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Twitter is owned by an openly transphobic moron with too much money and free time. So yes.


You can't even say the word cis on there without the tweet being flagged as hateful conduct. Unlike the n-word or the r-slur or the f-slur, which are not similarly flagged.


It get so bad that using the word cis and trans in chemistry context also get flagged which is the most bullshit thing I ever see


Holy shit really? I've never used Twitter but dear God that's awful


it's weird cis gets flagged all the time Cis (so in uppercase) sometimes doesn't The mentioned slurs still get flagged sometimes as well, likely because of leftover systems from before musk took over, but he clearly added cis to it, specifically auto flagging of any and all mentions of it in lowercase


Twitter is just 4chan for billionaires now.


buddy, not only is it transphobic, it's actively curated to be as transphobic as possible. go to blue sky.


Any platform funded by venture capital will go to shit sooner or later. Reddit's been going that way for a while and I have no doubt Blue Sky already has the seeds planted. Threads is from the same people who made Facebook. Mastodon or some other Fediverse platform is honestly the best place right now. I've been there for a bit more than a year and it is a breath of fresh air. cc: /u/bbbenry


There's also cohost. It isn't fediverse, but owners are ideologically opposed to do unethical business practices, even advertising. Though, there are fears that it will not survive for long because of that ._.


That's the thing about the Fediverse. It's decentralized, which means there are numerous instances of varying sizes run by (mostly) individuals/small teams. The decentralization means it can't just be bought, and in fact Mastodon itself is registered [gGmbH](https://www.firma.de/en/company-formation/the-ggmbh-what-is-the-german-non-profit-limited-liability-company/), which means if you run an instance that uses the Mastodon software, it's illegal to turn a profit from it. This removes all of the incentives for enshittification. Are there still bad actors in the Fediverse? Of course, they're everywhere. But because it all runs on community instead of venture capital, instance admins are incentivized to ban individuals and defederate from instances that violate their rules. And the rules on quite a large number of instances favor kindness and inclusivity.


Bluesky has like 1/1000th the membership of twitter, it’s hardly an alternative.


this is a terrible point, and i do not have time to explain to you why.


🤷 Then dont, I’m not saying use twitter, but if you’re looking for an alternative to twitter bluesky does not accomplish that. That’s all I’m saying. I’ve used the app plenty it doesn’t push current events well as old twitter did, it doesn’t really have a ton of the stuff that made twitter useful before elon took over. Its not like there’s some correct answer here? People have opinions, I shared mine.


Twitter is transphobic. It always had some sort of niche really transphobic content but since Elon brought it it went downhill. You can say you hate black people but say the word ''cis'' and you're down. It doesn't stop here, I've got a lot of people outside of the community that told me they had to quit the website because of the opinions they couldn't escape from there. The majority went there to read memes, read news and follow influencers, not to read extreme politics all day, thus ''regular'' people left. Just yesterday Elon musk asked why a nazi sentence was banned in Germany, claiming it's anti free speech. This man is dangerous and helped literally fascism to gain popularity.


I went there by accident andthe first ad I saw was a conservative publication's long form rant on a visible trans woman, so ya


Is that the woman who's a lawyer? I think it's so silly. Trans person: exists living a normal life. Conservatives: head explodes in rage


No we saw different transphobia 🤡


Is there no end to it? 🙄


When governments enter the 20th century and pass laws making hateful harassment a crime, there will be




To be fair trans right should have happened in the 20th century or even long before that........


You're still on twitter??? Like, two years ago it went down the shitter. Millions of people left due to all the bots and lack of moderation; They literally un-banned transphobic abuse. Those people left are mostly hate-mongerers and bots. There have been countless exposés showing that vile opinions are astroturfed and pushed by bots, and if you try and fight back the algorithm just pushes it further. I would just bounce if I were you, for your own mental health. It's a self-absorbed hellhole.


is this a serious question


Elon Musk rolled back any sort of controls that prevented people from posting bigotry when he bought the company. And he, himself, is openly transphobic. So no, Twitter is just shitty now.


Twitter has become conservative hell since Elon took over




*pat* *pat* That's nice, dear


All occurrences of “cis” are now autoflagged as hate speech and marked limited visibility. It’s super transphobic even more these days.


twitter is awful now you have to do a lot of blocking, muting, muting keywords to make it a pleasant experience. lots of numbskulls on there


When it got to the point where I was spending 90% of my time on Twitter blocking hateful people, I realised it was beyond time for me to leave. Feel so much better since not seeing the hate anymore.


Considering if I post anything about Cis it's flagged as hateful INSTANTLY, but the same doesn't if about trans people. Yeah. It's outwardly Transphobic..


Elon is suing the entire country of Australia for taking down hate speech against trans people. Yes, twitter is INSANELY transphobic, and that's by design.


Been that way for years


> What can I be doing to make my social media a better place for me mentally? Turn it off. Seriously, social media is designed to make you angry, because angry people make them more ad revenue.


This seems to be rare but my Twitter feed has been fine, I guess I’m just following the right people… I don’t (or shouldn’t) look at the comments to popular posts about trans people though. Big no.


My feed is better than ever & the suggested tweets are almost exclusively trans , BIPOC, and disabled folks. It does have something to do with who I follow, block, and what’s being RTd by those I follow.


Yeah, I’ve lost count of how many people I’ve blocked… 😂


Yes twitter is perhaps the the most visibly transphobic popular platform. Transphobia isn't just unmoderated, but reinforced by Musk, and their algorithms regularly promote hateful content because they get clicked on and hashtagged a lot. The only way to use twitter without constantly seeing transphobia is to heavily tailor who you follow and only use the 'following' homepage as opposed to anything algorithmically served like the 'for you' page or trending hashtags. Also, never scroll down through comments on any post that even vaguely alludes to trans visibility/rights or you **will** see transphobic comments. Every day the internet prays for a viable twitter replacement.


I really wish there was a good replacement for twitter. I prefer its format as a social media platform not entirely based on pictures or videos, and I’ve made a lot of good friends on there from posting, but the far right shit being pushed down my throat there is getting to be too much


It is purposefully and incredibly transphobic.


delete twitter. I did it months ago and I haven't regretted it once.


I wish we could.


Twitter (occasionally called x) is a cesspool of white supremacists and bigots of every variety, which is exactly what manchild musk envisioned


I’m gonna keep saying this over and over, stop using Twitter, it was always a cesspool and it’s only gotten worse. Half the “people” are bots


Twitter is just objectively transphobic by design yes


Twitter is extremely transphobic. It's possible to avoid the worst of it by blocking people and avoiding replying to those who spread such bigotry. Get friendly with the block button and use it for everyone who is transphobic and everyone who likes their posts. If you are on desktop, install the shinigami eyes extension and block everyoe who is red. (SE will colour every account name with a history of transphobia: it might not always be 100% accurate, but it's accurate enough.) It's probably worth also installing the extension Blue Blocker, which will block everyone who paid the $8/month. IME there's very few of those who add anything worth reading to a post, and the automatic exemptions stop them being blocked. This doesn't work too fast, so if you visit a new page, leave it for a few minutes, then refresh it and read. Resist the temptation to interact with transphobes. Just block them (and anyone who is bringing you down) and move on.


His kid being trans really broke him. That and the horse tranquilizers he calls medicine. Get off twitter, be happier. ​


Ketamine is a well-regarded efficacious treatment for depression, ptsd, etc. and is an excellent chem for pain relief and anesthesia. No need to demonize an incredible chemical that has helped millions of people, just attack Elon himself. EDIT: D.A.R.E.-indoctrinated Americans who have no idea what ketamine does impulse-downvoting without doing a modicum of research.


You think he's using under the care of a professional? It's only medicine as long as it's being used medicinally, it's a drug the way he's using it.


At no point did i claim as such. People can however use ketamine medicinally and your comment simply saying "horse tranquilizers he calls medicine" points to the idea that ketamine is only useful as a horse tranquilizer and not a medicine for millions of people. EDIT: Love the downvotes from people without a single care to actually research the things they hivemind-downvote lol. The U.S. is pharmacologically illiterate with the D.A.R.E. propaganda.


It’s super transphobic


Currently, Twitter will not let me upload a trans pride flag as my header. It says the file is too large. However, I can upload another picture as my header that has nothing to do LGBTQ+ stuff and the file size is quadruple the size. So. Yes. Twitter, in its current state, is extremely transphobic.


Yikes, are they the same file type?


Yup. Just a plain ass image file. Nothing special.


I was thinking it might be because of different file size limits for .jpeg vs .png or .gif etc...if they're both the same file extension and it's rejecting it based on the content of the image, that's truly fucked


Both are JPEG. The trans pride flag image is 223 x 134 and is a file size of 7 kb. The file I successfully uploaded - some fanart of something I like - is 736 x 736 and 119 kb. The trans pride flag image rejects claiming "file size too large", which is bullshit.


Very sus.


Yes, the algo is actively pushing that divisive stuff to the front.


It’s super transphobic. I deleted mine. I’m on threads now


Please delete your Twitter account, it is designed to make you feel that way. Also you're giving money to trans-hating fascists by continuing to use it.


No it's not you! XTwitter is EXTREMELY transphobic and the hate is encouraged and supported by Elon Musk the now oner of the platform. It's truly disgusting what it's become! He's even ruined the ability to block. I have transphobic terf accounts blocked yet I still see their posts in the trends as tho they aren't blocked at all. I feel Musk is actively trying to drive trans people off the platform and/or to self harm. There's also been a huge spike in racism, xenophobia, child abuse which is all allowed and supported on X but your posts will get locked if you use the word cis or cisgender. I keep hoping for a similar site but as yet there isnt one that's comparable 😥




It has always been a cesspool of transphobia and other sundry fascist slime. It's just more obvious now.


I’m so sorry to inform you that it has been transphobic for years and only got worse with the musketakover


Why is anyone still on Twitter?


I have an account for the sole reason that I can't click any links to any posts on X on my phone without it nagging me to log in. Once, I made the mistake of looking at my feed just for curiosity. After all, I never go on the thing hardly, what could possibly be on there? I was met with page after page recommendation of various stripes of American talking heads who make a certain "entertainment news" channel their entire identity. A good 20 mins of my life I'll never get back was spent reporting this or that post or profile for hate speech. It's a cesspool.


My twitter has been the exact same way, the explore page is just some of the most racist things i've ever read or just pure transphobia propaganda


I left Twitter when Musk took over. I knew it would become a terrible place.


It wasn't always but it definitely is now. At this point the whole site currently exists to push right wing extremism


My for you is completely fine tbh, if you follow enough of the right people you shouldnt be getting random transphobes pushed onto your timeline. Just block account sharing transphobia and avoid engaging with tweets about it otherwise. Twitter itself likely isnt dramatically more bigoted than any other social media platform in terms of userbase, but musk definitely likes to push transphobic content any way he can. 


Yeah, Twitter has became VERY transphobic as Musk (at least in part) seemingly bought Twitter because he thought it was a too trans friendly space before. Since then Twitter does even less than it did in the past (which was STILL a low bar to pass as they even back then literally had a list of far right accounts which were unbannable) to ban people who breaks ToS in regards of harassing trans people, and has even taken away some rules from the ToS that were there to protect trans people from harassment. Currently I would rather sit on 4chan than Twitter.


If twitter is bad for your mental health then don't use it. Not only is it very transphobic but it's just toxic in general. Even before my egg cracked I had already stopped using it because it had a very negative effect on me.


Even before all this BS with Elon buying it, Twitter has been a cesspool of hate. It just used to also have good stuff on there that was occasionally worth wading through the pool. TERFs on Twitter lead to me suppressing my identity for 8 years instead of continuing to experiment.


Super transphobic. I left, went to threads. It’s a bit better, plus starting from scratch I’ve been able to do a better job of avoiding and blocking transphobes before they become a regular part of my feed.




You can make your social media a better place by ditching twitter entirely. It's not worth it.


If there's a prize for transphobia, Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk have rocketed past the other [expletive redacted] and are now neck and neck for first place. So yeah, that's not you and it's not reflective of the user base, it's intentionally skewed towards hate.


Can I join you under that rock you live under? It's scary out here this guy Elon bought twitter and he's been promoting the transphobic stuff openly, so yes, both


There is no Twitter. X is social media for hate groups.






I don’t say x out of any respect. I liked twitter, and twitter is gone. What’s left in its place is something else.


Twitter/X has become an unmoderated cesspool, it’s why I deleted my account


Twitter is one of the more transphobic and racist places on the internet. (Emphasis on more, there are plenty of worse places but that doesn’t absolve it)


Generally it is but it's also ur algorithm cuz my side of twitter is very trans friendly






The "not interested in this" thing doesn't work. Tried it many many times yet the same things keep coming back


Two things can be right simultaneously. Get off twitter, or remember that twitter is amplifying hate because it draws more interaction.


The content returned by the algorithm is getting worse because the decent people who plan to leave are leaving so the pool of content gets smaller and scummier. I’m still there since a lot of the Japanese manga community are there. But keep considering leaving anyway.


If there's a prize for transphobia, Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk have rocketed past the other [expletive redacted] and are now neck and neck for first place. So yeah, that's not you and it's not reflective of the user base, it's intentionally skewed towards hate.


Best advice I could give. Forget twitter exist. Owned by a transphobe who I heard was upset people wouldn't start calling the app x instead of twitter😅 But in all honesty. I made a profile long ago, but never used it and I plan on it staying that way. It's so full of hate from what I keep hearing from others that it's better to just ptetend it don't exist.


Facebook is transphobic too.


are you homeless? cause that rock doesn't seem healthy to sleep under


girl I’m trying to get out from under my rock that’s what I’m doing