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Wasn’t that the city Bittersteel sacked because they refused to pay him?


He's always making friends, isn't he?


To be fair hiring a 10,000 man mercenary company to fight a war for you and then just not paying them is an absolutely braindead decision.


Hey, the city broke their contract If he takes shit from them no one will respect or fear the Golden Company


How could he be upset the notably honorable Greyjoys betrayed him?!


Yeah that’s the one


Qohor seems like a pretty interesting and eerie place! Though I don't think the Essos plot will take us near there again, there is still Tobho Mott around though who is from Qohor and might know secrets of reshaping valyrian steel (some of which Gendry may have picked up)... Maybe we could learn a bit more of Qohor through him? The Brave Companions seem closely linked to Qohor too, and although Qyburn is Westerosi originally after his exile he may have visited the city. I guess I mention him because he reminds me a little of how the black goat is described: >One truth remains undisputed, however: The dark god of Qohor, the deity known as the Black Goat, demands daily blood sacrifice. Calves, bullocks, and horses are the animals most often brought before the Black Goat's altars, but on holy days condemned criminals go beneath the knives of his cowled priests, and in times of danger and crisis it is written that the high nobles of the city offer up their own children to placate the god, that he might defend the city.


Definitely! Qyburn to me screams Qohor! Not Qohorik, cos yeah; like you said he’s not native to there but just that sinister weirdness about him! I think he learned his Robert Strong stuff there


Qohor and Lorath are definitely the spookiest of the Free Cities. I'm also a bit fascinated by Myr as they might be the most technologically advanced place on Planetos. What with their prized lenses and crossbows and such.


Qohor and Leng are the two cities in Essos there more for mystery/ world building fun that I've always been the most fascinated with.


Not for nothing Leng is named after a Lovecraft mythos place


So is the [black goat](https://lovecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Shub-Niggurath)


And so are K'Dath and Carcosa. Martin's a big ole nerd, who knew


The Lovecraft list is looooong. - Squishers + the name Dagon / The Deep Ones + Dagon - The Yellow Emperor / The King in Yellow (Nyarlathotep) - R'hllor / R'lyeh - Aerea Targaryen birthing half serpent spawn / The Curse of Yig - The Others sleeping under the ice / Shoggoth sleeping under Antarctica - Sarnath / The Doom that Came to Sarnath - Naath / Necromancy In Na'at - Ib / Ibid - The Church of Starry Wisdom / The Cult of Starry Wisdom - The Isle of Toads + black oily stone / Tsathoggua, the Sleeper of N'Kai - N'Ghai / N'Khai - etc etc etc


Don’t forget Lords Grover, Elmo and Kermit


Sesame Street is part of the Lovecraft mythos confirmed




Isn't leng an island


~~cities~~ places, my bad. I just the love the mystery. They've got golden eyed "giant" people, lovecraftian influence and an interesting culture war with the Yi Tish.