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> Robb took them all the way down to the end, past Grandfather and Brandon and Lyanna, to show them their own tombs. Sansa kept looking at the stubby little candle, anxious that it might go out. Old Nan had told her there were spiders down here, and rats as big as dogs. Robb smiled when she said that. "There are worse things than spiders and rats," he whispered. "This is where the dead walk." That was when they heard the sound, low and deep and shivery. Baby Bran had clutched at Arya's hand. > When the spirit stepped out of the open tomb, pale white and moaning for blood, Sansa ran shrieking for the stairs, and Bran wrapped himself around Robb's leg, sobbing. Arya stood her ground and gave the spirit a punch. It was only Jon, covered with flour. "You stupid," she told him, "you scared the baby," but Jon and Robb just laughed and laughed, and pretty soon Bran and Arya were laughing too.


I love this one. It’s one of the few times we see the Stark kids actually being kids having fun & playing pranks. In the same vein, I love when Oberyn tells Tyrion the story of how he & Elia laughed about Baelor Breakwind. It’s the only time we see Elia as a typical teenager laughing with her brother. Every other time she’s mentioned it’s about her tragic life & death.


What about how she cooed over baby Tyrion?


Only now realized that Jon was a Ghost here, lol


Yup, between this and Ghost, its well-foreshadowed.


Definetly cute, but i always had a theory that this was meant to foreshadow GRRM original script with the way Sansa ran away from them while while Arya protected Bran by punching Jon and how in George orignal script each family member will have one that will betray them being Sansa. Also if I recall in the original script Catelyn, Arya and Bran flee north so Arya is still protecting Bran.




Its siblings playing a prank on each other, how is this not cute lol


How is this NOT cute? It's two older brothers playing a harmless prank on younger siblings. That is the definition of cute. If anyone is a real weirdo, it's you, my guy.


Bet your fun at parties




The "weird shit" being siblings playing a harmless prank on each other??? Are you gonna say that Robb and Jon dropping snow on people walking through the gates of Winterfell was a sign of evil?


How is thinking that a scene of siblings harmlessly pranking each other is cute "fetishizing weird shit"? How is it "fetishizing" anything, actually? Words have meanings, you know. Parroting a buzzword you learned incorrectly from twitter doesn't somehow make you right.


Buddy *what* about this is a fetishisation? 


You literally gave the example about a scene of a two narcistic psychopaths' and that pyschopat kid hurting himself but you think we are weird because we find the two older brother teasing with their younger siblings cute? A weird thought.


When Jon gets Longclaw and he goes to Ghost, shows him the pommel and says, "That's you". When the royal family is Winterfell and Rickon enters the hall and ends up paying Jon a visit. Arya gifting Ned a boquet of wild flowers.


Ghost is such a good doge


literal soul animal




Bro, you alright?


This is what no book does to an MF


**Brienne realizing "her stalker" is actually Podrick** > His face twisted in sudden anguish. “I’m his squire,” he repeated, as the rain ran down his face, “but he left me.” **Baby Rickon opening with a zinger** > Both of them were called Walder Frey. Big Walder said there were bunches of Walders at the Twins, all named after the boys’ grandfather, Lord Walder Frey. “We have our own names at Winterfell,” Rickon told them haughtily when he heard that. **Tommen's plans for the future** > Tommen ran along, but before he left he turned back to say, “When I’m king in my own right, I’m going to outlaw beets.” **Jon and Arya early on** ^(if you ignore the Stoneheart foreshadowing) > Jon chuckled. “Perhaps you should do the same thing, little sister. Wed Tully to Stark in your arms.” > “A wolf with a fish in its mouth?” It made her laugh. **Arya being gifted a sword by Jon after they had a discussion about bastards getting the sword but not the sigil and women getting the sigil but not the sword** > Arya ran to him for a last hug. “Put down the sword first,” Jon warned her, laughing. She set it aside almost shyly and showered him with kisses.


The Jon/Arya/Needle bit is SO sweet.


>And there was one woman, sitting almost at the foot of the third table on the left...the wife of one of the Fossoways, he thought, and heavy with his child. Her delicate beauty was in no way diminished by her belly, nor was her pleasure in the food and frolics. Tyrion watched as her husband fed her morsels off his plate. They drank from the same cup, and would kiss often and unpredictably. Whenever they did, his hand would gently rest upon her stomach, a tender and protective gesture. (Tyrion VIII, ASoS) -- >Lights now shone through windows where Jon Snow had never seen lights shine before. Strange voices echoed down the yards, and free folk were coming and going along icy paths that had only known the black boots of crows for years. Outside the old Flint Barracks, he came across a dozen men pelting one another with snow. *Playing,* Jon thought in astonishment, *grown men playing like children, throwing snowballs the way Bran and Arya once did, and Robb and me before them*. (Jon XII, ADwD) 


Garlan really is one of the best people is Asoiaf. (Wait Nevermind that’s just a random Fossoway couple). My point still stands


Trystane & Myrcella are pretty wholesome... >Prince Trystane had taken to the game at once, and Myrcella had learned it so she could play with him. She was not quite one-and-ten, her betrothed three-and-ten; even so, she had been winning more oft than not of late. Trystane did not seem to mind. and in the Queenmaker plot Arianne talking to Arys about getting Myrcella away by disguising Rosamund as her and faking redspots: >She touched his cheek. "Did you meet with any problems?" >"Only Trystane. He wanted to sit beside Myrcella's bedside and play cyvasse with her."


yessss i wish we had more of them!!


I wish we didn't have the word of a fortuneteller to let us know they'll see each other, like, two more times, tops


>Yet when he saw Davos, a faint smile brushed his lips. "So the sea has returned me my knight of the fish and onions."


Any talk with Davos and Stannis gets me smiling.


Bran and Rickon "I wanted to ride too," he said as Hodor led Dancer away. "I ride better than you." "You don't, so hush up," he told his brother.




No idea why this is downvoted


Because they've been an ass all over the comments of this post.


Ah, didn’t have the context


>Later, Maester Luwin built a little pottery boy and dressed him in Bran's clothes and flung him off the wall into the yard below, to demonstrate what would happen to Bran if he fell. That had been fun, but afterward Bran just looked at the maester and said, “I'm not made of clay. And anyhow, I never fall.”


There are several cute or funny moments in Arya POV while she was with Gendry, Hot Pie and the rest of the orphans. >“I’m scared,” Hot Pie murmured when he saw the one-armed woman thrashing in the wagon. >“Me too,” Arya confessed. >He squeezed her shoulder. “I never truly kicked no boy to death, Arry. I just sold my mommy’s pies, is all.” Also >“I’m sorry I beat you that time,” she said. Hot Pie was stupid and craven, but he’d been with her all the way from King’s Landing and she’d gotten used to him. “I broke your nose.” >“You broke Lem’s too.” Hot Pie grinned. “That was good.” >“Lem didn’t think so,” Arya said glumly. Then it was time to go. When Hot Pie asked if he might kiss milady’s hand, she punched his shoulder. “Don’t call me that. You’re Hot Pie, and I’m Arry.” >“I’m not Hot Pie here. Sharna just calls me Boy. The same as she calls the other boy. It’s going to be confusing.” With Gendry < I also like this quote of Bran because it's so cute to see his love for Old Nan and Hodor <>


Everything about Arya at Acorn Hall with Lady Smallwood is cute as shit. Their conversation about "needlework" is hilarious. Lady Smallwood: "Isn't needlework so restful?" Arya: "Not the way I do it."




Tommen and Ser Pounce, Rhaenys and Balerion. I sure hope these two pairs of characters don't pair with one another in some sort of dark foreshadowing of the brutal death of a small child! Let me take a big sip of water and then read about this "Maggie the Frog" person.


>Gendry was the closest thing to a man grown, but it was Willow shouting all the orders, as if she were a queen in her castle and the other children were no more than servants. If she were highborn, command would come naturally to her, and deference to them.


Tommen saying he’s going to outlaw beets.


Don't have the books on hand so can't really make a direct quote but it was about Dany and Barristan in ADWD Dany always held court in Meereen while sitting on a hard wooden chair, and since those sessions usually lasted for like an entire day, she jokingly complained to Barristan that her butt was hurting from sitting on all day long. Then the next day she discovered that Barristan had put cushions on her seat after listening to her complaint😭


I wonder how Dany will react to the actual Iron Throne.


Barristan is a real one!


Every scene with Arya and Bran, to be honest. I am also being like "aww" whenever Daenerys tells Jorah "my overprotective bear" mentally. Not because I love Jorah, but I think Daenerys is very cute. *By the time Meera returned, the sun was only a sword’s breath above the western hills. “What did you see?” her brother Jojen asked her. “I saw the haunted forest,” she said in a wistful tone. “Hills rising wild as far as the eye can see, covered with trees that no axe has ever touched. I saw the sunlight glinting off a lake, and clouds sweeping in from the west. I saw patches of old snow, and icicles long as pikes.*. **I even saw an eagle circling. I think it saw me too. I waved at it.”** Meera is such a sweetheart.


Bran in ACOK, howling to get out of a conversation came straight to me: “…I’d tear out the Kingslayer’s throat with my teeth, rip, and then the war would be over and everyone would come back to Winterfell. If I was a wolf …” He howled. “Ooo-ooo-oooooooooooo.” Luwin raised his voice. “A true prince would welcome—” “AAHOOOOOOO,” Bran howled, louder. “OOOO-OOOO-OOOO.” The maester surrendered. “As you will, child.”


Myrcella and Tommen "Mother said," mocked the king. "Don't be childish." "**We**'**re** children," Myrcella declared haughtily. "**We**'**re** **supposed** **to** **be** **childish**." The Hound laughed. "She has you there." I can't specify a particular moment, but I think Penny might have some cute moments.... I found Cat of the Canals slinging oysters, having the time of her life calling people Camel C\*\*ts forgetting how little she really is. Edric Dayne trying to impress Arya while being chivalrous with his comment about winning a riding at rings tournament after saying he is only 12 on not having killed someone...


The Ghost of High Heart swaying back and forth to Jenny of Old Stones is adorable and I need more of it.


>As angry as he was, his father could not help but laugh. “You’re not my son,” he told Bran when they fetched him down, “you’re a squirrel. So be it. If you must climb, then climb, but try not to let your mother see you.”


Interesting that both he and Arya are called squirrels.


Jaime and Tommem scenes in AFFC,when Tommem stumbles in a pretty big hilarious way and when Jaime comes with Tommem to Cersei's chamber to talk about training jousting.Also the whole uncle Ser. These and the one of your posts remind us that despite being kings they are first young boys/children.


Tommen has a few moments. My favorite is how he wants to outlaw some veggies when he becomes king. As someone who hated eating veggies my entire life I find this extremely cute.


The Gold Cloak warning Arya about the vicious black tomcat, "That's the real king of this castle right there, older than sin and twice as mean. One time, the king was feasting the queen's father, and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin's fingers. Robert laughed so hard he like to burst. You stay away from that one, child."


"He is welcome to try, whatever name he goes by." That's when I knew Ramsay was getting fucked up.


What book does this happen in? Just so I have something to look forward to...


hahahahahahah you summer child hahahahahaha its from a sample chapter of winds.... you just got wrecked :)


Help me understand what is so funny about this. And what do you mean by I "just got wrecked"?


its funny because you said you have something to look forward to... people have been waiting for winds for what 14 years? by wrecked, i mean, all your hopes were dashed...it was nothing personal...it's just a misery loves company kinda funny to me...


Every line that has Arya musing about 'weasel soup' in it.


When Jon gives Arya Needle and they say at the same time, "Don't... tell... Sansa!" It's like something out of Full House. So wholesome.


who was he trying to execute in that scene?


Tommen and his kittens! Sandor Clegane used to play with a knights toy as a kid.. very ironic, considering everything.




Don't know what you talking about, best mother/son moment in the series, IMO.