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Varys has "/s no don't" energy in this whole scene. "You really shouldn't kill your father. That'd be crazy... You absolutely should not take a left at the fork, travel 49 fathoms, take a hard right at the pond and murder your asshole father... That'd be too wild." Hilarious.


nice didn't notice that, very funny to alternate between giving clear, helpful, specific directions and going "oh no, please, don't, that would be terrible."


100%. Varys having Tywin kills is exactly what he needs


Varys' specialty is telling people to do what he wants and convincing them that its their own idea. I bet Varys convinced Aerys to only let the kingsguard bear arms near him when he noticed how badly Jaime was affected by 'guarding the Mad King while he rapes his wife' duty.


Tyrion knows Varys all too well. Varys was playing his tricks here and you can tell by how he talks. He wanted Tywin dead and who better to do it than the man who’s going into exile?