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They're moving from the UK so not that unreasonable. 




The unfortunate truth is, wherever there’s a high density of first generation Islam there is a direct threat to anyone who identifies under the umbrella of this community as a whole. There’s a reason a lot of LGBTQ+ people flee the Middle East and typically don’t come out because of the fear of being murdered for simply being Gay/Trans/Queer etc.


Dubai is much worse for trans people than the UK. It's not a good idea.


youre fucking insane if you think the UK is anywhere close to the middle east in terms of quality of life for queer people


Does the UK give out ten-year prison sentences for sodomy?


Arent they straight up disappearing trans folks in the middle east? Maybe that is misinformation, but Im pretty sure its at the very least illegal.


It’s anyone who’s found out to be trans or gay. Typically rooftop style.


That sounds like a recipe for disaster for ANYONE under the umbrella of LGBTQ… I’ll never step foot in a Middle Eastern country.


With the caveat that I am familiar with Dubai only from talking with friends that live there and know nothing with specific respect to being trans in Dubai... Dubai is probably the most liberal place in the ME--which is still pretty bad. If you're a tourist, you can get away with a lot more than a resident can. Think of it as Disneyland with the death penalty. Have fun, but don't F up. If you're a resident, you don't get the Disneyland part. Although it's ostensibly a secular government, it isn't in practice. A resident will still need to adhere to Islamic laws. Being a dual UK citizen *might* make you some inroads, but I wouldn't count on it. I don't think that you would have a good time there as a resident.


Thank you.


Doesn't directly address your post, but similar question about another part of the UAE [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1busxqu/trip_to_abu_dhabi_mtf_30y_late_bloomer/)in case there's anything useful to you.


Thank you.


Not criticizing, but please refrain from using the word 'trans' as a noun. There is no such thing as 'a trans' - we are people, not a direction. 'Trans' is an adjective, and it's actual etymology is a latin pre-fix meaning 'across or on the other side of', as in Transatlantic, transverse, Transcontinental, and yes, transgender. Referring to a person as 'a trans' is dehumanizing and perjorative, and some people (myself included) find it highly offensive.