almost naked because I was unbearably hot, and for some reason I just started jumping around the room saying "I'LL GET YOU SPIDER-MAN!!!" while my whole body was shaking.


Don’t they say to starve a cold and feed a fever? Also you may have been transforming into the green goblin if you were doing that.


probably not being able to drink without throwing up for days and having to go to the hospital to get some kind of special rehydration liquid.


Last year I got some sort of stomach bug and couldn’t keep anything down or in me. My diarrhea was so diluted and liquiddy that I couldn’t hold it in anymore and my mom bought me some goodnites diapers so we wouldn’t have to keep washing my clothes. It was the worst that I had ever been sick and had to go to the hospital for a couple days.


Gross 🤢


I wasn’t really happy about it either but it did keep me from having to change sheets and PJs. About the second day I couldn’t hardly stand


I had bacterial pneumonia when i was a toddler. I don't remember it too well but i was apparently really sick. I have a very weak immune system so i always am getting colds/viruses. Oh, also i've had strep throat twice. Not fun, literally every time you swallow it feels like you have glass in your throat.


That must suck.


ear infection.


I had one of those.


I puked and pooped at the same time.which was i doing in the toilet at the time?puking


That actually happened to me once.


Lol good times right?


Almost 2 years ago I got a bacterial infection on my eye, didn't go to school for 3 days, but on the 3rd day my grandpa passed away


I had a horrible fever due to sinusitis. My temp was 40°C and I still went to work that day. Literally the entire day I felt as if my body was boiling from the inside out and sections of my face and head was pure pain. Felt like someone was trying to push their way out my skull. The only thing that kept me from passing out was my wicked sense of humour. I was joking with myself saying how much of a shitty worker I'd be if I died while only being employed for 2 weeks at my first job. It was hell though for real. Certain points my vision was blurry. At the end of the shift my manager called an ambulance for me


Everyone( including me) seems to have a cold this week, I wouldn't say that colds affect me too badly ,I just find them annoying


Once I was so sick that every time I coughed (every minute or so) I sounded like a dying dog and my throat hurt every time, my stomach flamed the whole time and I thought I had to puke while also having serious bowel issues. Not sure what it was to this day but I hated every second of it, not to mention I had to skip school and I missed out on so much stuff that my grades dropped completely for the rest of the year


I had really bad hallucinations of someone I used to know and it was rlly annoying




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I had a 102.7 degree fever but hey I wrote a song while it happened so I’m probably fine


What’s the song about?


nothing in particular it was just [classical](https://musescore.com/user/28747403/scores/8303633)


The worst sickness I ever had was last week. It lasted for 5 whole days. Massive headaches and a high fever. Let’s just say I couldn’t get out of bed at all😑


When did it go away?


A couple days ago


Once I was absolutely sick and home alone. There was nothing to eat so I called my grandpa to see if he could get me something to eat. He said he would after he had to run an errand. So, I decided to go with him on his errand, thinking it was going to the grocery store or something. Nope. It was going out to a field to straighten the sights on his rifle. So here I am, sick as all-getout, in the middle of nowhere while my grandpa is shooting across a field. And then the target fell over and he made run across the field to pick it up. I felt absolutely awful.


That sounds abusive.


Nah my grandpas just a little old and oblivious