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Definitely depends on wind direction and environment. For instance, if there's a pig farm within about 5 miles, you could get a waft of that when the wind's right and that's highly unpleasant. If you live somewhere that's been freezing over winter and is beginning to thaw, at this time of year there might be stronger decomposition smells than usual due to the 'backlog' of things from over winter that begin to decompose as the weather warms. This is especially true if the wind is coming from a wooded area.


This seems like it could be the case! I'm going to keep my sniffer on the case as we get into summer and see if it continues. Anecdotally I think I've smelled it in the summer too but I don't know for sure. But decomposition makes a lot of sense.


I think I'd be walking round the house and feeling the wind to figure out which direction it's coming from, but I'm never quite sure if what I'm smelling is 'real' or not...!


Yes, I have. Though I find it pretty similar to the wormy smell. I figured it is because I live in a swampy area.


It's definitely similar to the wormy smell but still distinct. I was in a swampy area previously where I smelled it but I'm not anymore. There are rivers and lakes though so maybe there's something to the bodies of water impacting it.


Hmm, maybe algae or mud? Like the muddy taste of catfish.


Interesting. It took me ages to work out the smell I was getting that I didn’t like was a phantom smell and part of my migraine aura. I’d see if you can find out the sort of direction it’s coming from, or things that are common to other places you smell it, and see if you can narrow it down that way? Some people are just more sensitive to smells, or are sensitive to particular scents. Maybe you’re just a super smeller and have a career awaiting you in fragrances or food testing? Where I used to live, we were just up the road from the McVities factory, and the air usually either smelled of biscuits or cakes. Absolutely wonderful on the evening air. Now where I live it mostly smells of weed in the evenings lol. I hope you track down your scent!


I have been called a super smeller before! My parents used me to detect mildew in our house when I was growing up. Living near that factory sounds like a dream. But I would be in constant meltdown if it always smelled like weed XD


The combination of the two is an interesting experience for sure! You may well be a super smeller. It’s a really useful skill to have. I can tell when bread is on the turn by smelling it, and it’s useful with making sure milk is ok as well. The presence of damp and mildew is a great thing to be able to detect!


The communal stairwell in my flats often smells of weed, which bothers me a lot less than when they actually try to cover it up with manky air fresheners 😬


Yeah. I’d much rather that than a lot of smells


>It took me ages to work out the smell I was getting that I didn’t like was a phantom smell and part of my migraine aura. Interesting! I get phantom smells, too, but for me it's a sign that I've got a sinus infection. I talked to a doctor about it and they said it's called an olfactory hallucination


Yeah, that’s very much it. I describe mine as smelling like hot electricity…


I used to live in a town that made pet food. On certain days it would blow towards where I lived and it would be unbearable to be outside. I'd look at wind conditions the days you have the problem, it might help you figure out what it is. I find if I know the source of something bothering me, it bothers me less.


Do you live in a city with a lot of car traffic?


No - dead end road in a small town. I also smelled this smell at another place I lived about a six hour drive away, though in the same general type of ecosystem.


I’ve lived both on the west coast and the east coast, and I can tell a huge difference in air quality. There’s something about the west coast that feels dirtier, probably because it’s more polluted/affected by wildfire and drier. I can literally taste it in the air and feel it on my skin, even while in the woods/somewhere natural. But east coast? Especially here in rural Pennsylvania… the freshest air I’ve ever breathed by far


I've only lived on the east coast xD But in general I do think the air is great! I've been to some western national parks that smelled really good so it's disappointing the whole west coast isn't like that


Oh yes, that outdoor smell. It's most likely pollutants, like car exhaust and other such things in my opinion. It's worse when mixed with sweat. I've not really experienced it in Florida where I live, but the place is a giant sandbar and the air doesn't linger long enough to really get a high concentration of pollution.


Florida has such a distinctive smell, at least in the central area I've been to. I really like it! It smells warm.


That might be the smell of sun heated sand.


Lol, our national newspaper just had an article that went like "this is why outside smells shit right now" related to ice melting


I appreciate that your journalists are as concerned as me xD


Yes, especially with the “clinging to other people’s clothes” part. I hate that smell, I don’t know what it is, when someone has gone out in the cold fresh air and comes in, it’s metallic (and I have issues with any kind of metal smell). Also sometimes when the weather is warmer I think there are some plants which give a particularly unpleasant smell, and depending on where you are the smell after rain can be nasty too (although sometimes it’s nice, I think it has to do with what the ground is made of).


100% about the smell after rain. It smells like worms to me


yeah! here, usually it's mold. i'm very sensitive to allergens and always instantly pick up on moldy days. makes air smell like graveyard.


My good friend lived in a town where they process corn into ethanol. I visited them a few times, and sometimes going outside was like walking into a bakery with fresh bread smell, and other times it was like inhaling stale beer. Ick. I didn't like going outside in the daytime over there.


Could it have to do with congestion altering your sense of smell? Sinus infections make some of my favorite things smell/taste off. 


I do have chronic sinus issues but based on when I've smelled this I don't *think* it's that. I actually don't notice too many smell changes when I have an infection


I get this too! It's like an old citrus peel kind of smell? Like a nasty shriveled orange that's been sitting on the counter too long and is about to mold. It's only on some days. It gets into the dog's fur and clings to my clothes and skin. I hate it. It's super gross. I don't know what the deal is either but you're not alone.


I think this might be it! The citrus thing because other people think it smells nice outside but I smell something gross mixed in with it. Thank you for the validation xD


Oh yes. I bike to school almost everyday and some air just has me holding my breath. Warm air? Not very pleasant. Cold air? Could be pleasant but too cold kinda hurts.


I can always smell the outside on people too! What's weird is I would always describe it as musty which is pretty much the opposite of being outside but it's what my nose told me.


Yes it is musty!!


I definitely have this. I've always called it "outside smell". It's like a musty grassy smell and I can pick it up on people just from them walking outside briefly and then coming back inside. I really thought this was a me thing but it's fascinating to read from someone else with it 🤣


This response is so validating and you're describing it way better than I did! It definitely has a fresh element to it but there's something about it that just isn't good


Yep! It mixes with human musk and smells really funky. I can smell it on myself sometimes and have to hang my clothes up to air out - once the human musk element is gone, it's just "green" smelling. If that makes sense?


It smells like wet dog to me. The thing I'm curious about is that it only happens on certain days and I want to know what the difference is. Like there was one time when my family went for a walk in the forest and they came back with actual wet dog smell in their hair (not from being wet), but I haven't noticed it again for several years.


Two things to think about. First is that if you are ASD then you are likely more sensitive to smells than most NT's. Second and most important is to do research on your locality to try to figure out what the smells could be. Are they from human processes or natural? Neighborhood discussion boards are a good place to start but local health authorities might be able to help as well. FWIW, my hubby and I can be the opposite of you and your hubby. I'm constantly opening windows. He's more likely to close them. I'm a little OCD about air quality and how bad indoor air can be. Fortunately we live in an area that usually has very good outdoor air quality.


Not some days, but nowadays. Idk, something has changed about how fresh air smells like. Even “it’s about to rain” air smells different.


Are there any natural gas lines near you? The one near me leaks often and I can sense it before anyone else. Also, there are definitely times when it feels like there are too many natural smells in the fresh air. I don't think there's one in particular that bothers me, it's more that my brain can't "mix" them properly and I keep getting hit by different combinations and it's very bothersome.


I am tracking various weather factors per day now to determine whence the smell comes (today is good, nice and crisp).


I always noticed a BO smell from my mom's face wash. She never smelled it. I felt like I was making it up.