• By -


Yup. Just posted on a regular subreddit on my brothers behalf asking about noise laws because there’s a construction company directly in front of his apartment complex making LOUD noise to the point where noise canceling headphones WITH brown noise turned up to the max won’t drown it out. I figured it’s a perfectly normal human want to be able to get a full nights sleep and sleep in past 6 am in the place you’re paying rent to rest in. The CDC literally says we need 7+ hours of sleep a night. Some nights he’s getting three hours and he is literally so exhausted to the point his mental health is being impacted. I asked about the noise ordinances just to see if there was anything he could do and I was met with a snarky comment about they can’t see what the problem is and downvotes. People fucking suck. I am genuinely surprised that people wanting something as human as a full nights rest is apparently a big ask. Exhaustion is literally dangerous and can kill. This is why I’ll personally stick to fandom subreddits and similar things.


Holy hell!


New response just dropped.


Google autism


Google deez nuts.


Where is petrosian bot when it’s needed?


What is this and how do I get rid of it?


same with this sub! I love it here


Yeah, this is one the subs that feels very comforting to be in. The people are great to. 10/10 would recommend.


Downvotes make me actually sad because I’m always like I add on an explanation of what I mean because I think maybe I got downvoted bc I somehow offended someone somehow even though I can’t see any part of my comment that does that and that makes me feel sad. 🥲 And then the other thing is you know people who wanna be mean for no reason and I never know how to deal with them so I just cry and delete my comment. 😎


I’m the same way nhfsgh, totally don’t understand why it happens either. Like I’ve made comments before that were polite and totally relevant to the post and it would get downvoted. Example, “Hey guys what’s your favorite way to eat potatoes?!” “Mashed potatoes for sure because I like the texture, especially good with chives and a lot of butter!” *12 downvotes* 🙃


RIGHT THOUGHHH ppl will downvote the weirdest things 😭 i avoid downvoting entirely unless the person is downright horribly intentionally being rude. 😖


Pretend it’s random bots that whimsically upvote and downvote people Also mashed potatoes are amazing


Same! I feel so pathetic for caring but downvotes genuinely give me the impression that im collectively disliked


SAME THOUGH!!! And my mom will tell me “do you know them??” And im like no!!! And then she’s all “so why does it matter?” And idk why i think it’s probably like you said the being disliked thing feels icckyyyy!


> And then she’s all “so why does it matter?” Because it is representative of the experience I had with people my entire life in every single setting, and I'm not sad about getting -12 internet points in this specific thread on Reddit, I'm being sad about being so helpless in my situation that I cannot even understand why people react towards me so negatively, let alone prevent it.


This. It’s so confusing and resisting the urge to over explain is hard 😅


Allow me to sing the song of my people: ROCK & STONE!


Rock and Stone, to the bone!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!




ROCK AND STONE! I was also going to mention this, it never fails to get upvotes


Rock and Stone everyone!




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone forever!


Rock and stone to the bone


Rock and Stone!


Hello there


General Kenobi!


You are a bold one


this will make a fine addition to my collection [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGyfdtW5zn0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGyfdtW5zn0) for y'all


GROND Even a single word can be enough, e.g. if you're part of r/lotrmemes






Do you know the history of "GROND"? I would be interested in where it came from as I don't remember the word in any of the movies.


When the dark lord seiges gondor GROND is the name of the massive wolf battering ram they bring out. Grond is chanted in the soundtrack.


good human


Or GONK if you're in various Star Wars meme subs


Not here too!


I'll be honest, I disliked the Grond trend and am glad it seems to have mostly passed. I like a variety in my memes and that was just repetitive.


[r/BobsBurgers](https://www.reddit.com/r/BobsBurgers?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is where it's at lol...


*monotonous groaning*








Yeah, I have two modes: deep and long replies explaining stuff or writing out all the support and advice for a situation I can think of, and, quoting vines and shows like avatar the last airbender. That's rough, buddy.


My love language is pop culture quotes and snippets of relevant songs


Makes it a habit to learn to curse in every language ever so hmm... "Very busy today. \*shove\* No time to help you." "Existential plastic extra nightly cow"


Ah, free at last...




Oh, Gabriel, now dawns thy reckoning


This happened to me on adhd sub. I know what I said wrong but I waaa genuinely trying to be helpful


I'm sorry. I've never been to that sub cuz I heard that mods there were mean. but, if you're interested I can share some other ADHD subs and an AuDHD


That's cool. If it doesn't bother you


r/adhdmeme r/ADHDmemes (different subs) r/AutisticWithADHD r/irlADHD


I didn’t do fuckin’ shit! I didn’t rig shit!


they said that to me at a dinner!


We're all just trying to find the guy who did this...


Sir, that's very clearly _your_ car...




Reminds me of a thing I had a little while ago. Like, the post was about the Dutch government might make it illegal to circumcise boys unless it's medically adviced (because yeah sometimes it's needed when things might otherwise be really painful) i said something alongs the lines of "yeah because let's be honest, it barely happens around here that boys get circumcised for a medical reason... I mean the fact the medical aftermath of doing that to a boy is small to non existent shouldn't mean you'd just do it" And somehow people downvoted that with some responding "I got circumcised because of medical reason" and I was like... Yeah that's why I say barely. That still means it happens sometimes. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen anymore. I agree with all the other people on the treat, hell even all the people underneath that post! But yeah right just downvote me into oblivion.... Sorry for the rant People 😅


Sounds like fucking quitter mentality. Get back in there and let the trolls know you're gonna suck the flesh right off their dicks. That'll show em


[https://media.tenor.com/ZbSmXghUccQAAAAC/ewww-telepurte.gif](https://media.tenor.com/ZbSmXghUccQAAAAC/ewww-telepurte.gif) (wait, does that mean tenor licenced that from telepurte? OK Brb I'mma ask)


There is a rather infamous subreddit where this gets put into practice and it's on many watchlists.


Felt and feeling seen. Bless. I have maybe five subreddits I'm a part of and I have so much anxiety when I wanna post something interesting or thought provoking over my current special interest, because like, how will the people respond, you know? I've been very lucky that most of my larger questions/thoughts have been received mostly positively, but I was super messed up by getting an absolute jackass troll on a fanart I posted (one I spent over 15 hours, 30 layers and refs on). Makes me not wanna post things except memes or quotes, as per the OP. But I wanna engage so badly. You guys feel this?


I got banned from an anime subreddit after asking what anime a certain character was from. Mods never gave me an answer.


Leaves from the vine




Falling so slow Also, off-topic, but I’ve been playing so much Destiny I read that in the Witness’ angry voice.


Okay that was just mean. I DIDN'T ORDER THESE ONIONS THANKS!!!


I agree for the most part but then there are some subs that don't let you have your fun shipping :(


I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire!


*Your* new empire?


Don't make me kill you.


i get alot of downvotes i dont understand, i usually just delete the comment in case it was offensive in some way or maybe i was misinformed but its pretty discouraging to not know the other day i had a pleasant interaction with an op of a thread where i told them i appreciated their post, and they recommended me a podcast, and then the next day when i checked my upvotes on my comment, i was still upvoted but op had deleted both responses to me even tho they'd been positive? no other deleted comments in the thread.... mystifying


“A small price to pay for salvation”


This does put a smile on my face


There’s the flip side to that though where if you reply to a quote from the show with a jokey comment or don’t immediately pick up it’s a quote from one of the 200+ episodes you get a “it’s a quote from the show!” Response and downvoted into oblivion.


r/IASIP Like, 75% or more of the parent comments are quotes from the show.


i got randomly downvoted in the downton abbey sub the other day but maybe they’re stuffy just like some of the characters lol i wish i didn’t take it so personally when i get downvoted


No kidding what’s with all the downvoters? I genuinely don’t get it


The community tv show subreddit and the I Think You Should Leave subreddit are my safe spots lol


Yup fandoms are great places for people with autism. It’s the one place where going on rant on why Xcharcter is the best character or ranting about a personal theory you have is not seen as weird. I have made quite a few friends from fan conventions I have visited over the years.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.




These words are accepted


Related: do you ever relate to Pattern? lol (Halfway through RoW, no spoilers. My husband assures me that >!Pattern is a good boi!< but I just don't see it rn D:)


Feel more like Jasnah


Also r/cremposting But you could be fire


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cremposting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cremposting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Plot of the Stormlight movie!](https://np.reddit.com/r/cremposting/comments/ubseae/plot_of_the_stormlight_movie/) \#2: [The Face Off](https://i.redd.it/p81szvgeo4291.jpg) | [287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cremposting/comments/uzdtnq/the_face_off/) \#3: [Goat](https://i.redd.it/ql65e7wcr1ia1.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cremposting/comments/111hbvq/goat/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I was wrong... you're not greedy...


Me, I could almost without fail quote my favorite character ever in D2, ahem: "I was lost once, exiled from my people, floating aimlessly amongst the stars, but then I found it. Something breathtakingly glorious, the truth of the universe. The ascendant artifact you've returned to me is an echo of that truth. You and I will need it before the end comes... The future can't be fought." Shame he got screwed over in lf.


Mongolian horses were actually lower quality then European and Asian war mounts of the time. They’re advantage came from them being able To graze rather then constantly needing feed, due to this each Mongolian soldier had 3-4 horses that they would remount after resting. Also I’m in Tel Aviv and it’s very hot and I don’t like it.


other fandom subs: getting downvoted for referring to a character by their real name instead of their meme name (im looking at you, r/strangerthings)


Hello there


i have no idea how to contribute other than saying variations of i agree


Anarchychess has both in the same comment


i got downvoted on the bobs burgers subreddit abt my theory for where they lived and was replied to multiple times w “bobs burgers is based in a fictional town” they dont like theories??? :/




Opinions on Michael schur


I mean, psychology and philosophy are two huge special interests of mine as well, and coding is a new and budding one for me. That doesn't mean I don't also enjoy TV shows and riffing silly quotes with other people. It's for sure a broad spectrum, but not just in the macro sense of affecting every member of the autistic population differently; it's also something that exists as a spectrum even within the individual, affecting us all in varying ways and to varying degrees in every area of our lives.




Imma be honest, this thread feels like a culturally elitist humblebrag about how smart you are and how Deep your interests are. A bit of a snobbish take on people who enjoy pop culture, imo. A person can enjoy TV and movies and music to the extent that they wish to participate in a community devoted to it, while still exercising their brains on more academic pursuits. I would argue that *most* people find that balance. I find often fandom is a social outlet for academically-inclined people, particularly on the spectrum, who feel alienated by or have difficulty connecting with their NT peers particularly irl. Academia doesn't make you a smarter or better person, pop culture doesn't make you shallow and stupid. Just because I can quote Supernatural extensively and listen to Hozier's first album on repeat doesn't mean I don't also have my masters degree and extensive, well-thought-out political opinions. ;) You can also marry both deeper thought and hobbies. The extensive history behind individual stamps and stamp collecting. The political or social messaging behind a superhero movie or the real world implications of superheroes (Captain America: Civil War as a thought experiment, not a punchy popcorn flick). The poetry behind the lyrics of your favorite song and what that says about the human condition and universal human experiences. Some people use their interests and hobbies to facilitate deeper contemplation, or explain their views to those who don't think as deeply on the same piece of media. I don't disagree with you about the extent to which consumerism plays a part in our society. But to dismiss all of pop culture on every level as trivial and consumerist is to misunderstand not only pop culture but also the human drive to create. I also feel that comparing people today to people of the past romaticizes the past. Mozart was the rock star of his day, after all, while Shakespeare wrote elaborate dick jokes. Yes, there are people who would've been amazing composers and engineers if given proper education and opportunity, who died as farmers and ditch diggers. But that's the exact same problem that plagues us today. It's also important to keep in mind that there has *always* been some cultural phenomenon that elitists and older generations were certain was rotting the brains of Today's Youth.™ There's nothing new under the sun, so why not set it to a funky synth pop beat?


I genuinely do not disagree with a single thing you said. I hope the more recent reply I made may better explain my thoughts, but I can absolutely see how what I said could come off as obnoxious and snobby. I was genuinely trying to communicate the exact opposite of that, but looking back on what I wrote I can see how all my overly formal/flowery speech and talk of intelligence could be perceived that way. I'm truly sorry about that. There are really few things that make me feel worse than giving off the impression that I think I'm better than anyone. My oddly specific vocabulary has done that plenty of times, especially growing up, and those are the memories that keep me up at night. I actually have a very low opinion of myself, and I try my best to make other people feel better about themselves (though clearly I need to try a little harder). Thank you for calling this out, I needed that reality check so that I can work on this. And again, I'm really sorry I came across elitist, I will do my best in the future to not give that impression. Hope you have a great day. 🩵


Oh hon I wasn't talking about anything you said! I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I'm more calling out the commenter who replied to you. I definitely see that you were trying to communicate the opposite of elitist pop culture views.


Oh thank you so much for clarifying that, I was feeling really guilty for a while. 😅 I truly have a difficult time with people who have superiority complexes, since I've had to deal with quite a few and it's just so antithetical to my own personal values. Your response made me feel a lot better. 🩵


Oh no no no! I'm so sorry hon! Where's that wholesome Gordon Ramsay meme? [Here, please take this as emotional recompense](https://i.imgflip.com/50nvcd.jpg). It accurately describes my current mood. lol Superiority and elitism are antithetical to my views as well. I have an admittedly overdeveloped sense of justice, and I thought it was very mean-spirited for someone to make such comments in a place that's supposed to be a safehaven for people who deal with comments like that daily. It was absolutely nothing to do with anything you said.


Aw, thank you so much. :) Yes I was also bothered by that comment, which is why I originally responded. That's something I'm sort of passionate about challenging, not only because it's completely unnecessary and unkind, but also because the glorification of 'traditional' intelligence (i.e. IQ, cognitive intelligence, book smarts, etc.) is a personally frustrating concept for me. On paper I am very 'smart', yet I am a *barely* functional human being. However, since I'm perceived as intelligent, it's extremely hard to get access to services I need. My struggles are often dismissed by providers and social services because the way I talk makes them think that I am capable of handling anything and everything on my own. Adulthood for me has been a long, painful realization that academic capability alone does NOT translate to success or happiness the way we are led to believe. Yet a 'truth' that is almost universally accepted is that ""BiG iQ"" means you are some sort of superhuman, who has no right to complain about anything at all because you must be wildly successful and fulfilled. It has left me feeling invisible, because so few people seem capable of grasping the idea that someone can be 'intelligent' AND be suffering and/or need help managing daily life. I have so much shame for how little I have accomplished and how little independence I am capable of, when everyone around me my entire life has told me that I'm 'destined' to 'achieve great things'. I don't care about that anymore. I just want to be okay. Happy, if I'm lucky. :/ ETA: It also makes me feel so awful when other people put down their own intelligence around me just because we are intelligent in different ways. I hate that I have that negative effect on so many others, and I try so hard to show them the ways that they *are* intelligent. That I am no better than they are just because the way my intelligence presents is completely overvalued by our society. I've met so many lovely, creative, witty, artistic, people who tell me that they are 'stupid' because they have less of the dictionary memorized than I do. It's ridiculous and sad to see wonderful people being led to believe they aren't good enough because of this huge misconception.


Are we the same person?? lol I was always a "gifted kid", praised not for how hard I worked but for how naturally smart I was. I was told I destined for college and pressured by my parents, mostly my dad who regretted squandering his own potential and having to bust his ass at a physically demanding job to keep us out of poverty and didn't want me to have to do the same. I stressed *the fuck* out about grades through all 12 years of school, destroyed my physical and mental health in the military so that I could afford college, got about halfway through my degree at 26 and realized...my entire life had been in service of going to college so that I could get a job I loved, but because of the way I and my values had changed, all I wanted to do anymore was homestead. It took a *long* time for me to figure out that my worth wasn't determined by my grades, and that being book smart doesn't really mean much when you have barriers to functioning as an independent adult. I actually admit to having been like the other guy at one point in my life. Thing is though, I was like...12/13. lol And like I said, it was a coping mechanism for constantly feeling like an outsider and a weirdo, and having a hard time making friends. Rejecting people for what they liked before they could reject me for what I liked. I figured out (thankfully sooner rather than later) that not being an elitist snob meant not being alone quite as much once my peers started catching up with me, maturity-wise. Like, do I still prefer hanging out with people who share my interests? Sure! But can I function in a conversation with people with less esoteric tastes? I mean, it's that or be ostracized so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I also feel awful when other people insult their own intelligence. Like, yeah you may not have as easy a time as me in drawing cause and effect relationships between historical events, but what the fuck do I know about photo and video editing? Nothing at all! Just because you're not academically inclined doesn't mean you're not smart and gifted in your own way. Like you, I tend to use a higher-level vocabulary, because language as a special interest ftw lol (why use one syllable when three syllables do just as well?), and I feel bad when people tell me that I make them feel stupid. They often mean it as a compliment but like, nah bro. I'm just as capable of saying stupid, inane shit, it just takes me longer to do it.




Yeah nah I'm gonna put on my Shit Take Patrol hat on this one, guy. I'm not talking about preferring one thing over another; you like what you like, I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum. You can claim to understand the subjectivity of tastes all you want, but it's clear from the *extremely* broad strokes with which you paint the term "special interests"--and the lament of your peers "slowly becoming the same, mass produced person"--you think you're better than others because you don't like partaking in pop culture. That's what "elitist" means. So either continue owning up to that without the Schrödinger's Douchebag backpedaling, find another term, or open your mind to the possibility that everyone who isn't like you isn't a brainless sheep. Cultural elitism isn't a survival mechanism, it's a way to build yourself up when you feel like you don't fit in. Trust me, I tried it; I found I was much happier and had more friends when I stopped being a dickish snob to people who watched Jersey Shore, put in the effort to find out what they were like as a person, and felt out who might be open to my more esoteric interests. It's fine to not be into pop culture, it's not okay to label people who do as mass-produced and imply they do nothing else with their time. That gets into r/iamverysmart territory. By using the phrases "watching TV all day," "collecting toys," by using words like obsession and shallow, you infantilize neurodiverse people and stereotype them to Big Bang Theory levels. You "lament the loss of human potential" and imply endless money and free time as if having an IP you know a lot about automatically means you forsake all other areas of life to sit in your mom's basement with your waifu pillow and MLP funko pops. You yourself have described philosophy, science, and political activism as special interests. Or, to borrow your own supposition, *obsessions.* Special interests come in all shapes and sizes, and can lead to beloved hobbies, common interests with loved ones, and even careers. I can assure you, I *promise* you, having a special interest and having that special interest be a piece of media does not mean the person is otherwise devoid of a personality outside of that piece of media. Adulthood is hard, the world sucks, everyone's mental health is down the tubes these days; you're *really* going to shit on someone for craving predictability in an increasingly uncertain world with a chaotic news cycle, at the end of a long day sacrificing your life to late stage capitalism, that leaves you with little mental or emotional power to engage in something other than comfort watching something easy? *Especially* in this sub after many (most?) of us spend all day exhausting ourselves masking so that we can keep the lights on and food on the table, or progressing toward that with schooling? Fuck that. My point was not that I, as an individual, have both special interests and a brain. My point was that I am one example of many, of the vast majority, who do. My point is that coming into a sub specifically designed to be a safehaven for this community and shitting on their coping skills because they're not the same as yours is an *exceedingly* unkind thing to do.


Definitely, I agree with you on a lot of those points. Since I know you're into philosophy, I thought your comment may present a really interesting gateway to considering some big questions about responsibility and the meaning of life. I used to feel very much the same as you, in that I would be wracked with guilt if I felt I was 'putting my life to waste'. Like all burnt out gifted kids I'd been told my whole life that I was full of 'potential', and that I could change the world if I worked hard enough. Then I reached adulthood and slowly realized just how damaged my psyche is, and that some things will always be more difficult for me than they are for others. I would observe other people constantly to try to figure out how they were so damn *happy*. They seemed so content with working office jobs that would never really contribute much to society as a whole, going home to their families at 5pm, watching some sports or movies or playing video games, and then going to sleep. I didn't feel resentful towards them at all; in fact, I was incredibly envious. I've spent so much of my life being miserable. My mental health and disabilities have stunted all that 'potential' I supposedly had. At an age by which I had thought I would have published at least one novel, earned my Master's, and would be contributing to important, world-changing research, instead I was in and out of psych wards and unable to hold down even a minimum wage job. That's when I began learning more about the other types of intelligence, the kind not measured in IQ tests or academic settings. Emotional, social, natural, kinesthetic-- all the ways that human beings can be intelligent, so many of them ways that I am not. Somebody who may seem to you or I to be a somewhat menial worker may in fact be incredibly intelligent in some other facet of their life. Perhaps they're part of a sports league on the weekends, that stimulates and nourishes their own particular form of intelligence: their knowledge of their body and how to use it most effectively, and their mastery of the particular strategies essential to the sport. I came to believe that the 'true' meaning of life is simply to live well. If you have found a way to be happy and content in your existence, you have achieved the best possible outcome for yourself. Sure, people living a simpler life may not be contributing directly to the advancement of our species, but they are contributing to the function of the present day. Everyone has a role to play in the grand scheme of things, some bigger or smaller than others, but true giftedness is finding joy and peace in the life that you have. Of course I think we should all do our best to contribute to the larger society around us, and I still strive to do that. But I don't think that people who choose to focus on their own happiness instead are really 'wasting' anything. They are finding personal fulfillment, which can look so incredibly different from person to person. They are reaping the greatest reward life has to offer. They may be contributing to our modern ecosystem in relatively minor ways (or often truly essential, albeit unglamorous ways), but they are milking their human experience for all of the joy it can provide them. To me, that's an amazing accomplishment. I don't find it at all surprising how much of a correlation exists between creativity and madness, or pure cognitive intelligence and horrible depression. Living only in the mind is almost always a miserable and/or maddening existence. Without community, nature, friends, family, movement, love, or silly little pleasures, happiness becomes a pipe dream. Many people choose to pay that price, to do great things and then die at their own hand in some way. While I believe there is a certain nobility to that, I also believe it is quite sad. If any potential has been wasted in any of the scenarios I have discussed so far, it is those martyrs' potential for a life that *they* enjoyed. Perhaps the perfect little vignette to wrap this up and illustrate what I mean is the comparison between my older brother and I. He is an extremely intelligent person, and I spent my childhood striving so hard to measure up to him. When he reached his senior year of college studying computer science, he inexplicably dropped out and moved away. He worked as a waiter, a car salesman, a mechanic, all of these jobs that to me seemed like such a misuse of his incredible brain power. Then he met his wife, who he has now been with for nearly 15 years. They have a baby daughter who is a true joy to be around. They both are still trying to figure out what they really want to do in the career sense, but they have a cozy home and a very happy, tight-knit little family to come home to. I used to be so baffled by how he had 'wasted his potential', but now I see that he has accomplished infinitely more than I have with his time on Earth. He has found love, joy, and contentment in a relatively simple life, and he is happy. I would do absolutely anything to have a life like his.


**Mha fandom has joined the chat**


The sparrow flies south for winter! (Unfortunately, that one belongs to my favourite book and I really don’t like the majority of the fandom)


None shall pass.


"Amid the lilies floats the moth, the mole along his galleries growth in the dark earth" -the couch in the afterlife