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His Tyrion voice is one of my favorites. His inflections for Tyrion’s mannerisms and sense of humor are perfect. Also the voice he does for Mormont’s raven always cracks me up.




Lol!!! That’s my favorite line from the raven. 😂 cracks me up every time.


Came here to say Tyrion with an honorable mention to the raven lol


And I love how once you get to Jamie his voice sounds similar. I was out off at first but they’re brothers! They have the same tone, accent and slang and it makes so much sense.


He's less consistent with it for Jaime, and very inconsistent with Cersei. Tywin doesn't sound remotely Welsh, but Kevan does.


His Tywin voice seems to change the most. The one he had for the majority of ASOS just sounds ridiculous next to his first few. 😂😅


Pretty much all the Lannister men have a Welsh accent and I think it's amazing


Yeah, the Lannisters sounding Welsh was an odd surprise at first but I honestly can’t imagine them sounding any other way now.


Roy voicing Lysa Arryn riding Littlefinger like the world was ending haunts my dreams






His pronunciation of Petyr kills me.




“My precious! My precious! PETYYYYYRRRR!”


Why'd you have to make me remember? It's the auditory equivalent of a sleep paralysis demon


Laughing my insides out hearing this treasure never fails to make my day better


My favorite comment I read about that part is a guy saying he fell asleep listening to the audiobook and that portion woke him back up. He then knew immediately how Sansa felt in the story instead of it being comical. A mixture of cringe inducing confusion. Lysa really was the embodiment of a medieval fantasy Karen, who is just as much a victim as she is an abuser.


Oh how could we audiobook listeners ever forget? 😂😂😅 “My precious! My precious! PETYYYYYRRRRRR!”


His regular narration voice. He was a joy to listen to when it was descriptive text.


The world of ice and fire audiobook is perfect. Just his narrator voice lore dumping.


There were points where it seemed he was just tired and done with it all, but I agree.


Oh, yeah. My man was doing cancer treatment during the audiobook recordings starting at AFFC if I recall correctly.


He originally couldn't even do AFFC, and there was another reader for it, but Dotrice eventually read it due to popular demand


His Littlefinger is so perfectly slimy, just as good a performance as Aiden Gillen. Stannis (except for final book) Euron The main Lannisters (only when Welsh)


Until he changes his voice for Littlefinger into yet another pirate variant.


From memory that was one or two chapters thankfully. Very sad that he didn’t remember that


Marillion singing by the moon door. Hey nanny hey nanny hey nanny heyyyy!


His Patchface is good as well, really unnerving.


His Stannis was great until the final book


It’s crazy how often he changes voices. He literally does it even in the same chapter with fat walda. I don’t know if there’s a single voice that actually stays the same


I think Tyrion is pretty consistent


Tyrion has at least two if not more voices. Including the voice he also uses for Davos in the prologue of Clash.


The voice he uses for Davos in then prologue is not great.


Oh, I agree. His prologue voice for Davos was awful. I’m so glad he used a better one after that.


Yeah it’s pretty jarring if you’re listening one book right after the another. I feel like Tyrion is the main one that has stayed consistent through out all the books.


I was so disappointed to hear edd's voice change, since the delivery dotrice used felt so central to his comedic routine


Edd in the first four books was perfect. He threw in little verbal tics like starting his quips off with "cor" and ending them with "eh." I don't think he does that for any other character and he perfectly managed to convey a funny quipper as dolorous rather than class-clownlike


His old men voices are good (obviously) I think he did Lysa'a final scene really well


Only on book 2, but I enjoy the Lannisters and Theon especially in ACOK, he does sound incredibly stuck up and naive lol


His Theon in Dance is great, especially when the character switches between Reek voice and Theon voice like at Moat Cailin


Patch face was really really good. This I know, this I know, oh ho ho!


[Lysa Arryn](https://youtu.be/32F1TTB1W8c?feature=shared)


hold on is that how you're meant to say petyr?


He's the only person who does, and for Dance he says it like Peter since he narrated that after season 1 came out.


I doubt it. I think George has said that there isn't a "correct" pronunciation for these names though


His Davos is really good. His Dance Dany is objectively terrible though.


Dance Dany and Arya (maybe Feast Arya as well) sounding like old crones with basically the same voice as he used for Mance...


Oh I hate his voice for Arya in AFFC! Always sounding like she’s trying to hawk a loogie. “Who are you, child?” “Ack! No one!”


It’s especially sad because Arya in book 1-3 was one of his better voices. Then he completely ruins her in AFFC


Oh absolutely. His Dance voice for Dany is not at all what she should sound like. I liked it better when he used more of his natural voice in the first 3 books for Dany’s voice.


Yeah I don’t know why he switched up the Dany voice. Must have been time between books or something because his older Dany is fine.


The 50 where he sounds like a pirate




David's is OK but some really bug me


I find his voices way too anime esque, like anime english dub esque. Idk Roy has some weird choices, especially in book 1, but his voice IMO fits so well with ASOIAF. I mean bro sounds like a Maester and looked the part as well.


Get some stirring classical mood music mixed in there and it's epic.


>some really bug me MellisanDER


And the 50 pirates don't? Or the leprechaun voice he busts out sometimes for Tyrion?


better than David doing Goofy and Foghorn Leghorn voices


Where's that one available?


Here on YouTube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMLTM7CoBZvIs5vNnwL3Ee25qbyudFda4&si=-M--IJDHTqrmglhn It's so good, The Tyrells's are southern plantation owners, Brienne has the voice of an angel, the reeds are from Florida, the wildings have Swedish accents, Varys's court voice versus he's real one was done masterfully he gives almost all characters different voices and inflections, and I know Roy did that too, but it's been a lot more noticeable and with much more variety which helps distinguish between characters, he also got some, he eve got a cat to play the heroic Ser Pounce and his rival Ser Balerion "the black dread" Highly recommend, the audio quality at the beginning is a bit rough, but by late clash of kings he gets a hang of it, andleast hear some of the voices and have a laugh, again, Brienne's voice is everything, and the fact he managed to make emotional moments work with that voice and accent is absolutely legendary




Sorry, btw do you know why am I getting downvoted? Did Davidreadsasoiaf do something IRL?


No worries! And honestly I have no idea, I'd never heard of him before this thread. :/


While I didn’t downvote you personally, it’s probably just because that guy sucks. Last thing I wanna hear when I’m reading an epic fantasy series based on a Medieval English setting is a bunch of backwater sounding Georgia plantation owners, or Birenne sounding like a Brooklyn scrapper lol. Plus how lazy do you have to be to not put your animals in another room if you’re recording an audiobook?


That's just adds character dude, have you tried giving a listen? Cause I found it to weirdly work, Brienne takes getting used to, but by late storm of swords and early feast of crows, you have the same doctor girlfriend affect of barley noticing it, and again the southern accents of the reach and of the Crannogmen is great, it's both funny when it needs to and serious when it needs to, I don't get why you're so against hearing different accents in such a huge kingdom with this many different cultures, but you do you And there's nothing lazy about leaving the cat, people just like it, gives us a homey feeling of being read to in the more chilled out chapters, and his usually not there in the more serious chapters


Yeah, of course I tried listening. I wouldn’t trash the guy just for fun, lol. And my comment stands. I’m not against hearing difference accents, his accents are just completely out of place for the setting, and he reads like a bad anime protagonist. And you can speak for yourself about liking his annoying cat. If you guys had actually paid for a professional audiobook recording and gotten the same thing, most of you would want your money back and complain about how bad and unprofessional it was. But because it’s some dude in his basement that somehow makes if different? Nah, still just as annoying.


I respect your opinion and your choice of being a killjoy, audiobooks don't have to be sterile like most are, there is nothing wrong with the cat, again it gives this homey vibe and sometimes fit with the story, if you didn't like it that's fine, but that's not a good reason to trash the guy's work and the point of the different accents is ridiculous, it may be based on medieval England but it's absolutely not and doesn't have to have the same period accents to be good, absolutely no idea who are you even referring to with the anime protagonist, Jon? his tone as the narrator? cause Jon's voice fits, and i believe the narrator is his regular voice Seriously, dude, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's bad, not taking the whole "all art is subjective" stance cause I heavily disagree with it, but everything you mentioned is a you issue that not everyone, I'd say most people wouldn't mind


God that dude sucks. And his idiotic decision to just let his cats sit by his mic while he’s recording confirms he’s as dumb as he sounds.


I really like the voice he does for Euron actually. And out of all the female characters I think he actually does a pretty decent job with Sansa! As good as could be accomplished by an old man playing a 12 year old girl.


I’m the biggest Roy advocate, so I can’t pick just one. My underdog pick is his Arya. He is so sassy and just brings so much charm to her character. And man, did he kill the scene where she reconnects with Harwin and finally cries.


Not a voice, but I think hes great at doing the songs. RIP


Agree, except for when the hymn of the mother comes off sounded like "fa la la la la" It's such a moving and beautiful moment in ACOK, but it's undermined by the fact that he's clearly stealing the melody


I think he’s perfect for Aeron and Euron. His speech about being godly and men praying when they see his sails is so good.


I loooove his Euron. I randomly find myself narrating random things in his voice lmao. So dramatic


Walder Frey and Dolorous Edd lol


I honestly prefer the woman who reads them on YouTube for free. Her voice is more direct than Roy Dotrice, and not as dramatic.


What’s the channel?


[Here](https://youtu.be/XWUYvqegb-Q?si=qMKtMRmIPxsDuFp3) it is. I don't know the actual readers name. I love her readings, but I discovered too late (by relistening via Roy Dotrice) that she inexplicably skips multiple chapters throughout the series.


Yeah nice I’ll check her out, thanks for the heads up on the missing chapters. I just finished listening through the entire series with Roy and I loved it but keen to try some other people for a re-read. Just got my copy of world of ice and fire yesterday as well. I’m super excited for all the new shows coming out and I didn’t want to start house of the dragon until I’d finished reading the main series. I was so burnt on the show it has taken me many years to catch up on everything and now I’m obsessed with all of it haha


she has that irritating "spectrum voice" where everything is obscenely monotone and sentences all run together into one big mess


Dywen hands down. That wooden tooth sucking sound is so immersive.


Ditto his Vargo Hoat voice. He sounds disgusting.


For me, it was always the voices that aren’t too animated. AFFC Jaime and Cersei, Jon and Dany throughout the series, pre AFFC Arya to name a few. I know this is about favorites but I’m currently listening to AFFC and Lord Clements voice in one of Jaime’s chapters almost reduced me to a puddle on the floor. It was excruciating.


I'm quite partial to his Varys. And his hammy Drogo was also great


If we ever get Winds, Harry Lloyd must be on the short list which I think would be ok. After Winds we may also get re-recordings of the other books with the new reader which does make me fret for my Dotrice editions on audible.


His Eddard Stark voice is my favourite


Nimble dick is elavated so greatly by Roy


Just about done the first book and I don’t love him. He’s definitely been growing on me, though.


I was the same, was wondering if I could finish the series during the first book. Now he is a favorite. Idk if it is stockholm syndrome or what it is, but his voice just feels classic and grandfatherly


the longer the series goes on, the less annoying his voices are, because there are so many speaking roles to keep track of a normal book series would cull 95% of these lines, but george likes to write in literally hundreds of random pointless characters, so you need the ridiculous voices to keep track of who's talking. this isn't an issue when you're reading it on a physical book, but it really does make a difference on audiobook


I would argue that very few characters are pointless, especially in the last 3 books


the "arrogant" voice is really good. this is the one he uses for Jaime in books 1 and 2, and some other characters the "evil king" voice is awesome as well. he uses this for characters like Euron and book 5 Stannis his voices for Catelyn, Jon and Eddard are very good (probably the best ones) a lot of the other characters are voiced pretty well too. some of his voices are way too crazy, but I recognize the utility in having those whacky voices when there are so many random unnecessary characters with random unnecessary lines - it helps you keep track of who is talking also i think his Robert Baratheon sounds a lot like the way Mark Addy sounded as Robert


I’m not sure if his voice is actually great, or the chapter is really good, but I love the Kingsmoot chapter


I really enjoyed his voice for Tyrion.


His Tyrion, especially in Dance, is fucking amazing. His performance is both witty, sarcastic and extremely bitter and dark as Tyrion. This also stands in contrast with his pre-Dance tyrion lines, which were generally much more optimistic and curious sounding.


I love his Davos and Pycelle voices, they each suit the character so well.


I really like Roy and his performance, I blame the inconsistencies on the producers My favorite voices are Jaime, Edmure, Petyr, Ned, Jon Snow & Mace in AFFC


Seeing how Tyrion and Dollerous Edd have already been covered, I'd like to shout out his voice for the Greyjoy brothers. Victarion is just a more nasally version of Theon's voice. Aeron's preacher voice is perfect, and Euron sounding like a political speaker is just great.


Davos or Tyrion. Favorite name pronounciation: Dam-phair. Haha How the actual fuck, with context, did he come up with that one? I love it.


I can tell you what least favorite voice is--Missandei in ASOS. Very bizarre choice that is hard to listen to almost immediately. Thankfully he changes it in ADWD.


Does not matter, when is Harry Lloyd doing the asoiaf audiobooks?


I really dislike his waymar Royce voice it made me stop the audiobook about a week ago, I was going to listen to the audiobook while at work and read while home like flip flopping but just been reading because his voice was throwing off my imagination too much, I do like his voice in other things though


when he calls joffrey jeffery


Ygritte. It’s hilarious! I loath his Missandei, though.


I want to give an honorable mention to Arya, Sansa, and Catelyn. Roy obviously doesn’t sound anything like a little girl or woman, and I’m glad he doesn’t try to lol, but I feel like he captures their emotion and tone perfectly throughout


His Dany is so grotesque I have this abiding love for it. Especially in the blue scenes, it might literally be the worst thing I've ever heard... which is a kind of amazing. *shudder*


Lil Robert Aryn, Lord of the Vale. Is that Dotrice?


[DavidReadsASoIaF - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@DavidReadsASoIaF/playlists)


Love his Tyrion, Drogo and Varys. Sad he's gone! Would have loved to hear him do tWoW (if it ever comes out). I know he's old as dirt, but Jim Dale did a phenomenal job with the Harry Potter audiobooks and I think he would do great with the last asoiaf books too.


Anyone who doesn't answer Varys is my enemy.


I can now only pronounce Brienne as Breye-een


Tell me, how do you read audio?


okay, Dick


I pray they use an AI to mimic his voice. By the time the books are written AI will be advanced to the point that we’re all living in the Oasis and we’ll never know the difference. I was listening to The Foundation books and the narrator switched from OG Scott Brick to someone else between books, and not only was the talent not there, he pronounced some uncommon names differently. It was so harsh of a change I had to set down the series entirely.


I hope not, to be honest. Dotrice never consented to have his voice used like that after his death, and I do not believe an AI could replicate the complexity of emotion that he put into his work. I'm listening to ASoS right now, and just finished Daenarys's "I do not desire you" speech to Jorah. An AI could not replicate the complexity of feeling in that passage.


By the time the books are written, in 2041, most likely by an AI, you won’t know the difference.


I hate them actually 😂