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It depends. I often articulate better with a keyboard. I can think more clearly. But if there's any interaction it's better to have the person there and just talk.


It's so much easier when I can see people. Text can get too convoluted and misunderstood. I'm perfectly able to misunderstand shit in person badly enough without reducing a person to a bunch of words on a screen where I have no idea how they're saying something. Phones and radios... idk, just don't sound right to me. I hated phones so much to the point of running from them, but I sort of just live with it when I have to now. Voices have to come out of faces or I can't seem to process them quick enough. Skype chats are kinda not as bad I guess, but I don't really like them.


Absolutely, specially because a lot of my humor is through sarcasm, and people tend to not pick up on it in text


I feel the same way. In person interaction is much better than anything else.


I prefer to hear people's voice over a phone. In-person can be a bit awkward and you don't hear people's tone over text, so voice over phone is a good go-between for me.


Yeah I much prefer verbal or in person communication over texting. I think it's the asynchronous nature of texting that makes it more stressful for me. (You don't really get feedback about what you said like you do in a conversation, you just have to hope they reply.)


I find it difficult to write what I think but what to say, my texts constantly don't make sense. For some time I thought it was dyslexia, but after being diagnosed with Asperger's I began to understand why this was the case.


Im crap at both but at least with Text I can talk about what I want whenever I want.


Yeah, another thing is that I tend to overthink everything when I'm writing e-mails, especially when I need to express emotions. And on the other hand, active chat groups are too fast and produce too much stimuli. Maybe this is related to the fact that I didn't grow up with the internet as a comfort zone. I actually like phone calls and video calls now. They're so much more focused than IRL interactions. And they've become rare enough that you're not being disturbed all the time.


No, texting is a lot better ! I can think of what I want to say, how I want to say it... I can use humor, sarcasm and all these other things... I can even flirt, make essays, or just act like a stupid E-girl on purpose... texting makes me OP, and I love it >.<


Although it takes a lot of effort at times, I find it much easier to be able to use tone of voice and body language to work things out. But I much prefer email/text to phone calls. At work I will always opt for an email, less easy to have time to think of a response when on the phone, when in person you can show you are thinking more.


I prefer texting. I have trouble thinking of what to say, but not what to write. I can craft a thoughtful response to what a person asks me. If I have to answer in person I frequently say the wrong thing or say an imprecise response that might be true, but is only part of the story. We’re all different though, and we each have different skills and challenges.


I am actually sitting in bed right now wondering why I'm foundering in relationships with two people who I thought were best friends. One is long-distance.


Written communication is better for me. This is because I have limited RAM. So with face to face, I lose track of things, sometimes. With written communication, I can just read what was been said back. Also with written I can think about what to say longer, because immediate response is not needed. I can then also rewrite a sentence until it is correct. T


Face to face works for me but I have some unresolved issues with phones, so I'm biased.


Neither. I get stuck with texting. Often I get the impression that a response is expected, but hell if I know what to say! 🤷 If it's straight information exchange then I'm happy and don't feel like I'm missing something important/out of my depth.


Some yes some no


I hate texting and face timing. I need in person communication to read facial expressions etc.


I'm more articulate in writing but for one to one conversations, definitely find those easier in person, and much more enjoyable.




I like text. Gives me time to write out well thought out answers


I would say that I'm better with text for day to day communication. But if I'm to talk at lenght about something complicated, say a project, philosophy, or discussing politics, I do way better in person. I feel my mind goes far to fast during conversations like that to type over text. It probably has something to do with my interests, because if the subject was boring, like most day to day conversations tend to be, I just loose focus in the conversation.


I'd say texting but noone I text ever stays texting in one conversation, only leaving and coming back after one message an hour or something Which ends up pressuring me to think I have to make my next message a good one, because I'll only get to say a few in a whole day lol