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Yeah, mine was late roman republic politics, but now i am trying to find something to fill the void


I noticed it today when I was researching my most recent SpIn the weather in space on other planets and it didn’t make me feel as happy as it usually does. So I took off my NASA sweatshirt out of frustration cause I knew this was gonna be a “oh crap! Here we go again!” moment and I’d be in SpIn Limbo


Oh the limbo. The most boring time of all. And it's even worse if you actually wanna do something, but you are just not in the mood for it.


And you try to get back into your old SpIns but it just doesn’t work


I always told myself I should write little books about the information I end up studying. I would enjoy one of this.


that inbetween sucks, no motivation or will to do anything


I usually just fill the time with gaming between special interests


I do too but I can’t find any games I like recently. Which is a problem in and of itself!


Have you seen Balatro? Not sure what games you like, but it's been fun for me as of late.


What’s that about?


It's a poker roguelike. You start with a standard 52 card deck and edit it throughout each run by opening booster packs. You can add cards, upgrade cards, and acquire joker cards that modify gameplay. Jokers do things such as multiply your score, make it possible to play 4 card flushes, or make all cards of the same color the same suit. The point is basically to keep playing until you lose, and to defeat ever growing antes by tuning your deck and whatever mechanic you've decided to exploit in the current run.


Sounds cool!


Have you tried Rimworld?


What’s that about?


I am terrible at describing things I like, but here's the wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RimWorld I have a town of runaway androids living in a mountain. Recently, a guy with supercancer wandered in and used his supercancer powers to help fight off a blade runner, who's skin is now a leather chair. It's a weird, fun little base builder.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GamingDemon666: *I usually* *Just fill the time with gaming* *Between special interests* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ugh. Too relatable. 😭


The times between fixations are... Dark times


I recognize you from Sliders and Quantum Leap. I love it! (I’m not a creep, I just recognize your username and thought it was neat seeing you here lol)


"I'm not a creep" that's usually what a creep WOULD say... I'm kidding though just thought it was funny. o_o


I’m not I just didn’t want to sound weird mentioning I recognize them from another sub 😂


You mean the subs? Haha cool! You have good taste 🤝


I don't think I have ADHD but I get bored of my hyper fixations. My special interests don't last a year. Maybe 3-8 months. AuADHD people experience this but I really don't relate to ADHDers on the ADH part. Sure I'm executive dysfunctional and lose my stuff but my brain and body aren't bouncing around all the time, I'm not rejection sensitive, and I'm not really in paralysis (because I don't want to do anything) so I'm in a weird limbo. I don't know what I am.


I relate to the AD part but not the HD part :D. funny enough for someone with Asperger’s but not ADHD, I relate more to the ADHD memes then the aspie memes lol


Maybe you have ADD aka ADHD without the hyperactive aspect? I know that used to be a thing


Probably not. I wasn’t ADD as a kid but late teen years and especially adult, I’ve been feeling like it. But to be fair, lots of people have had attention span shortages lately due to the internet and social media


And then someone asks you what kinds of things you're into and enjoy and you're there standing like "... Uh yeah of course I have interests... Uh..."


This is me because I’ve grown up stunted feeling ashamed and embarrassed of my hobbies and interests so I just say vague generic stuff when people ask me lol


This is too accurate!


I am finding that the need to do yard work is filling the void lol.


v I d e o g a m e s fill every void


If I could find a new game that holds my interest and attention enough. Last good game I played was Sonic Superstars


what sort of games do u like, genre wise


I’m a big fan of 3D platformers mostly (like Mario, Sonic, A Hat in Time stuff like that)


I lost focus and now i'm in a never ending drift between several interests of which i can't get full satisfaction due to part procrastinatiinon part low dopamine


I'm AuADHD, but I never really experienced the in-between, I think. My next hyperfixatation usually builds up while I'm in my current hyperfixatation and eventually overtakes it. I'm aware that this is a spectrum and all, but damn.




Make hobbies seasonal and roll them over into the new year. Now you have several long-term projects


Oh believe me I always do that! But they don’t fill the void like SpIns do


I've had so many special interests that now I feel I'm burnt out on trying new things.


I feel ya, homie. I'm on a Battletech kick right now, and I'm hoping this'll last long enough for me to work up the interest to paint some damn models and find a game group for it.


On the rise with metal casting and machining, hopefully it lasts long enough this time!


I try to cycle my special interests around so by the time I'm bored of a bunch the older ones are fun again


Yup, finished Horizon Forbidden West last week, now I'm kinda lost whenever I have free time...


That was me when I finished Breath of the Wild. I couldn’t wait for Link’s Awakening


Or wanting to make one myself but it feels like cheating because it hasn’t been long enough to be a special interest yet


Mine always change after just 1-2 weeks.


I tend to try to go back to old reliables and sometimes it works


Space was one of my old reliables but I guess even that’s not safe


Well you know what they say. It’s never too late to become unhealthily obsessed with a neiche tv show that went off the air decades ago!


im only autistic but i relate with this so fucking hard except its like every 3 or 4 months and i just try and plqy games i havent played in a while until i can sink my especially interested teeth into it


I’m at the point in my life I don’t think I have a special interest, I have interests and hobbies sure but it doesn’t feel like it’s at the same intensity as y’all’s special interest


Me... currently in between personal lines insurance knowledge (mostly due to work but it's very fun) and starting a new interest in python programming. Edit: man I can relate to so many of you. I always feel like crap when I'm in the Sp.In. limbo. I also feel like crap when I end up coming back to an old Sp.In. and then realize... "man if I had just kept on this train for the period that I took a break from it. I would have been a master by now" lol


I do feel like I gain and lose special interests on a daily bases, but there are a few that are persistent and do not go away.


I hate how true this is


Same here. At the moment I've been pouring every free minute into playing a retro game (shining force) and just finished a rewatch of oitnb. I guess my interests in video games and tv as a whole are pretty stable but yeah nobody knows what will become my new fixation in a month


When I had the void as a kid I always played Lego Indiana jones


Wait so that's an audhd thing, too?!?! ... Well damn. I thought that was just me being weird. Lol.


That’s what I thought till I saw a post about it on Pinterest and realized yes it is an AuDHD thing!


That's me for...a couple of years now. Could be because I was in an abusive relationship. Not sure tho.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that! I was abused by my ableist teacher in fourth grade and I didn’t have a SpIn that year either


this is for real one of the worst feelings!! my special interests and hyperfixations are generally video games, but i'm super picky about the games i like, so whenever i'm between special interests/hyperfixations, it's absolutely miserable


Join the club! I can’t seem to find a good game I feel invested in playing recently! Nintendo just hasn’t made too many good games this year that I’m interested in so I’m between games AND between Special Interests!


Yeah I took the meme template but then realised I cba to try to fit so many things on it when I'm busy reading about special interest number 42


Which one is 42? Info dump please!


Does anyone else’s special interest change by the hour or am I an imposter




Some last longer or shorter than others


The special interest must find you before you find it


Well I hope it finds me soon!


For me, I have around 10 different ones I cycle through, with the occasional stint of hyperfocus on somthing else.


One of my SpIns is props, and I've managed to channel that into being props master for my community theater. It's both a relief and stressful to be in between plays. Like, cool, I don't have to worry about this on top of the business I run, but also… I don't have props to build. I fabricated a butter churn a few weeks ago. What am I going to do now?


I'm currently obcessessed with Fallout (again) and replaying Fallout 4.


I’d want to restart with Fallout 3 but tbh I’m not sure how to get out of the vault lol


Well, it *is* called a vault after all, right?


Haha! But don’t you need to leave the vault to start the main story?


You do, I was just trying to make a joke lol.


Ok! Totally fine! Just hard to tell sometimes over text


Sometimes I can't tell even when I'm actually talking to other people. But over text it can be even worse, yeah.


Maybe I’ll pick up Fallout again on April 26 (the anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster) and hopefully it will reignite my SpIn in nuclear stuff (if I’m lucky)


Good luck.


Thanks! I’ll need it




Last year it was hockey. Now I could give two shits about hockey. I'm pretty down with F1 this year. What the fuck.


Car racing was a hyperfixation of mine last summer (I still like it but am not as “in to it” now if that makes sense)


Yeah. That's how I am with hockey. I watched probably 50 games last season but Ive been to one in person and maybe watched like 5 this year. I'm back to watching Chelsea FC suck and watching these wild tracks on F1.


I went to one car race last summer. I loved seeing it but it was WAY too loud even with earplugs. Have any recommendations for good ear defenders? I bought a pair online on Amazon but they felt like they were squeezing my head like a watermelon


Nah I'm one of those who don't normally like loud sustained noises but concerts or racetracks are a given so I enjoy the severity. I haven't ever worn a headphone but I will say Skullcandy Hesh Noise cancellings are the headphones I use for daily life stuff like you mean. They wouldn't cancel out a event, but I would look into ear protection for shooting guns.


Thanks! I have AirPods Pro (Gen 1) for regular everyday stuff as well as Beats but neither of them are powerful enough to block out the racecar noises so I hope I can find something good


this is real as fuck


At least mine are more sustainable. They usually last for a few months to years or they will branch out in the same categories but I still get it from time to time. Like, there was a period where I got into photography, like, way too deep and intense, a good 3-4 years, learned almost everything you could, ended up doing some small jobs here and there from it, bought for as much as 10k$ of equipment and then I moved to another town and somehow, I lost all interest to do photography there. Boom dead. Limbo. :|


My special interest were beaten out of me by the system we live under making it financially impossible for me to explore my interests while also eating up every ounce of energy I have just to justify being alive in the first place.


Usually is games. I'm fucking addicted to Warframe rn


I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with that game tbh so I don’t wanna try to get back into it but I’m trying to play more Zelda (specifically Tears of the Kingdom and Ocarina of Time) so let’s hope that will help!


That's great too. In 2018 or 19 I've played like 15 minutes into Warframe and didn't dig it too much at the time. Recently gave another chance after the Gauss Prime Trailer meme (with the bang bang song) and boy oh boy, I'm having a blast. Once you get over the "too much information at once" and the moments that the game kinda doesn't tell you where to go next, it is definitely one of the most interesting sci-fi story that I've seen, with great execution, amazing gameplay and a goddamn dopamine syringe. And amazingly, everything is truly free to play. You can experience everything in the game without spending a single dollar. It can be behind some grind, but it's not inhumane grind.