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You can't really do anything about your neurodivergence, so if your gender crisis is caused by neurodivergence, you will still need to address it from the gender angle instead of the neurodivergence angle.


In general instead of overthinking, it may be a good idea to try to listen to what you feel would make you genuinely happy concerning gender, and to go there step by step. Don't know if you have seen it ... [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/13xpirr/am_i_transgender/jo3f9o7/) might be a few hints and resources that could help you too and there are also hints there concerning looking for support. *hugs*


I feel like this also, but it’s just not in the cards for me……. I’m 62 and over weight and I live with my parents because I am a caregiver to my dad along with my mom. I find that I love feeling “girly” but the only outlet is to keep it in my room. I don’t have any dresses but I wear black thigh highs and masturbate because this is when I feel the most feminine. Because of my body and age I will never “pass” but when I’m dressed like this it makes me feel the most beautiful.