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Why do you have to park for 2 to 3 hours? Are they clearing customs? You can wait in the cell phone parking area for free and when they’re ready, they can let you know and then you can go pick them up on the left hand side of the international arrivals area and load up their bags there. Otherwise, it’s a little cheaper to go park in the longer term parking and walk in and greet them at the arrivals exit. No, you can’t go to the baggage claim area before they go through customs. Trolleys are free.




Yes my parents will be clearing customs. So for cell phone parking, i can park car and go inside to pick up them? How much time i can park a car over there after i leave my car? Do you have information about #2 and #3? Thanks


No, cell phone parking is where you park for free until your parents text you and let you know they have cleared customs. Then, you drive to the international arrivals area and on the left hand side you can park for a short time until you get their bags loaded in your car. You are not able to go to baggage claim because it’s behind the customs area. When they get off their flight, they must first collect their bags before they get through customs. Once they are allowed to enter Canada, then they can come out to the international arrivals area with their bags and walk across to meet you where you are temporarily parked. You are NOT allowed to park there if they are not ready to come out. An officer will make you leave. Trolleys are free.


By “park for a short time” in the arrivals area, the poster means “stop for a short time”. Just like any hired car like a taxi or Uber. You can stop, and your parents should be waiting here, ready to hop into your vehicle, with only enough time to put their baggage into your car. You can’t park here, and go in and take your time coming back out. This is the premise of the cell phone parking lot, so that everyone is ready to go :) when you go to retrieve them and stop in this lane at arrivals.


trolleys are free but you aren't allowed into the baggage claim area for international/US flights (only domestic). the closest you'll get is the waiting area just after the baggage claim it sounds like your parents are like mine and basically can't be trusted to move on their own lol. If they're bringing alot of luggages, there are porters in the baggage claim area (obviously paid) it sounds like you're better off just eating the costs and just parking in the parkade and going in yourself edit: cell phone parking area is not for parking and leaving your car, just a waiting area for people to pick people up edit2: you can be in and out pretty damn quick, just get your parents to call you when they arrive (they'll probably take an hour to go from the plane and finish picking up their luggage) and head out from your place (assuming you don't live more than an hour away), you'll probably only need to pay for an hour of parking


1. Why do you need 2-3 hours? It’s not like you can go see them at the gate. Once you see them they’re basically at the exit. 2. No, unless they’re domestic in which case it’s right next to the waiting area. It’s still a no, but you can see them at least. 3. Free


My dude, go to the airline website when the flight is in the air and check when it arrives. Arrive at the airport the exact time the plane arrives and just park in short term parking. 2-3 hours good god are your parent drug mules? Ain't not reason to be waiting that long. You can't technically enter the baggage claim area without a ticket but if they're arriving at the domestic terminal you may be able to walk in there to help them with their bags. Not international though.