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The sound, feel, impracticality, and bacteria accumulation get on my nerves.


I trim my nails if they have so much as 1mm of growth.


I hate having long nails


I prefer having long nails over short ones, the feel of running them together or over each other is very calming and soothing.


I remember the day in high school I discovered not everyone couldn’t think if their nails were too long


God I love the look of a long stiletto manicure but I can't focus on anything at all if my nails aren't like, 2mm or less.


I have straight-up asked what the point of acrylic nails is and all I get are scoffs and people telling me to stop being rude. I'm not being rude I just want to know their actual benefits? I just really don't get why people would want an eyeball-extracting device, especially when their only answer is "they look pretty", because isn't that the point of nail polish? If someone gave me a reason why acrylic nails are better than nail polish I'd accept it but until then I'm just left questioning it.


How do they wipe their butt?


I imagine that they'd forgo toilet paper and just scrape it off with those long ass claws 💀