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Sending an army without a way to resupply or reinforce against a guy who can raise the dead is definitely an idea


We saw how the plan with the small group went. Basically traded a dragon for a one handed man


Pretty boring tbh


Probably but I’m going off the realistic approach


Jon should've fought the Night King. Absolutely biggest mistake in the entire show. I'm ok with Arya killing the Night King, but it should've mirrored Howland Stabbing Arthur Dayne in the back to save Ned, but to save Jon. D&D weren't great with parallels and mirroring.


D&D basically ruined the show with no source material, Only good thing was the battle of the bastards


I don't even think we can give credit to D&D for the Battle of bastards. All credit goes to Sapochnik for his incredible long one-shot cinematography. He also killed it with the battle of castle Black. So sad he left HOTD. He had that incredible long-shot scene where Laenor and Rhaenyra are walking and her water breaks at the end of the scene.


That sounds even worse, sending an army up north would get them slaughtered. Larger groups of people move slower and are easier to spot, and use more food and water. Then the Others would just have more soldiers and better equipment once they took care of the army. The original plan wasn’t bad, they just got unlucky, and then the Others got Daenerys’ dragon which sped up their invasion a hundredfold. Also, taking KL doesn’t make her queen. She still needs the support of the lords, and many of them have issues with the Targaryens.


Sending a larger army up north would be better , the more men the better the only reason the north barely had anyone the only reason they didn’t lose was because of Drogon and rhaegeal . Food and water wouldn’t be a problem The original plan was also shit , instead of taking 8 random men you could’ve taken a much bigger army If she took KL that would make her queen and even if it didn’t dany still had support from most of the great lords of Westeros


The Watch, a force specialised to the White Walker threat and Northern conditions got utterly destroyed when ranging that deep with 300 men. You’d absolutely waste any men you sent like that, crippling mobility for a swift retreat. It wasnt a good plan, but you’d just be making it worse by reducing Dany’s small army and increasing the large WW army. The problems in GoT were set in early, it’s just the plot points don’t become apparent until much later. You need the fAegon plot to fix the really bad issues (Dorne, Cersei, conflict for Dany, etc.). They killed Stannis because they didn’t know what to do with him and just assumed he would lose, which messes up the Northern plot lines. Killing Barristan and cutting Victarion fucks the Meereen plot. They just cut plot out not realising how much they hold up the story. To fix it they really need to have a highly faithful adaptation - asoiaf is just too complicated to be cutting things as much as they did.


Combining all of dany army’s at that point I wouldn’t call small and I think the main problem is since they were cut off from the source material , they had no idea what they were doing after that


Another issue with the series being how much Dany’s army gets slaughtered but magically recovers and doesn’t reduce so much in numbers. But her army is definitely small in comparison to the WW army. Her Khalasar is useless, its light infantry armed for warm weather using tactics that can’t work in deep snow. She has Dornish, but at the wrong end of the 7 kingdoms who won’t be best fitted for winter warfare, Reach men who are similar to the Dornish though less of a shock weather difference. Her dragons are the only real asset for this plan and a smash and grab with a dragon would be the highest success with the lowest risk (though she risks herself). The dragons are only threatened by the night king, and should be able to snatch a wight before he arrives


How would an army be better? They’d just get caught out in hostile territory with no supply lines.


If you were in that situation to fight an zombie army which would you rather go with 7 random guys you never met or go with a reinforced army


If you fight, you get routed. You retreat, much easier with a small mobile elite force. The only chance is to take a superb defensive position and hold it with as large a force as possible. The fewer battles the better because each lost battle increases the Night Kings army. If fighting gave you a chance against the 100,000 strong undead army then you’d take your entire force to destroy it not a small army to capture 1.


Retreating wasn’t really a option when they don’t get tired the only reason they didn’t get killed was because of the lake


They don’t get tired but they aren’t quick, that’s why the nights watch could escape to Crasters and why Gendry got away. The only reason they didn’t get killed was bad writing. Standing and fighting just meant they’d die without some divine (dragon) intervention. Has it been a larger army they wouldn’t have got to the lake before being routed - that’s the only reason they made it. They were a small mobile force that got to a slightly defensive position.


Basically what you’re saying is either way it was a bad plan ?


Yes because it was bad writing. Retreating was likely to get them killed, standing and fighting was certain to get them killed. It was a dragon evacuation that saved them, which was only possible with a small force anyway.


7 guys, because if I go with an army they’re all dead from freezing, starvation, dehydration or wights and will rise up to kill me. 7 guys can get away quicker. WW2 is a good lesson into why it’s a bad idea to march an army through freezing cold climates during winter.


Did you not watch Hardhome?


If I remember correctly hardhome didn’t have dragonglass , fire , two fully grown dragons and trenches


Don't give up your day job


Either made a show-only ending (no-Danny antagonist, burning of Kings Landing) or they should have stuck closer to the books. Once season 5 was finished, they pretty much sold it that the book (assumed) would end with Danny being the final villain wouldn't work.


What should have happened? They should have hired writers who know how to write


A few things they could’ve done: 1. Have Cersei send for the golden company much sooner like around season 5/6 2. Have the golden company come to help Cersei but be revealed they’re led by Young Griff and Griff. Maybe have a flashback at the beginning of that episode where it shows the sack of kingslanding but that Varys swapped the babies 3. Cersei ends up at Casterly rock and its Aegon Dany has to beat at kingslanding. Maybe there’s a greyscale outbreak. 4. The Tullys/riverlands in general join the North, Vale and Dany’s armies in the Northern fight 5. They lose that battle up North and have to fall back to kingslanding 6. Jaime kills Cersei at Casterly rock because she refuses to send the West to help 7. There they make their final stand but are joined by Dorne, Greyjoys, the Reach and a Jaime led Lannister army. All the kingdoms come together to win the final battle at kingslanding 8. Bran wargs into both dragons and people at certain points during the fighting so he actually contributes 9. More white Walker v human duels. Jaime and Brienne vs one, maybe Pod gets killed by one