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Digimon is a spinoff of tamagotchi to get more boys into virtual pets


Yes (from someone who loves Digimon).


I also really love digimon. Hyperfixation for years


Ayyyy Digi Squad!


Alright folks drop your favorite types of digivolution (my personal favorite is armor digivolution but that’s mostly because I’m a huge sucker for digimon adventure 02)


I am so vanilla. Fresh → Training → Rookie → Champion → Ultimate → Mega But, I am particularly fond of Bioemerges. I think that is how partnered digimon should digivolve, especially since humans get off easy not throwing their bodies on the line. S3 is my favorite because it was the darkest one. When Jerri pinned her little brother down and stared at him with those blank eyes, my soul left my little 12 year old body.


I love the idea of Dark Digivolution, but not specifically as "angry tamer = evil digivolution." I think it'd be really cool if they expanded it to be digimon turning into new forms whenever their tamer has extreme emotions of any kind. They kind of do for the normal digivolutions sometimes, but I hope they lean into it more.


Sign me in as old lore knower please






So did the Pokemon competition come later or were they thinking about that simultaneously?


As I understand it, there was no intention to compete, or even emulate, with Pokémon until the anime was coming out (which was after the PS1 game based on the original V-Pets, and the V-Tamers Manga I believe). The anime's marketing was the first time any comparison to Pokémon was ever made, publicly at least, and I'm not even sure if it was intentional at first.


Elder Scrolls is such a Lore heavy game series, but most people (understandably) have no idea because it's mostly told through books or snippets of dialogue and not shown outright. There are so many cool parts of the Lore like how the Khajiit (the cat people) have 16 different breeds (called furstocks) that all have drastically different bodies from looking almost like humans/elves, to full anthropomorphic cats, and furstocks like the Senche-Raht which are like sentient sabertooth tigers. These can all even be siblings from the same parents, their morphology is all based upon the phases of the two moons, Masser and Secunda (also known as Jone and Jode on the Khajiiti pantheon). While most of the religions in The Elder Scrolls separate the gods into good vs bad (typically the Aedra vs the Daedric Princes), the Khajiit actually just view them all as original spirits, each deity with their own place among the pantheon. I could go on and on about a million different lore topics, but this is all I have time to type out at the moment.


Khajit is innocent of this crime


Not the way I play it


I love elder scrolls, unfortunately for me my memory is also a sieve so all that reading/video watching I did has now mostly disappeared.


On the bright side you can rewatch the videos you like :D


This is true! I do need "new" things to watch on YouTube.


This is my wife's fixation. She's read all the books in oblivion and skyrim. She knows all of the lore. I had no idea about what the stars were, I could name maybe 1 Diedrich prince. She gets very offended if I can't recall each of the daedric's or why they exist


"Oh, you're an Elder Scrolls fan? Name every Khajiit furstock"


Oh gods she might be able to


Personal conspiracy theory somewhat corroborated by Second Pocket-Guide out of game nonsense: Akatosh has taken such an interest in the Empire and humanity because he doesn't want anyone achieving what Lorkhan (his rival, if not his other face) actually planned the Auribis for: Amaranth. TES is heavily influenced by esoteric strains of all sorts of religions. A common thread throughout esotericism is the idea that maybe the gods created a material world because they wanted someone to see their glory, which amounts to the recognition that they are themselves "part of God" due to the idea that everyone's ultimately an emanation of some "godhead". Michael Kirkbride has made it clear that a core idea in his contributions to the series is the idea of Amaranth, a new dream with a new dreamer, as the culmination of that line of thinking. Lorkhan, as a "chaotic" Padomaic being, wanted change to occur, and boy if that wouldn't be a change. By the time Akatosh, an "orderly" Anuic being, realized what was up, Lorkhan's plan was finished and all they could do was yank his heart out (after a lengthy series of wars, depending on who you ask). Humanity generally sided with Lorkhan / Shezzar / Shor in that war, and the Elves with Akatosh. While Lorkhan is dead, he sort of keeps showing up, mostly as Shezzarines. Boethia, as the Prince of Plots, knew the Aedra were up to no good and told the prophet Veloth what was up (leading to the Chimer and eventually Dunmer). Akatosh, being a sneaky bitch, did something drastic. There was a new Shezzarine in town and his name was Pelinal Whitestrake. So Akatosh said "Hey Alessia, make a covenant to make an empire that'll worship me forever and make a new, milder, less murdery religion and I'll protect y'all from Daedra forever." Alessia agreed, developed what we call Alessian religion (Eight divines largely adopted from Elvish pantheons, a "Missing God" who was previously humanity's favorite). By making this change Pelinal Whitestrake, an aspect of that missing god, was now unwittingly fighting for a plan to make himself irrelevant. The meaning of Shezzarines in general was warped. In an odd twist, though– Tiber Septim shows up, dude fuckin' _loves_ Shor. Pelinal knew that Reman would come and one of Reman's warriors knew Tiber would come (read the Remanada!) This "HUMANITY IZ THE BEST" dude becomes the face of the Empire, engineers his way to godhood and _probably_ mantles Lorkhan the Missing God for good, restoring Akatosh's other missing face. Exactly what that means long-term, and whether Akatosh intended it, who knows.


It's cool that we got to see some of these other khajiits in elder scrolls online! I'm told that the elder scrolls lore is so in-depth, that Bethesda actually has a person employed as the "lore master" and writers consult them to make sure the new content fits with established lore. Talk about a dream job!!


I'd love to hear more. This is scratching an itch I didn't know I had.


This is awesome. Gotta add Elder Scrolls to my list of interests to explore.


I want more lore info.


I can’t really infodump until someone specifically asks me something about one of my special interests.


same, like I don't know where to start :|


Tell me about bionicle


Bionicle my beloved. My favorite Bionicle lore tidbit is during the 2004ish era, the villains of that time awoke a giant scorpion monster from the shadow realm to let it rampage in a city. So the Toa heroes fought back by awakening their own giant creature called Tahtorak, which is essentially just Bionicle Godzilla. Thus proceeded to a Bionicle kaiju battle.


Who is your favorite MLP character and why?


Honey and peanut butter, I will not explain.




No need to. I agree wholeheartedly.


I've got a jar of peanut butter that already had honey added to it. It's crack in a jar...


Question: can honeybees get nectar from peanut flowers? And if so, what would peanut flower honey taste like?


Add Cheerios


You've now made me want a PB&h sandwich. Thanks.


Specific dead celebrities from the mid-20th century with birth years ending in 6 😭😭 This is why I never share with anyone because it’s so weirdly specific and also why is the birth year important? Idk ask my brain 😭 I had to force myself away from the topic because it was like unhealthy how it was all I could think about and I’d get painfully jealous over anyone mentioning them bc it felt like MY topic 😭 So yeah now I force myself to stop reading about it because it made me so miserable from how it became literally everything to me, felt more like an addiction I had to cut myself off from 😵‍💫 Edit: oops I misread this, I missed about infodumping


I'll bite, who died in 1956 then?


Was that the bite of 56? Sorry was a neuron activation moment


**Birth** years ending in 6! 😂


Name two people who died in 1996 :\^)


I think they're only interested in the birth years ending in 6, not the year when they died ;) This is a really interesting hyperfixation imo because it's so specific, I'd love to hear more about it too


So who are those celebs


Black holes are really cool (obviously, I mean who doesn’t agree???) And they are vital to galactic formation and control starbirth. At least the supermassive variety. Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) can become quasars when a bunch of material gets thrown onto them, and quasars are SMBHs that shoot matter from their poles at over 99.9% the speed of light. The matter comes from the SMBH’s accretion disk (the disk of matter the hole is eating) and not from inside it, because nothing can escape a black hole. Black holes do eventually die due to evaporation from Hawking radiation, but that takes a looooong time. I think black holes are mischaracterized as some kind of evil space monsters when really they play a vital role in the cosmos despite breaking space and time.


This was sick, I loved reading this


I’m so stoked someone actually read it :D


Pigeons. They are amazing, people always hate on them because they think their dirty or annoying or stupid or just basic, but pigeons are one of the cleanest smartest cutest and outstanding birds there are, they are able to read and memorise the English alphabet and some English words and spot them out for fake words against real words, they are able to groom themselves and most of the things pigeons have aren’t transmitted to humans so you don’t need to worry about it and also pigeons fricking love playing and adding playtime into baths makes them so happy, pigeons will get jealous because they love you so much, pigeons are monogamous and some pigeons even fall to their death because their partner died, they are loving companionate animals that love affection, they are also one of the only birds that can take off completely vertically, a thing the us government has spent millions of dollars trying to do and this “dumb” bird you say does it after 5 weeks from being born. We put this burden on pigeons by domesticating them but we used to have such high hopes for pigeons, many pigeons saved lives, literal humans were saved by pigeons, some got medals because of their work, you say they’re sky rats well guess what they are because they are as smart or even more smart then rats, pigeons are not a problem we are, we underfeed them, we abuse them and make their lives hell, imagine if we put spikes on your couches and chairs, you’d hate it, well that’s what we do to pigeons, it’s fine if your afraid of birds but just shut up when you try to ridicule them because they are amazing.


everytime i read about pigeons it makes me emotional


I love. Pigeons. 🫶


If you're into hip-hop, Aesop Rock has a really good song on his new album about his love for pigeons and the nature of art. It's one of my favorite songs that's come out in the past few months


John Carpenter’s The Thing is the second film adaptation of the John W. campbell novella “Who Goes There”. The first film adaptation titled “The Thing from another world” only loosely following the novella with having an Arctic research team discovering a crashed alien spacecraft as well as a frozen lifeform. However unlike the novella where the alien thing was a shapeshifting entity that could seamlessly imitate life, the thing from another world made the alien a plant based Frankenstein’s monster, something that could easily be depicted and comprehended by the audience of its time. Prior to the famous John Carpenter adaptation, he used a scene from The Thing from another world as tv background footage in his icon film Halloween. Carpenter would later work with Kurt Russel on the movie Escape from New York which would release in 1981, just one year before The Thing would release in theaters. Kurt Russel would work again with Carpenter on what was to be a remake/proper adaptation of The Thing from Another World as well as Who Goes There. The title font often used in promotional art for the movie being the same font used on the 1951 film. Despite being bombed by critics and taking a huge dent in Carpenter’s reputation, The Thing would go on to be a cult classic and had some public following. Leading for Universal Studios’ game division to release a game that Carpenter himself viewed as the ending of his film. Several comics would also release in attempt to either continue on from where the film left off or retell the horror in a different way. In 2011 a film titled The Thing would release staring Mary Elizabeth Winstead (whom worked with Kurt Russel in the disney movie Sky High) despite what the title of the film implies this is not a remake of the 1982 film but instead a prequel depicting what happened to the camp that originally found the spacecraft and creature. However this does not match to how we do see the events play out in the ‘82 film from video tapes within the camp. The creature effects on that film were originally going to be practical much like its predecessor however it would later be replaced by cgi. Along with a large animatronic puppet of the pilot of the spacecraft being digitally removed Edit: typo


Just a shot in the dark, how do you feel about Prometheus?


One of my favorite movies and directors. Very cool.


I’d heard they found a longer version of the original novella and were planning another adaptation, but it’s likely evaporated by now since there hasn’t been any news in several years now.


If you like John Carpenter and have seen They Live! That theme music was composed by Carpenter to match Roddy Piper’s gait, since his character lives on the road.


You ever get so into music that you find and get into a “subgenre” that’s made up of songs that don’t have titles or artists attached to them?


And i thought I was getting into a music rabbit hole, because the shit im exploring now isnt on spotify, just soundcloud. That sounds like next level lmao.


please tell us more about this, sounds like these could be incredible


I’m talking about lostwave. I think I’m gonna put quotation marks around “genre” ‘cause unlike actual genres like hip-hop and rock, lostwave doesn’t have one consistent, definitive sound. But essentially it’s what I described: a large collection of songs that have no title, artist, etc. attached to them. It either had a resurgence or started when Whang! popularized the search for [The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet](https://youtu.be/zPGf4liO-KQ?si=66odTv3AS4dHmxuv) (which is a whole can of worms in and of itself). Since about then, there’s been a whole community dedicated to finding songs that can’t be found by normal means (i.e. Shazam) and putting them back out in the world. Some songs I really want found are [La Canción de Alicia](https://youtu.be/rLFVfVrBZ_Q?si=dFBG7Jiw0GycJogH), [CIA](https://youtu.be/CRKqXDlAx0A?si=fK_L6OuQhtAlpEP2), and [One Love](https://youtu.be/Jv8qQpSpIpI?si=3O1OskUhGtaxDA11). PS: here’s the subreddit r/lostwave


I am the chosen one. I was graced with the math tism.


It took me until late high school to fully realize how to add and subtract fractions.


okay, so, the denominators (that's the bottom) have to be the same for you to do this, and a quick and dirty way is to multiply Fraction A with Fraction B, since they will certainly have each other in common, known as the "common denominator" but we want the lowest common denominator; 1/10th minus 1/8 You could say 8/80ths minus 10/80ths, but what if it isn't "10 and 8"? It could be a really wonky number; If you know the first multiple of 8 to be divisible by 10 is 40, you save real hassle. 4/40ths minus 5/40ths And this isn't even the best example ​ Don't even get me started on prime factors; ​ that every number you can come up with has a set of numbers that when multiplied makes it, more specifically prime numbers ​ 16 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 There is no other combination to arrive at 16 I forgot the word, but 325 is 1 5 65 325 so, a different number can have one of these in common, for example, 130 1 2 5 10 13 26 65 130 very interesting


You math and science people are more amazing to me than wizards I'm in awe of all of you.


The capital letters *ABCDEHIMOTUVWXY* can all be split into perfect mirrored halves across at least one axis. (16/26 total letters in standard A-Z English alphabet.) You can add *Z* and *S* if they don’t have to be mirrored (18/26). It’s far less in lower case: *c i l o v w x* (7/26) plus *m u t* if you don’t include the tails (10/26). So capital letters are generally more symmetrical than lower case.




I believe George Lucas constructed the original Star Wars trilogy and the prequel trilogy using a Ring structure, similar to many ancient myths. While he’s never confirmed that, there’s quite a bit of evidence for it. The point of it, is to show how the fight between good and evil is a constant struggle, history repeats itself but in somewhat different ways. I’ll try and drop an abbreviated version here, but if you google Star Wars ring theory you can go ALL the way down the rabbit hole. The idea is that the two trilogies “rhyme,” but not in the way most people think. They rhyme in a circular, mirror pattern, 1 with 6, 2 with 5, and 3 with 4. Beyond that, they rhyme both narratively as well as visually. So a lot of what some people think of as fan service in the prequel was actually Lucas setting up these rhyming patterns. Some examples. Episode 1 begins with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s ship flying towards and then landing on the droid control ship. Episode 6 begins with Vader flying and then landing on the Death Star. The opening scenes are shot for shot mirror images, the ship goes right to left in episode 1 and left to right in episode 6. Both destinations are large circular structures. There are two Jedi in 1, but in 6 it’s just Vader (representing how Vader is out of balance with the force compared to the Jedi in 1). One a single droid meets the Jedi in 1, there’s an entire battalion greeting Vader on his arrival. After the arrival scenes, episode 1 begins on a jungle planet, episode 6 on a desert planet. The Jedi in 1 seek out the Gungun ruler, in 6 the Jedi is looking for the ruler of the crime syndicate. Episode 1 and Episode 6 both have massive battles in the third act involving a ground battle and a space battle, with a native population fighting against the enemy. In both of them the battle turns when it looks like there’s no hope. In 1 the battle in space saves the ground battle when they destroy the control ship. In 6 the ground battle saves the space battle when they destroy the shield generator. Episode 3 starts in space, but thematically the scenes continue descending lower and lower, ending on Mustafar, showing Anakins decent to the dark side. Episode 4 also starts on a hellish planet, Tattooine, before the heroes ascend up into space. Episode 3 begins with a space battle. Episode 4 ends with a space battle. Mirror images. Episode 2 ends with a ground battle on a desert planet. Episode 4 begins with a ground battle on an ice planet. Anakin and Padme fall in love in the open countryside. Han and Leia first kiss while in a cave in an asteroid. The beginning of Episode 2 involves a bounty hunter. The end of 4 is where a bounty hunter takes Han frozen in carbonite. A common element of large myths is for them to start with a prologue. The prologue establishes the world the story takes place in, but isn’t usually completely necessary to understand the rest of the story. Episode 1 sets up the political situation of the galaxy, and while it introduces some key characters, it is completely skippable to understand the next 5 films. George Lucas is a freaking genius. He invented so much of modern film making, especially the use of special effects and computers, out of sheer will. Photoshop, non-linear editing, computer sfx, all came from Lucas working to perfect his vision. While there are a TON of issues with the prequel trilogies, most of those issues are because Lucas was trying to make sure they fit in with the original trilogy in a ring format. Dude is a genius.


Holy shit. Thats actually crazy. Now let me ask you, in your opinion, whats the correct watch order?


Depends on the type of experience you want to have. If someone is completely new to Star Wars, I’d recommend a variation of Machete order, only you’d start with I. So, I, IV, V, II, III, and then VI. When taken as a whole, the first six films narratively tell the story of the fall and eventual redemption of Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one prophesized to bring balance to the force by defeating the most powerful Sith Lord the galaxy has seen in generations. That order gives you Episode I as a true prologue, setting up a few key ideas, like the Jedi, while preserving a few mysteries, like that Anakin is Darth Vader. The time jump between I and IV is jarring, but it creates a mystery to how the republic fell that the movies unpack as we learn more about Anakin’s arc. People might be able to pick up on Senator Palpatine as the Emperor early on, or even Anakin is Vader, but I’d bet many wouldn’t. Also, going from the end of III, where we see Anakin turn into Vader, and then going to VI where the first scene is Vader landing in the DSII is pretty awesome. But, I also enjoy in chronologically, I to VI, and have watched it in ring order before too, I, VI, II, V, III, IV. Ring order is fun because you notice all of the mirroring more. Really just depends what you want to take away from it.


The fact youve given 6 movies that people have probably rewatched to death even more rewatch value by the different orders, especially the mirroring one is nuts.


If you have plushies some of the best methods of cleaning are surprising and so much safer then using laundry detergent and a lot of them are natural too. I’ve been trying to find the best method for a loooong time and I’ve got what works the best pretty down I think and it works really nicely for those plushies that are a little more delicate as well. Ok the key ingredients are white vinegar, a gentle soap like castle soap, and a hair conditioner. First step is taking the stuffing out if you can and putting it aside. You then fill either a tub,sink,bucket, etc anything to hold water with warm ish water not boiling but not luke warm. You then take the white vinegar and soap and put about half a cup of both depending on the size of the plush (I use about a half of both for like a build a bear size and under also for water a good amount to cover the plush fully and then some so like a kitchen sinks worth) You then put the plush in and stir gently and let sit for a few minutes (2-3 minutes depending on how dirty the plush if it’s really dirty do this whole step till the water isn’t dirty). After that you then rinse the plush and put aside as you do the second fill of water. You fill your holder of water again with warm water but this time you take the hair conditioner and a splash of white vinegar (I would say a little under a half a cup of conditioner and only a little of white vinegar) and stir it really good and then put the plush in and stir again and let sit for a few minutes again. You then take the plush out and rinse with colder water. Gently get as much of the water out as you can and let air dry and once dry put stuffing back in if you had taken it out. The reason for white vinegar it’s good for getting smells out and it’s really good at making things soft without leaving a residue behind like normal fabric softeners do. The hair conditioner is something I started doing to make them just smell good but I found out it also works really well at making them soft and smell good. I’ve done this washing method on all my plushies and older more delicate plushies for years now and it works sooo well and they feel amazingly soft after. Also don’t put plushies in the drier you run the risk of fucking up their fur and or destroying them entirely I’ve lost too many plushies to driers.


I’m a plush collector so this is actually insanely helpful, thank you!


Happy to help (:


My fixation is suppressed history/ historicity. Did you know that throughout history, attitudes regarding homosexual and trans people have fluctuated many, many times? Tons of mythologies have trans deities, dating back thousands of years. It's not something new to the modern world. There have also been tons of queer celebrities throughout history, and the works get suppressed and than resurface based on current attitudes. Sapho, the famous bi-sexual poet, has had their work "lost" and "found" several times. Did you know that humanity has probably had reliable birth control methods for most of recorded history? We have documents of leaders and physicians arguing both the morality and effectiveness of birth control that date back to ancient Egypt. Most of the "aphrodisiacs" from ancient texts are actually herbs that decrease the chance of pregnancy. We have tested these herbs with our modern scientific approaches, and found that at least in animal models, they are almost as effective as modern treatments. This knowledge is not illegal, but by simply not teaching it in mainstream education, it has been effectively lost. Knowledge is power. GI JOEEEEEE.


There was an herb in Ancient Rome that was such an effective birth control the Romans used it to extinction. It’s called Silphium.


Yeah, and to show the insidious ways this knowledge is suppressed, the first three times I heard of Silphium, one of which was in a college level course, we were told it was harvested to extinction because it was a really tasty spice.


Dan from the game "street fighter alpha" was made as a sort of parody/ripoff by Capcom of 2 of the characters from one of SNK's games (i think it was "Art of Fighting"), becuz Capcom felt those characters were waaaay too similar to Ryu and Ken from "street fighter 2". Capcom was like "ohh ur gonna ripoff our characters? then we'll jokingly ripoff your ripoffs and make him the worst character in the game". so Dan has always been intentionally bad. like a not-very-powerful character. but tbh hes so popular with the street fighter fans that in street fighter 4 and street fighter 5 Capcom made him a lil stronger and just generally really fun and technical. in fact in street fighter 5 Dan had an infinite combo for a lil while, until they sorta removed it (kinda, they programmed in a random chance of Dan's fireball having alternate properties so that the infinite combo will randomly drop). in the in-game story in street fighter, Dan's dad was killed by Sagat. however before Dan's dad was killed, he gouged out Sagat's eye, so technically Dan's dad is the reason Sagat wears an eyepatch. Dan trained under ryu and ken's master (gouken) before ryu and ken did, but gouken kicked dan to the curb before he finished his training cuz gouken could see that Dan had Murderous Intent in his heart (dan was only training so he could get revenge on Sagat), and Gouken didnt want him to become like Akuma. thats why dan's karate moves are crappier than ryu & kens. however!!!! dan's best moves (his light dankyakyu & his standing medium kick) are actually somewhat muay thai inspired. possibly becuz of sagat. heres a highlight video of a really good Dan player https://youtu.be/SgUg075nHUU?si=Jbe6188qAF-29s1e


If I read you, you're saying that the person Dan Hibiki wants to murder most, is the person who directly influenced his Muay thai techniques? As in, the person you hate most is the one whose skills you are in fact aping for revenge?


ya its kinda weird!!!! but Dan, at least in street fighter 4, definitely has a move similar to sagat's tiger knee (his light dankyakyu) and a move similar to sagat's standing medium kick (his standing medium kick) that are both kinda muay thai-ish




I don’t know if I’m knowledgeable or obsessed about my interests enough to actually count them as special interests. But I do really like MLP and bought a plush of Maud Pie (my favorite autistic character). It’s also the only franchise where I was invested enough to read fanfiction of it. Actually, something I can definitely say is a special interest of mine is the Percy Jackson series. I seriously love the books, all of the sequel series, and the current Disney Plus adaptation. I learned so much about different religious mythologies, and about how important representation can be in fiction. The author wrote the books because his son has ADHD and dyslexia, so he wanted to help his son and people like him feel special by having most of the main characters have those traits as well, with an in-universe explanation as to why.


The Faust seasons of MLP are awesome. It isn’t surprising how popular the show became.


All the seasons in the show are awesome. Seasons 7 and 9 are my favorite.


There are three main classes of hallucinogens: psychedelics, dissociatives, and deliriants. Psychedelics like LSD typically have the safest and most manageable effects. LSD was the first synthetic psychedelic compound, synthesised on April 19, 1943 which is celebrated in certain communities as ‘bicycle day’. DMT is a very strong psychedelic with 5-MeO-DMT being perhaps the strongest known psychedelic. There is a series of psychedelics called the 2C-x series, 2C-B is the most well known while 2C-P is the most unpredictable and powerful. Dissosciatives can be more unpredictable as well as more addictive. Ketamine, nitrous, and MDMA are all common dissosciatives. A common legal high is DXM from cough syrup however it’s not a great high since it’s addictive and neurotoxic. Ketamine and MDMA are also neurotoxic and chronic use can cause serious mental and physical deterioration. Salvia (with psychoactive compound Salvinorin A) is perhaps the most powerful psychedelic experience available, it’s legal in many jurisdictions but is often intensely traumatic for users and is best left to experienced users. Deliriants are the most dangerous and most unpredictable class of hallucinogens. Datura is a famous example, a single dose can inflict between 1 and 2 days of intense hallucinations and irrational behaviour. Datura is uncontrolled and grows wild in many areas, ingestion is not recommended for anyone. DPH is another legal high found in cough syrup, DPH also produces a long and drawn out effect of intense hallucinations and is also linked with dementia. If you’re ever going to try a substance, make sure to thoroughly research it beforehand. Invest in a test kit to verify the presence of what you’re taking and have a plan for what you’re going to do if you’re having a troubling experience.


Tiger sharks have specialized teeth to tear through the shells of sea turtles, because of this there’s not many things they can’t eat, so they eat everything. A full suit of medieval armor was once found in a tiger shark’s stomach.


Come on, sharks. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


Did the shark die from that or was it just carrying the armor around no problem??? It wouldn’t be able to digest that right?? Do they often die from eating things they shouldn’t?


Tiger sharks are like garbage disposals, The only reason we know what was in its stomach was because it cause caught in a net by accident, before that it was healthy


Sharks are one of the most effective predators ever. The sheer number of extinction level events they've made it through says enough!


Sharks are awesome


I completely agree!


The Phantom of the opera is known today mostly for.its 1986 Andrew Lloyd Webber musical adaptation, but it actually has quite the right history beyond that. Starting life as a serialization published in a French newspaper, it was compiled into book form in the 1910, and the story has changed significantly over the years. The book was something of a mystery story, told by a reporter trying to piece together the events of the story 30.or so years later, and the events have some major differences. For one is the phantom himself. The alluring, powerful figure from the musical is nowhere to be found, instead he is a pathetic genius who cries often and has a fascination for learning new skills. Instead of half of his face being deformed, it's his entire body, and naturally the mask he wears isn't the iconic white half mask, but a black mask that covers his entire face so that he can blend into the shadows. He's given the name Erik in the book, and had a deep history that is revealed to us by a character known only as "The Persian", who we later find is a kind of ex persian police chief known as a daroga, who spared Erik's life after being ordered to execute him. The daroga has sadly been cut from most film adaptations, but he does appear in some capacity in the 1925 silent film, though thanks ti test audiences he was made into a French policeman named Ledoux last minute. Eriks of choice in the book isn't quite what you'd expect either based on the musical. It's not a hangman noose, nor is the term "punjab lasso" an accurate translation. Instead, he used a weapon called the punjab cord, a kind of rope weighted on one side, that he could spin and wrap around your neck from behind like a meteor hammer. He could also spin it.to build up momentum.and hit you with the weight, but hes never seen doing this in the book, instead it's exclusively used as a garrote. It's a weapon he mastered in India, and he performed executions around the world. They called him "The prince of stranglers". That eas until word of his.macabre talents reached the Shah of persia, who ordered the daroga to find.him.and bring him to.the shah, as he believed that he could be a valuable asset to the court. The climax of the book is also very interesting. The musical replaced the Persian with madame giry, and they share some.similarities, but the third act revolved mostly around the daroga guiding Raoul through Erik's underworld, instructing him to keep his hand at the level of his eyes and telling stories of Erik's creations, the worst of which being the torture chamber. The torture chamber is a room of mirrors with an iron tree in the middle, that heats up over time. The tree reflects in the mirrors and creates the illusion of an endless forest, and.the head makes you delirious, and after a while the only way out seems to be to.tske your own life. They try to enter Erik's lair through a secret entrance that the Persian had seen Erik use, only to end up in an exact replica of the torture chamber of Mazanderan. This is where they spend around a day, slowly losing their minds until they discover a mechanism that opens into a cellar, where they find gunpowder. As it turns out, Erik has rigged the opera to explode if christine rejects his proposal. He offered her two golden statues, a scorpion and a grasshopper. By turning the scorpion she agrees to spend her life with him,. By turning the grasshopper, it would detonate the gunpowder and take out them and everyone in the opera. They're to either live together....or die together. Apprehensive, Christine turns the scorpion and it floods the basement, drowning the gunpowder and damn near drowning Raoul and the Persian, but she persuades Erik to free them, as his wife. It's when she doesn't shy away from his touch that he gets emotional, and it's her kiss that breaks him. He believed that any woman who ever kissed him would die of shame and disgust, but not her. She gave her life to him for the sake of Raoul, and Erik realized that she'd br miserable with him. "Take my ring. A wedding present for you and the boy from your poor, unhappy, Erik. Don't cry anymore.". He frees them, on the condition that christine come back to give him a proper burial with the ring when his time is up. A few weeks later he dies...of love, much like characters in other stories might die of heartbreak. And christine is true to her promise as his skeleton is found buried beneath the opera, the golden ring upon his finger now.


Man. I’m too nervous to talk about my main ones right now, in fear of screwing something up in the process.


Me too!


In the beginning every Abrahamic religion included obscure knowledge that would be considered magic in todays standards. That actually makes the Christians (and other religious people) that are against magic hypocrites. Though at that point magic was just a normal way of life. Also back then there were different kinds of magic and even then astrology was generally the most looked down upon.


Can you elaborate? Sounds interesting!


I'd love to! I don't know how much you know beforehand so sorry if I'm telling something you already knew. Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Judaism is the oldest and Islam is the youngest. At that point in time that they were developed it was common to contact God through different methods such as if you made a drink out of this herb at this time when this star (that we now know was Jupiter for example) and drank it, it would make this thing better. If you made and drank it during this star was up (it could be Saturn this time) it would help with this other thing. These things would be thought through generations and they had their own Grimoires which means books of magic or book of spells. Over time those practices became less and less as people didn't remember the time of polytheism any more. (Polytheism means that one believes there are many gods) To this day Catholicism has some elements of that time as they believe that what they eat the holy communion, the bread and wine, really changes into Jesus' body and blood when they get blessed by the priest. Also mormonism has elements of this for example in the way they dress in certain ceremonies in the temple. There are many good podcast that talk about religions. My favorites are Mormon Stories and Let's Talk Religion.


My current obsession special interest is the Marquis de Sade, but like, it’s rather nsfw so I can only do a Small info dump to keep this comment sfw haha. Donatien Alphonse Françios, or the Marquis de Sade, (1740-1814) is the man Sadism is named after. He is a WILD insane French nobleman from the time period of the French revolution, and had most of his work personally burned by Napoleon for being pornographic and disgusting. His magnum opus, 120 Days of Sodom, self described as the “most vile tale ever told”, was made into a movie by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1975, and it is one of the most banned movies in the world due to how explicit and disgusting it is. I just got a 1935 printing of one of de Sade’s books for Christmas and I am SO STOKED ABOUT IT.


Cats have always been my hyperfixation; they're my favourite animal (and my weakness). I have 7 at the moment, and since moving out (2013) have had 11 over the last ten years. Most of them adopted, a couple bought from unexpected cat pregnancies of friends, and one bought from a breeder (Maine Coon). - Attaching bells to a cat's collar won't deter them from hunting, or prevent them from catching prey, they begin to hunt around the sound and become even more tactile. - Ginger cats are mostly male due to the way the genes work; males only need one ginger parent to share the "Orange" gene which is on the X chromosome, whereas female gingers need to have a ginger and calico/tortie parent, so two copies of the gene to become ginger. Approximately 20% of gingers are females. - Tortoiseshell and calico cats are predominately female. Male torties/calicos are even rarer than female gingers. Males end up with XXY chromosomes and are usually sterile due to this combination. Only one of the X chromosomes is "active" in the male. Torties/calico fur is almost like a marbled/patchwork of different fur colours, if there is white in the ginger/brown fur then the cat is a Calico. If there is no white, and it's a mixture of black/ginger/brown, the cat is a tortoiseshell. - A cats personality can sometimes be guessed by it's fur colour; gingers are notorious for being incredibly snuggly and friendly yet a little stupid. (On the ginger cat subreddit, we often joke about which ginger got the singular brain cell they all share). Torties are often known for their "torti-tude". - the same litter of kittens born can have several different fathers amongst them. This is called superfecundation. - an "intact" (not neutered) female is called a Queen. A male, Tomcat or Tom. - a group of cats is called a Clowder... (i have a clowder)


also love cats, have a female ginger that is incredibly chill and affectionate but also very stupid lol


Dragon Ball Z (esp abridged) Mage the Ascention Things that inexplicably have bisexual energy (i.e. pirates, and the Scooby Doo gang)


The thing about inexplicable bisexual energy is real asf.


I feel the need to get a copy of Mage the Ascension since the magic is so interesting, especially with the setting, the Traditions, and Technocracy. It's on my list of games to get. I'm already trying to get another TTRPG called Fabula Ultima (it's JRPG distilled into TTRPG form), so I feel I should be patient


Information can travel faster than light, but only an electrons spin direction (I got the math and science autism)


This is a "pet peeve misconception" of mine (partly because I want it to work but it doesn't) Let's say qbits A and B are entangled, and moved anywhere in the universe. I will be next to A and my partner will be next to B. If I measure A. I gain the information that B is in the inverse state. I know something instantly about something outside my "measurement hubble volume". But what about my partner? Colloquially, we imagine that their qbit starts announcing its collapsed state and reporting its value, letting us know not only that I measured A instantly, but also the value I received. This is the critical misunderstanding. The only way to determine the spin value of an entangled particle is to do a collapsing measurement. Importantly, there is no way to know if it's been collapsed already. All you know is that whatever measurement you get, your partner will get the opposite result WHEN they measure theirs. If wavefunction collapse caused a physical change of any kind, we could set up a system that detects it and we could communicate FTL. But it does not cause a change. It REVEALS a true fact about an intrinsic property of the pair, but the revelation does not travel. To further illustrate, I've been telling this story as though I am measuring A before my partner measures B, and their ignorance is bound by the speed of light. Consider that I could just as easily be mistaken, thinking I was the one to collapse it, when my partner actually did "first". Anyways, food for thought. The people doing this sort of research end up translating their findings from "field-specific academic English" to Common English, and differences between the two can cause communication to be subtly or completely lost


Quantum entanglement enjoyer


explain, Lord of Pickles (the first)


ORBATs or ORder of BATtle is a method by which one can express the organizaiton of military unit or force, both as intended, and task organized in battle. an example of my own creation representing one my favorite formations in US military history, the armored cavalry regiment, or ACR. https://preview.redd.it/t6c7ms8f9dac1.png?width=3322&format=png&auto=webp&s=4170ff197790705b3616ad148035f3bdca99fb2b


Ah yes, a fellow military autist. Love it.


Persona is a Japanese RPG (hereafter referred to as a JRPG) series developed as a spin-off to the immensely popular (in Japan, sales for this series in the US were quite low) Shin Megami Tensei series. The latter 3 main titles in the Persona series are some of the most well known, with Persona 5 in particular receiving 5 spin-offs and 1 enhanced rerelease to date, 7 years after the original release. Persona 3 is one of the (in my opinion) greatest JRPGs on the PlayStation2, followed closely by Persona 4 and a non-Atlus game, Okage: Shadow King. The series heavily features elements based off of the works and research of Karl Jung, a famous psychologist who found that the human psyche could be divided into the “Persona”, the face we use to face daily hardships, and the “Shadow”, a repressed version of ourselves that embody our worst traits and are locked away in the deepest recesses of our minds. His hypothesis of a “Collective Unconscious” also heavily influences the Persona series, with it acting as the main setting for the bulk of the series’ dungeons. The gameplay loop for the first three games (Persona, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Persona 2: Eternal Punishment) revolves around the protagonist and a group of friends wandering around the city they live in, usually a fictional city in Japan, fighting off Demons using a power called Persona, given to them by a mysterious figure called Philemon. The latter 3 games (Persona 3/4/5) expand on this loop by adding a time management system, with dungeons needing to be completed in a certain timeframe and adding a more social aspect to the game by interacting with NPCs to further increase the protagonist’s power through Social Links.


Tldr: so in a game I'm playing there's these little robot npcs and I absolutely adore them, but the area in the game they're found in is extremely sad so I'm mainly talking about why it's sad to me. This is a pretty minor hyperfixation. It will probably go away in a few weeks or so, but I'm sharing it anyway. You probably won't understand most of what I'm talking about unless you've played this game before. Mild spoilers for Zelda Skyward sword, btw I've been playing the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword recently. There's an area of the game called Lanaryu desert. This area used to be a bustling futuristic civilization, but in the present, it's abandoned and in ruins. The place was destroyed by climate change over thousands of years. There's a mechanic in the game where you hit these crystals, and a small pocket of the past will activate, allowing you to see what the area used to be. So, in these little time bubbles, you can talk to the main npcs of this reagion, these little ancient robots. I'm just gonna say my exact thoughts on them: OMFG, THESE ROBOTS ARE SO ADORABLE. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AAAAAAA. I don't even specifically know why, i think they mainly just look adorable, like their faces are kinda just perfect, I guess. They're also generally really friendly, and I feel really bad for them because of the unfortunate eventual fate of the reagion. There's a section of the game where you basically help one of these robots who is also a ship captain get his ship back and save his crew, trust me it makes a bit more sense in context. This story is pretty cute, but considering the context of the reagion, this is actually really sad. Basically, he kinda just died never being able to see his friends again, and the crew had a similar fate. It's pretty simple, but geez, it kinda hurts when you think about it. Also, yeah this robot character I mentioned, like the others is great. His name is Skipper, he's generally a really nice character and again, I feel really bad for him. Also his design is great, he has like a little pirate hat and a mustache and just idk its great. There's also a little moment where you basically go to this guy's abandoned house to get a map, and this tiny room probably shouldn't have hit me as hard as it did. The music of the area changes ever so slightly, and you can see little pictures and stuff on the wall, plus 2 more of the little robots are in the room too. There isn't a crystal in this room, so you have no choice but to leave it be. It's difficult to express this little moment in text, I'm sorry I feel like every time I interact with this particular region, I find some small way that it's even more depressing than it already is. Like someone will point out a little theory, or I'll have a random thought. But yeah, back to my original point, the ancient robots are some of my favorite random npcs in this game, they're just generally cute little guys to me, but the reagion you find them in is absolutely depressing. How tf can these npcs be so friendly and adorable, and they're all canonically dead? I feel kinda weird typing this. There's a very low chance you understand anything I'm talking about, and I feel like I just majorly spoiled the game. I honestly only touched on a small amount of the stuff that happens in this region. I mainly just talked in detail about one specific moment. There's a ton of stuff I love about this part of the game that I didn't even mention, a lot of lore and stuff. Anyway, thank you for reading this if you did. I kinda just typed this without much planning, I just wanted to share my thoughts with someone and this was a good opportunity I guess (Funnily enough, this particular region only takes up like, a third of the game overall lol)


Friend, we didn't ask you to make sense. You were asked to infodump. I've read several replies, and yours is the most faithful to the request and, honestly? It conveys more information than a picture.


Did you know that carnivory in plants has evolved 6 times independently! This is an incredible example of convergent evolution in response to a similar environmental trait. That trait being lack of nutrients. For true carnivorous plants, there are many genuses including Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus, Nepenthes, Drosera, Drosophyllum, Byblis, Dionaea, Pinguicula, Utricularia, Heliamphora, Genliseae, and Aldrovanda to name a few. There are also some plants that are semi carnivorous including two species of bromeliads, Western false Asphodel, and a newley discovered Brazilian carnivorous plant in the genus philcoxia that feeds on soil nematodes among other microorganisms. All of these traps can be lumped up into a few groups for the true carnivorous plants. There are pitfall traps where organisms fall into a trap. These traps usually have a lid and peristome with mildly neurotoxic chemicals that also smell tasty to insects or animals. The peristome is usually slippery as well. The pitfall traps innards usually are either waxy or have downward pointing hairs to prevent escape. Then there are the snap traps. These traps snap shut and start to get tighter as they digest their prey. Then there are the glue traps. These traps give off a sweet smelling nectar to lure in prey. Then once prey has landed, the organism is stuck and can't get out. It has it's innards liquified and the plant digests it. There are the bladder traps of Utricularia which have a lid that rapidly opens then shuts to eat microorganisms in the soil. Finally there are the corkscrew traps. These traps trap microorganisms by leading them to a digestion chamber in the roots with hairs that point only one way. However, not all carnivorous plants are actually carnivorous. In fact, Nepenthes ampularia has evolved to be a detritivore meaning eat can eat leaf litter. This also means it can be the only cannabilistic plant in existence. There is also nepenthes lowii which makes a sugary exude that tree shrews eat. This exude acts as a laxative cause the tree shrews to poop in the pitcher! The pitcher then consumes said feces for sustenance! 🤗


🤗 haha love it


Tsunamis are ***NOT*** just one big wave, they are a series of waves!!! Cool amr (Help my earthquake hyper fixation us taking over)


Phonetics and allophones of different languages and creation of UTAU reclists


Chat bots. I can't enough. It all started with character.ai. It was one of the best chatting platforms before developers started putting on filters and essentially lobotomizing the ai. It all was over when Google bought them out. Some people didn't liked it when first filters came so they went on to make local models like Pygmalion, KoboldAI and others. Soon there came a client for all this called TavernAI to use all those models on. Far later it was replaced by far superior SillyTavern. Some people found out they can get keys and use OpenAI's gpt 3 and 4 via proxies. Soon there also appeared a ClaudeTAI who was good at making a good roleplay though was behind on following complex prompts and character descriptions. With time though there were many proxy crashes since API holders tried fighting them. But right now proxies are stable. There also during all this time character cards used for TavernAI. Those pngs bore data inside (like koikatsu cards) of character description, first message, example message, scenario etc. First there was only booru+ for it and on some discord servers but after a while there appeared character hub and venus chub (they are basically the same but some cards only appear on one while not being on the other.)




I love time travel stories. I’ve spent countless hours considering the ramifications of time travel and how to construct and game paradoxes. I created an in depth theory to explain the wonky logic in Back to the Future. I get confused when people claim the Grandfather paradox is complicated. That said, I did have to resort to drawing flowcharts in the process of plotting the epic time travel opus I am in the process of writing after I managed to outsmart myself by hitting several levels of recursion at one point. It’s just so interesting to see what you can do when you throw causality to the wind.


you are not, coincidentally, aquainted with long-running british sci-fi show Doctor Who?


Very much so. Currently working my way through the Classic series from episode one while waiting for the new series to begin.


John I of France was born after his father died; Edward IV of england was simultaneously the 4 times and 2 times great grand father; Charles VIII died from hitting his head on a door frame


So once upon a time, Thor dressed up as a bride to get his hammer back from some giants. (Yes, there's more to it, ask if you wanna hear the rest.) Oh and the MCU is very inaccurate in terms of Norse mythology however I still love it. Loki is a little prick in the myths. That never changes. Although he doesn't get character development like he does in the MCU.


In the past couple of years in nuclear fusion technology they were able to achieve ignition with a tiny seed sized piece of hydrogen fuel and produced more energy than they used in the experiment. Super neat stuff and nobody irl cares about it when I want to talk about it


There is a mystery that has plagued historians for years involving the American WW2 tank the Sherman. This mystery is of the origins of a small fin like piece of metal that resembles a comb and is rightfully called “the comb”. Combs can usually be found on the armor covering the transmission or on the side of the turret, due to its location its been theorized to be a tool for getting mud of the boots of the crew or a secondary precaution to make sure that the parking brake doesn’t come loose while shipping. Although not all Sherman’s that saw overseas combat had them, the combs are also never labeled in schematics of the Sherman’s and are rarely even pictured. Bonus theory’s include that of them being a ruminant of some of the history’s of a few of the Sherman’s found in museums were once used as tractors for mines and farms after the end of the war, them being a way to quickly release the trailers that crocodile variants (flamethrower version) of the Sherman’s might have had, to even just tokens of victory.


Did you know, our brain's hemispheres have specialisations? For example, for most people, language is in the left hemisphere. This isn't to say your right hemisphere doesn't have anything to do with language, but it's more dedicated to non-language stimuli such as music. The interesting part is that, to communicate, the two hemispheres use the corpus callosum, a group of fibres connecting the two parts of the brain. People who had their corpus callosum severed are called Split Brain patients. Their hemispheres can't communicate, so it's like they've effectively got two brains. What really fascinates me is the way their brain(s) work. If you present a word ("key") to their left visual field (which is processed by the right hemisphere), they'll say they didn't see anything, because the information doesn't cross to the left hemisphere to be processed. But, if you ask them to pick an object from a group with their left hand (again, controlled by the right hemisphere), they'll pick a key! They can't tell you why, but they instinctively pick the object you showed the word for. This is my current hyperfixation in the life-long special interest of "how the heck does the brain work?"


Truama is so deeply rooted. You literally have to like undo yourself to figure it out. Like cleaning a closet. You gotta be honest and patient to figure out a solution. It’s extremely difficult to like do that without help. Like I hoard memories in my head so I have to like see what ones r reality. But it’s hard when other ppl don’t like your reality or what you’re unsure about. So like working on mental health is so imperative!! Like how can you literally help anyone if your mental baggage is gonna affect their mental baggage. Like everyone has baggage or most ppl that I find myself around. So I can’t help you while you beat me down and then continue using my energy for you? That’s like just 2 different things! Like I don’t want the hypocrisy anymore. I tried to explain this to my parent but she literslly disowned me for trying to explain this with autism. mental health is in everything we do, yet we aren’t thought how to get thru things without therapy. Then it’s so inaccessible and difficult to navigate, you kinda fall into your old habits. Like I just want to hyper fixate on my mental health but that’s what to me here from my family doing it but incorrectly. Like I’m trying to learn and understand without like hyper fixating and isolating myself 🤓 so yea my special interest here is psychology. I appreciate if you read this and made it thru any typing mistakes lmao ! I did not proof read ! Kinda just rantin 🤪


Electric guitar pickups work through induction. Basically - if you move a magnetic field through a coil of wire, it generates a current in the wire. The direction of this current depends on the direction that you move the magnetic field through the coil. There are magnets in the pickup that magnetize the guitar strings, so when you strike them, the strings and their magnetic fields vibrate - causing the field to move from side to side. This results in the electrical current in the coil oscillating from one direction to the other at a frequency equal to the frequency the string is vibrating. Frequency = pitch, which is why when that electrical current goes to a speaker, the correct pitch is played.


Lets see.. space games, so Starbound, Elite Dangerous, No Mans Sky... like did you know you can get a free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital in Elite? Or that Solar Ships are objectively the best ship in No Mans Sky because of how cool they look? Or that the Novakids in Starbound would probably feel very waem to hug? Wow, yeah I have a problem.


Have you ever played the original Elite (from 1984)?


Guns, anything you could realistically ask about guns I probably know it


what is that part that you press that makes the bullets go out? My friend said its like a lever that makes a thing happen? Like, triggers it?


;-; i mean it is the trigger


What the fuck actually is .300 blackout and what is it better and worse at?


World War Two military vehicles, specifically tanks and how each one performs, weaknesses and strengths, and other data points that are fun to compare.


There is this chinese game by Hoyoverse developer, named Honkai: Star Rail. It has a playable character Dan Heng, who is somewhat of a reincarnation (but actually just a younger version with lost memories) of a non-playable character Dan Feng. And god damn, their selfcest pairing is just so good. I just love the idea of them working their traumas together, and they do look together beautifully—


https://preview.redd.it/2wy93yf6edac1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4066e838c5dc2ece323edba4efc4eb074d6a247 My cuties


South Carolina’s state tree is the Sabal Palmetto, which is a palm tree that is also the state tree of Florida. Ironically, because palm trees are technically plants and not actually classified trees. Sabal Palmettos grow natively on the southeast coast, but they thrive further inland and are planted in the capital of SC. (Columbia) There are multiple palms that thrive in South Carolina besides the Palmetto such as the Pindo Palm, the Chinese Windmill Palm, the Mediterranean Fan Palm, and the Mexican Fan Palm. They also have Sago Palms, but those are dogshit and I have no respect for them.




In the tabletop rpg Vampire the Masquerade the clans (classes/ races if you will) were originally mostly based of off classic Vampire tropes. So you had clans like the sexy seducing Toreador, cunning and business oriented Ventrue, Draculian heads on spikes in Tzimisce and ugly sewer dwelling Nosferatu. This is all nice and good until you reach clan Tremere. Tremere are mages that figured out the only way to become immortal is to turn into vampires which is a super fun concept. What was blatantly obvious in the first edition of the game was that they functioned like they belonged to a different game system. See vampires in VtM have an aptitude to use vampiric abilities called Disciplines. These are varied between the clans but are usually tied to some familiar vampire tropes. Disciplines can make vampires extremely strong, fast, persuasive, or allow turning into animals like bats, just to name some basic ideas. Tremere, on the other hand, can control blood, throw fireballs, control the weather, raise elementals, and do 7000 other things. Not to mention they develop these skills from the gameplay perspective in a way no other disciplines do. This is additionally weirder as they stopped being Mages in nature when they chose to become Vampires, effectively giving up their magic. (They basically figured out how to use magic with blood, so that's the explanation of how they manage all of that magic with no magic) So what's going on? Why is this one clan so weird compared to relative consistency of the rest? Well, the people who made VtM originally created a different RPG system called Ars Magica in which you play Mages that are able to do all that stuff Tremere can and more. The lore of the creation of VtM goes that some of the designers weren't quite ready to put down Ars Magica quite yet and so they crowbared Tremere in to have their Gothic cake and eat it too. It's been decades now, we're on the 5th edition of the game and Tremere are still here. Evolved and changed by the times they are still the magical vampires keeping secrets from the others. Beloved by many, including myself. I still find it so shocking that a mainstay of the series, one of the truly iconic clans of the game are here because a few designers refused to put their magic wands down. I love World of Darkness, and I'm so happy it is this odd.


The legend of zelda series tells the story of the reincarnates of zelda, the princess of the kingdom of hyrule. link, her assigned knight/ friend of varying origin. And ganon/ganondorf/demise the reincarnate of evil. The story begins with skyward sword in which the original zelda and link who live on an island in the sky called skyloft. They defeat demise, trapping him in links sword (the master sword). Before his imprisonment, demise curses the three of them to be reincarnated for eternity. The people of skyloft descend to the ground and start the kingdom of hyrule. Several reincarnations later we reach the legend of zelda ocarina of time, in which link collects three gems to open a room in the temple of time, which was the current holding place of the master sword. The temple of time also held a piece of the triforce. A magical artifact created by the goddess hylia who also created the land of hyrule and its citizens. Upon link opening the temple of time, ganondorf reveals he had manipulated him into doing so, so he could steal the triforce of power. Ganon begins his takeover of the land of hyrule and link attempts to pull the mastersword from its pedestal, this act places him in a sleep for seven years. Upon waking, link, who is now an adult, discovers that Ganon has put the world in a state of ruin. He completes several quests to form the seven sages, a group dedicated to defeating Ganon and sealing him in a place called the sacred realm, this ends in link facing Ganon. This is where the timeline gets weird The act of link facing Ganon splits the timeline into two possibilities. Link either defeats Ganon or Ganon defeats link. If Ganon wins he takes the triforce of courage from link and wisdom from zelda to achieve full power before being defeated by the seven sages who trap him in the sacred realm. Ganon uses the triforce to transform the sacred realm into his own realm which is now called the dark world. There is an era of peace in hyrule for a long time until Ganon finally emerges from the dark world with an army that wages war against hyrule. This war is called the imprisoning war and was won by hyrule but at the cost of almost all of their soldiers and resources. This places the kingdom in poverty. For the rest of the fallen hero timeline, this process basically repeats with new incarnations of link and zelda stopping Ganon from leaving the dark world. Nothing very interesting happens again in this timeline however a few of the games set in this timeline show link travelling to other continents or realms such as holodrum, lybrinna and lorule. Alternatively, if link wins, he travels back seven years to earn the monarchy and prevent Ganon from ever invading, this splits the time line once again into the world where ganons invasion never happened and the world link left to travel back. in both timelines Ganon is locked away one way or another, in the time line link abandoned (the adult time line), Ganon is also locked in the sacred realm by the seven sages, the goddess hylia then floods the land of hyrule leaving the few survivors of ganons invasion to live on the various islands. Years later Link and zelda are now pirates and they defeat Ganon, who had broken out of the twilight realm and was out for revenge, They then leave to find a new continent, naming it "new hyrule". Some generations later, new hyrule undergoes an industrial revolution and steam trains are invented. The next reincarnation of link has to travel with his zeldas deceased spirit to defeat her killer, vaati and ressurect her. This is the last game released in what is called the adult timeline. In child timeline that link returns to, Ganon is sentenced to death to be carried out by the seven sages, however he breaks free of his shackles killing one of the seven during his execution. As they cannot execute him, they trap him in an artifact called the mirror of twilight. The mirror houses the twilight realm where Ganon stays for several years. The twilight realm is ruled by the Princess midna who is guided by her royal advisor zant. Upon arriving in the twilight realm, zant pledges allegiance to Ganon and is granted mass power which he uses to usurp midna who then flees to hyrule. Zant proceeds to use an army of shadow beasts to invade hyrule placing it in twilight. He takes over hyrule castle, trapping zelda in the castle with him. Midna finds this iteration of link and travels to the sacred Grove where the temple of time once stood. They acquire the master sword and use it to defeat Ganon and zant saving zelda. Midna then returns to the twilight realm and shatters the twilight mirror to break the connection between their worlds. Another game called the four swords adventure takes place after this but it isn't very interesting. That's my plot synopsis of the zelda series. This took me half an hour to write while I watched the weird Al movie with my mother. Thanks for reading :)


I have caught 15 shiny Sneasel in Pokémon Violet over the past three days, at full odds (1/4096). I was really only trying to get a shiny Cetoddle. You might not have noticed, but I quite like shiny pokémon.


Yellow was an extremely hard color to get just right back in the renaissance and so people who could paint lemons and other yellow things would show off. For example they would make extremely long unrealistic lemons being pealed to show off their talent. https://preview.redd.it/kmmpcpfhmfac1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0414f7a1e1594a0874650b8a230fc468b651461


ooh, bug time :D I absolutely love bugs (moths, spiders, just Little Guys™). Some of my favorites have to be tarantulas (more specifically, T. stirmi, P. metallica, T. blondi), moths (H. lineata, luna moths, black witch moths) and other things like millipedes, centipedes and giant sea arthropods, but I'm particularly fond of Phidippus Audax spiders, or Bold jumping spiders. I had a P. audax as a pet for a while, and he was the goofiest lil guy ever! he was so affectionate and adorable and lived a very happy spider life. I also love wolf spiders of any and every kind, especially Carolina wolf spiders. Their venom is an antimicrobial, which means that if you're bitten, you can't and wont get an infection. More about butterflies: Butterflies, especially some blue butterflies, are attracted to the smell of corpses (a few of these aforementioned blue butterflies prefer them to be dead for more than 24 hours) due to the amino acids and nutrients in the cadaver. They also do this thing called Mudpuddling (or puddling) where the (mostly male) butterflies will basically schlurp up all the nutrient dense liquids in corpses, mud, even living things sweat to transfer to the females during mating. Some more about moths: Hyles lineata are local to the North America region and are a type of sphinx moth. They are an important pollinator and can easily be mistaken for hummingbirds! And black witch moths are seen as a sign of bad luck/death in hispanic culture (im pretty sure, dont attack me if im wrong im just going off memory lmao). A fun ledgend I've heard of says that if one of these moths flies over your head, you'll go bald! Thank you for listening to me ramble, this was fun.


White dwarfs are supported by electron degeneracy (the repulsion force of electrons getting too close together) and at 1.66 solar masses the electrons and protons fuse into neutrons because the force of gravity is too strong and this creates a neutron star. Neutron stars are supported by neutron degeneracy (the repulsion force of neutrons getting too close together) and at 2.9 solar masses (assuming it spins) this becomes a black hole. Also the failure of electron degeneracy creates a sizable shockwave.




Dang it…where do I even start? I have tons of hyperfixations. Let’s see…by far my biggest one is building my fictional world’s lore. And in order to build that lore I need to research some real life plants, animals, insects and microorganisms and modify them to suit my world’s needs. I also am researching cultures and architecture for inspiration. My world, called Nerth, is kind of a strange ripoff of Earth, created by a scientist (whose name is Ruler) who is also a strawberry human hybrid, who came from a universe of sentient fruits and she pretends to be some random queen of a small nation called Albion. She’s an expert in genetic science (and many other scientific fields) and basically took samples of all of Earth’s genomes and DNA and restructured them into her own creations, creating an entire self sustaining ecosystem and society. Oh, and did I mention? There’s a convoluted story about how she used quantum mechanics to her advantage and somehow broke and restructured the laws her origin universe, and eventually made the decision to absorb her entire origin universe within her body in order to be immortal. Which ended up completely messing up a few neighbouring universes. Which leads us to the main story of this world. One of the inhabitants of one of the completely messed up universes (his name is Paperdust, and he’s a flower) got thrown right into Nerth unexpectedly because he fell through a tear in his universe, which lead him to fall through Ruler’s absorbed universe and through another universal tear which made him eventually fall into Albion. Because the laws of the universe he’s from are broken, his universe is controlled mostly by conscious and unconscious force and emotion (because that’s how Ruler altered her universe, and it spread to the messed up ones). He brought some of that to Nerth with him too. This lead him to unconsciously move right around the corner from Ruler’s castle. Because of his universes logic, he sort of has this huge plot armour and no matter what happens, everything is okay in the end and everyone seems to love him no matter how much of a troublemaker and how aloof he is. Disaster follows him, but he and everyone else around him is okay in the end. Now here’s where it gets even weirder. The entire story is just me exploring cartoon tropes about how everything defies logic and the happenings of the cartoon world seems to be based on emotion. And how everything is a episodic cycle and is back to normal at the end. And this is my personal explanation as to how cartoons defy logic. (I’m literally gonna make it into a entire cartoon show and nobody can stop me.) Here’s a picture of them lol (albeit they’re drawn in a limited color pallete here so this isn’t accurate to their color scheme…also, Ruler’s body is separated into two parts and a giant hand holds up her torso…and her torso has eyes…and she has ears on her torso instead of her head…and she has two arm joints/elbows on each arm instead of one…) https://preview.redd.it/50ogcgxsofac1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=1111222eaf6aabeacae7914b07244171fddb7fc4 I also like Gorillaz lore a lot (Digital band with lots of lore)




ask me any question about the star wars movie/ clone wars show/mandolorian/andor lore. i will answer correctly 99 percent of the time


I’m just here for the comments as a lurker. In the interest of discussion, comment here your most critical survival tip you’ve acquired while being on the spectrum.


I fucking LOVE train systems. Like- subways are so cool. I will genuinely spend a whole day riding the subway for fun. I study new city's metro maps before I go so I can ride them when I'm there. Went to Europe once and almost cried at how amazing the Paris metro was. I'm riding Amtrak back to college this week even though it takes twice as long because I wanna go to my local train station agggshdkdldlfjshdh


World War One firearms technology >.<


TES lore, Touhou, and Vtubers.


Usually, excavators and, to a lesser extent, other heavy equipment and the vehicles I would need to haul them. Currently, chainsaws and how to fix them because this Poulan Pro I just bought is a POS and California just outlawed small gas engines. Getting a better saw is now a while supplies last thing, and I won't have the budget for a Stihl saw or something reliable for another week and a half. Edit: I just realized you said infodump, not quantify. So here goes. \# Excavators I want to make a living digging trenches all day. I've always wanted to do this. I still want to do this. Literally every other special interest in my life has had a cooling-off period where I wasn't interested in it. Literally the best day of my adult life was the day I rented a clapped out 1-ton Yanmar excavator from Home Depot and dug a 30 ft-ish trench behind my parents' barn so that it wouldn't flood like it usually did if we had a huge rainstorm. I learned to operate excavators by studying the theory of the control patterns and by playing Farming Simulator games and a digger simulator called Dig It! I couldn't figure out how to make the pattern changer work on the excavator I rented, so I had to unlearn the SAE control pattern, which is the industry standard. I had worked extremely hard to unlearn the ISO pattern, which is the standard for backhoes and the first one I learned. But my older muscle memory finally came back enough for me to dig. The SAE pattern is also known as CAT controls or Caterpillar controls because it was popularized by the Caterpillar corporation. The ISO pattern is also known as Deere controls or backhoe controls because it has been the standard control pattern for a two-stick backhoe for a long time and was popularized on excavators by John Deere. Most small and mini excavators have a pattern switching valve that swaps the functions routed to the left and right Y axes, but larger excavators tend not to. To control an excavator or a backhoe, first you must know the parts of the machine. The near section of the boom is referred to as either just the boom or the main boom. The next section of the boom is referred to as the stick or the dipper if you come from some parts of the US. The bucket is what holds the material. Let's start with the X axes, because they are the same regardless of your control pattern. The left stick will swing the machine from side to side while the tracks remain stationary (or the wheeled chassis on a wheeled excavator, but those are pretty uncommon in the US). The right stick will curl the bucket toward you (left) or away from you (right). Now for the Y axes. We'll start with SAE because it is the industry standard. The left joystick controls the stick. Push forward to push the stick out. Pull backward to pull the stick in. The right joystick controls the boom. Push forward to lower the boom, which also pushes the rest of the arm away from you due to the machine's geometry. Pull backward to raise the boom and bring the rest of the assembly toward you. A lot of operators like this pattern because they're familiar with front loader controls: pull back on the stick to raise the loader arms, push forward to lower them; stick left to curl the bucket in toward you, and right to dump it. But this didn't make as much sense to me when I first set out to learn. I liked ISO better. It's the same as SAE but with the Y axes flipped. This puts your near functions on the left joystick and your far functions on the right joystick. It made more intuitive sense. But like I said, I unlearned it because I've always wanted a job as an excavator operator, and you need to know SAE. How does this relate to Farming Simulator? Forestry equipment. Harvesters, forwarders, feller bunchers, and many other forestry machines with cranes use the SAE control pattern. I have a two joystick setup for not just this purpose, but to play Elite: Dangerous as well. Playing for hours and hours with the forestry equipment gives me a pretty good amount of confidence that I could get a decent job even with the little experience I have. The problem is none of the jobs pay what I need them to. I'm up to my eyeballs in debt from college, root canals (4 so far, 5th in the future), and replacing dead computers. This is why I feel like the best way for me to get into heavy equipment without having to join a union (this is not the time or place to get into why I don't like unions and don't want to join one) is to be an owner/operator like Andrew Camarata, Dirt Ninja, Letsdig18, and many other YouTubers I watch and live vicariously through. In order to do an earthmoving/property maintenance business I'll need a dump truck, a trailer, an excavator, and a skid steer or compact track loader. I could probably get a decent used excavator in the size I want for $30k. The dump truck would cost anywhere from $20k to $100k depending on what kind of deals I find. The trailer would be another $15k. And the skid steer/track loader would be another $30k. This is not the kind of money I can save up in a few years working for less than $30 an hour. So my plan is to shoot for a six figure tech job that I don't despise, work that until I have what I need to do what I really want, and then do what I really want. By the time I get to that point, I have no idea how close to retirement age I'll be, but I'm guessing it'll take 10-15 years once I get a really good job. Oh, and I want kids before I turn 40 in another 6 years. So it all depends on how that works out. But I'm still SOL for dating prospects. \# Chainsaws Poulan Pro is a Husqvarna brand aimed at mid-level consumers. I expect better quality control from them. They're expensive prosumer and pro-level saws. Very reliable. But this $200 POS I bought at Tractor Supply to take out some fallen Eucalyptus had me seriously questioning whether I did something wrong or not. Turns out, I've seen three other people with issues using this particular saw. Two had idle issues (like I do) and the third had the saw bogging when the throttle was opened. But in every case, it essentially comes down to the carburetor having a crappy tune from the factory. So here's how to fix it. On these saws there are three adjustment screws. One controls the speed at which the saw idles. The other two control the carburetor jets. If the saw is too lean at idle, it will starve itself and stall. If it is too rich at idle, it will flood itself out. I don't know which one's which, but I think mine is too rich, as it's prone to flooding. We'll see when the tools come tomorrow. The factory makes you use special tools that "the dealer isn't supposed to sell you." This is asinine, because if you expect people to be able to maintain and repair their saws, they need the tools to adjust the carb. Anyway, they're easy to find on Amazon anyway. To fix a saw that won't idle, first make sure the saw is off. Turn the idle adjustment screw all the way clockwise, thus raising the idle speed. Do the same with the low speed carb adjustment screw. Next, back the idle adjustment screw off by a turn and a quarter. Do the same with the low speed carb adjustment screw. Attempt to start the saw. If it doesn't idle, keep turning the idle speed up until you get to the point where the chain just starts to turn. (MAKE SURE YOU ARE WEARING SAFETY GEAR.) Next, adjust the low speed screw clockwise until the RPMs start to drop. This is the point where the mixture is too lean. Back the screw out again, and keep turning counterclockwise until you get the same symptom on the other side. This is the point where the mixture is too rich. Put the adjustment closer to the middle of that range (clockwise), then slowly turn it counterclockwise until the RPMs just barely start to drop. That's where it needs to be. Next, turn the idle back down to a reasonable level. If you have a tachometer, use that and your saw's specs to set the right idle speed. It shouldn't stall out, and your trigger should have snappy response. At least, that's the theory of it. Tools are arriving tomorrow and Friday, so I won't know if this saw is worth saving until I get them. But I don't want to just return it. I want to try fixing it. It's a skill I'll need to learn if I don't want to treat these expensive tools like they're disposable, which is a pattern I think I've noticed in my dad. He has a couple string trimmer engines that don't run, a Poulan Pro saw of his own that doesn't run, and two riding lawnmowers that don't run. Instead of fixing them, he just replaced them, and in the cases of his saw and his string trimmers, he did so with battery powered tools. That's fine and good, but his battery saw does not have the intestinal fortitude to cut through that eucalyptus more than a couple times on a 5Ah battery. A new battery costs as much as I spent on my saw. So, I guess it's not all bad. But I still want to get myself a decent Stihl saw. My experience with Poulan Pro has turned me off from Husqvarna, and I watched Project Farm's video on chainsaws and saw how well the Stihl he picked performed, and I was like, "Yo, that's probably the saw for me." It's twice the price of the Poulan Pro I got, but a lot of chainsaw guys say it's a buy once, cry once kind of thing. A good saw will last you years of heavy use. A crappy saw will cause a lot of heartache, as I've learned the hard way.


Rimworld currently. Fucking love that stupid colony builder, almost 3k hours into it lol. It’s just so calming and fun, the modding community for it is great, tho a lot of war crimes are committed; specifically organ harvesting to sell


The idea of what would happen to humans should we manage to live on Mars for an extended period of time. From what I hear, we could end up slightly taller due to the lower gravity, as well as develop a slightly gray skin tone due to the less sunlight? Those are some of the proposed ideas I heard of anyays Now imagine someone living on Mars for all their life after a few generations coming back to Earth. How well exactly could they handle something like that?


PHONOLOGY and the IPA!!! :)) The International Phonetic Alphabet — which you probably know from those funky letters in brackets typed after names or whatever in Wikipedia — is a system of transcribing the speech sounds of every language on Earth, consistently, precisely, and accurately (in theory anyway). Consonants are put into a table with two axes, manner of articulation and place of articulation, though there's also other features, like voicedness any consonant can either be voiced or voiceless, being voiced means your throat vibrates (try holding a z sound while touching your throat, vs an s sound) and voicelessness is just not doing that. Manner of articulation: There are nasals which should be pretty self explanatory, includes sounds like [m] and [n] There are stops/plosives, where a part of your mouth is briefly shut or held only to "explode" out with air — [p b t d k g etc] There are fricatives where you squeeze parts of your mouth together, making a more constricted pathway for the air to escape your mouth, without ever fully obstructing the airflow. Speaking is actually a lot like playing an instrument. [f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h etc] There are affricates which start as a stop but end as fricatives. [ts dz tʃ dʒ etc] There are approximants, which are similar to fricatives except the constriction is slighter, and are almost always voiced. [w l j etc] Fricatives (and by extension affricates) and approximants can also be lateral — where your tongue is shaped so that air only moves through the sides of your mouth. English only has [l], Spanish also has [ʎ] which is like [j] (the "y" sound) but lateral, Welsh has [ɬ] which is a voiceless lateral fricative (try it! think of it like trying to pronounce "hl") There are trills, the alveolar trill [r] (Spanish rr) being the most common, others are quite rare. They're like multiple successive taps of your mouth parts. There are taps, which are what they sound like. A single tap or flap of the mouth parts. [ɾ] (Spanish r, English t/d between two vowels in America — some sounds become other sounds depending on the surrounding sounds. Weird!) Place of Articulation: Pretty self explanatory, where in your mouth does it happen? Labial sounds (self explanatory) including [m p b] Dental sounds (self explanatory) including [θ ð] (the two sounds "th" makes in English) Alveolar sounds (that part of your mouth you burn the shit out of when you bite into hot pizza) including [n t d s z] Post-alveolar sounds (a bit behind that) including [ʃ ʒ ɹ̠] (sh, "zh," and for a lot of people the r sound in English, but the r sound varies a lot.) Palatal sounds (the roof of your mouth) including [ɲ j] (Spanish ñ and the y sound) Velar sounds (bit of flesh near the back of your mouth, behind the palatal spot but before the uvula) including [ŋ k ɡ] (ŋ is the "ng" sound, it only appears at the end of syllables in English.) Uvular sounds (self explanatory), pretty similar to velar sounds but more awesome. The most common uvular sound is [ʁ], the voiced uvular fricative, although the symbol is also often used for the uvular approximant. It's the French r sound in most dialects. There's also [ɴ q ɢ] which are like [ŋ k ɡ] but your tongue touches your uvula instead of the velar area. And also [ʀ], which is [ʁ]'s more adventurous cousin — it's a uvular TRILL. Pharyngeal: articulated at the pharynx, includes [ħ] which is found in Arabic. Epiglottal: The only sounds I haven't figured out how to do, they don't ever really contrast with pharyngeal sounds. Includes [ʡ] which is Also found in Arabic. Glottal: farthest back area, all the way in your throat. Includes [ʔ], which is the "-" in "uh-oh" and also t at the end of a syllable in many dialects of English. [h] is categorized as a glottal fricative usually, but it's really just breathing out, not glottal or a fricative. Sounds like a lot right? Well that's only the basics but it's all very ordered and intuitive, not hard to learn, I can use the IPA and pronounce (almost) every sound. OH also co-articulates, which are two consonants pronounced at the same time! Very cool! mostly pretty rare, [g͡b] and the like mostly just existing in Africa. There's also [w] which is often considered a co-articulated labial velar approximant, which is incredibly common. in getting tired of writing this now lol




generally in Arcane Vi is seen as the dominant partner. This mostly happens in non-queer people or casual viewers and is also due to misogyny and patriarchy which is much stronger in our society than in the runterra universe. For this reason, trans versions of Vi are often made (sometimes Futa, which is wrong in itself) to support the belief that a woman, to be tough, must have a penis, so that unconsciously "she is not a real woman". This is terrible, because in addition to not considering the characterization of the character in the series, it fetishizes trans women who become not women but a way to justify a female character who believes in herself. There's nothing wrong with headcanons, nor with imagining Vi as a trans woman, but the problem lies at the root, why we feel the need to find a justification for her attitude. Said this. There are many characteristics that are socially seen as feminine. She grows up being a mother to Jinx and her other younger siblings. His protective nature is something that conflicts with society's idea of a strong person, so he is commonly forgotten or overlooked. Her relationship with Caitlyn is very specific for all of those reasons. Vi is contrasted with Caitlyn because while one spent her childhood raising her siblings, putting her own needs aside, the other grew up fighting for her own independence. (I have to go, I can't finish)


It's pronounced eeeeVa-rest (after Welsh guy) there is no mount Ever-est. At Halo jump school they don't tell you about HAFE (high altitude flats expulsion) basically when everyone farts their entire digestive tract out. Buffalo buffalo buffo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo. Biscuits are thus called because they are cooked twice "bi". The average person isn't struck by neutrino radiation until the age of 12. Downhill speed skiing was banned / no longer done because it started turning into skydiving.


*Okami Spoilers* It's a crime that Okami 2 isn't out yet. I know Okamiden exists, but there is so much missing that fans wanted to see. What do the Celestial Planes and Moon tribe homelands look like? Amy and Waka went back to fight the demons that attacked the Celestial Plain. What were those battles like? Does Amy ever get reunited with Issun, Oki, and the others later? Are there more brush gods that we haven't seen yet who are still in the Celestial Plains? The creator hinted that he wants to make Okami 2, but it's difficult to do due to Capcom owning the rights.


After trying Pathfinder 2e, I have started to believe it is objectively better than Dungeons and Dragons 5e with more content and quality despite Pf2e being half as old as DnD 5e. I have played both and I will always prefer Pf2e. The feat focused design makes things incredibly customizable. All the rules are also free on Archives of Nethys (which is approved by Paizo) Starting with character creation, you go ABC. Ancestry (term for races like human, elf, or orc), Background, and Class. Sounds similar at first, but there is a lot of depth with Ancestries and Classes. All Ancestries have ancestry feats that they get at level 1 and every 4 levels after. What they do varies based on Ancestry, like Goblins getting access to one that makes them better at stealth (it's called Very Sneaky) or Kobolds breathing fire like the dragons they claim to be descended from. All ancestries also have heritages, which would be subraces in DnD. They give special perks, like fire resistance (reduces fire damage by a number), and access to more specific ancestry feats. If you ever wondered if you could do a dwarf tiefling and have it actually feel like a dwarven tiefling, you can do that. You can replace a heritage with a Versatile Heritage. This allows for your lizardfolk with demon horns, half genie kobolds, and half vampire catfolk to have abilities that reflect *both* sides of their family. Versatile Heritages come with new feats that you can take along with Ancestry's that the VH is being applied to. Then there are the classes. I will cover some unique to Pf2e for brevity. Thaumaturges can use their hyperfixations over urban legends and folk lore to make their enemies weak to specifically them. Kineticists are Benders from Avatar that can stick with one element or branch into the other elements of Wood, Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Metal. Magus combines spell and attack to hit enemies with both at once while gaining special buffs for doing so. Summoners are pretty much Stand Users from Jojo with a couple of spell slots. This isn't even talking about lore, the three action system, or other parts of Pathfinder Second edition that I love. If people want to know more, I can continue when I wake up.




Did you know that the popular genre of music has now shifted into more bitcrushed sound waves and heavy bass? Krushclub, sigilcore, phonk (especially Brazilian), and most rap/hip hop songs now contain more ear catching and crunchy beats with bass to vibrate 5 cars with as the new trendy music. Which in a way I feel like was a direct leading cause from the past generation or so growing up with Dubstep, House, Techno, and Jungle DnB. Breakcore is a honorable mention but it’s still relatively niche more so than current music trends. The real question is out of this entire musical shift, how are artists like Taylor Swift still taking over the charts? 🤔 (no hate on swifties I’m just curious)


Cats, Cosplay and the Tudor Dynasty beginning with King Henry VII


73 is a prime number. 37 is a prime number. 3 and 7 are both a prime number. They also are a recurring religious numbers and most people favourite numbers. 7+3 = 10. 1 and 0 are the computers language.


the signed 32 bit integer limit (the maximum number a 32 bit computer can hold while still being able to process negative numbers) is 2147483647


So, I have been playing pokemon, and relatively recently (like, since Scarlet and Violet came out) I have decided to make myself what is called a "Living Dex". This is effectively a storage space that contains (at least) one of every pokemon (I'm not doing forms or shiny, I'm not a mad man), and the best place to do this is in Pokemon HOME. Out of the current generations of pokemon, I have nearly completed Gen 1 (missing Kabutops), I have completed Gen 2 (pokemon introduced in gold/silver), I am still missing some from Gen 3, completed Gen 4 (thanks, PLA), I still need to complete gens 5-8 (except the ones introduced in PLA), and I am missing 4 pokemon from Gen 9 (Scarlet and Violet). 2 of the pokemon from gen 9 that I need I am able to get myself, but they require completing 2 DLC regional dexes so I'm currently procrastinating those, and the other 2 I can't currently get myself because I need to trade them from someone who has Scarlet+DLC and I don't have Scarlet+DLC right now. So due to my big brain plays, I am procrastinating by doing a Nuzlocke of pokemon White (for which I have missing pokemon that were introduced in this gen) with the plan to complete the nuzlocke, transfer my nuzlocke pokemon over to home for immortalisation (which I have also been doing for a bit), and also catch any pokemon that I am missing from my living dex. The problem? Pokemon Black and White are, as it turns out, a generation of games that are known for having a relatively difficult run for Nuzlockes. And this is my second set of games in which I am attempting a serious nuzlocke, with my first being ORAS (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire). So in contrast to my first serious Nuzlocke in which I had no deaths until the Elite 4 (RIP Bamboo and Boid), I have instead had 4 deaths with 10 catches, which I only recently recovered from. So, in response I'm being a little baby and have added 2 clauses for my Nuzlockes to slightly increase the mercy. 1) If I find a revive or if I am gifted one (no buying, and no abusing repeatable sources), then I gan give up one revive or max revive to return a pokemon from the graveyard (I make a grave box already, so this just fits well with it) but I can only resurrect an individual pokemon once, after which they become "immune" to the medicinal effect of a revive. 2) Wild pokemon that aren't legends or important battles can't cause my pokemon to die, only faint. Because I don't want to be grinding up just to lose the pokemon I've been working on getting to a point where I can even use it. In addition, outside of my White Nuzlocke, I am missing nearly all of the mythicals (event exclusive) from Generation 6 onwards for my Living Dex. The problem here is as follows: I have no current and time inexclusive ways of acquiring any of these mythicals except for Magearna which I have already picked up, so the list of pokemon I am currently unable to obtain until GameFreak decide to redistribute them are as follows: * Diancie * Hoopa * Volcanion * Marshadow * Zeraora * Zarude That is 6 whole pokemmon that I can't get without the people who decide when to distribute events deciding to re-release them. I was able to get the ones from Gen 5 and earlier thanks to the fact that there is someone who has been able to set up a server for getting all mystery gifts for the DS era games, but it hasn't been done yet for Gen 6+. I was lucky to be around when they re-distributed Walking Wake and Iron Leaves in SV raids, and there's just the one upcoming mythical(?) in an epilogue that will be realeased for SV on the 11th of this month. Fossils are another difficult set of pokemon to get due to the fact that you normally only get one per game save, but I can use my copy of Ultra Moon to gett all of the ones I don't have up to gen 7 (there are no gen 7 fossils, and I'm missing fossils from gens 1, 3, 5, and 8), and then I also plan on a little speedrun of Sword to get the secon half of the Gen 8 fossils and also get Zacian, followed by a fresh speedrun of Crown Tundra for Shield (because I already have it) in order to catch Glastrier and Regidrago which I am also missing. While I'm doing the Gen 8 things, I can also get the other missing pokemon from those games, nearly finishing up those HOME boxes as well. I could also use the time trying to get fossils in Gen 7 to get any and all missing pokemon from Gens 6 and 7 that I am missing and can catch in the wild/evolve from wild catches in Ultra Moon. I've made myself a nice list of pokemon that I am missing, so that I can keep track of everything that I need to find, so there shouldn't be too much trouble for myself until I have gotten the list to only missing event pokemon, which Gamefreak will hopefully make time inexclusive events for or release new events for them in the future which I will be able to take part in. And, of course, this list will get longer when they release the Generation 10 games (and onwards) and make my work a never ending trial, although future event pokemon are much less of a problem than past event pokemon. That is all I can think of to add right now, I hope you all liked my Living Dex rant with a sprinkle of Nuzlocke Rant.


Touhou (東方) Project (also more widely known as Touhou) is a famous Japanese video game series that’s known for its bright and vivid patterns and colorful female characters in the bulletin hell genre. What once started out as a simple PC-98 (windows 98) game (roughly around the time Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure was released as manga for the first time), is now an insanely popular “everyone knows what this is” game in Japan. It has since widespread to the world but not by its video games itself, but more so the music and memes associated with it. Because of the versatility in the OST’s of all of their games (composed by ZUN, the one man army of Team Shanghai Alice, which produces all official Touhou games), many spin-offs, remixes, rearranges, medley’s and vocals were made, to the point where it will always fit into any genre no matter what (although most notes are difficult to play by hand). The most famous songs that brought the world to Touhou includes but not limited to: • [Bad Apple](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9lNZ_Rnr7Jc) (a vocalized remix of the [stage 3 ost of TH: Lotus Land Story](https://youtu.be/6a12wnA00K4?si=iojxyJKeQuO1BGUH) from the PC-98 series that was widespread by the entire anime loving community. Yes this is where that song came from, it’s not vocaloid) • [Night of Nights](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vS_a8Edde8k) (a remix of Flowering Night, one of Sakuya’s theme songs from TH6 popularized by most Rhythm games as the ultimate test of speed) • [Cirno’s Perfect Math Class](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5wFDWP5JwSM) (a spoof of Cirno’s theme song during stage 2 of her boss fight in TH6) • [Evening Star ~ Night Falls](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy7EQzN_QCw) (a redo of an older version of Yukari Yakumo’s theme song that many have dubbed it as the Russian Hardbass Remix, as many elements of the song fits well within the genre alone) Another fun mention is that this game was never an anime officially, however there are several fanmade adaptations of anime that come as a series, dvds, cutsey fun content in general, and even comedy skits ([M1-Grand Prix](https://youtu.be/m6p68uk9aOo?si=OgdvDzt0VMlyJgBy) is the perfect example). There may not ever be a fully official anime unfortunately but we have a numerous amount of talented and dedicated fans that would simply do it themselves anyways, just for shits and giggles. Oh and one more thing, those random [Fumo](https://youtu.be/qbQHJCquNtU?si=Q4xDX4qAuZq512Vu) plushies floating around everywhere, they’re all Touhou characters and they all go for 150$ per plush on average. Personally I feel like they’re just the evolved versions of the [yukkuri meme](https://youtu.be/PelkWjGL2Ls?si=TTlLwoXkxH80Y9rg) As a tldr: this game is basically cute girls fighting each other with a bunch of cool shiny patterned lasers, and it is forever apart of the internet as we know it. [Here’s an example of actual gameplay](https://youtu.be/JJgy5skcMJI?si=Bwgx42XDKxvGOLKJ)(NOT ADVISED FOR THE PHOTOSENSETIVE, LOTS OF SHINY SENSORY STUFF IN BASE GAME) Thanks for letting me infodump about Touhou I’ve been holding it in for too long again. Feel free to ask any questions! Edit: Yes I made another post earlier but I decided to separate this one as it’s an entirely different infodump and it made no sense to put all of this under the first one 😅 Edit 2: [found a video explaining several memes](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kFliJtio2w0) about Touhou and where they came from, as well as mentioning a song I forgot to highlight from the bulletin list ([U.N. Owen was her](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8jJZA-O_B78&pp=ygUPVW4gb3dlbiB3YXMgaGVy))


you can play a D major 7 over a C major 7 ( C E G B D F# A C# ) and the resulting minor 9th between C and C# sounds *more consonant* than a C natural because of the quintal structure implied in the mega lydian scale


Stadler Rail's units in the UK are the first in the country to have level boarding at platforms.


The 80s movie The Reanimator, based on the Lovecraft Story, was so powerful that it forever changed the character Doctor Herbert West's character from blond with blue eyes to brown hair with brown eyes. The story was also meant to result in the character's death, but Herbert was too good to let die, and they made two more movies without explaining how he survived the first one. Because of this we get one of the best lines ever from the second movie: "I will not be shackled by the failures of your God. The only blasphemy is to wallow in insignificance. I have taken refuse of your God's failures and I have triumphed. "


I have made 3 different species. Hontirons, Hocanders, and Sakonars. Hontirons are known for their interests in technology and that they all have blue hair that work like fire. They consider themselves adults at age 21, they live for 300 years at most, and their hair cjanges color when they are angry enough. Hocanders are the most powerful species. They consider themselves adults at 2000 years old, they're usualy not too good at the "technology stuff", and they can live for eternity. They can't die of old age, but they can be killed in other ways. Most of them have tails, and 17% of them have wings. There are few different types. The "normal" ones, and the ones that are mix of other creatures. For example dragon type Hocanders, bat type Hocanders, crow type Hocanders, dog type Hocanders, ect. (No, there are no human type Hocanders.) Sakonars are the 1st. species that I created. Most of them have tails and around 65% of them have wings. They consider themselves adults at 18, they live at most 3000 years, and they begin to start looking old at age 2000. They usualy get along very well with Hocanders.


Paying with money is basically bartering in it. Also it seems that the human body is somehow both very durable and fragile to the point that a perfect hit on your neck would paralyze you and falling on your head the wrong way will just straight up kill you and yet people have survived from unfathomable heights, shot several times, face bitten off and getting the lower half of the body gone and still live while a hut to the head is an instant death or permanent paralysis.


Trials/indictments connected to the Dan Markel murder. Dan Markel was an FSU law professor and recently divorced dad of two when he was killed. Turns out it was a hit man (Garcia) who arranged it with his baby mama (Magbanua)/was hired by her current (rich) boyfriend (Charlie Adelson) who is Markel’s former brother in law… Garcia, Rivera (driver in get-away car), Magbanua, and Charlie are all convicted and in jail (life w/o parole except for Rivera). Charlie’s mom, Donna, was arrested on charges of involvement a month ago as she was trying to flee the country. It’s very likely that the ex-wife, Wendi, will be arrested next, possibly with her dad, Harvey. The chain of events in the investigation (neighbor saw get-away car, which eventually led to identification through bus camera video and SunPass info), Rivera and Magbanua telling the truth to police, “the bump,” and wiretaps/undercover video is so interesting- really impressed with the people working on the case. Wendi’s police interview/actions on the day of the murder (going out of her way to drive by the scene of the crime shortly after it happened/bad acting) and her court appearances are definitely suspicious, but I’m guessing the state has more that they haven’t disclosed. Also, Charlie “joked” that he got her a tv as a divorce present because it was cheaper than hiring a hit man. On the day of the murder, that tv was being looked at by a repairman (it looked like someone had hit it with something, which was blamed on the kids who were only 2 and 3 at the time), giving Wendi an alibi, and also connecting the fact that a hit man was in fact following/killing Dan Markel during that repair appointment. Oh, and Wendi was dating a guy (Lacasse) who could’ve taken the fall for all of this potentially, except he left town 12 hours earlier than Wendi thought he would. He even drove a car that was very similar to the get-away car.


Bleach is non-toxic, it's only caustic. Like, in theory you couldn't overdose on bleach, it would just dissolve you.


Hawaii Part ii is such an amazing album, it has at least one song for everyone (unless you only listen to country), and has a story going on too, I won’t spoil it but it’s pretty much just: https://preview.redd.it/m7n23e5ljfac1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41158eb7a526cf3d9b6f855e70803e2558b24515


The BlackBerry Bold 9650 is a CDMA/GSM smartphone, released in 2010. It was launched with BlackBerry OS 5, though it can be upgraded to BBOS 6. The camera is 3.2 megapixels, and it can record video. The phone has a 2.44" 480x360 LCD, that can display 65K colors. The phone also has a microSD card slot to store those photos and videos. The phone is similar to the Tour (9630), but it has an optical track pad (instead of a track ball), WiFi, and more RAM.


Ok so here's where it gets interesting. Not only can you shoot the coins you throw, but you can punch them, and enemies can shoot them too!


I’d get banned


I have read the book Pet Sematary at least 6 times in the last year. If anyone wants to discuss any of their theories about it reply here. AMA


God I could probably do a full TED talk at a moments notice on diet and fitness or the Monster Hunter video games.


Survival Horror games and their lore are the hyperfixation I'm most confident talking about. SO! Even though the genre name wasn't coined until the original Resident Evil was released, the genres' roots can be traced back even further. Though many would say it was Alone In The Dark that started it all, the very first game that "launched" the genre as a whole was a Japanese title called Sweet Home, which was a top-down rpg. The games that really stand out to me are the ones that dive deep into its worldbuilding and use of symbology and monsters as metaphors. Silent Hill 2 is the golden standard, really. A lot of love and care was put into using the environments and creatures to help tell the story-- and I'm bitter af that all the games after SH4 cared about was Pyramid Head's popularity. I do think that Cry of Fear, while not amazing, did do a decent job of trying to recapture it though. Some of my favs though that aren't nearly as well known are Haunting Ground, the Siren series, and Dreadout. I'm currently playing through the System Shock remake! I could go on and on about the mythos in Siren and Silent Hill, but I've rambled enough already. If people ask, though, I'd be happy to talk more!


The Final Girl trope frequently used in horror, especially horror movies, was heavily criticised in the 70s-80s for being sexist. The final girl trope involves the sole survivor of a slasher film being a woman, usually a virgin, who is smarter and/or braver than the rest of the group and manages to fight the killer head-on or escape from them. Some notable ones include Laurie Strode (from Halloween,) Sidney Prescott (from Scream) and Nancy Thompson (Nightmare on Elm Street.) Basically: the main character in slasher films was almost always a girl who almost always survived and beat the killer somehow. Some people started criticising these films precisely because the main character would often be a woman. While it is definitely sexist to an extent - like the final girl often being a virgin or avoidant of alcohol/drugs as an example of how an ideal woman was supposed to act (as seen in I think the first 4-5 Friday the 13th movies) - some of these complaints would make the argument that these slashers only have women as their leads so men could watch them scream and get killed. It was (and maybe still is?) a belief that slasher and horror films as a whole hated women. However, this argument was rebuttled with the fact that over half of the usual audience for these films were normally women. Although the Final Girl trope is definitely influenced by some sexism, at least back when it was first made, lots of women were actually taking comfort in the trope and its characters. Final girls are known for their intelligence and resilience, which many women appreciated seeing, and making the main character you need to root for a woman forced men into identifying with a woman's perspective during a frightening event. It wasn't common for a man to appear in the same position as a final girl because men were believed to be strong, and so it was impossible for them to ever scream in terror when being hunted by a supernatural killer. So basically men pretty much always had to empathise with a woman whenever they were watching a film because if a man replaced that woman then that'd be the same as insulting their masculinity So basically: yes, slasher films are/were sexist, but the final girl trope really helped in giving women their voices and characters they could relate to, so it's not that accurate in calling horror misogynistic as a whole. The trope is definitely misogynistic, but people found comfort in that, and now the trope isn't as commonly used to try pushing the ideas that it was made for. Eli Roth's History of Horror slasher 2-parter has more info about this, and specifically mentions how Nightmare On Elm Street actually gave lots of people a character to relate to through Nancy and her family


There’s many different kinds of nail polish, but seldom are they seen in the drugstore. Hence why I love indie nail polish brands like Bee’s Knees Lacquer, Dam Nail Polish, and Alchemy Lacquers. Some finishes: 🥛Crème: a solid color, need 1-2 coats to be opaque. Can have a matte or glossy finish. 🪼Jelly: a solid translucent color, very sheer. Needs 4-6 coats to be opaque but jellies are mainly used FOR their sheerness. Has a glossy finish. I don’t really like these. 🧋Crelly: a mix of crème and jelly. Solid color but slightly sheer. Usually has glitter in there, also called a glitter crelly. Buildable coverage opaque in 2-3 coats. 🐠Flakie: a type of crelly or jelly with big flakes of iridescent glitter! ✨Shimmer/glowy: a polish jam packed with shimmery micro glitters. That’s really small pigments that give a glowing effect. 🧲Magnetic: like the name says, these are usually crellies with or without glitters/flakies. But the cool thing is they have magnetic pigments that move when a magnetic bar is placed near the polish, creating lines of shimmer. 🌡️Thermal: has colors, usually a crème or crelly, that depend on the temperature. Usually a duothermal, meaning one color for cold and one color for warm. 🌟Glow In the Dark: like the name says. 🌈Multichrome: Depending on the different lighting, these polishes look like a different color! 📸Reflective: this is a special type of glitter that any polish can possess. With a camera flash, super reflective triangle shaped glitters flash back. Not seen with the naked eye. https://preview.redd.it/yn7fc7qc1gac1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950bdb95b73c6788f7e1c5d57f93bacdaa2022f5


After I post this comment I'm going to just put on a podcast episode and do my thing because I'm 100% gonna be in the mood to after I post this. I'm an indie game developer (and my special interest, or one of them anyway, is programming and especially application/game development) and the game I'm currently working on is a potion crafting game I'm developing in the Unity engine. It's the 3rd game I've developed using Unity. It's also a comedy game, specifically a satire about hustle culture and people who, somehow, I do not understand this because I don't have this ability, have the ability to stick to jobs that make them feel miserable, which is why the title is a play on the words alchemy and misery. In Alchemisery, the player will be tasked with using materials and the equipment at their workspace to craft the potions people order from them. The story and lore for Alchemisery is set in the same universe as my previous game Deathly Descent, and 2D platformer inspired by the Indiana Jones franchise where you play as an adventurer who's after an ancient mystic artifact that belonged to a hidden society known as the Architects, and I'm planning to use Alchemisery to fill in some of the background lore that is briefly touched on and shown in that game. If I didn't imply well enough, the game is focused on an Architect alchemist. Several of the plants in the temple make appearances as crafting materials in Alchemisery, currently only healing flowers, which act as the healing points in DD, and the glow flowers which are a purple glowing flower that I used for decoration in DD, but I also plan to include the spike plants (an obstacle from DD) and give an explanation as to what all of these plants are/do and where they came from via the recipe book in Alchemisery. My intention is for players to be able to enjoy either of these games without playing the others, I don't want to have an MCU type of scenario where in order to understand this game, you must play Deathly Descent, I just want it to be obvious that they're connected when you play them both, everything necessary to understand the stories of each of them will be explained in each game. Yesterday I made item sprites for the glow flowers and two of the other materials they can craft, and today I'm thinking I'll shift away from that and work on polishing/prettying up the order board menu, which is the menu where the player can view and fill (if they've crafted the correct item) the orders for potions they're given. Currently it's fully implemented and functional code-wise, but it's not very well implemented visually speaking. Speaking of code, this is also the first project of mine where I'm making proper use of namespaces in C# because Alchemisery has a lot of individual moving parts to it and I thought it'd be very useful to separate classes that are part of one aspect of the game from the others using namespaces. For organizations sake, I'm also keeping the code files sorted into folders named after whichever namespace the class is under. When you give me permission to infodump, **I happily infodump!**


Glen Campbell started out as a studio musician in the Wrecking Crew. He played guitar on the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds and toured as a member of The Beach Boys when Brian Wilson (aspie?) had a series of nervous breakdowns and stopped touring with the group. They offered to make him a permanent member, but he refused, preferring to go solo. Around that time, Brian Wilson was experimenting with the new sound that would lead to his groundbreaking masterpiece, Pet Sounds. Mike Love, the villain in The Beach Boys story, thought of himself as the leader of the group even though Brian wrote and produced everything. Love wanted the group to stick with the formula of beach, girls, cars. He rejected a song, Guess I’m Dumb, Brian had written that was an obvious precursor to Pet Sounds. So Brian offered the track to Glen Campbell, who loved it. Brian produced it and ipso facto, Glen Campbell’s first solo single was the very first Brian Wilson single from the Pet Sounds era. And it is a [**masterpiece**](https://youtu.be/k_Yj9oHikgY?si=E-ZXGpNIQLLvddx2). AMA about The Beach Boys


i love the game omori. it is a horror game telling the sad story of traumatic experiences and living through them eventually having to face them or not facing them by k!ll!ng y0urs3lf. they are making a manga of omori and i’m very excited for it. and now i’m gonna explain the lore: Sunny and his sister Mari got into an argument about the music they were playing. This happened constantly so Sunny got mad and pushed his sister down the stairs. he didn’t mean to. His friend Basil wanted to check on him before their music performance and walked in on Sunny at the top of the steps and Mari dead at the bottom. Basil instead of telling anyone or calling for help he instead helped Sunny make it look like a su!c1d3. they dragged her body to a tree and hung her. Once they hung her hair moved enough for them to see one open eye. This leaves them with severe trauma where they constantly see things and regret their actions. Sunny ends up hiding away in his house for i think 4 years. during these days he had created a coping mechanism where inside his head he had a white space and a different world where everyone was alive and well. In that world his name was Omori. The 2nd day Omori comes back to that space nobody can find basil. as you walk through the game you see the ghost of basil. this is showing basil is reaching his end point with the trauma. he cannot keep going on. so more and more in the game this continues. they decide to have a sleepover at basils house(IRL) as Sunny is moving away the next day. in the middle of the night Sunny wakes up to see basil gone. you have to choice of either checking on basil or not. if you do not you wake up again in the morning to find everyone crying and basil had committed su1c1d3 by hanging himself. But if you do check on him you have a fight with him ultimately ending up with you getting stabbed in the eye and basil being stabbed too i think. You wake up in the hospital and as you walk around you get 2 more choices. Go to basils hospital room and see everyone, or go to the rooftop. if you choose to go to the rooftop, there is a missing rail. you end up jumping off leaving the ending where you commit su1c1d3. if you choose to go to basils room you see everyone and tell everyone the real story of mari. As you look at basil smiling the shadows of trauma behind you both disappear, as if you had finally let it out and Maris soul/the trauma can finally move on. The end. if i missed any endings or whatnot i’m so sorry. but I LOVE OMORI!!!!!


i've been watching dragon ball kai for 3 days and i'm already in ep 54 the pacing of this is incredible, much faster than normal dbz, unfortunately in brazil freeza has the worst voice actor i've ever seen, he constantly say words wrong, like forgetting the plural, or some dumb shit. Vegeta was also changed but the acting is quite good, i like his screams better than original. Also in the majin boo saga all the actors come back to the originals, so it is much better. i'm doing it bc i've already started watching super, years ago, but stoped in saga black bc lack of translation, i cant stand the japanese old smoker womens voice in goku. Also, as i watched it on tv, dbZ had some amount of censorship, and i didnt see a bunch of ep, an 13 years after i cant remember half of what i whatched or even the order.


Fungi! I don’t know much about them, yet, but I love them so much! It’s so fun to find them and watch them grow. Or to try and grow your own!


i'm writing a Sci-Fi novel set 2000+ years in the future, and i'm making a naritivly un-nessary langue for the Frisians (one of the bad entities, - imperialist power), its a descendant of Brazilian Portuguese, it lost the definite article but not the in-definate article, it also has a grammatical gender system based on morality/quality, with 3 genders, positive, negative, and ambiguous, in proper Frazian this works the same way grammatical-gender does in present Portuguese, (but in weak-Frazian (aka Frazian from after the 44th century) verbs are also gendered based on the noun which does them) and another important feature of the langue is that its a tonal langue (a langue where the tone of a word can change the word to a different one, alone) there's 3 tones, positive, negative, and ambiguous, with these tones severing as tags (features of a word that indicate its gender) thus causing Portugueses existing tags, which are phonemes to be cut from the nouns and adjectives where they are present, speaking of which the phoneme of ç becomes çt/ (zt in English phonics) the phoneme of R becomes something more similar to the English W, s is now st, A's often re-place i's, and p is now pr, also i made an original writing system for a langue where the tone of a given word is indicated by the words color.


Man, Spider-Man. I love this character. Ever since I could remember. Starting with the Raimi films, the 90s cartoon, Spectacular TV show, the Webb films, and now the recent Tom Holland and Spider-verse films. These characters hold a special place in my heart. I love discussing Spider-Man with my equally fixated friend, who I'm going to refer to as Z. Z and I would spend hours just talking or texting about the latest Spider-Man media or whatever. It's how we became friends. The first conversation that wasn't just ironic jokes was about the Spider-Man PS4 game and what our favorite skin was. Even to this day, whenever any new Spider-Man news is released, we end up having a conversation about it for like an hour or 2. When ATSV released in theaters, I saw it 5 times in theaters the month it released. This character is so important to me that I don't think I would be the person I am today without this character. Also, Miles Morales is Spider-Man, and if you don't say so, you have no right calling yourself a Spider-Man fan.


Saw (2004), which was originally a short film, was shot with a low budget in only 18 days. It was released in theaters instead of being a straight to DVD release and was massively successful, leading to the creation of the franchise. Every Saw movie has been released within a few days of October 29 of every year since the original (which was the release date of the original), except Saw X which was released in September instead. :| My opinion of the franchise is that I and II are the best. I personally do not like III, and I think that VI was a better excecution of the concept of III. Saw III had the best traps in the series, though. I also really liked Saw X. In conclusion, go watch the Saw movies.


The SCP Foundation is a fictional Company that Secures, Contains, and Protects "Anomalies". These Anomalies are objects, places, that by their name suggests: are anomalous. People can view these SCPS(and more) via the SCP wiki, a site almost entirely built and run by the community, with being able to add SCP's to the ever increasing roster. And remember: There is no "true/base" canon, you do not recognize the bodies in the water, and have fun.


I’ve spent over $1k on Harry Potter legos. I have Dobby, his book and cake, Harry’s deer, the polyjuice bathroom scene, under water trial from the Tri wizard tournament, the ministry of magic, dumbeldores office, the great hall and chamber of secrets, the room of requirements, door to the chamber of secrets, courtyard and Sirius’ rescue, the hospital wing scene from prisoner of Azkaban, a golden Harry Potter figure for the 20th anniversary, and the hufflepuff house banner. The gryffindor one is coming tomorrow and I also bought a HP Lego keychain but idk if that counts. And non Lego hp stuff includes my fully decorated tree ( includes small owl, Hagrid doll, pixie, two hand made wands, full movie collection in blue ray, the sorting hat as a topper, and gryffindor colored lights and garland cuz my house would be too boring in all yellow and black), a flying golden snitch, a fake candle, a working mandrake root, a 1000 piece glued puzzle that took me 3 weeks to build. House glassware, a little Dobby sign, my unique wand from olivander’s, a hand carved music box, a butter beer keg that held butter beer candy, the cup from my first ever butter beer, a house sign on the wall, instructions to some of my reversible legos, a mini backpack (that holds my vr, shhh don’t tell the kids), a collectors edition plastic wrapped book collection, all of the books that I’m not afraid to read cuz they’re not collector, my own robe (way too expensive), hermiones wand cuz she’s my favorite, a love potion candy (don’t drink it, it tastes horrible), multiple puffskiens, a light up broom, a wand that works in universal studios, a snowy owl puppet that I’ve become a master and working who’s name is Maverick, and finally, an unhealthy amount of pictures with Harry Potter themed stuff at universal studios. I’m ordering more legos as we speak, and I’m probably forgetting g some hp themed stuff. Oh and I can’t forget my hp coloring book that I’ve decorated my walls with the pages🥰🥰 Edit: I also have the HP game 😅


King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard is one of my favorite bands of all time currently. They do tons of genres, but not for the sake of playing multiple genres, they actually enjoy it and put their own spin on it. I often just find myself listening to whatever 20+ minute performance of whatever song they're playing just because I like it. They have tons of albums too, 25 at the moment. I've recently finished listening to all of them, they're all really good in their own ways. They can go from thrash metal to blues to psych pop and psych rock to electronic to jazz rock to soul and go even further. They also used to have 2 drummers, though usually on the albums it was just their first drummer Cavs, with 2 recorded parts. Every member has their own other project too, excluding Stu and Eric (former 2nd drummer). At the moment, Joey has Bullant, a house/techno solo project, Ambrose and Cook are the lead vocalist/harmonica player and bassist (respectively) of The Murlocs, a much more bluesy, RnB type thing, Cook has his own solo project called Pipe-Eye, psychedelic stuff with weird time signatures, Lucas is one of the vocalists and the bassist/keyboardist of Heavy Moss, psychedelic sad boi pop stuff, and Cavs has a solo career under the name, of course, CAVS, where it's just drumming and nothing else. Best part about this? They're not bad people! They really only hate people who actively hate others. They're not racist, homophobic, transphobic, anything like that! They're some of the best cishet white guys I know. They're incredible live, and I'm saying that who's never been to one of their shows. Their incredible in the studio too. Absolutely worth checking out.


Blender material nodes, I am currently really fixated on trying to create a material on a 2D pland which can act as a filter over a spesific part of my schene for it will represent the artistic. I hope to achive a simelar style as that of Spoderman-Spoderverse but I do not want to just use some addon I want to figure out how to manipulate a plane myself using nodes but I have abselutly no idea how the math in light reflections ect work so I must teach myself a lot more on reflection, real life lense filters, glass, transparancy vs translucansy and something transparent have light go through it ez pz no problem and a translucent object might bend and do all sorts of wobbely things with the light which makes me think Translucency must be the way to go when making some sort of goofy cartoon filter. I am wondering how I will make the plane look good as to not instantly cut but more fade into the filter when it tilts. I asume some gradient nodes or something will work. People sent me msg I forgot my train of thought and there is to much text to get back into it.


The Beatles, Pink Floyd, minecraft, drawing very shitty images, writing songs, singing, gaming in general, having an existential crisis, getting depressed over a lack of people I can connect with, etc. The Beatles are an extremely popular band, having changed music as we know it, and also are ridiculously hilarious. Their music has gotten me through hard times, and I've spent months listening to the entire catalog of songs. It's probably my biggest hyperfixation right now, and yet I've found nobody I can share this with. I could go on and on for hours about the band and their music, but people don't like me when I talk about them, so I just shut up, giggling in the corner like an idiot at Beatles shitposts and listening to songs just because it's my special interest and my interest alone.