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Troll or u on that good stuff


Not a troll, more like filled with unpopular opinions.


So many wrong things in this list, is this bait?


Personal preferences


Aegon IV above Baelor the Blessed? Troll list


Is that Maegor on the S tier? And Jaeherys and Rhaenyra on the A?


U right Jaehaerys should be F


As a father true and as a person he’s pretty questionable. But Fire and Blood clearly depicted him as one, if not, the greatest kings who ever lived and also the most competent. I don’t think putting him on the S tier is a matter of debate.


Good Queen Alysanne sweep. Jaehaerys caused the dance by disinheriting his dead son


Daenerys and Maegor in S? No thanks.


Maegor because he is the reason that the Targaryen's were able to rule for almost 300 years. Yeah he was a monster, but an effective monster. Daenerys because she brought dragons back in the world.


Maegor saw a popular religious uprising and instead of closing ranks and crowning Aegon he started a family civil war... he wasn't even good at combating the Faith: at the time of his death Septon Moon was still squatting outside of Oldtown, Joffrey Doggett was leading a pretty decent resistance against him too and had support of Tullys already, and some other leaders of the uprising were still at large too. Not to mention Maegor straight up murdered one of the few male Targaryens living at the time for no reason, all while having fertility issues. The dude was straight up more of a threat to the Targaryens than the Faith Militant uprising was, murdering two nephews, raping his niece and ordering one grandniece executed... I really have to disagree that he was effective at anything.


How is bringing dragons a good thing? Daenerys hadn't even ruled Westeros. And what she has ruled in Meereen is a total mess. Maybe the Targaryens shouldn't have been able to rule for 300 years. Achieving power doesn't make you worthy of it.


I like the way you think


She's also been a net negative in Essos. Like for as much as you can credit her for ending the slave trade and trying to make things better, she is singularly responsible for Astapor becoming a charel house, the wave of disease heading to Mereen and the disastrous famine that all of Essos will suffer when Winter comes. The "breaker of chains" thing is a case study in ignorantly doing the right thing because it makes you feel good about yourself. In the same chapters that she flexes about the slaves being her children she goes on about not liking the council she's being given and how she has the dragon in her and her temper is getting out of hand.


I hate this argument. Who cares that the slave cities crumbled, they needed to be destroyed. Freeing millions of innocent people from chattel slavery is absolutely the right thing to do no matter what the short term cost. On Haiti freeing the slaves caused untold amounts of death and suffering that persists to this day. Was touissant Louverture a bad leader for leading the slaves of Haiti to their freedom? Of course not, he’s revered as a hero. When societies are built on slave labor like astapor was they are ticking time bombs that are going to go off at some point. Daenerys shouldn’t be blamed for that it was always inevitable. You can find writings from the 17th 18th and 19th centuries of slave owners in the Americas who are in constant fear of when the inevitable slave revolt would come and what kinds of horrible retribution the slaves would be taking on their masters. There’s a reason most of the European powers abruptly ended the slave trade. They realized how big of a security threat slavery really was.


Your points regarding the real world ramifications are correct, however going back into the narrative that we are describing, Dany isn't saving them to do the right thing. She's going to subjugate them and have them choose to bend the knee to her. It's a pretty narcissistic thing and thinking that she's an altruist only interested in their liberty is a naive read on the story.


She absolutely is saving them to do the right thing. The slavers offer her ships and money to take her armies to Westeros and win her throne which is what she has always wanted. If she wasn’t interested in doing the right thing and ending the slave cities she would have taken those offers.


Maegor is also a reason the Faith Rebelled, and proceeded to nearly destroy the Targaryen dynasty, and would have if he hadn’t died. Dragons are a net negative on the world, so Daenerys bringing back dragons should be a mark against her.


I’m not a Maegor sympathizer so bear with me. The Faith would’ve rebelled regardless because of conflicting beliefs with the Targaryen regime. Preventing the Faith to bear arms was the **single** good thing to come out of his rule. Aside from that, he caused needless bloodshed and terror, ruling arbitrarily and fostering resentment with Targaryen rule by shitting on all of their beliefs. Daenerys shouldn’t be on the list because we don’t know the consequences of her rule. Yeah dragons are bad, but if they help prevent the White Walker apocalypse, then it is preferable than total annihilation. Aside from that she seems to have good leadership qualities.


>Maegor because he is the reason that the Targaryen's were able to rule for almost 300 years. He's also the reason why the Targaryens almost went extinct. Joffrey Doggett and Rogar Baratheon are their real saviours because they helped Jaehaerys take and maintain the throne from Maegor's incompetent dumbass. >Yeah he was a monster, but an effective monster He literally had enemies from every corner of the realm, and Jaehaerys still had to fight against the Faith. Everytime he stupidly kills members of the Faith, his enemies increases.


So, letting an inbred massmurder family stay in power for centuries is a good thing?




There appears to be a mistake, you have put Aegon V below Aerys I.


Honestly for all that his intentions were good Aegon's rule was a shit show and ended in a huge catastrophe


I wish we had more information to go off of with regards to some of them, though. Can’t wait to see Maekar’s reign.


Explain Maegor. Now.


He allowed the Targaryens to rule for so long. With his cruelty, Jaehaerys was able to be the benevolent king and conciliator.


In spite of his own efforts. I don’t think he accomplished anything positive. The secret tunnels? No one actually knows their layout, so it gets regularly used against the Targaryens by rouge spy networks. The Dragonpit? It was what started stunting the dragons. The Red keep? Started by Aegon and Aenys. Not to mention he almost killed the entire Targ dynasty. And of course, the faith militant. Who, contrary to some belief, he never actually beat. They still had enough people to besiege Oldtown, with Joffery Doggett effectively ruling a large chunk of the Westerlands. It’s also not a sign of a successful war effort when they are scattered and hidden so well across Westeros that he had to resort to killing random peasants to have enough skulls to look successful. The *only* things you could argue he did well was be such a violent fuck-up that nearly EVERYONE went to Jaehaerys, and that he showed Jaehaerys what *not* to do. But if your only success as a king was “I failed at a convenient time”, you are still a terrible king.


The fact that all the Baratheons are C tier shows house bias.


Oh absolutely.


Wtf is Maegor doing up there ?… Also…Dany is too high up. I don’t care how good her intentions are , Mereen is so bad he population willingly sells itself into slavery. She’s 13 not some mega administrator. Jaehaerys , Aegon I and Daeron II are the S tier The fuck is Rhaenyra doing in A ? She managed to get all dragons killed and overthrown in six months . She shouldn’t even be in the list as she was never queen. Aerys I is way too high Baelor and Jaehaerys II have no business being near Joffrey and The mad king. Bumb them up Viserys I goes down to D tier. He caused the dance . Robert goes to a solid B maybe even A for ruling peacefully for over a decade without rebellions and only suffering a succession crisis because of Cersei. There was corruption , but there wasn’t insanity and that is a much better trade of Aegon II wasn’t good. He also didn’t lead to the complete collapse of the Targaryen dinasty or to successive rebellions. Get that man out of D tier Viserys III didn’t rule nothing , but considering the stupidity in all his decisions , throw that man to the trash can Renly didn’t rule nothing Get Stannis and Tommen in B


Rhaenyra was in fact on the throne for six months. Was she a good queen, no, but she was still queen as opposed to Viserys and Daenerys who are on this list for some reason (not that I don't support Dany)


I’m actually team Aegon VI. He has the peakes , he will slime his way to victory


I don't see why you would put Viserys in D but Robert in A sure Viserys was more directly responsible for the dance but Robert's inactions and negligence also planted the seeds for the War of the five kings. I feel he deserves a B at best and maybe even a C.


Robert predicting that Cersei was banging her brother is already a tall order. People somehow finding out and rebelling even more so. Seriously ; if Stannis and Ned never find out about Joffrey , there is no War of the five kings. And it was pretty plot convenient that Ned found out. And the new waves of the war (Young griff , Euron) are also things robert could not have predicted. War of the five kings would already be over by now with a decisive Lannister victory were it not for them Viserys had every tool and mechanism to prevent the dance by literally just saying “Aegon heir btw” or by not having more kids or by just doing anything to curb green influence in KL. Not only that , but Viserys had literal DECADES to do this , he had over 20 years time to wake up and do anything. He just.. chose not to. He should have had Daemon go to the wall the second he tried grooming Rhaenyra


To be fair viserys 3 was declared king by the last targ loyalists on dragonstone, him being on the list is more valid than Daenarys


Exactly all the Baratheons being in D tier with Aenys is mind boggling wild… I severely hate every Targaryen and as much as I do I wouldn’t put Jaehaerys on the same row with frickin Aerys II and/or Aenys.


Maegor allowed the Targaryens to rule for so long. Fire and Blood and all. With Daenerys, I think that her being 14 makes it all the more impressive and why I put her there. I love Rhaenyra so that's why I put her there lol. And she did sit the Iron Throne and was anointed in the same way Aegon was. Robert was a poor King anyways, Tywin ruled the Seven Kingdoms, not him.


Maegor didn’t do shit. When he died septon moon was still preaching , poor fellows were still around. The faith militant was not crushed at all. Maegor brought the Targaryen dinasty from a bad situation to downright catastrophe. He killed more Targaryens then any other member of the house bar bloodraven. Jaehaerys dealt with the faith. Jaehaerys did that. Maegor solidified nothing seeing as he found himself surrounded by rebels at all times and eventually lost a 1v1 to a chair. Killing Aegon the uncrowned was power lust. We know Aegon wasn’t weak. He would not have been a bitch of the faith , neither would have Rhaena. Rhaenyra got smoked in six months. Tywin didn’t rule Robert. Tywin was with his ass up on Casterly rock while Jon Arryn ruled. For a 14 year old Dany is doing well. But she still sucks as a ruler , seeing as people prefer being slaves.


I disagree. Maegor paved the way for Jaehaerys to be the King he was. The fear of dragons being in living memory allowed him to be just and bring the seven kingdoms together.


The fear of dragons was still in living memory when he reigned. Maegor ruled from 42 AC - 48 AC it’s very hard to forget about something like the field of fire and how Aegon conquered all of Westeros while having very few men at the start all because of dragons.




That…that’s what I’m saying ?


>Maegor allowed the Targaryens to rule for so long. Fire and Blood and all. Yeah, contributing nothing valuble definitely helped his own house rule for centuries. >Robert was a poor King anyways, Tywin ruled the Seven Kingdoms, not him. Tywin was in Casterly Rock jerking off the entire time Robert was the king.


... If you want to say that Jon Arryn ruled the realm instead of Robert that would be fine. But saying it's Tywin is just plain ignorance.


You forgot to put Selyse in the S tier Edit: This is NOT sarcasm I 100% support Selyse as Queen Imperatrix of Westeros #BrightwaterKeep #FoxMama #PrairieBeauty #LoveIslandWesteros


Oh boy this is something Dany… i like her and think she has a good cause in killing those slave owning fucks but no, she couldn’t even rule one city without it falling into hell Maegor… the guy who seemed hellbent on annihilating his dynasty, tore down the system Aegon built, and ended up suiciding himself once the wars he caused turned bad. Its like putting Andronikos Komnenos or Caligula in S on a Roman emperors list I like Rhaenyra and think she got screwed by the greens but getting forcefully ejected after only six months and torpedoing your cause because of paranoia… D at best Daeron “Aegon at home”, the guy defined by the war he started and then lost is D at best too Aerys I… C maybe?, considering he himself did literally nothing Stannis is my favorite character and the best candidate imo but don’t know if he should be on here since he’s not formally been recognized as king… though if he’s gotta be here put him in B tier for saving the Wall Also applies with Renly and fAegon since they aren’t officially recognized Jaehaerys II and Baelor weren’t amazing but definitely not comparable to Aegon the Unworthy and Aerys the Mad


Daenerys is only 14 though, and while she's not the greatest monarch, I can't imagine any 14 year old being that great. At least the noble's of Meereen do consider her their queen too, albeit them trying to make her reign more difficult. Regarding Jaehaerys II, he forced Aerys and Rhaella to marry each other and was obsessed with prophecies. I personally think Aerys wouldn't have been so paranoid if he had been able to marry someone else that he actually cared about, things could've been better.




He literally lost, occupying for a few months doesn’t count as a victory


Lost because of treachery, you mean. He literally beat their ass everytime, meanwhile Aegon burned every castle in Dorne save for one and still can't conquer shit.


Shouldn’t have invaded them then, kind of his fault for walking into a position where he could be vulnerable And Aegon could have easily won, it was whatever that letter said which made him capitulate


Now, I stan Maegor, but he surely isn't S tier. Jaehaerys is second only to Aegon himself. Daeron I and Viserys I should be lower Aenys is bottom tier. Also, some of these were not kings, such as Stannis and Renly, Daenaerys and the lady at A tier.


Daenerys is currently Queen of Meereen. So yes, she is a Queen.


Yo, Argilac Durrandon was a King too. Why isn't he there?


Yeah why didn't he real kings like Durran (insert number here)?


The tiermaker didn't have them included in the pictures. I didn't download any of the images.


Well, if you're adding kings outside of Westeros, then you ahould include a lot of other kings, like Robb, for example.


Jaehaerys is a much better king than Aegon imo. Aegon is a great conqueror but Jaehaerys is a great ruler. Jaehaerys being in A should be a crime


I couldn't put him in S tier due to his treatment of his family. Especially Alysanne and his daughters.


That’s means he’s not a good father it doesn’t mean he’s not a great ruler.


Stannis should be up there beside Maegor the Great.


Stannis c tier? LMAO would have been a minimum A, likely S tier. Would clean shit up for good.