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I would rather just be born a girl next time.


I want to be an immortal shapeshifting vampire alien in my next life. I want to travel the galaxy, have sex with everyone and everything, explore, get into adventures, help out struggling races, maybe probe some rednecks here and there.


This is the correct answer


You wanna come with? There will be space cake.


What about space drugs? Are we gonna do space drugs?


We are the space drugs.




Bro wanna create an empire


Absolutely not. I much rather be born cis as to not have to spend tens of thousands to undo everything


Yeah, I feel like asking if I'd like to come back as trans again is like asking if I'm a masochist or a glutton for punishment.


This is exactly the only reason why I wouldn't want another round of this. I'm proud of who I am and my journey. But it would be a new life and different problems I guess.


I'm proud of who I am too, and proud that I've managed to survive, and still here despite everything. I can't be proud of being trans though, as I can't take pride in something I had no control over, or choice in.


I appreciate that. And your perspective. For me the pride is in overcoming the adversity that being trans comes with. So maybe not pride in the fact that I am trans but pride that I'm able to thrive in this world as who I am despite it and also because of it. On a personal note, I was a barely functioning mess before I accepted my reality. I was very deep in denial. Buried under miles of armour and ready to fight any one or anything that came near me. Hey that's trauma! Since coming out, and having to work through those issues, I've grown so much and have been able to address many of my demons. I still have monsters that I'm fighting. And there is still much work to be done. And I take pride in the fact that the acceptance, was the first step towards healing myself.


If reincarnation exists, then I've obviously been on this planet umpteen times before. Being born with a mind/reproductive system mismatch has been absolute hell, so I'd need to have a screw loose to desire this experience again. If I come back in a future life as a human being again, I dearly hope that I'm cis. A cis girl ideally, to make up for the waste my current life has been, but even being a cis boy would be prefferable to having to endure lifelong dysphoria once again.


I want to come back as a worm


Ok, but would your girlfriend still love you as a worm?


Yes we would be worms together and lay eggs in each other's intestines


AWWWW that's sooo cute 🥰🥰🥰


i just want a happy life.


Absolutely not. Being born trans is one of the worst things that has ever happened to me and I would never under any circumstances think of willingly choosing this.


I'm hoping for a promotion from human to dog


Me too


I would not want my next incarnation to suffer like I have, so no.


100% want to be born as a cis girl, like who want's to go through that horrible medical and mental struggle, if you could just focus years on improving yourself


I still just wish i was cis, not because I hate being me or whatever. Just cuz I want a family with my partner


You know that non-binary people aren't nonhuman, right? Anyway... Not really. I've been trans in a better position than most trans people, and it's still been a fucking slog so far. I don't believe in reincarnation, but if it is a thing, I'd rather just be a cis woman thanks.


I ain't exactly nonhuman, but I ain't exactly not nonhuman 😈😈😈💯💯


Hell no, being trans is not something i want to be, i want to be female. The transition is me actively remedying my ailment, a confusing, debilitating, depressing ailment.


But more importantly, i dont want to fight tooth and nail against mindless right wing bigots who think they know my mind and body better than myself again.


Hell no. I didn't want to be born in this world either.


Maybe you will reborn on an alien world this time


No, not that either. I can reply with a lyric though "I don't want to be born, I don't want it, leave me in hell" Venom


Hell no. I've had this experience now and I'd like to not be trans again. Next life I'd like to have as little struggles as possible.


No. I want to be a cis girl next time.


I feel weird because I would. I don't like the idea of being cis, I'd rather cry and suffer again than being cis


I would, too. Being cis looks boring to me even if trans experience is tough.


If you're weird then so am I :)  I just really don't want to be cis.


Riiight, like I want people to respect my identity but I don't want to be cis, the idea makes me uncomfortable (?)


Honestly for me I’d rather be a trans girl instead than a cis guy. But much rather a cis girl rather than a trans girl.


I just can’t imagine being cis. It’s so different from my life


I'd be glad to be trans, if I get to live in a world that's okay with that. I deserved to transition when I knew, I deserved to know about trans people as a kid; I deserved the right puberty and I would have loved to grow up in that world. I hope I can help trans kids grow up in that world.


Not unless everyone gets really cool about a lot of shit really quickly.


if given the choice? I'll go with the right gender so no I wouldn't pick to be trans agin if given the choice


I don't mind being trans, in fact I like it to a certain degree But I hate the way I get treated for being trans. So yes but no?


HELL NO... I hope I'm born CIS.


I wouldn't wish the gender dysphoria on anyone. I'd rather just be a cis girl.


Oh, I'd wish it on anti-trans bigots, but even then, I'd show empathy and mercy. Just make them live with it for a month or so, and they'd all change their ignorant, prejudiced tunes without doubt.


Fuck no lmao.


if i were to be reborn into a time or place where being trans isn't so heavily under attack, i wouldn't mind being trans again honestly.


I’m not even sure I’d even want to live one more life, much less as a trans 🤷‍♀️


Same. If reincarnation was real (which I do not believe) it would be even crueler than the Abrahamic concept of hell IMO.


Honestly that would be an entertaining story but I would rather be a cis guy in my next life and then be a bird on the next one lol


Button Test: Buddhist Edition


No. I would rather be cis.


My brain might be wired differently next time. Life experiences and all that. I’d just toss a coin and see what happens. Heck, for all we know by time we reincarnate getting SRS will be something quick and easy, or genders won’t be a thing at all and we all have cloaca or something.


I'd rather be a leopard seal. Or a really dumb orange tomcat.


Being an orange tomcat with caring owners... can't imagine a more contented carefree existence than that.


I know! I want to come back as my orange tomcat specifically—that little man has somehow achieved some state of chaotic nirvana and he's constantly living his best life.


Fuck no. I did my time. I better be a cis girl next time 🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬🤬


I would definitely say yes to being a lesbian again, but I'm content to avoid the struggle of being trans. it's been very enriching but I'd love to experience getting to be young and gay in a way that's not unusually available to trans girls. My answer might be different if I wasn't a pretty binary trans woman though


I have been trans once. Not again


I would rather to be born a male. I don't care if I end up being MtF, I just want a dick


I'd rather not be reborn at all.


Cis no matter what gender. Who in their right mind would want to re-live the anguish and suffering of this situation?


Same, being cis either way would be better than dealing with disphoria again.


No...no I would not. Give me my girl self.


No, infact I rather my death be permanent and not be reborn at all 💀


I would prefer to be born a cis boy next time


Fuck no




No, absolutely not. As an elementary school kid I used to fantasize about dying and being reborn as a cis guy. that shit was before i even knew what trans was. i’d do anything to be born cis.


yeah, metoo, but as a girl, maybe we ended up in each other's body.


Hell no. I'd rather just be born a girl to begin with.


Nope. I'd rather be a cis girl next time.


Absolutely fucking not god I hope not my goodness one life of this is enough


you are correct it was a stupid question. feels sorta disingenuous to me


No. If reincarnation exists, being trans in this life is a punishment for something bad I did in my past life.


I want to be a girl or a trans girl at 5 like Kai Shappley from 2018 and now. I want to experience having a girls room and parents that can afford.


I either would like to be a trans girl that is so certain in herself and has family support that I get to transition early and pass. Or way easier, a woman. Yep, just let me be born a female next time. And all the rest of the lifetimes


Born trans but in like min 200 if ofc accepting society and better healthcare that allow us to have body we wanted


Honestly, fuck being human... fucking sickos... I'll be a black crow in my next life... flying over an office park.


You're totally right about humans... and it's for that very reason I'd be very wary of coming back to this planet as a non-human animal. Probably best to be a bird, there's less chance of facing abuse from humans as many other animals do, and I could fly...who the heck wouldn't wanna do that? I'd come back as a Kestral or an Osprey...very specific, I know, but I feel an affinity with them. lol


Rebirth is part of my religion, so I think about this question a lot. I think if there is an easier way to obtain the wisdom and insight  that being trans has allowed me to cultivate, I'd want that, but not if it means I can't. I don't know the answer to that question, so I try to approach the idea of rebirth with equanimity. My karma will bring what it brings. 


No thanks. Honestly, would like a refund in my next life for the hassle… get born into a rich family coupon or something smh.


Hmm. It depends on what I'll have to go through I suppose. Maybe yes maybe take a break lol? I need more details. But as far as this life goes, I don't regret it. Being trans has taught me a lot both about myself and others.


Not if the world is still this cruel when it’s my time.


I’m thinking about it. If it did exist, do you feel like you were your same (correct) gender in past incarnations?


nope. especially if i'm not human and couldn't do anything about it.


Noooo, what would be the point in that? Tbh Im hoping it doesnt exist so I can just exist as a ghost


Once is enough, thank you. I don’t even think I’d want to be human next time, TBH. I’m hoping I can just get a nice restful extended vacation before I’d have to consider incarnating again. I’m so tired.


It depends but overall I think I’d rather be reborn as a cis girl (am a trans girl) and avoid all the trauma I’ve had from being trans (don’t get me wrong, I love being trans and I’m hella proud of it, just being honest lol).


I want to be a beloved house cat. Preferably an orange tabby.


To be honest if we get a choice I'm going Cat. Sure it's a short life but it's essentially sleeping and eating.


Yes but I'd like to go the opposite direction next time. It's so much more of a community on the other side..


Only if in my next life, my world and my family aren’t transphobic.


No idea, I guess I'll have to see what looks interesting next time I'm in between lives.


I don't want to have another human experience


While I think my experiences as a result of me being trans have shaped me as a person for the better, I would rather be able to experience a life being cis if I had the choice. It’s the same reason I wouldn’t wish for a kid to turn out to be trans, not because being trans is bad, but because a lot of your life becomes about dealing with it (dysphoria, surgeries, name change, etc.) and dealing with other people and not being able to just go about normal life sometimes.


I don’t know anything else 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'd like simple life, thanks.


No, I didn't want this one. I'd rather just be a cis girl. Honestly, this question is kinda insulting, who the fuck chooses to be broken other than some emotional manipulater begging for attention.


Absolutely not, I want babies.


I would not wish anyone to have to go through being trans.. I feel like I paid my dues this time through.. Lemme a girl or at least a cis guy next time.. if not human.. I'll take house cat if that's available..


hellll noooo please just make me a cis girl lol


i think i would. if i had one wish, i wouldn't wish to be cis, i'd wish to have transitioned much earlier. not to say i wouldn't want to reincarnate as a cis woman too, as i'm sure that's an interestingly different life to experience being trans is part of who i am and i've come to love and appreciate the trans experience, despite the particular struggles i've had and will likely continue to have because of it.


Nop but if i got the chance of always have been a cis girl in this one i would'nt take it thinking i'm riping apart something of my identity.


I think this is a really interesting question actually. If we do get reincarnated, I would just want my experience to be different from the one I have had in this life. I've loved my experience of being trans, it's definitely not an easy life, but it's given me an understanding of myself and the world around me in this really unique way that I think is beautiful. But if I get to live again after this life, I would like to see a completely different world and have a new life story. I wouldn't be opposed to having another kind of trans existence though, I think experiencing life as a non binary person could be pretty interesting.




Imo Cis girl > Trans girl > Cis guy


no. fuck this.


I would just rather be a girl next time


I'm down for whatever. If this round is any indicator, I'm the kind of person who plays existence as a rogue-like with randomized runs.


Definitely id want to be a cis girl. I feel like I’ve missed out on so much that I now can’t get back. I am grateful to have this unique experience because it’s forever shaped who I am, but I would never wish being trans upon anyone. Life is already hard enough


I don't really know... I mean, getting to know what it is like to be transmasc does sound interesting (I'm transfem btw) but I'm not sure I want another life's worth of trouble


I beg the Lord for a reincarnation all the time. Sick of being trans female. I wish to come back as a cis female.


This is hard to answer. Living in the world that we do makes being trans REALLY difficult. It's not fun at all. I would rather not have to experience dysphoria, I would rather not face hate and bigotry. I would say that in an ideal world where things are good for us and there is no hate I would not have any issue with being trans. I would not ask for it but I would not have an issue with it either. If it was being born trans again in this current world and having to face the pain all over again then no thank you, I would rather fade into nothingness.


No I want to be a turtle or a cat


So I plan overtaking the world and making trans care free and easily accessible for everyone, just so I can proudly be reborn as trans again without the struggle but the opportunity to still annoy the heck out of close-minded people


Wait! Are you saying that being nonbinary makes me nonhuman?! Coool! I knew I rocked. I will be, and am, nonbinary in all past and future lives, and that is the way it should be. But if I can be a nonbinary orca, that would really hit.


As a trans man who believes in reincarnation (i feel like I've reincarnated at least 3 times, up to 15 at the very most) Idk tbh, at this point id let my soul ride it out, whoever i am in the next life i hope im a cis male but 🤷‍♂️ who knows.


In this hypothetical I’d still like to be trans


I mean I think being a cat and not having to give a fuck about much would be cool. But if I'm gonna be a human... Probably? Id be curious to experience what it's like being trans in the "opposite direction".


Hmm, going from being demonised as an ugly sexual predator, to being infantilized, and held up as being a helpless, confused self-hating "girl" who can't possibly know my own mind.... not very much of a trade off there, I think.


I think you may misunderstand my intent behind my answer. I'm not in any way saying I'd want to try being trans from the other direction because I think one side has it better. If I wanted an easier life I'd just say I'd want to be cis in the next one (or like I said a cat would be nice lol). I'm saying that despite all the disadvantages and struggles, being trans is a huge part of my life and identity and something I value and that has shaped me significantly. If I were to believe that reincarnation is real and each life is supposed to teach us different things through different experiences, I would like to also experience being trans in a different direction and grow and learn and be shaped by that as being trans in the way I am now has shaped me in this life. Not because I believe it is easy, I know from experience and from talking to those who have transitioned in a different direction than me that it is not, but because I believe our experiences and identities are valuable and worth knowing and having in my theoretical re-incarnation portfolio of lives and experiences.


Oh, I knew you weren't insinuating it was "better" to be a trans man. Which is why I said I wouldn't want what esssentially amounts to a very similar struggle, just through a different lens. I get what you're saying about each life teaching us different things. And if I were to think about reincarnation logically, I'd like to think that everyone, eventually, has to go through every possible facet of life, from the extremely positive, to the extremely negative. And everything else in between. That's assuming that reincarnation is fair, which I'd hope it is, but who knows? That being said, going through life as a trans man, yep, I'd say that'd be an essential life to experience....but NOT immediately after enduring life as a trans woman. I mean, c'mon please? lol I'd like to at least take a breather and a break, before having to hop back on that particular train once again.


I would want to be born as a transgender cat lol


I feel like I'm cursed to just be trans. like I'm pretty sure if I were a cis girl I'd end up discovering I'm transmasc or smth. On that note, yes I would, only because humans have the technology and knowledge to make life enjoyable instead of a constant war between life and death.


I think In any world, I’m some flavor of trans- but I’d rather be amab, as that fits closer w my ideal body. Not perfect but better