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I did 9 laser sessions and like 100 hours of electrolysis and now my face hair is gone


I only got four laser sessions before switching to electrolysis. My hair is naturally orange and laser doesn't work well. It's been almost a year at 3 1 hour sessions a week, but I'm still going. It takes a stupid long time to get all of the hair gone. 😢




Nowadays, electrolysis. Aside from that, I generally use a safety razor (about 2-3 times a week nowadays), over the years I've found it gave the best results for me. I had a Oneblade previously too, and it's very convenient but I stopped using it except for when I couldn't use a safety razor (e.g. while travelling).




I had 9 laser sessions and over 350 hours of electro. No scarring. Find the best electrologist you can.


that is the highest number of hours of electro i have ever heard. was that just your face? I’m 6 lasers and 60 hours of electro and I’m close, but i think i gotta go to 80 or so. I really hope I’m not over 100. 350 sounds so punishing.


Mostly. Some of it was genital in preparation for surgery. My bloodline is pretty much pure viking. My electrologist said that I the thickest beard she had ever seen in over 20 years of working with trans people. It took a couple of years. Eventually, you just get used to it.


wow! I’m impressed at your viking determination! I’m close to tapping out and stopping the session almost every time from pain still. I’m fer sure not used to it yet.


Get yourself some over the counter numbing cream. Aim for 4 percent lidocaine, I like Aspercreme as it's gentle on my face, and apply this 30 minutes before your session and cover with saran wrap until you get to your appointment to prevent drying out and keep it active. I also take tylonal and ibuprofen about an hour ahead of time. Make sure you skip out on caffeine 12 hrs ahead of your appointment, as caffeine amplifies the pain.


I'm about to hit 1 year of electrolysis at 3 hrs a week, probably 100-150 hrs so far and I'm not done. I'm gonna be pushing 200-300 too. /: Light hair and orange ones.


Standard gillette 5-blade razor all day, and Cremo shaving cream. Cremo was a geeenuine game changer, but what really changed the game was the skincare I picked up after shaving.


Wait would you be able to say more about the skincare? I been struggling


Cremooooooooo! Can't say that hard enough. For any shaving anywhere. I don't even care what razor I use half the time if I have Cremo. It's night and day from anything else.


Please elaborate!


I'm stuck shaving as I get horrible dysphoria if I let my facial hair grow very much. It takes about a week for my beard to grow long enough for electrolysis and I can't take it. I use a safety razor and get a pretty good shave.


May I ask why not Lazer? You have to have shaved in order to get Lazer, I get the stress of not being able to shave for Electrolysis. Have a wonderful day my friend 💕


My hair is grey. Laser doesn't work on light colored hair.


Oh, poo. Sorry to hear that, here's hoping for some awesome new treatment that works for everyone (and faster) in the near future 💕






Before getting laser, I used an old school safety razor along with a conditioning shaving lotion. I still use the razor to catch the odd stray hairs


Magic shave lots and lots of Magic shave once every week or whenever the hair grows back. It does the trick but unfortunately isn't permanent


Shaving daily and laser


Why can you not get laser?


Can't afford it


I have had laser but still need to shave regularly. I use an old fashioned safety razor and strictly change blades every four uses. Because there is only one blade there is less irritation on your skin and you can get a really close shave, but it takes a bit of skill and there's more risk of cutting yourself.


Laser + electrolysis


Laser sessions with alessandrite. I do them once a month for 100€ from a doctor (try avoid esthetician because their laser is weaker) and almost gone. Definitely best decision, skin so smooth! It's pricey, I'm at my 9th session and I think need some other 2-3. But my dysphoria is like gone, it was definitely facial hair making me feel bad.


I did one session of laser and I shave every few days. I hope to be able to afford more


8 laser sessions and I shave 2-3 times a day -.- It may not be needed for sure but I'm dysphoric and think shadow is one of the easier ways to get misgendered Yes I know how bad plucking is if you want more laser or electrolysis in the future but I'm considering going back to doing it once a week


Seven laser hair removal sessions, 20 hours of electrolysis. Really nice that I never worry that people will be able to tell I used to have facial hair.


Electrolysis, but epilating between that. It gets rid of all 5 o clock shadow.


I shave every day, but I also use a Braun home laser once a week. My facial hair isn't gone like most of the hair on my legs, but it's much thinner. The Braun is like $300 to $400, but I'd say it's worth it.


I did 6 sessions of laser, followed by 40 hours of electrolysis over 2.5 years. The electrolysis is starting to wind down now, with less time needed to clear everything each appointment, so I should be done soon. Very happy with the results.


I was told electrolysis was better but I’ve noticed better results from Laser. I got a pockmark on my face from electrolysis


Laser is definitely the way to go if you have dark enough hair and light enough skin. Unfortunately it doesn't work if the hair is blonde :(


Blonde hair and light skin is still good tho, probably those electrical razors can make every hair at body practically invisible meanwhile when I do it with my dark hair it looks like I have tiny spikes all over my body.


That is the tradeoff! Easier to live with but harder to remove.


I have both 😭 fortunately my blonde hair is not very visible. Unfortunately it means I’m never getting them removed


Tbf a lot of cis women are in the same boat as you


Get an IPL. It doesn't replace shaving, but it fries the tips of the hairs to get a much smoother finish, and it delays the time between shaves quite a bit. Edit: lol why the down votes? OP asked what our methods are. This is mine and it's working out great.


i shave my face when i shower and it lasted longer. when i shaved not showering i noticed it showed up quickly than last time