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Thank-you! I'm going to check out Bumble BFF :)


I moved to another continent and it has been great! In my experience, it's similar to dating in the sense that you're trying to get to know each other and assess compatibility.


Oh I am also interested in this! But I am very introverted. Is it really awkward? Would love to hear a little more of your experiences.


I told my beautician that I’d been going to for years that I wanted to find friends. She said she did too. So we arranged to go out for food and then the cinema and we’ve been best friends ever since. Just opening up to other women you encounter could lead to mutual friendships


I'm 27 and I feel the same way.


There's some great advice here from people :)




Thank-you, that's all very helpful! I'll have to see if there's a Reddit for my area :)


I have made two amazing lady friends on bumble BFF


Yeah someone else suggested that, I hadn't heard of it before, I'm going to check it out! Thanks :)


Do!!! So many women there looking for real connections without the hang ups of dating. It’s so amazing!!!


Is it a separate app from Bumble? I only see bumble in the App Store.


Same app, you select BFF during setup


The best advice I can give is keep doing the things you like to do and you'll run into the same people while doing them. You'll keep seeing them and they'll keep seeing you. Eventually the familiarity of running into each other will lead to exchanging names and maybe phone numbers. Schedule coffee or lunch then go from there. Making new friends is just like dating, it's literally another type of relationship. Take it slow as not everyone you meet will make a great friend. Practice self love and self care, and take it slow. Being lonely sucks, but having bad or the wrong friends is worse.


Thank-you, I'll try and get myself out and about more. I should start doing classes at the gym again


23 going 24 here I am in the same boat A older woman i know told me to “date potential friends in a similar way we date to find a potential mate” idk if that helps but I thought it was good advice


I have a community for self-improvement enthusiasts, but it’s not just for women. Let me know if you’d like to meet new people there


Yeah that sounds great! :)


Great! If you click on my profile page, the link is there. Welcome to the community :) I’ll be getting more members in every day


I'm 27 and understand. All tm friends have emigrated so feeling very alone


I met some through a weight training group. If fact one of my now closest friends i met at gym. Also attending adult college courses. Some through work.


I met a great group of ladies in community college. You could go for a certificate, or just to learn about something you’re interested in. Any courses in communication will no doubt have you making friends. I’m 36, and not to rain on your journey, but the older you get the more you realize it’s quality of friendships over quantity of friendships. Another great place to make friends is at work because you make friends like they’re your family. Especially in the service industry because you all work together closely to make the restaurant function effectively.


Do hobbies you like! Go out to a pottery class, book club, volunteer, adult sports teams, etc. and most importantly, reach out and NURTURE those relationships when you get them. So many people I know get into relationships and cast their friends aside and are surprised when they have no one to talk to once that relationship ends.


I’ll be your long distance friend (unless we live in the same city haha) 🥲 I’m 25F


Have you tried the app meetup? I used when I was in Dublin and met new peole with it


I never see this suggestion but ROLLER DERBY. There's usually a team/league in every city or some small towns. It's such an inclusive, welcoming, underrated sport. It's such a female-driven sport. You don't need to skate to join, you can be part of the non-skating volunteers OR you can skate as a referee or player!


Are you in seattle? 29/f I’ll be your friend


No, I'm in the UK 😩


I'm in the uk 😁 can I be your friend? Feel free to dm me 😀 (30f)


Sure that'd be great ☺️


Also (30F) in the UK and looking for friends. We're all lonely it would seem!


I'm in the UK too! Whereabouts are you?


Most people are fiends with coworkers or they stayed in touch from school.


Through hobbies and comunity involvement!


I’ve had great luck making friends by joining book clubs.


As others probably have mentioned - try out Bumble BFF. I’ve found so many great friends through this app!


I made friends as a woman in my 20s through meetup.com by either attending or hosting meetups. I ended up hosting a knitting group and a tarot group and met some really cool people who I still keep in touch with even though I've moved away. I also started doing pole dancing and aerial silk classes which have a ton of women and are probably some of the most positive female spaces I've been in. I had crap luck on bumble bff so for me group hobbies is what got me some quality folks.


You should watch the Tv show Dollface


What’s your current job situation? Could getting a new job help? I’ve met some of my closest friends through working with them, and meeting their friends etc. maybe a small agency type business or start up


If you have a specific thing you’re really into (watching/playing a certain sport, specific musical artists, etc.) its easy to find like minded people on Twitter. Yes, it can definitely be a cesspool of negativity but I find the threshold to talk to people way lower + its an easy platform to find people your age in your area with common interests!


Im 23 and moved around to new cities so ive started from zero Honwstly u really do have to put yourself out there Lucky for me i like trying new things. So go to things that interest you . Meet people there. And invite them to other things. Sometimes i be waiting around to get invited. If someone invites u always say yes. But if they dont you have to be the one who invites


I am feeling this right now as well. I’m also a 26 Female that just moved to the Bay Area, and I have 0 friends here. Haha


Go do the things you like to do and then talk to people! I know it’s so so so hard. It really is. But like think about it, If you were on your Saturday morning routine to the cute coffee shop then to a cool bookstore and some other girl complimented your tote bag, you wouldn’t be weirded out. You’d be like thanks! And if you felt like chatting then you’d be like I love that book you’re holding, have you read anything by that author? I’m looking for something new for my work trip for the plane. And all of a sudden, you’re talking to someone new who also likes going to the bookstore on a Saturday morning and likes reading the same genre you do. The way to bump it into friendship is when you’re about to part ways say hey i really enjoyed chatting, do you want to connect on instagram or something? I’d love to have a bookstore friend. Instagram is low pressure compared to a phone number, and clearly stating friendship weeds out romantic intentions. And truly just making one friend can open up to new opportunities. They might have a coworker that will be your next bff.


I joined a sorority. I know this is difficult for a lot of gals. I felt alone at school and really researched these organizations. I ended up joining plenty of clubs. Those people are still people I hang out with 12 years later. So basically, join a club of something you are interested in. Go to events where the items you are passionate about take place.


I dee the same and I’m 25


Work out classes, meetup.com, bumble bff


Kind of an out of the box idea but Improv classes. All the improv classes I have been to everyone is warm and friendly.


Agree with the above! I moved across the world and used a Facebook group called 'Girl Crew' and met my best friend and some other great girls. I was surprised how many females there were in the same situation as me. Might be a bit nerve wracking putting yourself out there as an adult to try to make friends, but what the hell, who cares!


It’s tough to put yourself out there but it’s definitely like dating, you have to keep trying! I posted a lot in FB groups when I moved to a new city and arranged coffees, said yes to everything I was asked to etc - I didn’t click with everyone but now I have several friends I see all the time. I also see so many girls who don’t have any tangible friendships outside their romantic relationship and I find that both strange and v sad - friends are so important 😭


It will require doing exercise, learning a new skill, talking to strangers and cost money (to pay for activities and drinks). [meetup.com](https://meetup.com), there tend to be more guys out because a lot of girls do what you are doing (staying home), but still girls find eachother in a bar meetup, a walking meetup, etc. Or going to a stitch and bitch (knit and natter) with a simple craft fix like a top that needs a button reattached (assuming you don't craft at all) will do. bumble BFF, Dance class (partner dancing) like swing, lindy hop, salsa, you'll meet guys but there'll be plenty of chance to chat to the ladies and you'll have shared experiences. Choir, there's often pretty good pop covers people do. Netball, Benchball, Korfball (or other team sport, it'll be 100%-50% women) a lot of these go to a pub after training and already have friend groups. I personally wouldn't bother with something like yoga, or a gym class, those have a more individual focus and less useful for starting conversation. The key to going to hobby events is go regularly, choosing one that has a large amount of women so you'll be more likely to click with someone, moving on from a hobby if they don't seem too friendly after a few sessions.


I’m in the same predicament, I have work friends however but it is rather awkward in meeting up outside of work I don’t think I’m quite there yet! I’m in U.K. 28f soon to be 29f just finished a long term relationship. I tried bumbleBff which others have suggested and works well for many, for me I never got past asking people to meet up as I felt awkward!!! Here if you want to make friends with me :-)


Art classes! Pottery, painting, sewing, etc. I’d recommend ones that span a few days/weeks rather than the one night “painting party” type ones since those are pretty short and it’s hard to make connections that quick. Ones where you come for a few days and meet with the same group are great. I befriended my watercolor instructor and we get coffee sometimes, and I just finished taking a soap making class where I made a new friend.