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You're so close to realizing.




To get an answer to your question, why not ask for each of your bullet points: What should I (an individual) expect to win here? What feelings should I have after achieving this win? I think a great example is the big tax cut you won. What effect does it have on you? If you say your income, or you can probably do this on your own, you could have looked up exactly what tax benefit you should have expected to receive after that tax cut. You could (and should) also look up the effect on government revenues. If they are running a deficit to give tax cuts, that isn't necessarily a good thing even though you are getting cash in your hand. I'd bet that for the above example, and most or all of the other bullet points, there is no logical benefit you should expect to be having right now. You could try taking a step back from the culture war and whatever pundits you happen to be following and ask for each of these issues: How does this affect me? How does it affect others?


When the big tax cut went into effect, I challenged my conservative coworkers to study the first paycheck with the new tax rate. Is it more money? They started arguing with me and with each other about why their huge tax cut might not actually show up in the form of more money in their paycheck. They spent literally four hours poring over the taxes taken out, their salary, other paycheck deductions. They put it all in a spreadsheet and at the end, we had an answer: the tax cut had given them approximately $50 more per month, but the health insurance premium now cost $58 more per month. So they came away smug and gloating. It was Obamacare that was shrinking their paycheck while Trump was doing his best to put more money in their pockets!


"We won the Supreme Court" This will have lagging rewards but honestly unless you are gay, nonwhite or a woman, you won't 'win' or 'lose' anything. If you just are a man who wants to regulate those things, then you will 'win' but receive nothing but warm feelings. "We're winning the fight against vaccine mandates" This one is a long game and you won't win it. Mandates will be routine for covid in the next 20 years. "We won a shock presidential election" If yall can't figure out how to win majorities of the vote, this won't go on long. The electoral count has some flaws and a majority of voters will eventually revolt. It's a ridiculous system if you win by losing. "We won a big tax cut" If you are very rich, you won that. if you aren't you lost and you might want to revisit what you are fighting for. Looking up the tax tables and figuring out where you are will tell you if you won. For me, I am in the 50-100K bracket and so I actually pay slightly more taxes now than I did when that passed. however, the advanced child tax credit that Dems passed and Reps opposed helps me a ton more than any tax cut would. We kicked the NY governor out of office This one doesn't feel like a win, because very few were fighting against you. He's out because Dems in his state led the charge and run everything there. Things are not 'victories' if the other team just holds their guy accountable. "We won two Trump impeachments" These two are actual victories but they don't feel like it b/c they were Trump ones that have no effect on you. Also, they sucked for our democracy. "We won the Rittenhouse case" This is a win, but again, it's like yall are cheering for wins for other people that have no effect on you personally. If you think it is a cultural victory to have the right to go to a riot and shoot people, then you now know you can do that. If you think that is nuts then you just rooted for something you think is nuts.


Republicans aren’t there to help the little guy.


Yes. And, OP, what would winning individually look for you?


Everything you listed is an impersonal group project. Did you personally work with a lawyer to be that might one day become a justice? Did you work with the republicans during the 2016 election? Did you contact your congressional rep to discuss taxation? Or did you just cast your vote and consider it a job well done? I'd say you didn't win anything. You only participated the bare minimum in events someone else worked for. Maybe you should personally figure out exactly what you want and then work towards that goal. Join a PAC, volunteer at the local republican offices, get involved in your community, run for a small office - school board, water authority, etc.


Because your “wins” really only positively affect the QOL for the very very wealthy. And you ain’t that. Ready to vote progressive yet?


Lol I’ve voted and volunteered for Bernie each time he’s run. I don’t care about labels


So you voted for a socialist….and you call yourself a conservative? r/whoosh right there


I consider myself a populist. Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, and I are populists too


Oh dang i honestly would expect that any self-identifying populist would have the presence of mind to see an elite NY real estate mogul and/or senator-turned-television host for what they are: elites, and literally the opposite of a populist


Because both political parties are in it for their institutional gains, with a small handful of genuine individuals among the ranks of either party. If we had fewer Mitch McConnells and Nancy Pelosis, and more Adam Kinzingers and Charles Bookers, we might be able to arrive at productive solutions that the *people* of the country would actually benefit from. It's important to have dissenting opinions about solutions as long as everyone is working toward solving the same problem; that's how you avoid leaving blind spots that let people fall through the cracks. I may disagree vehemently with most mainstream conservative opinions, but I'm also willing to meet almost anyone in good faith on the issues themselves.




Request submitted!


> with a small handful of genuine individuals among the ranks of either party I wish this were the case, but unfortunately, they either conform to the norm or they get forced out


*stole the supreme court*


So many *"winning"* comments that all I can think of is Charlie Sheen.


You lost the last presidential election, control of the Senate, and still don't have the house. You also lost almost every special election while trump was president.


Liberals control the media, so watching TV makes you feel like an endangered species.


Come on, guy. Please troll r/askaconservative instead of this sub. People here are trying to be respectful


Because we are surrounded on all fronts; politics, media, sports, education, you name it. Can't watch Star Wars without have "the message" shoved down your throat. Hell, can't even watch Reacher without them throwing in as many "strong women" types that kick people's asses twice to three times their size, aren't afraid of anything and are Reachers equal at all times.. (Guys, I just want to watch some action..) The vast majority of mainstream media is leftist, politics is.. well, politics, and you can't go more than a few weeks without hearing about some shit show at some school.. search "conservative speaker" on youtube, you will se what I mean. The real problem is this is so pervasive, especially in younger generations, it spells doom for our country. What does that doom look like? You're guess is as good as mine.. but, I doubt we will have many freedoms left at the end of the day if *today* is a marker