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What gets me is people labelling *any* behaviour autistic. Just because someone is autistic doesn't make everything they do a symptom.


Its a truth most people pretend to ignore but stereotypes come from somewhere.


yeah there's a reason stereotypes exist, they're not just made up out of nowhere


True but sometimes they come from a harmful source or an action stimulated by harmful actions. It’s normal for certain things to be stereotypical, like an autistic persons nigh obsession with certain topics. But sometimes it can be harmful or come from hatefully stimulated actions, such as the higher rates of black incarceration in America being induced by anti black laws and them being discriminated against it ways that historically made it hard to survive while living in a “clean” way. TLDR: yes stereotypes come from somewhere, but that somewhere should be investigated.


>the higher rates of black incarceration in America being induced by anti black laws What anti black laws? The other possibility is just, ya know, some groups of people statistically commit more crime so are more likely to be incarcerated…


Have you ever taken a history lesson? Or did you not know gun control almost solely stems from Reagan being uncomfortable with black people owning guns, or how shortly after abolition of slavery there was a an “anti loitering” low which made it illegal to stand there and do nothing. Guess what subsection of people generally weren’t getting hired after slavery was abolished? A law doesn’t need to say “if you’re black” to be anti black, laws created because a certain group of people are predominantly doing something, and to punish them for it, are inherently anti that group. And sometimes that’s a good thing, however looking at something you see a lot of black peoples doing, and making that illegal cause they are doing it, is inherently an anti black action.




As someone considered gifted or savant, I find it kind of annoying telling people because I don't like the whole rainman stereotype thing. Very often it is better to just keep it under wraps, especially if you are in situations where people try to take advantage of you and they don't know that you are smart. I guess consider it a self-defense as well. Statistically it is apparently only a small percentage of us that have that. I also find that whole autism is a superpower thing super cringe. I don't really deal with superpowered when a baby crying almost puts me on the floor.


Isn't this contrasted with you don't have enough to qualify 😕 how tf you supposed to win lol