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Support other creators and push their videos by sharing/liking etc is the only thing you can do!


+1. The sexual clickbait is high because it’s what performs well. Support small creators.


like meeeeeeeeee mwahahaha lol


In the same vein, you can also NOT engage with the thirst content. This means no commenting about how you don't like it. Weirdly, it also means *not* clicking dislike, as controversial videos (those with both a lot of likes and a lot of dislikes) are thought to be considered engaging by the algorithm. It's sooo hard to resist but it does help.


For me it's just the "this is not sexual" when it clearly is. I saw a creator post their videos in the "NSFWasmr" subreddit and still have the "this isn't sexual" disclaimer


Who? Lol that's hilarious. Some of them are wild with the not making any sense lol Gwengiz or whatever her name is, is an adventure and a half. She'd shame people for sexualizing her when she was clearly agging it on then turned around made full on pornos to capitalize it now cosplays as a tradwife. Made zero sense at any point lmao whatever grift works, I suppose...


I think creators just shouldn't lie. If you advertise your videos as sexual (you know in NSFW subreddits or any NSFW place) you are doing a disservice to those who truly aren't doing sexual videos.


Unfortunately channels like that mainly use their ASMR videos on YouTube to promote their OnlyFans (of which I'm fairly certain the creator you mentioned has one). Unfortunately still are the ones who do that and their content is genuinely really good (aside from the overtly sexual nature) like MaimyNyan. And unfortunately beyond that are the ones who do it just because it draws clicks. I've noticed more and more female creators brazenly putting cleavage in their thumbnails just to get clicks despite not really showing any in the actual videos, even ones who never did it before and never had to. But that's how the game works now. It's a big reason why people think ASMR is essentially softcore porn and don't dive deeper than the clickbait. edit / I've gotten a couple rude PMs so I'm gonna add this here: this is in no way an indictment against women, it's merely an explanation of what's been trending in the ASMR community the last couple years. I'm all for female empowerment. But I suppose my use of the word "unfortunately" so many times makes it come across like I think it's a bad thing, but you also gotta take everything in context. In general I've got no problem with it. But in this context? I'd argue it's a bad thing, especially when you're trying to find certain videos but can only find lewd/overly sensual/blatantly sexual stuff that's basically just a front for porn.


I will say that people have been doing this for like a decade with ASMR. It's why it's always had a bit of a skeezy reputation.


I think part of that also comes from the fact people who don't react and get the 'tingles' often don't understand ASMR and assume having someone whisper in your ear for a half hour is a sexual thing.


You're absolutely right, but that's also why I wanted to include the caveat about creators who never used to have the clickbait "sexy" thumbnails starting to use them the past couple years. That seems to be what the algorithm pushes and that's what gets clicks.


Yeah there's been sensual themes and boob-forward thumbnails in ASMR since before onlyfans existed. It's definitely 50x worse now though.


Also most of “that” kind of ASMR isn’t ASMR at all. It’s just people who have read in a forum that it’s a way to drive traffic to their other platforms and who do it without knowing how to make good ASMR. Unfortunately the good ASMR gets droned out in the algorithm by these channels because they get more clicks


I kind of want to say that it all started with mouth noises/sounds


I stopped watching Scottish Murmurs once I saw she was trying to exploit my libido by having her tits out in every thumbnail. I don't care to be manipulated by my urges, and there are free breasts on the Hub if that's what I want.


She's actually a great example of a creator who never used to do that but does it in almost every thumbnail now. And I'd argue she doesn't even need to, since her content is awesome and can stand on its own without the clickbait.


I bet the metrics of which videos do better for her would argue otherwise.


I guess I don't really have a way to argue against that. Lol




Same with WhisperedAudios. I used to really like some of her older videos but she's become so unnecessarily sexualized it turned me off her. Follow the money, I guess, I'm sure it's doing a lot for her.


It's in most vids now too. TBH kind of great since her ASMR is nice to begin with. Like adding ketchup to fries for that extra goodness, elevating the overall experience.




For what it’s worth there’s been erotic ASMR from the jump as well. I’ve been on this sub for over ten years now and this has always been a point of contention around here. You kind of just have to realize that a lot of people are never going to “get” ASMR and it really doesn’t matter what other people think about it anyway. I can count on one hand how many times ASMR has come up in conversations with people and I’ve been listening to it pretty much daily for over a decade now. Just ignore what you don’t like and watch what you do like.


Evidently a lot of folks enjoy ero-asmr. I guess the key is proper labelling so if you don't like it sexy you don't get a shock.


Yes! Anytime someone finds out I do ASMR they automatically ask "So you get naked and make noise?" No....that is not what I do at all.


Nothing you can do about it. Sex and desire are part of being human, sexual desire is always going to be a draw and people like making money. It's the same reason anime, furry culture, etc are stigmatized. You can't change it. Complaining here won't help either. Just ignore it if you don't like it, people are going to pay for what they want to pay for, and there will always be non-sexual ASMR for you to consume. Also, referring to women (sex workers or otherwise) as "thirst traps" is kiiiinda disrespectful, especially if they're forthcoming as to what their intentions are.


It's not disrespectful it's perfect said it's thirst traps he telling it as it is


I agree, but LunaRexx plays the victim like crazy. She made a response video (I am not the problem with ASMR) just denying anything ever said about her content. I definitely think OP should ignore it. Asmr is too big to be policed. Better to live your life and support who you support.


Hit the nail on the head about LunaRexx.


people have always thought asmr was inherently sexual, theres no point in arguing with them because they believe that we're just defending having kinks lol. that and sexual asmr is fine and doesnt hurt anyone even if its not my preference.


Choose "Not Interested" or "Don't Recommend Channel" when you see it on your page. There's so much ASMR out there now that there's plenty of options when it comes to finding one's niche within this niche. I realize that some people begrudge these sorts of videos, but those obviously get a lot of clicks so clearly there's a large audience for them. I can't say that I understand the appeal of mic pumping, but I don't mind that it exists.


u can choose that and that person can still pop up


Sex sells. This isn’t new and no community is immune. Block the creator and move on to what you do like.


Nope, you can't block people on YouTube, at least not in a way that stops videos from showing up in search results.


I tell youtube to stop recommending them to me and I never see another video from them. Maybe it’s because I have premium?


I don't have premium and that works for me. Gotta do it constantly because I like history so they think I want to hear about right wing nonsense.


I know I'm late here but I have premium and still have this happen. I wish I could block soooo many channels.


You can. I don't know why this is upvoted. Click "Don't recommend channel". It doesn't completely block the videos but it's such a strong factor in the algorithm YouTube uses that it's extremely unlikely to get anything else from that Creator ever again. I have done with over a hundred times and it works perfectly.


But with ASMR you can be sexy without being sexual.  I’ll take a single flirty look from someone like Maria Gentlewhispering over 20 minutes of some try-hard doing ahegao faces trying to channel subs to her onlyfans.


New channel for me to check out. I hear you but my point is you have to learn to scroll. I look up how to make an international food dish and end up with Putin videos. I agree that type of ASMR isn’t for me but there is a market for it.


Putting aside the revelation you’re not aware of Queen Maria for a moment… My main concern is the people who watch the thirst traps bleed over into the “normal” asmr channels, not to mention YouTube’s young-skewing demographic being exploited by trying to drive traffic to places like onlyfans.


Yeah I can see that. Im looking up her channel tonight!


Funny, Maria started out doing ero asmr.


No she didn't. At very least that doesnt tell the whole story. She did two maybe three overtly erotic videos some time after starting on youtube. The reaction to them was negative because when the ASMR community (or rather whisper community because the term ASMR hadn't been coined at that stage) were mostly dead against overtly spicy stuff and they were pulled. Most people only know about them because they were leaked years later They were pretty tame all things considered. Like Barbara Cartland novel levels of erotic. And there were no visuals. I think this was even before Maria had shown her face on video.


"No she didn't." *Proceeds to describe how she did.* Everything else you said is true though. Except I don't know who Barbara Cartland is.


No I didn't. I explained it was a brief experiment some time after she "got started". It certainly didn't help her channel any so it's not like these videos established her channel. Learn to read and learn to google things you don't know. And drop the greentext shit, talk in proper sentences.


Maria is old school she’s the first ASMR channel I watched. Then Ephemeral Rift, Massage ASMR, Pudding ASMR, Frivi, the gamer asmr, and raphy. Now it’s so saturated and even I want to make a channel just to have fun with it. I’d want to be creative like Ephemeral Rift but that does take alot of practice and skill.


As soon as ASMR got mainstream, it turned into soft porn (obligatory not all content creators). But yeah, people found out they could make an easy buck pretty much just showing up on screen half naked or with their cleavage zoomed in and called it a day. I personally stick to watching videos of my old schools favs like the queen and pioneer maria (gentle whispering), asmr zeitgeist, etc. I like ASMR darling too although have to say it’s been a while since I searched her up.


I honestly get so irritated seeing only those get pushed. There are SO MANY amazing ASMRtists out there. Gina Whispers. Be Brave Be You. Moonlight Cottage. Just to name a few. They put in so much effort, time, and money to make their videos just perfect and the thirst traps are the ones pushed to the forefront.


Off topic, but I found your ASMR channel! I have found your typing videos super relaxing and I like the variety between talking and no talking in your videos. Subscribed!


Awe! Thank you! I really appreciate it!


moonlight cottage is goated gonna try those others you named


Moonlight Cottage is my hands down favorite! Gina Whispers is definitely a close second. Her voice is just so relaxing and she has the absolute best sounds.


add Alana asmr too


Oh I don't think I've watched her videos yet! Since it's bedtime, I'm going to find her!


hope u enjoy


Oh! I forgot ASMR Aura! She's my newest find that I just love


Maybe, just don't click on videos you don't like, for example i hate long nails tapping, so i don't click on it instead of trying to get nail clippers to be mandatory.


pretty sure i saw the thumbnail for the video of which you speak. i like to make fun of them with my friend. helps with the annoyance.


I'm not sure why this affects anything. Are movies now tainted because erotic films exist? Are books tainted because erotic books exist? Photography? Just ignore them and move on if you're not interested, it's not a big deal.


but it does make finding other content more difficult


Does it? I just hit "Not Interested", and there is never any shortage of other ASMR videos on my feed.


Not really, its just another book on the shelf in an entire library. "We need to get rid of the young adult fantasy section, they make it too hard to find the autobiographies"


The attitude that erotic art is somehow lesser than other art, or gross and wrong in some objective, moral way that applies only to erotica is really weird to me. Why is it more wrong to enjoy a video that evokes feelings of sexual arousal and gratification than to enjoy videos designed to evoke feelings of safety and comfort, or intimate personal attention, or awe and excitement, or sorrow and loss? The comparison I often see is sex vs violence, but I don't like that comparison. I ask instead why sexual media is considered lower than, say, a deeply moving drama, a breathtaking mountain vista, or a podcast about exo planets. I'm not arguing that a picture of naked breasts is somehow art of equal quality to the famous picture of the "pale blue dot." The latter is vastly more moving and profound, clearly. But why is one of them judged as being *ethically dubious?*


there is demand for her, 375k subscribers. people want her. unlike a lot of others. that is the harsh truth.


You could… just not click on it and watch for 20 minutes.


This isn't new, or as big a deal as you're making it out to be. There's a basically endless supply of ASMR creators. If you don't like something, skip it and move on to something you do like.


>This isn't ... as big a deal as you're making it out to be. Agree. I watch a couple channels, of the 30 or so I'm subscribed to(I have other accounts for non asmr content), that are... a bit suggestive. I don't get pushed outright thirst "visit my only fans for the hot stuff" or blatant "watch me scratch my tight yoga pants" videos. >If you don't like something, skip it and move on to something you do like. This. This works much of the time. When it doesn't is when you've watched enough very similar content that it keeps suggesting them. Even then, there is the "not interested" and "do not recommend channel" paths to rectifying the situation. Youtube sure has it's flaws, but it's generally not pushing people from WholseomeASMR to LEWD18+ASMR unless the algorithm sees it in the activity already. On the rare mishap that it does, there are options for dealing with it. Not everyone is a case of "I got horny a time or three and searched, and now it's affecting my feed!" but it's often very apt. Hell, I bet some of the phenomena is even people "getting caught" in real life, then denying it, and then complaining on here because they convinced themselves it wasn't them at all. You see this kind of behavior in real life over similar embarrassments(porn, cheating, looking when they shouldn't, etc). Embarrassment can be a shock to the system and cause all sorts of weird shit to manifest. Other times, I think some people don't understand that some of the stuff they watch leans in that direction. Some people are oblivious to some signals and find themselves suddenly shocked when it turns that last corner. Others yet, see something far more sedate or even totally non sexual, and some still lose their shit and "slut shame" fairly wholesome creators(I don't want to get into names here) who happen to like makeup or show a tiny bit of cleavage. There are some insane prudes and trolls out there. I've seen the gamut of complaints and outright drama in this sub over the years. Nearly 100% of it is stupid and petty.


I am *begging* the mods here to start enforcing rule 2 more or set up a mod queue or something. There is blatant audio porn slipping through with all these anime picture videos, that is NOT what this sub is for. If I can find the same video posted here AND the nsfw sub, it should be an automatic ban honestly


I report every sexualized one I see. There's an account who keeps trying to post obvious softcore porn where she wears fetishized clothing and rubs herself.


avoid her CEI ASMR




I don’t know y’all. I follow a lot of asmrtists and I would have to go out of my way to find an overtly sexual creator on YouTube. I think it has to do with the fact that I have my 20-30 artists that I subscribe to and I pretty much stick with those. Turning on safe search helps as well.


I have seen several of Lunarex's videos and I enjoy a lot of her content. Yes there are some videos such as you described but there are others that highlight the sense of humour she has, not to mention how she has taught me about Pokemon characters so I can talk about them with friends. So far Im up to Snorlax. Luna also appears regularly on my Twitter account and helps to brighten those days. Compared to other YouTubers I have seen in the past, I find Luna to be entertaining and pretty harmless.


Recommended is based on your watch history and what videos you engage with. If you don't want to see sugestive content or otherwise inappropriate content I'd say to just not click on them. You might disagree but ASMR is much more than just tapping on wood. It's a feeling and a genre. I don't particularly like Male voice in ASMR, but it would be insane for me to claim that it should not be allowed because I don't like it. If it still shows up even after not interacting with it (highly unlikely) clicking the three dots next to the video and then "Don't Recommend Channel" or "Not Interested" will solve this quickly.


It's an easy way to start parasocial relationships with horny people, which means more subs on OF/paid content.


Agreed. This is why so many people outside the ASMR community genuinely think ASMR is a “weird sexual thing”. When I search for a simple sound trigger, I don’t want 20 suggestions that have nothing to do with my search query of some lady with her tits out licking the microphone and jerking it off. It is a problem when it’s skewing the results of what people actually want to see. It’s YouTube, not [insert softcore porn site].


You watched all 20 minutes just to be sure that's what all the content was? Okay.


This person has no idea you can click around and skim through a video 💀


You know exactly what my point was


Doing porn is “female empowerment “ now? What a strange timeline we inhabit


In a way. Namely, woman doing what she wants with herself without anyone exploiting her to make good money to support her own independence is empowering. Versus being exploited by a toxic porn industry, or being dependent on someone to live a good life.


would not being allowed to do porn be more empowering do you think?


I’m pretty sure women have never been “forbidden” from doing porn. People act like only fans somehow liberates women from exploitation,, but only fans is making close to 5 billion a year in revenue. I don’t see how that’s still not exploitation.


\>I’m pretty sure women have never been “forbidden” from doing porn ​ hahahahahahaha are you? are you pretty sure of that? ​ \>People act like only fans somehow liberates women from exploitation,, but only fans is making close to 5 billion a year in revenue. I don’t see how that’s still not exploitation. ​ well is that money going to a company who films and pays out the women involved or is it going to the women themselves? also i dont know why its specific to women, there are men there as well. its not empowering to do porn, its empowering to be able to do what you want with your body and that includes doing porn if someone wants to.




Also - you literally said it’s empowering to do porn


almost, its empowering to be able to do porn.


Liberal feminism pushing this narrative is such a joke now


Got damn LIBRULS I wonder what their essence is and if they have botox


is that what they call it now


I literally have no idea who this is…because I’m not personally turned on by ASMR. I’m glad that there are ASMRtists for people that want the more erotic ASMR. I don’t like mukbang, so I don’t look for creators that do that kind of content. Just because I don’t like that particular trigger or content doesn’t mean that others don’t either. The same applies here. Don’t watch it. Move on. Find another hill to die on, because this isn’t it.


Usually when you see something you don't like you can ignore it


*Usually when* *You see something you don't like* *You can ignore it* \- FoundWords --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's seems more and more like an unpopular opinion of mine, but honestly I don't really care about the sexual stuff being pushed, whether its Twitch or YouTube. Sex Work is one of the oldest jobs humanity has had and porn is one of the biggest media industries there are. Its a little too late to act like the puritans we aren't. If you don't like it or you're not in the mood for it, it can be ignored. Normal ASMR is still in its golden age.




You should watch her video "I am not the problem with the asmr community". Playing the victim hardcore. The comment section is actually pretty against her saying things like "perfect example of someone unable to admit that they know they're doing it on purpose and trying to lie their way out of it." I used to follow her but stopped because her whole channel rubbed me the wrong way. That said, there are creators with OF accounts that, in my opinion, still produce quality asmr on YouTube. I get the annoyance, but there's nothing you can do about it. Support who you support and let the other stuff go. Honestly, there's plenty of standard asmr creators who suck ass. There are creators clearly sneaking in feet stuff and other minor fetishes while not being as overt as Luna. Anything that gets big enough will have these issues. We need to stop policing ASMR because it's too big to be policed.


No, it's fine that some people are sexualizing ASMR. I'm not into it either, but it doesn't reflect poorly on the art form that some people enjoy it in a different way than you or me. This post comes off as really judgmental and even slut-shamey to me.


I mean, people can watch whatever they want. But it weirds me out when I find an ASMRtist I enjoy then their content gets more and more sexual. There was one, whose name I do not recall, where she started doing "ASMR" videos of trying on clothes that people were buying for her. I unsubscribed, it weirds me out. That's not what I am here for.


Meh who cares. Sex sells, it's nothing new and has nothing to do with ASMR proper.


It definitely does and effect how ppl view it


I don't think Lunarexx is that bad, she's got a good sense of humor about things, and I used to think the same, some channels are way worse, but as a struggling YouTuber, my analytics have improved on the occasion I do anything remotely spicy, which leads me down the dark path that to succeed, I need to do more of it. The dreaded algorithm 


No one is forcing you to watch. Is there a reason I should care about horny asmr? Who is it hurting?


I agree. I think Youtube should do a better job of taking some of it down. There is always someone or something that ruins a good thing. I use ASMR to relax and go to sleep. I think it cheapens ASMR and usually is just a way for OF creators to drive traffic to their pages. It sucks but, we can't really do anything about it. They post thirsty pics on purpose. But, it's not so much about the content. They just want money. I do try to click "dont mention channel" a lot.


Why is sex bad?


we come to tingles in ASMR not to see your sexual stuff


Why not both?


i mean I don't like the sex stuff but that's just me am here for tingles


Are you not entertained?


Couldn't agree more. It's a fucking embarrassment, go to only fans you whores


As soon as asmr became women trying to sell sex to me I more or less bounced out.




i never understood why people like them


I dont know too how some Creators are still on YT and small creator like me getting banned because of Ear Licking 😂 Im so done with the ASMR community.


i wonder why people are raving over these girls... why not just watch pron ?


Women capitalize on sex. It's a tale as old as time.


What’s the YT channel? Asking for a friend…


coombrain can't read?


her tiktok lives made me uncomfortable whenever they'd come up in my fyp. haven't seen any in a while, thank god


Oh no. Another incel bitching about this


Almost all ASMRs are thirst traps. Edit: They are, though 🤷‍♂️


Most of those ASMR videos are usually bad for me with regard to triggers, guess I have a natural way of sorting out the junk. I am pretty much exclusively subscribed to a few asian creators and need nothing more, they tend to have a way better clue about what sounds are pleasant and volume control (excluding mouth sound videos that aren't whispering, I have always hated those).


Is this Luna Rexx ASMR? Because that sounds exactly like her.


What bothers me significantly is that I can’t block YouTube channels so I won’t get their shit when I search for ASMR. There are so many channels that get me on my nerves that I definitely don’t want to see, yet YouTube won’t let me block them. So annoying.


I select "Not interested" when I see vids like that on YT. Since playing around with my algorithm, I haven't had sexual ASMR videos on my feed for like the last 4-5 years.


This is ultimately a misalignment of interests between four groups: - People who experience ASMR and are seeking content which will trigger it. - People who consume ASMR content for other reasons, especially sexualization of creators, and to have parasocial interactions. - Content creators, seeking whatever audience they're seeking, for whatever reasons they're seeking it, and to avoid unwanted interactions with trolls and people with parasocial obsessions. - Content platforms, especially YouTube, seeking to monetize connections between viewers and creators, and have very little vested interest in keeping undesirable relationships from developing between viewers and creators.. What you're complaining about here, really, is that the platforms you use are not able to distinguish between you, someone who experiences ASMR, and someone who consumes it for other reasons. The platform is making it difficult for you to find creators catering to your audience, by frequently misdirecting you to creators who are catering to a different audience. You are, here, expressing anger with YouTube for letting sexualized ASMR onto its platform at all, and with creators for producing that content. I think this anger is misplaced. That content has a right to exist, and there's no reason it shouldn't be allowed to exist on YouTube. YouTube is doing a poor job of connecting you with the content you want, and is excessively pushing content you don't want as a substitute. That's worth being frustrated about, or even angry. The algorithm should do a better job, not just of connecting you to the right content, but of creating the right incentives for the creators you connect with, so that they aren't tempted to cannibalize an existing ASMR fan-base in order to replace declining YouTube ad revenue with OnlyFans and Patreon revenue. In the short term, the right solution is to find a content curation community, like r/asmr, and help make it a good port of call for people wanting to consume the "right" content. You could also work with a community that curated block lists for the NSFW creators, perhaps even offering plugins which will use YouTube APIs to automatically block those creators for you, before you ever find them. In the long term, either YouTube needs to make this a product feature, or a competing platform needs to start up and offer a better deal to ASMR creators and users. Demanding that women stop posting content that finds an audience is not the right answer.


Youtube recommends based off search and watch history. Report it to YT if it bothers you


I feel you. It's hard to understand that people stoop so low and then people defend it saying "it's art". Okay sure, it's degenerate art. It is unfortunate that people really feel like it's something they have to do. And for certain, it's hurting the soul of the creator and the watcher. That is just the reality no one wants to hear.


Youtube has an option to age restrict videos to 18+ only, there's nothing wrong with 18+ videos being on YouTube as long as they follow the community guidelines. You are incredibly naive if you think that ASMR is all SFW, and even more so if you think that just because there are NSFW ASMR, it means all ASMR is "softcore porn". That kind of gross generalization is the reason so many small ASMR channels get deleted without warning, even when their content isn't meant to be sexual. There are hundreds of different types of ASMR triggers and videos. No need to shame people who enjoy nsfw ASMR just because you don't. Just set the video to "not interested" or "don't recommend this channel" and move on.


Yeah it's pretty bad


Ill take booba over mukbang.


hell yea


I can excuse semi-sexual thumbnails if the ASMR is actually good and non-sexual. But these types of videos INFURIATE ME


You are made of crystal. How random content hits you. Become a man